• Published 12th May 2014
  • 741 Views, 1 Comments

A Personality Crisis - Tickarle

Princess Luna and Twilight having a nice normal day which turns out to be a terrible one when they found out what happens to Celestia and the day will be worse than that.

  • ...

The problem is done or is it?

The problem is done or is it?

Discord was walking to the kitchen and in the kitchen he saw Celestia munching lots of bananas and cakes. "Celestia what the?" Discord look at Celestia in surprised.

"What nwow?!" Celestia stop chewing and glared at Discord.

"You know eating like that will only make you more fatter." Discord said mockingly.

"What did you just say?!" Celestia glared daggers at Discord.

"I said eating more bananas and cakes will only make you more fatter!" Discord exclaimed mockingly.

"So you were saying I was a FAT FLANK?!" Celestia glared at Discord that could vaporize him easily.

"Yep." Discord stated flatly.

Then Celestia was now engulfed in flames and her horn began to glow which one meant to Discord, he run but not fast enough as Celestia fired at Discord blasting him out of the kitchen in flames.

Meanwhile on Luna and Twilight

"We better find Discord or we will be doomed by Trollestia and Molestia." Twilight said a little fear on her voice.

"Yeah, finding Discord was harder than I thou-" Luna was cut as a burned Discord came crashing down in front of Luna and Twilight. "Nevermind." Luna said flatly.

"What happen to you and why are burned?" Twilight look at burned Discord in surprised.

"I know why." Luna smirks. "Perhaps the Celestia in the kitchen did this, because you called her fat flank didn't you?" Luna stared at Discord who stood up now.

"Yes but how did you guess that?" Discord look at her snapping his talons and now he was nice and clean.

"Pretty obvious." Luna replied flatly.

Discord smirks and then a sweet and horrifying voice came.

"Oh Luna come now don't run away." Came the voice of Molestia.

"Was that Molestia?!" Discord look in horror from were the voice came.

"Yes and how did you know that?" Twilight look at Discord.

"Becau-" Discord was cut as Molestia was in front of them.

"Aww Discord there you are I guess there's now the three of you." Molestia grinned.

"Nope." Discord snaps his talons and Twilight, Luna and him vanish.

Molestia groaned. "Now Discord is with them things will be more harder now, I need the help of Trollestia." Molestia grinned.

And with seconds they were now inside Luna's room.

"Tell me why are we in my room?" Luna glared at Discord.

"Because nopony will come inside your room." Discord reply.

"Oh yeah." Luna said as she sat at her bed.

"Wow Molestia is gonna molest the three of us?! Now that's insane if you ask me." Twilight also sit in the bed.

"You said it." Luna and Discord said in unison.

"Oh and Discord how did you know she's Molestia?" Twilight stared at Discord and Luna also stared at him.

Discord gulp and before he could say something a voice interrupted him. "Oh so here you are Molestia is looking for the three of you." Trollestia said as she emerge behind Luna and Twilight and this made Discord, Luna and Twilight screamed.

"TROLLESTIA!" The three exclaimed in unison.

Then Molestia opened the door with the creepiest grin, and the three of them screamed even more louder as Molestia came closer to them and the three of them back away then hope came.

"What is all the commotion?!" Celestia said as she teleported inside still frosting covered her muzzle. "Oh." Celestia came to realize why they scream.

"Celestia there you are I was hoping you can a company me." Trollestia said as she smiled at Celestia.

Luna was verge on collapsing when Celestia interrupted "Nope." She stated flatly as she teleported into a large closet.

"This is familiar." Luna said as she look at the closet.

"Well duh, this is the way to your lab." Celestia replied.

"Oh yeah." Luna said still look unfazed.

"How do we trust when you are not like the two of them?" Discord examined Celestia.

"Well even though I ate cakes and bananas doesn't mean I'm not the real one and I'm insane on eating something not doing something ponies won't want too." Celestia explained. "And I knew Luna knows I'm the real one, right Luna?" Celestia look at Luna.

"Yap." Luna replied.

"But why didn't you tell me?" Twilight raise an eyebrow.

"Because I don't want you to know that she's the real one because of her banana and cake addiction, that would make you insane if you would know that." Luna smiled at Twilight.

"Yep, and yes I agreed to Discord." Twilight said.

"What do you mean by agreeing to me?" Discord look at Twilight.

"Sorry to say this Princess Celestia but you really are a Fat Flank and if Applejack was here she will totally say that." Twilight look a little scary at Celestia.

"It is fine Twilight Sparkle and even the Element of honesty would say that?" Celestia saw Twilight nodded and she sighs. "Better start my diet."

Meanwhile on Sweet Apple Acres

"Hachoo!" Applejack sneezes as she stop cropping.

"What's the matter sis?" Applebloom looks at her sister.

