• Published 20th Jun 2014
  • 725 Views, 14 Comments

midnight - gearsteel123

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chapter #4: changes.

Today was the day to go to the crystal empire.
You woke up as Luna shook you gently and whispered your name.
Realizing that you had fifteen minutes to get to the train station, you jump out of bed and rush as fast as you can to get ready.
When you finish and grab your luggage, Luna teleports both of you in front of the royal railcar.
You fold down the stairs and let Luna in.
After you fold the stairs back up, the train begins to move and speeds up at an alarming rate.
You run as fast as you can across the station and see a stack of luggage.
You use the luggage as a launchpad and jump onto the train, moving up to the Royal railcar.
As you drop down onto the balcony on the side of the impossible double decker car you hit your head on a passing sign, gaining a bruise on the side of your face.
You open the door to find luna lying on a couch reading a romance novel.
"Hue, could y- oh my! How did you get that bruise?! And your bleeding from your nose!" She says as her expression turns from question to shock at the sight of your massive bruise and now bleeding nose.

You feel pins and needles in the injured spots.
Suddenly you realize that the wounds had been mended by magic.
"What was that!? Humans don't heal that fast!" You ask with a mix of fear and surprise in your voice.
"The magic of the blood contract at work my dear. It will mend your wounds"
Answers Luna, returning to her novel.
You begin to feel like deadpool, but with sanity.
You were at the only stop on the entire trip and were a bit tired from the fact that you left at four in the morning.
"Hue, if you want to take a nap, you can. Just consult me first."
Says Luna as she notices that you are exhausted.
On that very note, you almost immediately flop down into a chair that looked something like the lazy boy chairs back in the human realm and fall asleep.

As the train makes its second stop, your thrown off the chair and wake up upon contact with the floor.
As you get up you feel nature calling.
You dash to the bathroom and empty yourself into the small, pony size toilet.
As you begin to walk back you pass the mirror, caching a glimpse of your charming physique and white hair.
'Wait a minute. Back it up.' You think as you back up and look in the mirror 'my hair is white!?' You let out a blood curdling scream and dash back downstairs to Luna. "Why the hell is my hair white!?" You yell frantically, pointing to your previously colored hair.
"It changed while you were asleep. It seems that the magic of the contract had a few side affects." Answered the blue alicorns while playing on what looked like a PS vita.
You return to the bathroom and take a look at the rest of your body.
You found what looked like a tattoo on your chest.
It looked like a sort of pattern with a magic circle worked into the middle.
You instantly ran to show luna.

You tripped over the romance novel that Luna had probably dropped and slammed your nose on the floor.
Getting up, you expected to see red.
But instead, you are greeted by splatters of dark blue fluid.
You guess that the contract affected your blood too.
As you reach luna , you realize that you were shirtless and are eliciting a blush from the princess.
"Umm.... Do you wish that I put my shirt back on?" You ask, a bit embarrassed.
"No, its fine. I wanted to scan the inside of your body anyway. Stand with your feet spread, your arms out and your eyes closed." She commands as her horn lights up.

You do as she says and feel a wave of warmth pass through your body.
As soon as it passes, Luna tells you to look.
You open your eyes to see a transparent, 3D model of yourself.
Your no expert on the human body, but by the looks of it there were lots of changes:
-your heart had an extra chamber.
-you had a third, smaller lung in between your original ones.
-you now had stronger but lighter bones.
-you gained better mental endurance.
-and finally, you had gained faster reaction timing and sharper senses.

"Wow." Finally escaped your lips as you realized that you now had changed.
The train was now halfway to the crystal empire and was going through the border security of the frozen north.
"Theif! Stop him!" Yells a voice from the car in front.
"Permission to give chase ma'am?" You ask.
"Granted" answers the blue alicorn.

'To be continued....' You say in your inner monologue....

Comments ( 2 )


Its my first fanfic anyway so its mostly a kick starter for my entire page and account.

It's a pretty bad kick starter, really. :twilightoops:

Show. Not. Tell. I see a little more of showing. Still lots of telling though.

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