• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 877 Views, 6 Comments

fear of lightning - Layam

as Twilight goes on a quest to bust an mysterious creature, who is causing panic around the city, she will discover what kidnap,torture,kill mean and what is a true "super weapon"

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1) sadness will come and it will take you friends

twilight diary, june 4 1004 morning.

dear diary.
it has been almost a month since the last enemy tried to take over Equestria and already things are turning out for the worst.
anyway this day i woke up really happy and excited for the new morning, I opened the window and breathed the refreshing air of ponyville.
Because i am now a princess i have to wake up really early, more specifically at 5 pm and nopony is around so i can enjoy the empty streets before they would become noisy and full of ponies.
I brushed my mane and ate breakfast while i was already planning what to read and what to do.
I came downstairs and i was ready to wake up spike to search a book that i was planning to do a research.
And then the horror, ALL OF MY BOOKS WERE MISSING!!!
I screamed, waking spike immediately who terrified asked me what was wrong.
By looking around he noticed immediately the problem and it seemed like a chill got down his spine with the idea that somepony could have sneaked in and stole all of the books without anyone noticing.
The guards came immediately as fast as the most famous detectives were looking for any clues.
It was only found a piece of paper under the bookshelf who said “sorry for the scare, i took them only for a day, tomorrow they are going to be back, good as new”.
The most amazing thing about this letter is that it was written in a style that no typing machine had but was perfect anyway.
I know a spell that can lead to similar results but it is really difficult so the thief must be a professional unicorn, but if it is a professional why did it steal from my small library, when there where many ancient secrets in the carderlot library, this will be a mystery.
Unfortunately they could’t figure out anything else so they leaved recommending us to lock our doors and windows twice.
Most of my friends offered me to sleep in their houses until the criminal was caught, but I refused because i knew that the only way to catch him was to play his game.
Tonight i am very scared to sleep, i am keeping an eye for any noise.

Applejack, june 4 1004 afternoon.

what’s up diary.
this day happened something crazy to twili That ya not know!
she told me how somepony stole all of her books without anyone notice it!
It seemed that they found only a mysterious piece of paper where is written a bunch of sorries and giving it back nonsense.
I personally laugh with pinkie pie when i reed it thinking how
could such a good thief be so polite.
But after that I became serious and told twili if she wanted to stay in ma home for a couple of dayz but she replied that she wanted to play his game.
I honestly didn’t understand what she meant since this i something
serious but if she doesn’t want to came in ,i can’t force her.

spike diary, june 5 1004 afternoon.

hi diary.
today morning i swear is probably the worst day i ever lived.
Even if i knew that the so called “professional thief” could have returned i slept really nicely.
Actually i have a really funny dream where pinkie pie invited us to do a party on a mountain and at a moment we had an awesome pillow/pie fight and everypony was having fun.
But i am not talking about that, because the nightmare became when i waked up.
everything seemed pretty normal until i turned back and i saw the body of twilight laying on the floor and not moving at all.
It also appeared that a dart was pinned up her skin not that big, but still enough large to not explain why there wasn’t any blood lost.
My eyes were full of tears as i shacked her as much as i could while screaming “WAKE UP!”.
I was so desperate that by continually screaming and shouting that i had a difficult time breathing and i had to stop.
In that time i noticed a piece of paper on the table so i picked it up and read it.
“see? what did i told you?”
My hands started shaking with anger, I wanted to find who did this to twilight and strangle him.
But i remembered that i cared more to save twilight that to have revenge.
So i exited the house and started calling for help.
Fortunately two colts came him picked up twilight and carried her to the hospital.
All of twilight friends and family where alerted and everypony
abandoned their activities to wait in the hospital.
I was probably the saddest one since twilight could be considered by me: a big sister, mother, really close friend, boss and teacher all at the same time.
In fact while i was closing my eyes with my hands crying and thinking if Twilight was really dead.
I knew my comportment was really noticeable because a lot of the ponies passing by looked at me, most like if they wanted to comfort me but couldn’t find the words.
Until a light blue pony stared at me with a evil grin in his face and stopped.
“why are you crying little insignificant baby dragon? Aren’t you happy that you can eat as much ice cream as you want?”
All my sadness turned into anger.
I was so angry that i couldn’t find words to describe how evil it was those insulting words that wanted to make me feel like a beast that has no compassion for the ones around me.
The only thing i could think to do was to prepare to use my fire breath to try to hurt him.
But Shining Armor hold me and whispered to me that it wasn’t worth it, as the light blue pony got away still staring with that evil smile.
It has been 8 hours since we are waiting in the hospital and still no response from the doctors.
I fear for the worst.

Shining Armor diary, june 5 1004 evening.

it was 9 a.m when the tragic letter came from ponyville hospital.
It said that twilight has been injected with a powerful substance that caused her to fall into a dense sleep.
They also describe how the substance was unknown and it didn’t match any other plant with similar effects.
It also seemed that it was injected by a small dart.
I immediately took a train to ponyville running and being generally as quick as possible doing any action.
My wife also wanted to come but somepony had to govern the cristal empire.
They made me enter in a special first class cabin in the train where i was alone.
That was good because i was drowning with tears, something uncommon with a soldier, and i didn’t want to be seen like that.
When i arrived at the hospital they have accompanied me to the waiting room where there were also a lot of twilight friends.
Spike was absolutely the saddest of them.
he was curled up with his legs, covering his eyes with his hands, crying and sweating endlessly.
Most of the ponies passed by showed compassion to Spike except one.
He had a light blue skin, a yellow mane and a green tail.
He started bullying spike, who became so angry that he was preparing to use his fire breath but i hold him and told him that it wasn’t worth it because he knew that he wanted to see him become very angry.
Spike calmed down but you could see that in his eyes there was printed the word “revenge”.
I promise, the first thing i am going to do when this is over is to track down that pony and send two guards to take him at the educational center.