• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 2,085 Views, 61 Comments

Pony Rangers Megaforce - Shazam 25

A strange dream and a new team. When Princess Celestia become a ranger she and her team learns what it takes to be a ranger.

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Go! Go! Megaforce!

A Strange Dream and a new Team

There had to be at least a hundred of them, if not more. Ponies, all clad in armor of different colors. There were several patterns the colors followed. Many ponies were in red armor, many in yellow, many in blue ect. What set them apart was that for every group of ponies, ranging from groups of three to groups of seven, were wearing armor with similar patterns like diamonds or lightning bolts. There were a couple who obviously weren't ponies. A few draconian-like creatures, several humanoid beings, one or two robots, you get the idea.

At the other side of the barren battlefield were over a thousand strange robot-like creatures. Their designs made them look similar to trash bins, and they had three stalks protruding out their front. One at the top that was quite obviously their eyepiece, their left stalk attached to their midsection looked like a blaster, and the right stalk next to the blaster looked like a suction cup. As well, at the top of their heads were what looked like two light bulbs that glowed at every syllable they spoke as they chanted “Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!”

Accompanying these creatures were a variety of evil looking creatures of different races at the front of the army. It was difficult to generalize these differing creatures, but one thing every single one of them had in common was that they all hated the ponies on the other side of the battlefield.

In the front of all the ponies was five color ponies wearing the some of the same colors, but this group was red, blue, yellow, pink, and black. They all had symbol that look like they go together.

The silence was so thick, you’d need a chainsaw to cut it. Then, all of a sudden, both sides charged into battle. The evil robot creatures were the first to encounter the ponies, but the ponies were putting up an excellent fight even though they were outnumbered anywhere from 10 to 20 robots for every one pony. The ponies wielded a wide variety of weapons, ranging from swords to blasters to everything that has a blade on it. Many of the robots were able to fly and shoot lasers, but even that didn't give them an advantage since many of the ponies were pegasi and most of them were able shoot lasers.

And overseeing the battle was a strange robot unicorn...

"Princess Celestia!", a voice and knock was heard, "Princess Celestia! It time to raise the sun."

The solar princess open her eyes and look around to see that in her room. She got out of her bed and started to walk to her door and open it. The guard was quiet surprise to see Celestia without her royal crown and the other parts and to see her normal tri-color mane was fully light pink.

"I'm sorry for the wakening but Princess Luna is ready to set the moon." He said getting over his shock.

"Very well, tell my sister I will join her shortly." Celestia said and the guard bow.

Celestia retreated back into her room and ready herself for another day to rule Equestria and help the Element Pony Rangers. Celestia created the rangers when Luna was Nightmare Moon and together save Equestria from dangerous threats. Celestia exit her room now back to the way that everypony knew her. She got out to the balcony and saw Luna lower the moon just when the sun was suppose to rise.

"You never slept in this late sister." Luna said as the moon disappear.

Celestia started to rise the sun and said, "I had a very strange dream. A dream where all the Pony rangers from the past was fighting a robotic army. In front was a team I never seen before. They had the same colors as the first ranger team."

Luna was quiet as she heard it. The sun was high in the sky when Celestia was done. Luna had only one thing to say.

"If the dream appear again let me know and I see it for you." She said.

"Thank you Luna." Celestia said as Luna walk away to get her sleep.

A bit later Celestia sat on her throne and look over her studies to help Equestria live better when a royal guard walk in.

"Excuse me your highness.", He said and bow, "but there a new guard waiting for your judgement."

"I do not judge ponies but send him in." Celestia said.

"Yes your highness. GET IN HERE ROOKIE!" The guard said then shouted.

Celestia watch as a yellow-orange pegasus with a blue tail that look like Rainbow Dash, dress in the royal armor. He walk up and place the hoof to his head and kick his back hooves together but doing so cause him to fall on his side and his helmet ringing in his ears. Celestia couldn't help but to smile at the action. She knew that new guards always try to impress her by acting brave or doing something silly because they were afraid they'll mess up. She watch the stallion jump up and take off his helmet to stop the ringing in his ears showing he his mane that was also blue.