"Ah think somepony is talking about me." Applejack replied.

"Who could that be?" Applebloom ask.

"Ah think it's Princess Celestia now let's work." Applejack return to her job.

"Yah." Applebloom said as help her sister.

Back to the four

"Yeah you need some diet." Discord said mockingly which made Luna giggled, and Celestia slugged him.

"Oh yeah, Discord how did you know that there's a Molestia and Trollestia here in the castle." Luna look at him and made Celestia and Twilight fix their eyes on Discord.

Discord gasp. "I will tell but don't be mad." Discord said, as Celestia, Luna and Twilight Promise. "Ok Flashback time!" Discord exclaimed.

Earlier that Morning

Discord was walking around when he saw Luna sneak like a ninja this made him curios so he followed her quietly and followed her all the way to a rather large closet. Luna opened the closet as she push away all the cleaning material and presented a lever and pulled it and made a secret door.

"So that's why you know my lab." Luna glared at Discord.

"Ok can I finish? And no more disturbance." Discord said as the three shut their mouths as he continue.

Luna came in and the door almost close but Discord snuck inside it, and after several seconds he saw himself in a rather large lab and stared in awe he saw Luna levitate something that looks like a laser gun.

"My Personailty-splitter 5000 or P.S. 5000!" Luna exclaimed and this made Discord grins. "With this I can split personalities!" Luna stated. "Hmm but where should I test it on." Luna thinks then she grin. "How about on Discord?" She grin evilly and this made Discord tremble. "Hmm maybe tomorrow I'm kinda lazy." Luna said lazily as she got out of the lab.

"Hmm Splits personality eh?" Discord grins he grab the object and got out of the lab, when he got to the halls he found Celestia he walk near her. "Hi Celestia." Discord said with a toothy grin.

"Hello Discord what brings you here?" Celestia smiled.

"This." Discord stated as he blasted her and with seconds he saw there were three of them, he saw one with a full grayish-pink mane and the other two seem to be normal.

"Hello Discord." Molestia grinned. "Care to have fun in the bedroom?" She said with a grin.

"W-What?" This made Discord off guard and blush a little.

"No Molestia he's mine he'll play with me trolling ponies." Trollestia glared at Molestia.

"Trolling ponies I like the sound of that." Discord said.

"Whatever you three will do I will be in the kitchen so goodbye." The remaining Celestia said as she walk off the hall.

"No he's mine!" Molestia said as she come closer to Discord and flirts at him with a matching grin.

"Nope." Discord said as he vanish.

"That's how." Discord finished.

"Know I remember!" Celestia said as her rage came flooding back and almost in engulf flames when she was interrupted by Trollestia.

"Heh! Here you are!" Trollestia giggled.

The four shriek and made Discord snapping his talons and made Trollestia vanish.

"Where did you teleport her?" Twilight look at Discord.

"Someway far but I'm sure she will get back fast." Discord said fearfully.

"Everypony in!" Luna shouted as she open the door in her lab.

All of them got inside the Lab and stared in awe again.

"Wow now that's what you call mad science." Twilight said amazingly.

"Now I know how to cure you sister." Luna said as she conjure her P.S. 5000.

"Why does all your object starts with a thousand?" Celestia and Discord ask.

"Science." Twilight and Luna replied flatly.

"Ok... then cure me now!" Celestia exclaimed.

Luna nodded and reverse the switch and fired at Celestia but nothing happened.

"W-What? But how?" Luna look sadly at her P.S. 5000.

"Maybe you need the other personality of Princess Celestia and shot them at the same time." Twilight said.

"Your really smart Twilight Sparkle we don't need the formula after all." Luna smiled.

"Why?" Twilight ask.

"Because the only thing that I forgot is how to reverse it I never know what's wrong, and with that you will be my assistant for science!" Luna happily exclaimed.

"Yay!" Twilight squees.

"Now no time for that gathering the three of them is easy to said than done." Celestia said interrupting them.

"Hmm... we need to catch them one by one." Twilight said. "But who will be the bait?" Twilight put a hoof in her chin.

"I know who's the right pony for that." Luna grinned as she stared at Discord.

"What?" Discord ask.

"Oh you know why." Luna said with a toothy grin.

"Oh no I'm not gonna be your bait!" Discord protested.

"But since you snuck my Item without permission, Splitting sister's personality and bringing Twilight into this mess and that means you owe us a debt and this is how you pay them." Luna said her grin began to go more widely, Twilight and Celestia agreeing.

"Fine." Discord pouted. "How do we start?" Discord said.

Luna grinned.

Several minutes later

"Where could they be hiding hmm.." Molestia said as she kept searching.

"Oh Molestia!" Came the sweet voice of Discord.

This made Molestia off guard but come to Discord when she reach there she saw Discord in a bedroom with a sexy pose.

