The Sealed Pony

by BlindLight

First published

Who would have thought the creator of existence lived just down the river?

It has been years since the great creator has taken on mortal form. Now she lives among her creations, enjoying life alongside those she had given it to. However, her guise isn't perfect, allowing the one she falls for to truly see her for what she is, and giving them the power to release her seals that keep her form. Will she be cursed to an eternity of being unloved, or will she find somepony she can trust with her secret?

Our First Meeting

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"MMmmmmmm", cooed the mare as she took another sip of her iced tea. It's rather hot today, she thought to herself. She glanced towards Ponyville, the pegasi were clearing the clouds, letting the unrelenting sun's heat beat down on the land. She gave a silent chuckle to herself, thinking about how cute the mortals were, trying to control everything. They have no idea how exhausting that can be. Memories whizzed around in her head as she remembered trying to sculpt every mountain to look just right. A large slurping sound jarred her out of her flashback. She looked at the empty glass she now held in her hoof.

"Drat! and that was my last bit of leaves too!", the mare grumbled to herself as she went to fetch her saddlebags. Looks like I'll have to make a quick run into town.

After a few hours hike she promptly found herself in the crowded markets. Ponies shuffling to and fro, wandering lines lacing the streets. Vendors shouting about their new sales. I certainly seemed to make them noisy creatures, didn't I? After a few minuets of browsing various shops she remembered why she came in the first place and quickly set off to her destination.

She knocked a few times on the old wooden door. It looked like it had just recently been re-varnished. The door opened to reveal an old friend of hers.

"Carrot Top! Good to see you!" she exclaimed. She met Carrot Top years ago and they occasionally shared gardening tips. "Let me guess, you've run out of tea leaves again, I swear! I grow almost as many tea leaves as I do carrots because of you.", Carrot said giggling. " Sorry for the trouble Carrot, but nopony has a green hoof like you do.", she said, rubbing the back of her neck with her hoof. "Flatterer, so, the usual?" Carrot said while fetching the leaves. "Yes", she answered, quickly retrieving her coin pouch.

She wandered the streets for awhile, pausing every now and again to smell the fresh leaves in her bag. Ahhh tea, one of my greatest creations. If i do say so myself.

She plopped herself on a bench next to the fountain in the town square. Contently watching her creations wander. She must have been daydreaming because she didn't even notice a mare come and plant herself right next to her. She wouldn't have noticed her at all if not for the slight rustling of her saddlebags, quickly accompanied by a loud sniffing sound. She turned to say something but was immediately stopped by the pony before her,or rather her eyes. The first thing she noticed on the mare were her large eyes, they were as deep and blue as the ocean, and held a gentleness as vast as the sky. Her mane was blacker than the darkest of nights, with a coat more whit and pure than fresh snow.

"Those tea leaves smell lovely, are they a cross breed between green and grey?", her voice flowing like a river. "Wow, spot on!" , she replied, barely containing a blush. "Sorry, where are my manners, I'm Seraph Hymm.", she said, extending a hoof. "Call me Divi."

Seeds of Love... or Disaster

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It had been weeks since Divi had met Hymm. The two had become friends almost instantly. Hymm would visit regularly, despite tthe fact that Divi lived so far in the Everfree Forest. Divi loved whenever Hymm came to visit, she kept herself alone for so long, hoping none would discover her secret. Being close to anypony could be disastrous. Both to herself and all of equetria. Divi pressed her hooves deeply into her temples, trying to dispell the dispairing thoughts clouding her mind.

No, I'm not that anymore. I'm a pony now, and gosh darn it I'm gonna stay that way! She remembered all the years she spent alone, silently watching over everything. Sort of like how the Princesses act now, except they still maintain contact with other ponies. No, leave my mind, foul thoughts!

Now was not a time for reminiscing, she had to get ready. She was going to go to town today to visit Hymm. She quickly brushed her short mane and donned her saddlebags before heading for town in a brisk trot.