"What is your name?" She ask once the Stallion was ready.

"Flash Sentry your highness." He said and bow.

"Please call me Celestia. What bring you here to be a royal guard?" Celestia said then ask.

"I always want to protect my home. I want to help protect like the Pony Rangers has been doing." Flash said and place his helmet back on.

"Agh! Another one one that want to be like the rangers." The Guard said believing that he wanted to met the rangers.

"I don't want to be like the rangers, but I want to help them. I'll leave any monsters to them and help keep other ponies safe." Flash said clearing up why he join.

"I see, well then Flash Sentry, welcome to the Canterlot Royal Guards." Celestia said seeing he had lots of talent beside his cutie mark.

"Thank you, your highness...I mean Princess Celestia." Flash said and bow.

Meanwhile in a place far away from Canterlot,

A group of earth ponies was busy trying to remove extra rocks that was not suppose to be in farm. The are know as the Pie Family and they have a bit of history. Beside living on rock farm, three of the four Pies daughters where rangers themselves. Inkie and Blinkie Pies were members of the Lost Galaxy Rangers, both putting up their powers to living normal lives. One pie who doesn't not live there, Pinkie was the first pink ranger, Element Pink. When the two Pie sisters discover that their sister was a ranger they support Pinkie. When they became rangers they had a chance to see how Pinkie does it and they admit it wasn't easy but was able to keep their home safe and help a few ponies live on another planet without fear of attacks. The only Pie daughter that was not a ranger was Maud Pie. Maud was different then her sisters. She doesn't show much emotion like Pinkie and she look over her sisters in case they are in trouble. Maud was proud of her three sisters though, now that they were rangers they can watch over themselves. Still hearing about her sisters being rangers made her wonder what it would be like if she was a ranger too.

The only two Pies that had a little trouble about their three daughters being rangers was her parents. She heard that Pinkie found a new home and her parents try to take her away. Maud did not support that and was glad Pinkie had some place to stay. She kick an rock and it broke into small pieces that she pick up and move away. Maud stop and wipe her head. She look up into the sky and let smile come to her face.

Being a ranger does sound like fun. She thought.

Princess Cadence look over the Crystal Empire and smile. She was formerly the Pink Galaxy Ranger, and like Inkie and Blinkie, she put up her powers to rule it once more. Still she had fun being a ranger. She did wonder how her old team was doing. Still she was ready for any thing. She turn to see one of Crystal Pony Guard walk up to her.

"Yes?" She ask.

"I just wanted to let you know that the Crystal Fair is going as plan. It be ready shortly." He said.

"Thank you." Cadence said and walk away.

She soon was join by her husband Shining Armor, former Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger and now Mystic Ranger Yellow. He also the only Mystic Ranger to keep his powers since the other were rangers already and give their powers back when they save all of the magic from being remove.

"Is something wrong Cadence?" Shining ask.

"Not really, just missing my days as a ranger." She answer.

"I know that feeling, I miss my first powers before I got the one I have now." Shining said trying to tell her she wasn't lone.

"That because you kept them after the team gave their back." Cadence said rolling her eyes.

"Two were members was your Aunt Luna Lightspeed Rangers and the other two was your Aunt Celestia Element Rangers. They had their powers and couldn't keep them. Mom and Dad understood." Shining told her.

Cadence knew about her Aunts Rangers and was glad to work along side them. She did felt lonely though, she hope one day that she would become a ranger again.

Little did those five ponies know, that a new ranger team will be born and a new threat will attack.

In outer space a huge grey ship with cannons on the front and a symbol of a horse with swords behind it. Inside was a creature that look to be cross between insect and a robot. It name is Drain and he was draining live from each plan he been to and he reach Equestria and look over it.

"Hm, this planet is fill with life. It going to take days to drain this one.", He said as he look over it, "no matter. I'll do the same as the last few planets I drain dry."

He was soon join by black and yellow ponies with a silver head and holes in their faces. Drain turn to them and smile.

