• Published 6th Sep 2014
  • 485 Views, 8 Comments

Pepper Jack - Kuroy

Pepper jack is a traveling spice merchant who travels Equestria and here are some of his adventures.

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Rude Awakenings

Rude Awakenings

Pepperjack awoke started with his legs flailing in the air screaming like a filly. After some short panicky breaths turned into calm stable ones the colt decided to take stock of his situation. He was on the ground and on his back. Drool had dripped up his face from his apparently odd sleeping position on the ground.

The ground…not the cart.

He scrambled upright and breathed a sigh of relief seeing the cart next to the now cold fire. He grabbed his Stetson that lay on the ground next to him. He puzzled about his newfound shift in location. He was never one to sleepwalk, but there is always a first time for everything.

"Well that was good sleep regardless, but why is my dream all fuzzy.” He soon grew bored of his musings and proceeded to hitch himself to the cart. No sense waiting if everything is already out away. He started back on his slow journey leaving the enchanted circle of rocks behind

I wonder why I couldn't remember my dream. I mean I remember something about jalapeños and salsa and a cute blue unicorn with a cheese cutie mark…oh well must not be that important.

Pepperjack continued pulling along feeling the cart strain him more than the previous day. Must be the way I slept.

Hours ticked by as he traveled the road. Occasionally greeted by other travelers who he was very nervous around. Pepperjack was pretty sheltered. He came from an all unicorn family and had never left home.

As tradition held on occasion a young colt or mare would make a journey and come home with a betrothed. A tradition that while didn't exclude the other tribes just went to show if you were a unicorn raised by unicorns you were comfortable marring… can you guess?

Most times they didn't come back with a husband or wife. Sometimes a mare bared a foal and sometimes an orphan was brought back who then later married into the family.

Pepperjack considered himself lucky he had two parents and Peppercorn, his mother, was all too happy to be rid of Canterlot and the nobles it contained.

Though he had seen other travelers he had yet to meet a Pegasus. He was always curious of his father’s stories of the feathered flying ponies and terrified of the stories of the fanged lunar pegasi. Soon he would see plenty of solar pegasi in Ponyville it was only a day and a half away. He was filled with wonder excitement and energy.
He looked down the road which had a few rocks but was relatively straight and smooth. A single leaf drifted lazily from the canopy.

Pepperjack narrowed his eyes watching as it fell, tensing his muscles as it fell. It landed softly ahead of him only to be kicked up with the dust as he sprinted by cart in tow.

Running with a load is never easy, but he paid little attention to the cart as his speed increased the weight of the cart felt less and less.

Legs pumping, cart jostling, and jumping Pepperjack felt the thrill of running not paying heed to the world around.

He started to slow as the fatigue caught up to him and the cart’s momentum continued to push him. Smiling to himself as he was flooded with endorphins from the run. It was a beautiful day and it continued to be so as the day past and the sun started getting low in the sky.

From the road a grassy clearing overlooking the lake could be seen as the sun started sinking towards the horizon. It showed a beautiful promise of sunset over the lake and Pepperjack was not one to miss a good camping spot.

The grass was short, only reaching his fetlocks, and had a gorgeous golden shine to it. It covered the clearing casting it in a gilded shine that flowed in the springtime breeze.

Considering the grass was dry, Pepperjack decided not to make a campfire for the night. A short ways away from the road he spotted a nice flat area on the downslope. The cart wanted to roll down the hill, but the young unicorn held onto it with his magic.

After making it down the slope to the overlook he sat down. Watching the sun set the ripples on the lake aflame he wondered what the next day would bring.

Ponyville would be the first town he had ever visited and the stories he had heard from his father made it seem like a place of wonders…

A cool breeze swept the field causing the grass to rustle softly like autumn leaves. Through half lidded eyes Pepperjack watched as the moon began to rise over the opposite side of the lake.

As beautiful as the sun had been on the waters he could only gaze and wonder as the moonlight case upon the waters and made them glow a faint teal. It was as if the lake itself was alive with light.

It was another night of swirling galaxies visible under a full moon, but alas, Pepperjack passed out. Before the moon had even cleared the lake he was rolled up on his back snoring. His legs occasionally kicked out into the open air.
‘Jalapeño.” Mumbled the deeply sleeping unicorn.


The tarp on the cart rustled and lifted. Two crimson eyes peered out. They searched the area hungry and determined. Food would not satisfy this creature. It had already consumed some of the food belonging to the cart baring unicorn. No its appetite was of a more wicked nature.

The eyes quickly disappeared from the tarp and a shadow dropped onto the ground. Shifting and wiggling with no form it shifted across the ground towards the stallion.

The shadow steamed from the ground like a mist slowly transforming into the shape of a pony.

Grey Shaggy fur covered her form. Her silver and lavender mane blowing in the wind. Her glare upon the unicorn covered her face in shadow but her red eyes permeated the darkness. She lowered herself to the ground crawling towards the stallion like a lioness. Her leathery wings extended out and lowered to the ground like a flowing cape.

She reached her prey, folding her wings above him to cast a haunting shadow around the colt. She leaned forward with a menacing smile accentuated by two sharp canines.

Suddenly generations of hunting instincts fought a deadly battle with her equine nature. Her body a battleground of fierce confliction.

All her efforts were undone as her equine nature sounded the trumpets. It was a small wet sounding trumpet, but it had the smell of the ages.

The unicorn snorted once, twice, and his eyes bolted open. He rolled away from the shadow that surrounded him. Uprighting himself on all fours he took a defensive stand.

“I’m warning you I am a unicorn and I’m MAGICAL.” With his proud declaration he lit up his horn only to have it fizzle out and cause a rainbow to form above him right as he said the word magical.