"Come here." Discord said trying not to blush. "I'll get you Luna later mark my words." Discord thought to himself as he saw Molestia smirks and comes closer. "Ok now capture her!" Discord look at a corner as look at the three.

"Let's begin our move Discord is quite tortured." Twilight said as she look at Luna who had a camera.

"Maybe later I want to footage this." Luna said as she continue to take a footage.

Discord saw Molestia on the bed crawling like a really really naughty mare and saw Luna held a camera he blush crimson. "Damn you Luna!" Discord mentally screamed and when he saw Molestia was face to face to him and this made him blush heavily.

"Yes kiss him." Luna said as she pressed the recording when she saw Molestia is only inches away, making Celestia glared at her.

Twilight sighs and started the trap and Molestia was now trap in a magic-proof bubble. "What the?!" Molestia shriek as she punch the bubble but nothing happened.

Discord got out of the bed and glaring at Luna.

"What?" Luna said innocently.

"You know why." Discord said still glaring at Luna.

"Ok guys no time for that." Celestia said. "There's only one left." Celestia said as she levitate the bubble and search for Trollestia.

"Well you know what we plan." Luna said as she followed Celestia.

"Hmm... where could Trollestia be?" Twilight said.

"Looking for me?" Trollestia said as she stood behind Twilight. "Oh so you got Molestia but you will never will get me!" She said as she run but Luna fired and trap Trollestia in the bubble too.

"Wow that's easier than I thought." Discord said but his words was crushed as the Trollestia inside deflated. "Bonkers she trolled us!" Discord shriek.

"Told you know you will not catch me!" Trollestia said with a Trolled face.

"Now Discord!" Celestia shouted.

Discord roped Trollestia and Trollestia struggled. "Remember this Trollestia nopony can ever beat me when it comes to trolling." Discord grinned.

Celestia held Molestia in her side, Discord pulled Trollestia in Celestia's other side. "Now Luna!" Discord shouted and with that Luna blasted the three of them.

"Did it work?" Twilight ask.

"I don't know." Luna said as she stared at the smoke and lend Twilight the P.S. 5000.

After the smoke dissipated only one Celestia who was in the middle remained. "Ok Discord prepare yourself! But I will eat cakes first." Celestia walk away.

"We did it!" Twilight said happily as she jump up and down and Discord joined too but Twilight was so much happy she accidentally press the switch as the P.S. 5000 fired. "Oh No!" Twilight panic.

"Don't tell me Celestia was shot?!" Discord panic too.

But after the smoke dissipated they saw Celestia normal.

"Oh good thought we had to run again." Twilight sigh in relief but it was completely crush as she was interrupted by Luna-

"Everypony want to play games with me?" Said Luna with a headphone with a moon mark on her ear.

Celestia, Discord and Twilight's jaw impacted the ground.

"Well I have no time for games, I had something to do on science." Said another Luna but her hair was in pony tail, she has small glasses on her muzzle and wearing a lab coat. "Come Twilight Sparkle I know you want to do science with me." Science Luna said and Twilight smiled a bit.

"Ooh! will you make me a new game??" Gamer Luna smiled but was completely crash when Science Luna shook her head.

"At least she's not disturbing." Discord said but it was completely crush.

"HUH! GAMES? A REAL PRINCESS DOES NOT PLAYEST GAME AT ALL!!" boomed another Luna but this time she is more princess.

"Will you stop yelling??" Discord demanded.


"Wow I can use her voice for my sound-power electricity!" Science Luna happily exclaimed.

"Well, what more worse that could happen?" Twilight smiled awkwardly and Celestia nodding then they heard an evil and familiar laugh, Twilight and Celestia turned around and look in horror as they saw who was in front of them.

"Aww if isn't my favorite sun loving pony." Nightmare Moon grinned.

"Nope." Twilight said flatly as she teleported out of Canterlot.

"I wish I'm a statue now." Discord prayed.

"Aww! Don't be like that Discord come let's play!" Gamer Luna said happily as she dragged Discord and Discord struggled under the strength of Gamer Luna.

Celestia sighs. "Why of all the world Luna invent that stupid thing!" Growled Celestia as she teleported out and leave the mess on their own.

"Hmm... Since Celestia isn't here my Eternal Night shall finally come true!" Nightmare Moon laughed evilly.

Several weeks later...

The Canterlot Castle was now burned, Discord was a statue again, lots of the royal guard quit the job, lots of ponies confuse why won't the sun come up, Celestia was in a nice place and didn't care what happen to Canterlot because she retired and No not the two of them suffer the most but one pony is.

"I hate science." Growled Twilight as she was chase by a mob.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the grammar don't know lots of English but I hope you enjoy it!

Comments ( 1 )

this was really hilarious and random as fuck...other than that great story!:rainbowlaugh:

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