The next few hours were bliss. The mares went everywhere. Divi had never taken the time to truly look through Ponyville. Hymm was showing Divi all her favorite shops and restaurants, simply ecstatic to find a pony that shared her interests. Divi simply trailed behind the mare, drinking her image and bathing in her voice. Her soft eyes, elegant smile, and graceful movements as she seemingly danced through the crowds.

"Divi? Are you all right?" The question startled Divi when she realized that she was starring. "I'm fine, just a little tired." "Here, let's go sit down.", Hymm responded cheerfully.

The cool breeze was refreshing as it blew over the hill they were sitting on. "I don't think I've ever met a friend as great as you, Divi." Divi turned to the mare that now gazed at her. Divi just looked at the mare before her, thinking When did I ever create such beauty?"Your probably the best friend I've ever had. I just.... feel safe with you." Hymm said as she inched closer. "Me too, Hymm. It's like you being near me brightens the world." Divi said as she returned Hymm's advance.

Soon they were pressed tightly together, starring as the sun started to set over Ponyville. She was basking in the feeling of Hymm's wings pressing into her side when Hymm said,"Why do you always wear those strange bands on your legs and horn?"

The question jarred Divi back to reality when she head it. How? HOW!? My seals shouldn't be visible to anypony! How can she see them? Unless... The facts hit her as if she had been hit directly with a sonic rainboom. She's in love with me. Divi's heart sank when she realized this. No, I've let it happen again. Why, WHY did I ever lay eyes on her? WHY did I keep visiting her? WHY did I let myself fall for her? I let my heart open and now, once again, I must rip myself away from everything I care about.

"Divi? What's wrong?" asked Hymm. Divi just turned away, trying to hide the tears now streaming her face. Hymm reached for her but her hoof was quickly smacked away. Divi could feel her seals losing their strength, she was losing control of them. If this kept up they would break.

"Leave, Hymm.", Divi said weakly.

The sorrow in her voice stabbed Hymm. "What's wrong, Divi? Let me help."

"NO! Leave, you stupid mare! Just...." screamed Divi before she caught herself. Her voice cracking, she said,"...just go." Divi was using all her might to keep her seals from breaking. Hymm Stood there, a hoof over her mouth. She let a single tear fall before running down the hill. Divi fell into to the grass and waited until she was sure Hymm was gone before she let out a wail that would make a star cry.

Storm clouds gathered over her and unleashed their torrent as she wept herself to sleep, alone, on the hill.

The Deadliest Affliction

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Nurse Redheart wandered into the new patients room. Rainbow Dash was apologizing for the storm the other night. "It must have gotten out without us noticing, for all pegasus ponies, I'm sorry." Divi didn't even move. She just simply starred at her blankets with the same blank stare the had woken up with.

"Wow, nothing. What's wrong with her, Redheart?" "We don't know. All our tests says she's physically fine, but it's almost like she's in a waking coma. We have no idea how to treat her. We've talked to Twilight and there's nothing she knows either. She sent a letter to Princess Celestia to see if she can identify what's wrong."

Princess Celestia arrived the next day, with an inquisitive Twilight Sparkle not far behind. The first thing she noticed about Divi was her mane, short and unkempt, like it hadn't been brushed in weeks. Her tail was a matted mess of white and red, but the most troubling thing was her eyes. They were lifeless, as she starred downwards. It looked like the stare of a dead pony.

"How long has she been like this?", Celestia asked. "Almost two days. She hasn't eaten, slept, or even moved. Can you help her, Princess?' asked Twilight. "I'm afraid there's nothing I can do Twilight, but I do know what's wrong. I have seen this a few times before, but there is almost no cure for what ails this pony."

Twilight looked shocked. " But your the most powerful pony in Equestria! What could possibly be wrong with her that you can't fix?" Celestia answered Twilight with a solemn voice,"A broken heart."