There was silence.

The mare snorted, then snickered, finally losing control she laughed uncontrollably. Wrapping her hooves around her barrel as she rolled on the ground. She had thought this unicorn may have actually been a threat up until his fabulous display of the magical arts.

She recovered from her hysterics and rose from the ground. Eyes leering at the stallion and a menacing smile once again gracing her lips. She started approaching him slowly.

Holy horse apples what do I do? It’s a batmare. ALL FEAR THE BATMARE. What was she doing leaning over me with those fangs? Pepperjack’s pupils shrunk to pinpricks.


She smiled showing her pair of sharp meat hooks. She laughed a sweet laugh, a pure betrayal of her intent.

“Yes.” She said melodically. “Fangs.”

A shrill girlish scream rang through the night air as a young stallion lost his pride as he ran and his dignity as a wet trail behind him.

Batmare’s eyes narrowed. No one outruns a lunar pegasus.

The chase had begun and she soon caught up to her prey. After glancing over his shoulder Pepperjack’s movements had increased to an amazing speed as he saw the batmare galloping behind him moving ever closer.

Now unicorns are not known for their speed. The typical unicorn lives in a house, visits a library, and conducts study after study indoors making them poor athletes. Spice family unicorns however lived their lives outside like earth ponies, pulling carts, playing chase, and plowing fields.

So darling dear frightened Pepperjack had more than a bit of a pep in his step. He had enough of adrenaline too to keep him ahead of the lunar pegasus who spent most of her life in the sky not running on the ground.

Getting frustrated that she could not catch her prey by hoof she took to the sky and caught up to Pepperjack.

Her body slammed into his sending them both tumbling. With feline swiftness the batmare rolled Pepperjack on his back and pinned him down.

She stared down at him muzzle to muzzle. Fear was painted all over his face.

“I have you now my cute little friend.”

Pepperjack blushed, blood pounded in his ears and his breath was still ragged from the chase, but his mind shooting at a mile a minute could only register one thought.

This is the first mare to ever call me cute and she is probably going to eat me. AND NOT IN THE GOOD WAY!!!

The mysterious mare smile showcasing her sharp snappers yet again as she leaned down past his muzzle.

OH Celestia. She’s gonna bite me she’s gonna bite me SHE’S GONNA BITE ME!!!

Pepperjack felt wet lips press into his cheek and pop off with a loud smooching sound. The mare looked him in the eyes and winked.

“I like you. That was a fun chase.”

Pepperjack stared like he was broken.

“My name is Sonata. What is yours?”

The gears and wheels that normally turned in his head exploded and crumbled into dust and so he stopped trying to process what was happening.

“P-Pepperjack. My name is Pepperjack.”

“Pepperjack? Like the cheese? Are you a cheese pony? Why aren’t you yellow? Who ever heard of grey cheese? Not that grey is bad, I think you have a lovely coat and those spots are just adorable, but how do you keep your fetlocks so WHITE.” Sonata inhaled sharply after expending most of her air on her outburst.

She scrunched her muzzle and stared at Pepperjack expectantly.


Taken aback Sonata quipped.

“WHAO now, I don’t know you that well at least by me a drink first.”

“I THOUGHT I WAS the drink.” Pepperjack whined.

A look of disgust flashed on her face.

“EEew Noo. I don’t drink blood its nasty and a total myth. I don’t blame you though a lot of ponies in this day and age are still ignorant.”

Pepperjack shifted uncomfortably. “Um s..s-sonata was it. Could you get off of me? This is starting to feel a bit to intimate a position for casual conversation.”

The lunar mare stared at him quizzically for a second. Not comprehending what he was saying. Lunar pegasi almost always made conversation while physically contacting one another. Snuggling up to somepony or having a wing draped on one another showed trust and togetherness and helped them read each other’s intentions through body language.

All too soon Pepperjack’s body language spoke volumes of the situation. From the feel of his body and its collective parts Sonata could tell Pepperjack was currently conflicted about having a potentially dangerous but otherwise attractive mare straddling him. It’s amazing how the body language for danger and arousal can go so well together.

Her face shone crimson through her grey coat. She leaped away from the embarrassing scene. Pepperjack rolled over and got on his feet doing his best to hide his embarrassment. He stared down at the ground occasionally glancing up. Sonata likewise stared off into the sky behind her occasionally looking back at her present company.

After calming down a bit Pepperjack decided he should say something sensible.

“Sooo…You’re a bat pony.”

That however was not sensible, but the words of a sheltered unicorn. Sonata’s face contorted with anger.

“Do NOT CALL Me that! I am a Lunar Pegasus or a Thestral. I will not be insulted.”

Pepperjack was shocked and instantly regretful.

“NO wait, I didn’t mean it like that. Honest, I had no idea. I’m sorry.”

Still glaring she approached the guilty unicorn. He flinched but remained where he was. He did not like how quiet she was.

“Why were you chasing me.”

“Why did you run?”

“I’d rather not talk about it.”

Sonata sighed, she knew she was abrasive at times but all things considering she did feel alittle sorry for scaring him…only alittle.

“Ok, I was hungry that’s all.”

“I though you said you didn’t drink blood.”

“I-I don’t. I eat shadows. So will you answer my question?”

Pepperjack was a puzzled pony with more questions than answers, but he gave in. It was rude to not answer her question even if her answer was more confusing than it was helpful.

“I…I-I’ma.” He started to murmur. “I’m afraid of fangs.”

Author's Note:

Aw Sadfaces I've gotten dislikes with no explanation that must make them

TOOOOTALLY Justifiable