• Published 12th May 2014
  • 551 Views, 3 Comments

Dancing In The Fox's Fire - Nightmare Chimera

a lonely soul finds love at a social event...but with who

  • ...

Dancing In The Fox's Fire

Another year rolled by and soon the Grand Galloping Gala was being prepared, Rarity always found that the greatest amount of work was before the Gala. Many nobles came to her store to order clothes for the high society event, however this year was extremely important. Rarity had recived a letter from Fancy Pants himself a few weeks before the Gala was due.

"Dear Miss Rarity" Rarity began reading off the letter "I have written to you to inform you of a dear friend of mine from Neighpan is visiting Equestria for a Soireé a few days prior to the Gala. It would be a pleasure if you were to attend and introduce yourself, Equestria's greatest seamstress, to my friend. Yours truly Fancy Pants" Rarity finished before promptly fainting.

And so the days passed as Rarity prepared herself for the Soireé that Fancy Pants was holding. The day of the Soireé rolled around much faster than Rarity liked and with haste she made of towards the trainstation the day before the party was to begin. When she got onto the train Rarity spent some time fixing up her mane and applying make up on, after all a high class mare needs to always be presentable. When the train came to a halt in Canterlot a few hours later, Rarity stepped off the mode of transport and onto the streets of Canterlot. She was wearing a beautiful sunset orange dress and a prench beret adorned with a few rubies.

Princess Celestia herself allowed Rarity to stay within the castle on her trip to Fancy Pants' party when she was asked by her personal student Twilight Sparkle whom Rarity owed a favour for. As the day rolled to an end Rarity was escorted back to her chambers by a day guard mare called Dawn Star, a demolistions expert who is often tasked for making entrances in a rather 'Flashy' way.

It was a new day in Canterlot when the sun rose into the sky courtesy of Celestia's magic, at nine a.m Rarity awoke and got out of her large bed and washed up, the Soireé was at three p.m so it allowed Rarity six hours to get ready, she spent three hours getting her mane done, her hooves painted and her coat prim and fresh. Two hours on making an outfit that she would wear and the last hour double checking everything was perfect.

Rarity trotted up to Fancy Pants' door and rapped at it gently, in a few moments Fancy Pants himself opened up the door and smilied "Ah Miss Rarity a pleasure to meet you again" Fancy Pants greeted her "Come please enter" He said stepping aside to allow Rarity to pass into his home

Rarity's eyes wondered around the interior of his home for a few moments taking in all of the ornaments that seemed to make the place more homely before replying "Why thank you Fancy Pants, it is truly a pleasure to attend one of your Soireés" Rarity thanked him for allowing entry

"Not a problem at all Rarity, after all the thanks should go to Fleur De Lis since it was her idea not mine" Fancy Pants replied laughing softly

"Well it was rather nice of you to invite me to your gathering nonetheless" Rarity returned with a smile

"Quite, now follow me to the ball room so i may introduce you to my friend" Fancy Pants said leading the way to the ball room

Within a few minutes Rarity found herself in a large room with gentle music in the background, the soft tunes being loud enough to be heard but not loud enough to drown the sound of chatter among the other nobles, some of which she recognised instantly. Towards the back of the room was Hoity Toity talking to a few other fashion desginers and closer to the center near the musicians was Sapphire Shores whom seemed to be talking to Photo Finish the famous photographer.

"Excuse me miss but you simply look ravishing may i ask for a name?" A gentle accent and suave voice came from behind her

As she turned round Rarity saw the most handsome stallion ever. His coat was a golden yellow, slightly darker than Blueblood's mane, the stallions mane was a deep orange colour done up in a ponytail with a white end. His tail was peculiar in a sense, it was rather long and 'bushy' for a better lack of the term and his cutie mark was a spiral with nine streaks going outwards. He was dressed in a long blue robe adorned with a tree on the back with its deep pink petals scattered around the rest of the robes which drew the attention of many, at his hip was a long sheathed blade which was visible to all

"Hello to you too sir, I am Rarity, a seamstress and you sir?" Rarity asked hopefully

"Pleasure to meet you Miss Rarity, I am Kinnémon Foxfire but you like many others may call me Vulpes" Kinnémon said as he lifted her hoof gently and kissed it

"Ah dear Rarity it seems you have met my friend Kinnémon Foxfire, he comes from Neighpan, the land of the..." Fancy Pants paused thinking

"Land of the rising sun" Kinnémon said earning a smile from Fancy Pants

"Ah yes thats it! Anyway why dont the two of you talk for a while" Fancy Pants suggested as he trotted off