"Go and scare the ones on this planet so I can be ready to drain it." He order as they all bow and walk away.

Drain smile again thinking it was going to be easy, too bad his arrival alert somepony that was ready to fight him.

Far away from any city, town, village, caste, and so on. Sat a building that was cover in the mountains it sat on and a small changeling ran forward worry about what she pick up.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no!" She cry, "This is bad! We're doom!"

She was stop by a black Alicorn with a white mane and tail that reflect the light off them making him glow, same with his green eyes. His cutie mark was the shape of shooting star. He too had felt when the changeling did.

"Calm down Change. It appear that Equestria is in big danger and it doesn't look like the one now can't stop it." He said in a calm, deep voice.

"What do we do, Phantom Star?!" Change ask the Alicorn.

"I have no choice but to bring five ponies to deal with this threat and they have deal with threats before." He told her.

"What you mean we going to have..."Change started to ask.

"Yes, Change. We are going to have our own Pony Rangers." Phantom said.

He soon started to look for five ponies that he knew could stop the threat. He found the five in no time and ready the spell to being them.

Celestia was heading to the garden to get some air from the castle. Being a ruler was tough on her and Luna. She even saw Luna there and was quiet surprise.

"Luna? I thought you were sleeping?" She said as she walk next to her.

Luna turn to her and said, "I can not. For some reason something tell me that I must be awake. For I think something is amiss."

Celestia knew that there was something wrong, but she couldn't put her hoof on it. Before she could ask Luna about it, they were teleport away in a red and blue light.

Inside the Castle, Flash was ready for his first order for his job. He was ready to help defend his home and hope to work along side the Rangers as an ally. He just reach his station when he was teleport away in a black beam.

At the rock farm, the Pies was calling it a day and was heading inside. Maud stay outside a bit longer and look into the sky again. She thought about the time Pinkie show them that she was a ranger and the time that her others sisters show as well. She did hope that she could be one, but thought it was only a dream. She turn to walk inside before she was teleport away in a yellow beam.

In the Crystal Fair, Cadence walk around happy to see the Crystal Ponies enjoy their time. Many of them know about her status as a ranger and she had no problem with it. She soon walk out of the fair and was heading inside for some rest when she was teleport away in a pink beam.

All five ponies open their eyes to see that they were in some kind of cave and notices each other.

"Aunt Tia? Aunt Luna?" Cadence ask, surprise to see her aunts.

"Cadence? What are you doing here?" Luna ask.

"I would like to know where here is." Flash said looking around.

"Same here." Maud said in min-tone.

They five decide to look around first to figure out where they were and what was going on. They soon reach room that had five stands each with the color red, yellow, blue, pink, and black. Around them stood small figures of the Pony Rangers teams.

"What is this place?" Flash ask.

"And who are they?" Maud ask pointing to the figures.

"Those are the Pony Rangers that being around when ever there is danger." Celestia said remembering them from her dream.

"You are correct, Celestia." A voice over took them.

All five turn to see Phantom Star step out of the shadows.

"Who are you?" Luna ask.

"My name is Phantom Star. The first Alicorn to be know across Equestria." He said.

Both Celestia and Luna was surprise to hear that. They heard of legends about the first Alicorn and couldn't believe they were meeting him.

"So why did you being us here?" Cadence ask see her aunts shock looks.

"It very simple Cadence. A new danger threat has come to Equestria and I chose you five to protect it." Phantom explain.

"Us? But what can we do?" Flash ask.

"I'm sure you are familiar with a team know as the Pony Rangers?" Phantom ask back.

"Yes, my sisters are three of them." Maud said keeping her min-tone voice.

"And I'm a former member of a ranger team myself." Cadence said.

"Me and my sister created the first few Rangers teams." Luna added.

"Hold on! You and Princess Celestia made the first ranger team?" Flash ask surprise.

"Yes, Princess Celestia and Luna had made the In Space Rangers, Turbo Rangers, Lightspeed Rangers and the first Ranger team to ever exist, The Element Pony Rangers." Phantom explain for them.

