• Member Since 7th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 21st, 2015


I would cut you, but I don't want to contract Ebola from the blood splatter.

Comments ( 28 )

4382787 I know right? Worst story of 2014.

Well, that was.....something, at any rate. I certainly can't fault the writing, especially that lovely piece of alliteration in the opener. Now let's just hope Applebloom doesn't eat the ice cream. :applecry:

4382850 just because you asked me not to, I'm in the process of writing a chapter where, in great detail, Applebloom devours the entire tub of ice cream.

4382863 While I have temporary control of your mind, I order you to get Mac's dick stuck in a tractor exhaust pipe as well.


Holy shit... What the ever loving fuck am I...
Just simply brilliant...
I am amazed...

Oh good lord save us from Big Mac's erectile wraith.

No. NopenopenopenopenopeAbandonThreadNO!

They should just start a watermelon patch. Or pay Rarity to make the poor bastard a RealPony.

This man once owed all he is to me, but now *sniff* it's okay I can do it.

Thestudenthasovertakenthemaster there I said it.
*cries openly*


Oh god... the flashbacks... this story hits close to home dude... but I'll keep reading, for teh lulz!

If your fetish is powerful ponies penis's pounding things, this is a story for you.

I know it isnt mine, but it is reasonably well writen so it gets a thumbs up from me.

This doesnt make ANY FUCKING SENCE
I love it!

#1 wtf did i just read
#2 wtf did i just read
#3 wtf did i just read
And #4 just in case you didnt get that, see comment numbers 1-3

Strange story, but good non the less.

"What the fuck is this shit?" Thought Big Mac, however, due to his immense mental retardation, all that escaped his lips with a confused "Eeeyup?".

That... actually explains a lot.

Eh... not the worst thing ever, but I'm not gonna upvote 'cause not my fetish.

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