• Published 6th Sep 2014
  • 485 Views, 8 Comments

Pepper Jack - Kuroy

Pepper jack is a traveling spice merchant who travels Equestria and here are some of his adventures.

  • ...

Temperamental mare

Have you ever got that feeling you where being watched. Sonata suddenly had that feeling. Glorious gazing green eyes and a shiny white muzzle was all she saw as she awoke.

Pepperjack had been in front of her staring, watching, waiting for her to awaken., and he was terribly too close. Sonata was petrified and blushing intensely.

"What are you doing?"


"Watching you sleep."

The young stallion was unfazed by the closeness, his curiosity has always gotten the better of him."W-why?"

The unshakeable batmare was finding herself rather uncomfortable and flustered.

All she could see was a close up of his eyes, his white muzzle that faded into his grey coat, and abit of his mane that hung down a few wisps of red hair mixed with black. She would have thought he was cute, if she wasn't freaking out internally.

Pepperjack blinked and moved closer touching snoot to snoot.

Sonata made a high pitched whine as their snoots touched and her personal bubble was ripped asunder.

"You know what Sonata?" Pepperjack's voice was soft and silky and caused a curious heat to stir within the uncomfortable mare.


The young stallion smiled. "At first I was staring because I was curious about thestrals, but you know what."


"Your kinda cute." He licked her snoot and started rolling away on his side giggling and rolling in the grass like a filly in springtime.

He felt giddy. He had never flirted with anyone before and he wondered if he did it right.

YEP I'm a cool colt

A sound whipped him out of his revelry a wooshing rush of air. He stopped rolling and looked to the source. Sonata was still laying in the same spot. Morning light falling softly upon her pet. Interestingly enough her wings where spread high in the air on both sides of her. Pepperjack walked over and prodded the outstretched limbs with a hoof.

" I'm not an expert on flying but don't you like have to move them more if you want to fly."

"Don't touch my wings!!"

Sonata spun around hopping Pepperjack in the face with her tail.

"Oooh you are totally into me."

Flirting was something he had no experience with but bluffing and using logic to tease somepony was something of a weapon he learned from his sister Sage.

"You are totally out of your mind if you think you have a chance with me..." Raising a forehoof and strikes a regal pose preparing herself. She was groomed to be a leader and leaders battle with wits and cunning. " I am a princess." Shoving her nose in the air she allowed him to bask in her glory.

"You don't have a horn so you can't be a princess."

Sonata facehoofed." It is a title. You don't have to be an alicorn to be a princess"

"What nation do you preside over?"

Hesitation is the first step to falling on your face.

"W..w-we do not own land. I am the princess and heir to the High Thestali line of Cheiftains."

"So your a Cheiftain's daughter not a princess?"

"The fact our line is royalty is proof enough that I am a princess regardless of titles."

"But titles are the only thing that makes you a princess. How can you govern a species and wouldn't that make you a queen like the changelings?"

"Buh-but I.."

"And for that matter Wouldn't you have to marry a prince? I'm sure the only one around is Blueblood. And of course where is your valiant knight?"

Frustrated by logic, disgusted by the thought of marrying Blueblood, and utterly infuriated by the blue collar unicorn that Princess Luna deemed her protector, Sonata's mind and mouth betrayed her.


Her eyes went wide realizing what she said, his narrowed, and he smirked victoriously.
She's into me

The mare's mind raced
No no no no NO! But?what?how? He got me to say the words. I'm not ready to say those words.

She flew behind the cart and started to pace...and freak out.

OK..ok calm down. He is obviously sheltered so there is no way he could know...yeah I'll just pretend it never happened and this whole thing will blow over and no one else will know.

Sufficiently calmer she rounded the cart only to bump snoot to snoot. Her eyes glared into the bane of her exsistance and his mocking grin and...cheesy mustache?

"Oh Sonata.."

Boisterous and confident was his voice...It filled her with rage.

"There is something..."

"Please Celestia no."

"I mustache you."

Sweet merciful Luna kill me now.

"What?" She growled in frustration.

"What did you mean when you said I was your knight?"

In nature there are two things you must remember;

When cornered a creature will respond with flight or fight.

But more importantly you must remember,

Women never lose...

Fueled by rage, shame, hatred, and many other mixed negative emotions. The shadow magic inherent in all Badland thestrals started to manifest. Her fur bristled and blaze, ebony in color. Her flat teeth changed into jagged fangs and already sharp canines extended farther. Shadow seemed to ooze from her coat and her eyes glowed dark changing her from the young princess and into an incarnation of a predator of the night.

She pounced the unicorn pinning him to the ground with on forhoof.

Her roar sent spittle and foam across his face. The deafening sound blew his hat from his head. The only thing in his vision is the rawring jaws and rows of sharp meat cleaving fangs.

Pepper's eyes rolled back in his head as he fainted. Two things crossed his mind as he slipped into unconsciousness.



I just shat myself.

Author's Note:

Fuck you dislikes I'm gonna make a comeback.

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