Flash was completely shock. He never knew. Maud was also surprise to heard it as well.

"Now the reason why I'm making you rangers. I have pick up a dangerous power that has the power to drain all life from this planet and their only one I can think of that can do this, Drain, a alien who cares nothing for life. He has done it to multiple planets already and now this one is next." Phantom said letting it sink into their minds.

"So we have to fight him?" Cadence ask.

"And his legion of soldiers call Loogies." Phantom added.

They had to think about it. Celestia and Luna had deal with threats in the past. Cadence knew about the threats before as the Pink Galaxy ranger. Only Flash and Maud had no idea what they were up against. Phantom could tell that they were going to question him. He turn and nods in the shadows and Change walk out carry a box in her magic. Cadence was surprise to see a Changeling and back away.

"Don't fear, Change is a friendly changeling. I rise her to help others and not to feed off of love." Phantom said.

"I heard about what my kind did to yours. I hope we can get along." Change said knowing about Cadence wedding and how Celestia feels about Changelings.

Phantom open box and pull out five devices shape like head and symbol that match Celestia dream only together instead of apart.

"Celestia, like the time you met Zordon and learn about the morphing gird, I too met someone that told me about it. These are your Goesi Morphers. When in danger pull out your card and said 'Go! Go! Megaforce' and you will morph into the the Megaforce Pony Rangers." Phantom explain.

"Ugh, how do we know which call is ours?" Flash ask.

"Princess Luna, your time as Nightmare Moon has been a terrible past but you created the Lightspeed rangers to help any evil ponies or creatures to reform. Because of you will to show everypony who you are, you will be Megaforce Blue and control the Goesi Shark Mechazord."

Luna was cover in a blue light and and was dress in blue boots with black and gold straps. White pants that move up to her chest and cover in blue again her front hooves was cover in white with the same gold and black straps. Her helmet was also blue with black visor and some gold on her. The side of her helmet had shape of a shark. On her chest was one of the symbol pieces that look like an upside down wave. It even confront her horn and wings.

"Maud Pie, While caring for your sister even after discover about their Ranger duties, you still watch over them. You will be Megaforce Yellow and control the Goesi Tiger Mechazord."

Maud Pie was cover in a yellow light and was cover in the same suit as Luna only yellow. The side of her helmet had a tiger shape on it. Her piece of the symbol look like flower.

"Flash Sentry, You may just join the royal guards but your reason to join was enough to prove that you will be Megaforce Black and control the Goesi Snake Mechazord."

Flash was cover in the black light and soon had the some thing as Luna and Maud only black and a snake shape on his helmet. He share the same symbol as Maud. It even cover his wings in the same color.

"Cadence, You have been a ranger before and know a lot about the dangers you have face. You have great courage to take up as Megaforce Pink and control the Phoenix Mechazord."

Cadence was cover in a Pink light and like the others, was wearing the some thing only Pink, her helmet had a Phoenix shape on it and the symbol piece look close to a pair of wings. Her own wings and horn was cover as well.

"Celestia, You and I have know about the Morphing when we travel to the Power Rangers dimension. Because of that you made the first Pony Rangers team and I name you the leader of this team as Megaforce Red and you control the Dragon Mechazord.

Like the others, Celestia was cover in a red light and soon appear in the same suit as the others only red, with a Dragon head shape on her helmet and share the same symbol as Cadence. He horn and wing was cover in the same color as well.

"Remember there are rules about being a ranger. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence already know about the rules but for the two that don't, you must follow them or you will lose your power. First, never use your power unless your force too. Second, never use you power for dark gain and finally, tell no pony of your duties as a ranger." Phantom explain to them.

Maud and Flash nods, know that they were trust with the power to help Equestria.

Then Change pick up something.

"Phantom Star! I just pick up some Loogies attacking Canterlot!" She said.

"Rangers, you must hurry and stop the threat. If Drain get this planet life then all is lost." Phantom said.

"We won't let you down." Celestia said.

