• Published 1st May 2014
  • 488 Views, 7 Comments

Opposite World - slothhugz

The adventures of Derpy and Dr.Whooves. How did They end up in a different world? Who were they? Aren't their friends worried about them? Find out if you read my story Opposite World

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Hold Fast

When Derpy woke up the next morning, like usual Dr. Whooves was gone at work. So Derpy decided she would go for her usual walk. She wanted to go somewhere different than where she normally goes. So she thought about for a while. Then she decided she wanted to go to the back of some sort of jewerly shoppe. No one goes there and there is a huge pond there that for some reason no one notices. Derpy had gone there once with her friend Rainbowdash, and she remembered she had enjoyed it and but never thought about it again until now.

Once she got there she was so delighted that she had chosen to go there instead of what she normally does.

" I forgot how beautiful it was!" Derpy exclaimed exitedly.

She found a small pile of stones that she could toss in the water for amusement. So she picked one up and thew it so it would smoothly glide against the rim of the water.

"Yay!, I actually skipped the stone that I threw!" Derpy pronounced. Derpy had always wanted to skip stones in the waters since she was a little girl. But she rarely had the change to go by lakes or ponds in her childhood. And the few times she actually did she always tried but could never get the stones or rocks to glide smoothly along the water.

After that she lied down next to the waters where there was a tiny patch of sand that was just the right size for her to lay on. She thought about all of her long life and how greatful she is about how good her life has been. The one thing that made her life so wonderful was that she got to marry the perfect match. . . Dr. Whooves. Then she wished that he could be right here with her at the beautiful pond.

After laying down on the patch of sand staring into the sky. She suddenly realized that the sky was turning yellow, orange, ad red.

"Oh no! It's sunset, Dr. Whooves will arrive at the house any second now."

Derpy quickly gathered all her thing that she brought with her to the pond, and left as soon as she could. All though she would have like to stayed at the pond all night. She had to go home and greet Dr. Whooves. She would not want to worry him or anything like that. So Derpy left.

When she got home she was glad to see that Dr. Whooves was not home yet so she didn't have to worry about anything. Derpy didn't now what to do so she quickly changed in to her pajamas and turned on the lamp to make it look like she was reading.

Derpy loved her pajamas. They had light blue fuzzy cotton to start with, and they also have light yellow swirls on it. Derpy also like swirls. She thinks that they have great potential and that they also look great on her. Then last but not least, the pajamas have Derpy's favorite food on it. MUFFINS! Derpy really like muffins. She had them for almost everyone of her meals. Blueberry muffins for breakfast. Apple muffins for lunch. And also cranberry muffins for dinner.

Suddenly, Dr. Whooves walked through the door that it almost made Derpy jump out of her chair. Dr. Whooves walked over and leaned in for a kiss, so Derpy did the same. Then She remembered suddenly that she should show her husband the place by the pond. So that's what she did. It did not take much to convince him so it did not take a while before they were standing next to each other and skipping rocks.

When they were done skipping rocks they both shared the same patch of sand that Derpy liked. It was about midnight so there were many stars out. They looked at the stars and pointed many constolations out to each other too. Then both Derpy and Dr. Whooves saw a shooting star and they made a wish. . . they both wished that they could be in a different word, and that they could have thumbs. . . The human world.

Suddenly both of them heard a swishing sound. They looked at the pond and it was swirling around like a sociopath. Then they saw inside of it and they were sucked in to it. They didn't know where they were going but they had a bad feeling about it. Then they both felt really hazy and soon they saw nothing but darkness.

When Derpy and Dr. Whooves woke from what ever had happened. They saw fluttershy, rainbowdash, applejack, rarity, pinkiepie, and twilight sparkle standing in front of them flummoxed. Except one little problem they were humans.

" What is happening?" Derpy asked.

" It don't know either but I guess we will just have to hold fast."

Comments ( 3 )
Comment posted by slothhugz deleted May 2nd, 2014

This is really interesting! I hope to see more soon! Cause I totally love this!

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