Silence filled the small hospital room. " When a case of heartbreak happens it is usually harmless, to a ponies health, at least. But when true love is broken, a ponies heart will shatter. Leaving nothing behind, just an empty shell, waiting to die." Twilight looked on in disbelief. "This pony has lost it's will to live. All we can do is make her comfortable until she passes." With that, the Princess left, a weeping Twilight trailing close behind.

Word quickly spread around Ponyville about the afflicted pony. A desperate search had begun for the ponies lost love. However, little was known about this pony. All anypony new was that she would visit Carrot Top regularly. When Carrot Top told them that she wasn't the ponies love, all hope seemed lost, but Carrot knew how to fix this, or rather, who could.

"Hey, Divi. How are you?" Divi didn't answer, staying as still as a statue. "I heard about you being here and I figured I'd bring someone you's like to see."

"Hi, Divi." said Hymm. Divi's ear flicked.

Recovery and Truth

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Divi remained like a statue. "Carrot Top told me you were here." Hymm went and stood right next to Divi. Once again, Divi's ear flicked. "I..... wanted to apologize for the hill. I thought you had feelings for me, too." Still nothing. "Well, I guess this is goodbye."

Hymm turned to leave but was stopped. One hoof on her shoulder. She turned to see Divi holding her, tears now pouring from her lifeless eyes. Hymm came close to Divi. A single word whispered into her ear.


Hymm stayed with Divi the rest of the night. The doctors tried to through her out but a quick look from Divi sent them away. "How did you do that?" asked Hymm. "In time, I'll tell you everything in time." with that, Divi quickly collapsed into a deep sleep, held tight in Hymm's embrace.

They sent Divi home with Hymm, leaving explicit instructions that she should remain in bed for at least a week. That week was magical for both mare's. They didn't do anything special, but then again, they didn't need to. Simply being near each other was enough. Then it happened. A simple question changed everything.


"Why what?" asked Divi. She knew what was coming. She could feel it, her seals where starting to burn.

"Why did you turn me away that night?" concern lining Hymm's face. "Sit down."

"You remember asking me about those strange bands I wear?" Hymm nodded. "Their magic. Seals to be exact." "What do they seal?" Hymm asked. "Me." Hymm just starred, confusion flashing across her face like a neon sign.

"I'm not a pony." Divi said it so flatly that it caught Hymm off guard. "Then what are you?" Hymm said with a nervous giggle.

"A god. The seals allow me to keep pony form, If their released, all my power will release at once, destroying not just Equestria, but all of this universe."

Hymm was stunned. "THAT'S PREPOSTEROUS! Even if that was true, how did BREAKING MY HEART FIX IT!?" her voice a dagger of anger and sorrow.

"Love, it's the only thing that can break my seals. Anypony I fall in love with gets control over them. Over me." Divi said shaking.

Hymm didn't know how to take this. Just being told that if the pony she loves loved her back, it would end the world. "So you ran me off to save the world?"

"No, I could care less about the world, or the universe for that matter. I did it because I couldn't bare to have your death on my hands."

Hymm was about to reply when Divi started howling in pain. "Divi! What's wrong!?" screamed a frightened Hymm.

"My seAHHHHHHHHH! Seals! Their AHHHHHHHHHHHH! bre... breaking!" Her body felt like it was being ripped apart by every individual cell. "I have to leave, I'll kill you if i stay!" To this day, Hymm has never regretted what she said next.




That was the breaking point. Just before her seals could come undone, Divi pulled Hymm close and whispered the words she had never said before with the authority of all her being, with the existence of a god.

"I love you."

New World

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Hymm opened her eyes. All she could see was darkness. Is this death? Hymm wondered. Her answer came in a single word, seemingly spoken by over a thousand earth-shattering voices.


Then their was a blinding light. Hymm blinked a few times before she could see the being before her.


It was, and wasn't, Divi. It had her general shape and color, but looked like it was made out of billions of tiny stars, all drifting and trying to keep up with her movements, leaving trails whenever she moved before snapping back into place. Hymm was stunned.

