• Published 7th Apr 2012
  • 713 Views, 7 Comments

The Sealed Pony - BlindLight

Who would have thought the creator of existence lived just down the river?

  • ...

The Deadliest Affliction

Nurse Redheart wandered into the new patients room. Rainbow Dash was apologizing for the storm the other night. "It must have gotten out without us noticing, for all pegasus ponies, I'm sorry." Divi didn't even move. She just simply starred at her blankets with the same blank stare the had woken up with.

"Wow, nothing. What's wrong with her, Redheart?" "We don't know. All our tests says she's physically fine, but it's almost like she's in a waking coma. We have no idea how to treat her. We've talked to Twilight and there's nothing she knows either. She sent a letter to Princess Celestia to see if she can identify what's wrong."

Princess Celestia arrived the next day, with an inquisitive Twilight Sparkle not far behind. The first thing she noticed about Divi was her mane, short and unkempt, like it hadn't been brushed in weeks. Her tail was a matted mess of white and red, but the most troubling thing was her eyes. They were lifeless, as she starred downwards. It looked like the stare of a dead pony.

"How long has she been like this?", Celestia asked. "Almost two days. She hasn't eaten, slept, or even moved. Can you help her, Princess?' asked Twilight. "I'm afraid there's nothing I can do Twilight, but I do know what's wrong. I have seen this a few times before, but there is almost no cure for what ails this pony."

Twilight looked shocked. " But your the most powerful pony in Equestria! What could possibly be wrong with her that you can't fix?" Celestia answered Twilight with a solemn voice,"A broken heart."

Silence filled the small hospital room. " When a case of heartbreak happens it is usually harmless, to a ponies health, at least. But when true love is broken, a ponies heart will shatter. Leaving nothing behind, just an empty shell, waiting to die." Twilight looked on in disbelief. "This pony has lost it's will to live. All we can do is make her comfortable until she passes." With that, the Princess left, a weeping Twilight trailing close behind.

Word quickly spread around Ponyville about the afflicted pony. A desperate search had begun for the ponies lost love. However, little was known about this pony. All anypony new was that she would visit Carrot Top regularly. When Carrot Top told them that she wasn't the ponies love, all hope seemed lost, but Carrot knew how to fix this, or rather, who could.

"Hey, Divi. How are you?" Divi didn't answer, staying as still as a statue. "I heard about you being here and I figured I'd bring someone you's like to see."

"Hi, Divi." said Hymm. Divi's ear flicked.