• Published 20th Jun 2014
  • 724 Views, 14 Comments

midnight - gearsteel123

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You were in your bed in canterlot, trying to fall asleep. You've worked a long, hard day at the sapphire mines and want to rest......suddenly, you are enveloped in a deep blue light, your vision goes white and your suddenly standing on a balcony with two doors in front of you. Seeing no other way out, you cautiously grab the Handel and open the door.you peer inside and see Luna, your crush, in a fetal position on a bed, sobbing.
It just ocurrs to you that your standing in her bedchamber.

"P- please, c- come in...." She says, her body shaking.
"Did you summon me?" You ask, hoping that you didn't do anything wrong.
"Y- yes I did....*sniffle* I have a question...."
"What is it?"
"Why am I outcasted?*sniffle* just because I was once nightmare moon *sob* doesn't mean that I will become her again......right?"she asks, looking at you with teary eyes. You walk over and pick her up, considering that you are a pound heavier than her you have no problem picking her up.
"Princess Luna... But the other ponies are only outcasting you due to the fact that they are scared of you."
You remember the bullet that brought you to equestria.
You remember that you are the only human in equestria and how you are outcasted daily.(on your first day, walking into a shop was enough to clear it of all life...) Just being wanted was your only wish.....
"H- how? And please, call me luna*sob*"
You set her down on her bed and explain how to become a little more known by making connections and finding friends.
"I have another question......" She says, starting to calm down.
"Could you stay for the night....just in case....*
The whole situation screams 'trouble'.

" s- sure......alright...." You manage to stutter as you strip down into your underwear and climb under the bedsheets.
Luna gets behind you.
You feel an appendege wraps around your midsection.
Luna, the princess of the night and your crush, is hugging you in bed!
You feel yourself blush.
A few minutes later, you drift off to sleep......
You wake up and stretch out, eyes still closed. You predict that last night was a dream. You open your eyes and see that you are sitting in luna's bed.....
You quickly pinch yourself "yeech!" You yelp noticing that you're still in reality.
You slip out of bed and find some human clothes...... But.....their new........ You assume that luna got them tailored for you while you were asleep. Underneath the clothes, you find a note:

Dear ________,
On the back of this note is a quick bit of directions to the kitchen and dining room, meet me there.
You flip it over and surely enough, you find some quick directions.
After following the directions, you find your destination.
You open the door and find luna and celestia, her sister sitting opposite to each other.
You silently take the third seat.
The three of you sit in silence for a while until the waiter comes by.
Celestia orders a daisy sandwich, Luna a fruit salad and you order a salad.

Celestia is the first to break the silence "how should we address you?" She asks, motioning to you.
"Well......I'm the only human in equestria.... So......just call me hue, short for human......" you answer.
"So hue. I understand that you helped my sister with her problem last night.......correct?" Questions celestia.
"Yes.....why do you ask?"
"Because this problem has almost driven her to suicide."
You begin to sweat......
"Did I do anything wrong?" You slightly feel like bolting out the door and never looking back.
"No......we also understand that you live a very tough life.....since you helped Luna with this problem, you are eligible to become her royal aid. Do you accept?"
"Definitely. And I don't need a payment, just a room and food."
"But luna, we have no rooms in the castle for him to stay in. Where will he go?" Celestia says, looking over to her sister.
"I can take care of the problem, just focus on your duties sister." Luna assures her sister.
Celestia leaves the room and leaves you and Luna alone.

You hear a guard snicker and laugh in the corner.
"I can't believe that that abomination is smart enough to be luna's royal aid!" He jokes.
"Hey! You In the corner! Yeah you! You have nothing on me. Is that correct?"
The guard flinches at the sight of your canine teeth.
You look back to Luna, whos motioning to the door.
After a tour of the castle and royal grounds, it is 7:00 pm.
You and Luna head back inside the castle.
You head to the shower in luna's living space to wash up while Luna goes straight to planning tomorrow's priorities.
You lather yourself and relax a little. Suddenly you feel as if your being watched.
You rinse off and get out of the shower.

You peer over to the window out of the corner of your eye and see to golden eyes staring at you.
You grab a metal throwing star hidden in the drawer and fling it to the window.
It sticks itself in the windowsill, scaring the creature into falling out of the tree in which it was perched in.
You look down out of the window to see a mint green unicorn.
Lyra heartstrings to be exact.
Lyra has been stalking you from day one.
You've learnt to live with it but if she gets to close, you scare the living shit out of her to get her off your back for a while.

You put on some underwear and head back to the bed and find Luna.
She peels back the sheets and levitates you into the bed.
"How was your day?" She asks.
"Greatest day ever." You reply happily.
"Would you hold me?"
"Sure..." You say as you wrap your arms around Luna.
You feel her warmth radiate from her body and her mane and tail tickle your skin.
You let sleep take you away.
You see Luna in you dream.
You admit to yourself.
You've had the time of your life.......