Phantom nods and teleport them back to Canterlot. Seeing that he pick the right ponies to be his rangers.

Soon the five appear in Canterlot and saw the damage. Celestia even spotted a few ponies helping others out of broken stand and small bits of rubble. She walk up to one and use her magic to lift some rubble away. Luna and Cadence did the same as Maud broke them with her hooves. Flash did his best to help when he was surprise by a Loogie!

Flash jump back and duck before turning around and buck it. He was caught off guard when another hit him. Maud notices it and ran to help. She started to use her front hooves push back on the Looige before she felt her tail get grab and throw away. Luna turn and was surprise by a few of them that attack her. However from watching her own rangers train, Luna was ready. She block one and kick it away before punching another. She took some down but was hit and was knock near the others. Cadence was already fighting some Loogies and thanks to her time as ranger before, she was taking them down, but she soon learn that the Loogies was different then the Instors she fought. She was caught off ground and was knock near the others. Celestia was able to get other ponies to safely and fought off the Loogies as well. Like Luna, she had watch her rangers fight and soon was fighting them off, however, she didn't get much of a chance to train and was grab and throw back to the others.

"Ok, these things are tough." Flash said.

Celestia couldn't help but to notices that what happening felt familiar. She then remember something, she reach down and pull out the Goesi Morpher.

"Phantom give us these morphers to defend our home. Let us them!" She said and the others nods.

They all stood on their back hooves and open the bottom parts of their morphers. Then they pull out their cards that had their ranger forms on it. They place the card in and move their hooves until the moprher was in front of them.

"GO! GO! MEGAFORCE!" They shouted and close the bottom.

One by one, a piece of the symbol move to their chest and cover them in the suit leaving their heads uncover until their animal symbols cover their heads. The five Rangers stood ready to fight and Celestia happen to notices that she was the same size as the others. She didn't worry about it and the five started their role call.

"Bite if the Shark! Megaforce Blue!" Luna shouted and flap her wings as if she was trying to make the wind move as waves before she lower her horn ready to charge.

"Claw if the Tiger! Megaforce Yellow!" Maud shouted and buck the air behind before standing ready to fight.

"Venom of the Snake! Megaforce Black!" Flash shouted and did quick loops before readying himself to fight.

"Flames of the Phoenix! Megaforce Pink!" Cadence shouted and hover in the air and ready herself to charge as well. She had a feeling it was going to be like old times.

"Fury of the Dragon! Megaforce Red!" Celestia shouted as her horn glow and she aim it at the Loogies.

"Equestria Defenders, Never Surrender! Pony Rangers Megaforce!" They all shouted.

The rangers charge at the Loogies and the fight was different the before. Luna charge in and punch one Loogie down and kick another.

"I can't believe this! I had made a ranger team but I never dream of becoming a Ranger!" She said showing a different side of her as she block and kick back a Loogie.

"Been a ranger has it up and down Aunt Luna. Remember, I'm a former ranger." Cadence said as she knock down a dew Loogies with a spin kick.

"Now I know how my sisters felt when they become rangers!" Maud shouted, letting her emotions show now that no one can see them as she punch back a Loogie the kick another.

"It safe to say that being a ranger wasn't what I had in mind, but if this is to help protect our home, then I'll help in any way!" Flash said as she block two Loogies and punch them away after finding an opening.

"True I made the first Ranger Team, but now I see that being a ranger is different then making them." Celestia said and blast a few with her horn before kicking a Loogie that charge at her.

The Loogies try to stop them and was defeat. The Megaforce Rangers regroup and stood tall. A new team was here and they were ready to protect their home.

"Pony Rangers, That was Mega win." Celestia said as the Loogies disappear.

"What?! This can't be! The planet is fighting back?!" Drain shouted when he watch his Loogies fall to the Megaforce Rangers.

"This isn't over. I will destroy all that oppose me." Drain said and started to plan his next move.

Soon the Megaforce Rangers appear back in what Phantom Call his own Command Center.

"A job well done Rangers. You have stop Drain for now, but he will return. Of course, if you feel un-up to the challenge you can leave at any time." Phantom said.