"It seems our nakama is rather busy" Kinnémon said

"What does 'nakama' mean exactly?" Rarity asked

"It means comrade and comes from Neighpan" Kinnémon informed her

"Tell me more about your home of Neighpan" Rarity said gently

"Well i come from a province known as Hoofshū" Kinnémon started

Time flew by as Kinnémon told Rarity of his home, how the land had many battles between leaders known as Shoguns and the struggle for power, Kinnémon talked about how he left his home of Hoofshū to live up in the mountains away from all the violence and started a village hidden in a small basin for refugees who had escaped from the warring clans down below, he lead a simple life of being a advisor to a retired dragon general name Shun Lao Ryu and how they both devouted their time to making the village safe from war convicts. He talked about how his little village home became a meeting location for the leaders of the warring forces and that his home was known as 'no drake's land' which was a dragon term for land that no army is allowed to invade.

"Wow so you say that every summer countless 'sakura' tree blossom and they're the most beautiful sight in the world?" Rarity asked getting a swift nod from Kinnémon "Oh how romantic!" Rarity said swooning

"I assume you know enough of my life and home, would you be so kind to share me some of yours?" Kinnémon asked her

With a nod Rarity went into detail about her life, picking at every important detail such as how she got her cutie mark and how she had helped saved the world many times, the adventures she's had with her friends and how she was the 'Element of Generosity' all the while Kinnémon listened intently with a smile devouting about the same to her as she did to him while he told her about his story.

"So it seems that your an upper class mare living in a simple rustic town, very good living choice if i say so myself, and i know you'd never give up your home for anything other than true love" Kinnémon said with a smile

"Indeed, i really thought i found my prince in shining armour with Blueblood, apperently not" Rarity commented dryly

"Its often the cruelness of others that help us find the truth of ourselves" Kinnémon said smiling as he continued "Your encounter with Blueblood showed you that your love for him was...unwanted for a lack of a better term" Kinnémon said gently

"Ahh indeed. Tell me Kinnémon will you be at the gala tomorrow? I'd rather enjoy meeting you there" Rarity asked

"I'm sure i'll be able to get there without a problem" Kinnémon said with a smile "But for now i'd best turn in for the night, tomorrow is naught but on the horizon of today. Good night Rarity" Kinnémon said as he left the soireé

"Good night to you too Kinnémon, it was a pleasure to meet you, i hope to see you at the gala" Rarity said as Kinnémon left

The evening after the soireé was uneventful for Rarity, she ate at a fancy resturant and then headed straight back to the castle to retire for the night.

Once again the new dawn rose and the day of the Gala was at hoof, Rarity spent all morning dressing up for the Gala later that evening. A gentle knocking at her room door caught her attention as a maid peeked into the room.

"Lady Rarity, theres a golden stallion asking for you" The maid said as her ears perked up

"Show me the way to him please" Rarity said as she finished putting on her make up and followed the maid out the room to the castle entrance.

There she saw Kinnémon wearing a different robe from yesterday, it was a gentle green colour like spring grass and was adorned with golden thread along the hems, his sword was in a golden decorated sheath adorned with sunstone.

"Hello again Rarity" Kinnémon said with a smile

"Hello to you to darling, how did you know i was at the castle?" Rarity asked curiously

"The tounge of a certain prince was wagging like happy dog last night, i heard only bits and snipits of his voice, one such sentence was your residence here" Kinnémon said smiling

Rarity's blood boiled at the thought of Blueblood and his schemes for Rarity, ever since the incident from last year's gala Blueblood became infatuated with her since she was a 'strong, noble mare that wasn't afraid to put others in their place'

"It seems some prince's need to know when to keep their mouth silent" Rarity said smiling

"Indeed, now is there anywhere you desire to go before the gala? I figured it'd be easier to travel together now then try meet up in the crowds of the event" Kinnémon said voicing his opinion

Rarity turned paled. Was Kinnémon asking her for a date?

"If i didn't know any better Kinnémon i'd think you're asking me for a date?" Rarity said composing herself and smirking gently

"When asked like that whom could say no to a gem like you? If dragons and ponies could mate then you'd have a hoard of males competing for a jewel like you" Kinnémon said flicking his tail

Rarity's heart jumped to her throat. Kinnémon just complimented her! Rarity's cheeks were turning a bright red from the compliment and Kinnémon laughed gently

"Red suits you well Rarity, but prehaps a deeper shade of red would suit you better" Kinnémon said as he trotted down the street followed by Rarity

"Whatever do you mean?" Rarity asked knowing fullwell that Kinnémon had feelings for her

