• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 878 Views, 6 Comments

fear of lightning - Layam

as Twilight goes on a quest to bust an mysterious creature, who is causing panic around the city, she will discover what kidnap,torture,kill mean and what is a true "super weapon"

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10) a dove in a lion suit (good ending)

…the tanks stopped and turned around.
Ponyville was saved and just by a little kid.
We teleported down to ask what was he thinking he was doing.
He assured us that he wanted to say to us that him never hurt he and that he was just really shy in an aggressive way.
Just a moment later Cadence arrived.
“What do you think you are doing!?” told to Blisk while she was still galloping
we then narrated the brave action of this little gryphon as she listened really carefully.
Then she said “What an idiot that i am, i am the princess of love but still i didn’t want to believe Blisk”
“Now how are we going to fix this misunderstanding?” said spike who in the meantime exited the door.
“Maybe i can help” is what we heard from the highest balcony of my castle where we saw him
“Go down here if you don’t want to be a coward!”i screamed not wanting any other way he could get away.
He went down and finally we could see him.
He had his typical Gas mask but he hadn’t the long coat that was replaced by a lighter suit.
“Now i learned my lesson: never ever fight fear with fear or those fears will become so big that they would not be able to control” he said in resignation
“And we learned ours, we have to listen to the experience of others to judge better someone we have not seen yet.
Then princess Celestia went in my castle and closed the doors.
When they exited they have both signed a contract that said that Celestia and the citizen would try to be more appreciative to the human people (the race of him) if Him would have dismantled all of his bases except one but could have an home in Ponyville.
I actually saw that he had a name since he signed the contract.
His name was Giovanni Fellini.

Author's Note:

so this is the good ending of my first fan fiction.
what do you think?
Are there a lot of grammatical errors?
Do you have an idea to make it better?
Please comment below, criticism is always accepted!