"I can speak for me and my sister that as rulers of Equestria, we will help as Rangers and maybe one day fight along side our Rangers." Luna said showing that she ready to help.

"When my sisters become rangers, I couldn't stop stop thinking about what it would be like been a ranger. From what they told me, it not easy but that the duties of a ranger." Maud said smiling.

"I am surprise to be a ranger, as I said before, being a ranger wasn't something I was hoping for, but I will protect Equestria." Flash said.

"I don't know, My mane does get tangled in my new helmet." Cadence said thinking about it.

All, but Celestia, look her in confusion.

Cadence smiles and said, "Kidding! I'm ready to help. I just couldn't get over missing my old powers and now I can help again."

Then Celestia laugh. She laugh so hard that tears form in her eyes.

"I finally know why this is all familiar! It the same way when I first made my team of Rangers!" She said through her laughter.

"I see we have something in commend.", Phantom smile, "However, you all don't have to be near each other if there a threat. Your morphers will contact you if there danger and will teleport you to the others to fight the monsters. If you come across any ranger teams, help them the best you can."

The five nods and were teleport out of the Command Center.

"You sure you don't want to tell them about the Keys?" Change ask.

"This threat is not that dangerous Change, but if it become worst then they will use them." Phantom said knowing that the keys was a last line of defense.

Author's Note:

That the start of my Pony Rangers Megaforce team. agent_cupcakes, I'm sorry but I use the same dream that you use in your sneak peek in your Pony Rangers story. But I will tell you that it the only thing I need. This is one of the many ranger team that got change base I what got and heard. There was change for Megaforce Yellow. At first Twilight was going to be the yellow ranger but thinking back to the ranger teams I put her on, I decide that she been on enough ranger teams and was replace with Maud Pie.

Also thinking about the rangers teams had made me think how they are going to work. From the Element Pony Rangers to Pony Rangers In Space is going to be the Mane Six Era. From Pony Rangers Jungle Fury to Pony Rangers RPM is going to be the CMC Era. Remember the CMC teams are in different order. The rest 11 teams are the Background/Side ponies Era.

You may also notices that a few ponies I put in here are former rangers or a ranger that still has his/her powers. When I get to their stories it will be explain how they got their powers and who was members of the team. Also the ship that I mention, yeah I need something better. If you got one please tell and I'll credit you for the idea.

I also use the same enemies, zords, morphers, and suits from the show. I also explain the suit the best I could when I look them up. What do you think? I wanted to start this at the same time as the Return of the Element Rangers, but didn't have a plot until now.

Comments ( 61 )

y u no make maud black?

4332917 When I was first giving the team, the person had Flash Sentry as Black so I went with Maud being yellow.

4332926 I just think maud would fit as black because in the japanese version, Tensou Sentai Goseiger, Goseiblack had the land power of rocks. You could've even had her name the black snake zord "Boulder two". It kind of fits her character, don't you think?

4333051 I see, well just hope you are Ok with this. With 20 rangers teams it hard to keep up with who on what team and how the person wants it.

very awesome chapter! It was also a good choice to choose Celestia as the Red Ranger:twilightsmile:

4333511 Well she did make the first ranger team. Of course she fit the red ranger and, except for Maud, the team was actually another person idea, his name is powerponies101 and I know he on Fanfaction.

"My name is Phantom Star. The first Alicorn to be know across Equestria."

I thought the first alicorn was Lauren Faust. :rainbowlaugh:

Overall, a pretty nice chapter. I personally think writers and animators giving Maud emotion in their creations is becoming a bit overused, but that's okay. :unsuresweetie: Nice choise with the villain, by the way. My villain is literally the equivalent of an internet troll who has magic, an army, and a desire to destroy Equestria and all worlds like it. (At least, for my normal Megaforce season...)

As I've said, very nice chapter. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

Oh, and about the dream at the beginning, I suppose I'll give you that as well. However, I will say that I'm thinking of removing those robot trash bins and replacing them with a different kind of army...