"D-Divi?" asked Hymm, obvious fear in her voice.

"Yes?" said Divi, her voice still overwhelming, nut now tinged with that loving overtone Hymm came to know so well.

"What happened? Where are we?"

"Just before my seals came completely undone, you gained control over them. I had just enough power to create this small pocket dimension."

"What happened to Equestria?" said Hymm calmly.

"It's still there, but the sudden surge of my power tore a hole through reality. It will never be the same again. I was also keeping it hidden from the various other gods that corrupted their realities. I'm afraid that now the cat's out of the bag, or the Equestria, in this case. It's in danger now and you have a choice to make."

"What choice is that?" Hymm asked curiously.

"I can take us back, to the old world, much will change but most will stay as it once was."

"What's the other choice?"

"I can expand this pocket dimension and create a whole new world. I can make it however we wish, it will be hidden from outside threat's, but everything you know will change. Their is one other thing, no matter which one you choose, we won't be the same.... I won't be the same."

Concern flashed across Hymm's face,"How will you change?"

"WE will change. Firstly your cutie mark will change, changing your special talent as well. You will still be good at bring happiness and peace by just standing in a room, but you will no longer be able to brighten the whole world like you once did."

To Divi's surprise hymm took the news quite well. Considering that a ponies cutie mark was almost as sacred as a pegasi's wings or a unicorns horn. She only had two questions.

"What will my new talent be and how will you change." sounding a little irritated that she had to ask the later question again.

"Your new talent will be keeping me in check. For the rest of your life, we will be bonded, never being able to leave the other for long and you will die when, and if, I do. While keeping my power in check is your new talent, I can never be sealed again as I once was. I will have to take a new form to hold the power that can't be sealed."

"And what form is that?" a tinge of unease in Hymm's voice.

As if on cue the spectral shape began to change. Divi grew, her once small stature now tall and lithe. Her horn grew and she sprouted an enormous pair of wings. Her once dark grey coat turning into a dark crimson. Her tail was now one long and two short prongs, the long resembling a black whole while the other two glowed a blinding white. Her mane matched the color in stripes and tripled in length. Finally, the all-seeing eye that was once her cutie mark was replaced with a simple yin-yang. Once the changes had finished, the spectral shape solidified.

"Your an.... alicorn now?" Hymm said while cocking her eyebrow, a slight smirk on her face.

"Really? That's weird, I was expecting to turn into a dragon or something." Divi's voice had become deeper, with a hint of smoking desire. after a long silence the two mare embraced each other and simply laughed. When the two finally finished, Hymm leaned into Divi's ear and whispered,"Let's go back."

"Are you sure?" Divi said, still holding her love close.

"I know you. You won't abandon everypony back home if you still have a breadth in your body."

"Then let me give you your new talent before we go." Divi said with a quick kiss to Hymm's flank. Hymm's cutie mark vansished. With a second kiss, a new one appeared. Chains, with a heart as a lock. A key laid in it's center.

"There, now let's go."

A soft breeze on Hymm's back told her she was home. They were in Ponyville's town square. Ponies bustled around the busy street, unaware of what had transpired.

Divi spoke first,"Well, everything looks the same."

"Let's check and make sure." replied Hymm, quickly running off to talk to some random pony.

"Excuse me, sir." said Hymm.

"Yes, what can I-" the young stallion went silent the moment he laid eye's on Divi.

"P-Princess!" the stallion exclaimed, rushing into a deep bow towards Divi.


The End...?

Author's Note

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I know this story was terrible. Honestly it was just a way to start the universe for which my other stories will be based in. Divi and Seraph will be present in nearly every story I will write in the future. I will eventually write another story based solely around them (hopefully it will be better written) but for now I'm going to focus on expanding on my universe with other stories and characters. Thanks to everybody that liked my story and I hope to keep making you happy (or at least interested) with my writing. See ya later!