"My home Rarity bores me, many a times i looked for somepony to settle down with but none would except me for what i am, not whom i am" Kinnémon said as he lead her to a large hill on the city's border

"Whatever do you mean Kinnémon?" Rarity asked

A soft glow encompassed Kinnémon and faded ever so gently, instead of the pony she knew sat a fox over looking the hill and down into the city below, its nine busy tails flowing in the wind accompanied by the same robe that Kinnémon wore, its expression was sad and lonely

"All my life i lived as a pony, to hide what i truly am. I am a but an illusion of a pony, far from a real one. My kind is known as Kistunes" Kinnémon said

"W...why didnt you tell me" Rarity asked in a hurt tone

"Because for once in my long life Rarity i felt something ignite in me, a warmth that i hadnt felt for a very long. Whenever i look at you i'm enthralled by your looks, enchanted by your voice ensared by your beauty. I feel like a little fly trapped by your silky smooth voice. Only Fancy Pants knows what i am" Kinnémon finished

Rarity stood astounded. Infront of her was the same old Kinnémon that she's known for a day, yet his looks, his voice seem like they can tell a story that spans for hundreds of years. She still feels the same way for the lonely soul infront of her.

"I could say the same to you. When you approached me that night i thought you'd be another stuck up stallion just looking for a one night stand. When you told me about yourself i felt...captivated and moved by your compassion for peace and kindness, i was enchanted by your looks and even more so by your words. I'd be lying if i said i want nothing more to do with you" Rarity spoke gently

"Then would you Rarity, accompany me, Kinnémon Foxfire to the Gala this evening? And dare i say it, would you be this fox's marefriend?" Kinnémon asked gently

"Kinnémon Foxfire, i'd be delighted to join you to the gala and even more so to be your marefriend" Rarity said as Kinnémon changed back into a pony and embraced her gently.

Author's Note:

First story I'm actually posting online, feel free to tell me what I need to improve on. if anyone wants to make cover art feel free to pm me. I'm sorry if it seems a bit rushed I got my exams coming up and I had this idea in my head for a while so I needed to get done and thanks for reading

yours truly
Nightmare Chimera

Comments ( 3 )

Interesting story. I give it a thumbs up.

Thanks:twilightsmile: i wish i had more time to work on it but i ran out of ideas and my exams are coming up so i had to make do

I enjoyed this story very much, and if I may give some constructive criticism, I did notice some grammatical and spelling errors and thought I'd point them out:

"Come please enter"

Now I could be wrong with this criticism (and am unsure of whether or not this is an actual error), but I haven't heard anyone say "come in" like this. Perhaps it could be replaced with "Please, come in" or "You may enter," and there wasn't a comma there either.

A gentle accent and suave voice came from behind her

Again, I could be wrong with this, but perhaps "gentle" and "suave" could be switched here since "suave" is defined as "charming, confident, and elegant." I have heard of guys with suave voices before (like George Sanders), but maybe if one of the descriptions is "gentle" as well, it may seem more fitting to say "A gentle voice and suave accent came from behind her."

he lead a simple life of being a advisor

That should be "an advisor."

The tounge of a certain prince was wagging like happy dog last night, i heard only bits and snipits of his voice,

"Tongue" and "snippets" are misspelled here.

Red suits you well Rarity, but prehaps a deeper shade of red would suit you better

"Perhaps" is misspelled here."

When asked like that whom could say no to a gem like you?

In this sentence and the next one I'll bring up I'm unsure of, but I think it should say "who" instead of "whom" (unless people from Japan whose mother language is Japanese and English as their second language typically say "whom" in this way).

My home Rarity bores me, many a times i looked for somepony to settle down with but none would except me for what i am, not whom i am

There should be a comma after "I looked for somepony to settle down with," it should be "accept" instead of "except," and the "I" should be capitalized. Also this should probably say something like "but they would only accept me for what I am, not who I am" or "but none would accept me for who I am, only what I am."

"W...why didnt you tell me" Rarity asked in a hurt tone

Because for once in my long life Rarity i felt something ignite in me, a warmth that i hadnt felt for a very long.

In the first sentence I don't see a question mark even though it says "Rarity asked...," and in both sentences there are no apostrophes for "didn't" and "hadn't."

Infront of her was the same old Kinnémon that she's known for a day, yet his looks, his voice seem like they can tell a story that spans for hundreds of years.

"In front" should be two separate words (same for another usage of the same words in a later sentence), "seem" should be "seemed" here, and maybe add "and" before "his voice seemed like they can tell a story..."

Like I said, I really enjoyed this story, and am planning on doing a reading of it on my YouTube channel (if that's alright with you).

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