Comment posted by Lance Skyes deleted May 6th, 2014
Comment posted by Lance Skyes deleted May 6th, 2014

4344703 Lauren Faust are fans idea since she made Friendship is Magic and is a real person got to do something different you know, plus your using her in you Megaforce story. Also the same comment appear three times. So I got rid of two for you.

4344748 I apologize for the comments. My computer did a... weird thing. :pinkiecrazy:

Also yeah, you do have a point there. :twistnerd:

4344758 Happens to me too. :twilightblush:

I already plan on have the next chapter crossover the Megaforce Rangers and the Element Rangers. Why?, because unlike power coins, the Elements can't be destroy. Drain and weaken yes, but destroy, no.:trixieshiftleft:

4344778 Sounds good. :moustache:

I'm still debating over whether or not my Elements of Harmony will be destroyed of if they'll be given to the Tree of Harmony.

4344926 Don't destroy them, giving them to the tree is fine. You know, in case they ever need the again or you going to have whatever is in that box from the show for them.

4345002 How is the next chapter for Season Two coming? My next chapter needs a monster and I'm good to go.

4345015 At a bit of a roadblock. I'll PM you about it if you're willing to help. :eeyup:

4354710 Ok, I on a road block too. By the way my Pony Rangers Meet the Power Ponies is already up. Just one chapter and I already got 11 likes and 2 dislikes.

4354725 Maybe was can help each other with our season two's. Send me a PM so I can see what I can do.

4363035 I think I sent one the other day. Not sure if you got it, though. :unsuresweetie:

4364391 No, there was nothing in my PM.

4364401 Okay. Let me try to resend it then.

i have an idea for united we stand when you get to it and last laugh

4376622 Well why do you tell me now? Any ideas will be a great help to move on with the story.

sorry any this monster/alien based on a Pharaoh from Egypt controls Celestia Luna and cadence and meanwhile flash is acting like a jerk because of some gas or needles in his back or neck also in last laugh Maud the only one who dose not laugh and flash dose he gets caught by an alien named jokester then Luna and cadence get hit with tickle wind and you know what happens to Celestia and near the end only Maud and shining can stop jokester

4437562 Hm, true it might be some time to get there but I think about them. Though Celestia laughing at where the monster does you know what sounds a bit odd to me. But again give me time, other ideas are welcome and Yes the Megaforce Pony Rangers will meet the Megaforce Power Rangers later in this story.

okay also you should do the element pony and power rangers samurai team up base it of of hurricanger vs gaoranger

4437626 Are you going to ship Maud and Flash?

never watch this Power Rangers be for so this will be all new and i wont be able to finger out what is the same or new but i like it so far :twilightsmile:

4544457 You know that Celestia not only a ranger in this, but she the one that created the Element Pony Rangers and Pony Rangers In Space!

4544465 yes i know i read that from the other stores and this one and i can tell you are making them all part of each other

4544465 when r u going to add more chapters:twilightsmile: I've seen all of the power rangers megaforce episodes and super mega force episodes:raritystarry:

5311593 I do plan on it. Just not sure when I'll get back to it.

5311701 pleaaaaaase:fluttercry: try because I love this story:heart:

5311736 Well, my second chapter is have the Element Pony Rangers appear. I also want to get caught up on my other Pony Rangers stories as well.

5311762 ok but I can t wait:raritystarry:

"Claw if the Tiger! Megaforce Yellow!" Maud shouted

:rainbowlaugh: Oh fuck me...

How is it not possible to read this in a really loud monotoned voice?!

5359079 I whondered about that too:twilightsheepish:

5370186 What? Maud face was cover, so she could let her feelings out.

5370213 oh:pinkiesad2:sorry I was talking with 5359079 :twilightsheepish:

5370323 I know, I just thought I clear it up a bit.

5370381 yeah I guess it did.:twilightblush:

5370381 but I hope it dosen t get canceled like the blind trust story its real sad:fluttercry::fluttercry:

5370381 when r u going to continue the story i'm starting to become impationt:facehoof:

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