• Published 20th Jun 2014
  • 724 Views, 14 Comments

midnight - gearsteel123

  • ...

chapter #2: artifacts of the human world

You wake up with luna's wing draped over you like blanket since both of you fell asleep while you were petting Luna last night.
Preferring not to wake her, you slide out from under her wing and go to the shower.
After your shower, you find Luna awake.
She gives you a slip of paper with a list of things for you to do.
"Go have some fun! Meet me at the pool at 9:00!" She says as she exits the room.
-see the armory and barracks
-meet the guard commanders
-swim in the pool
Sincerely, Luna.
PS: your guide should be waiting for you in the café. her name is aerial strike!

You run to the café excitedly and open up the doors.
A small pegesus with a short, electric blue mane, navy blue coat and what looks like aluminium armor trots up to you and sits casually at your feet.
"Hello sir. Aerial strike, at your service!"she says cheerily.
" well, hello to you too. And please, call me hue." you say, kneeling down so the two of you see eye to eye.

After a hoof bump\fist bump, the two of you are on your way to the armory.
At the armory you find tons of weapons and armor.
"Wow." Escapes your lips as you marvel at the sheer amount of gear.
"Yeah, we're trained to use just about any weapon in this room and more." Answers aerial proudly.

You grab a sword off the rack and swing towards the voice, only to have with sword caught by a relatively small stallion with high tech armor that covered all of is body. "Holy crap!" He yelled through a voice changing machine that made his voice sound really deep.
"Sorry. I have bad reactions to surprises." You say as you lower the sword.
The stallion presses a button on the side of the helmet and the helmet splits apart and folds back to reveal a young unicorn stallion with a grey coat and a long white mane with red dip dyed ends. "The name's hidden blade." He answers with a voice like a teenager's.
"I see you can handle a sword." He says.
Back in the human world you would live life to the fullest, so you were a 'jack of all trades'.
After a while, you met all of the commanders.
-hidden blade, the stealth specialist and professional assassin.
-adrenaline rush, an earth pony with a need for speed.
-Crack shot, pegesus marksman with multiple ranged weapons.
-and finally electric whip, a unicorn that uses multiple electric whips to subdue her foes.

You and aerial were walking to the pool.
"Well, this is as far as I go." She says as she leaves.
You see a note on the door.
It reads:
In the changing room there should be a bathing suit in locker 12 that you can use.

You walk in silence to the males changing room and open locker 12 to find a human bathing suit.
You begin to wonder where Luna gets all the human stuff since you are the only human in equestria.
You slip into the bathing suit and set it to your sizings before walking out to the pool area.
Quickly spotting Luna in her bathing suit, you think to yourself 's- so kawii......'.

You hit the wall and stagger into the pool.
As you resurface you hear Luna laughing "hue! Are you Alright! I cannot help it! phahaha!".
" yeah, ha ha ha. Quite hilarious." You say in return with some sarcasm.
You take a deep breath, dive deep and come up in front of luna.
You catch a good look at luna's swimsuit.
It was red with white patterns on it.
You drift off for a moment until you feel a warm liquid leak from your nose and taste iron.
Your hands fly to your nose to plug it since you got so excited when you saw Luna up close...
'Wait! Hold up hue! Is this really happening!? No. It can't be. Never mind. Back to reality.' You think to yourself as you turn around to hide your bleeding nasl cavity.
Later, You find youslf in the hot tub with luna.
"Hue?" She asks.
"Yes princess?"
"Would you like to see something?"
"Sure, I guess..."
After about an hour in the pool area, you and Luna dry off and change.
"Hue, what's going on with your....er....fingers?" Asks Luna, eyeing your fingers.
"Oh, its a thing that our skin does to help us grip things when we're wet or damp."you answer, thinking 'man I am such a nerd!'.

You and Luna arrive at a massive door labeled =unknown artifact vault=.
Luna slides her horn into a hole in the door, opening the huge vault to reveal a shitload of human objects.
You step forward to a crate labeled #01 and grab a crowbar off the side.
Shoving the end of the crowbar into a space in the boards, you break off the side of the crate and look inside to find a load out of guns and explosives.
Digging through it all, you find a target and an assortment of labeled ammunition.
" this is all human stuff. Where'd you get these!?" You shout in excitement.
"We found them in a cavern in the middle of the everfree forest. You know how to use them I presume?" She says with curiosity.
"Let's take these outside and I can show you."
You step up to the makeshift firing range you've set up in a clearing and pull out an M2 barret with a silencer
One of the guard commanders, crack shot, trots up behind you and asks "what kind of weapon is that? I haven't seen one before."
"A gun. Human weapon. Pistol. M2 barret with a silencer to be exact." You answer.
After crack shot backs up, you take aim and pull the trigger and see a hole open up in the wooden target.

You let the commanders try a few shots and you explain how it works an before the day is done, you ask "you want to see something even cooler?" .
"Sure!" The all say in almost perfect unison.
You pull out a pack of C4 and a detonator.
After you set down the C4 about a football field away you ask Luna to put up a shield.
As she does that you pull out the detonator.

The C4 explodes, creating a small mushroom cloud of smoke.
Your day ends with a bang.
as you and Luna walk back to her quarters, she asks you about your worlds problems.
"War, rape, homicide, suicide, poverty, pollution. The list goes on and on...." You say as you count the problems on your fingers.
Whelp. You got a good life now.
You and Luna wash up and get to bed.
As you sleep, you wonder what your life will be like from now on.