• Published 11th May 2012
  • 1,100 Views, 33 Comments

Adventures in College - rainbow dagger

a man goes to collage and gets more then he bargened for

  • ...

Fight Club

(soarin’s' thoughts)
/spitfire's thoughts\
<my thoughts>

after hours worth of sleep I woke to find rainbow laying on top of me sleeping

<alright me and her need to have some personal space talk>

/I agree she gets way to close for comfort\

(I don't know I kinda like it)

<dude you like any reason to get close to a girl>

I carefully got out from under rainbow and got up from the couch and I turned around and looked at her

<well at least she had the decency to put some clothes on>

(I liked it better when she was naked)

/of course you would, you’re a fucking perv, as for me on the other hand it's just awkward\ I walked to my room and took take a shower when I finished I went to my bag and got some clothes on, a pair of pants that had two different color fabric, left green right red, that are separated by a stitching down the crotch, and just a black shirt with long white sleeves, and I looked at the clock and it said 10:43

(dude where are we going)

<out to get a drink> then I walked out on rainbow watching TV

"rainbow" she looked at me "we need to have a talk about personal space"

"ok whatever, where are you going?"


"can I go?" I heard a whishing sound

(come on dude let her go with us)

"no" I turned around and saw rainbow who happen to change clothes, she had a loose fitting neon green shirt, in which you obviously could see her bra, if she was wearing one, and a pair pink pants

"to late" and she walked out the door

(dam she's fast)

/I have to concur with my brother on this one\

"dam" and I followed her out the door

after we got to the parking lot she "so where's your car?"

"that one" and I pointed at my car and when she saw it her mouth dropped

she shook her head and regained her senses "is that what I think it is"

"that depends, because I Know it's four-twelve"

"don't get snarky with me but that is the ride we're taking" she was drooling just to touch the car

"yes and you can get in since your coming as well" and she just ran to the car and got In and I got to my side got in and drove off "know any good clubs or bars"

"in fact I do it's called 'The F-bomb'"


"why is it called that and why not just say the fuck"

"I really don't know but whatever the reason the place is decent for a club" after that we had an awkward silence for a couple minutes then I decided to say something, besides the directions

"so how were you able to change so fast I mean one second you where sitting on the couch with a shirt and shorts and the next you looked like that"

"well they don't call me the queen of speed for nothing, right here"

(in more ways than one)

/soarin' when a girl is early to orgasm that’s fine, but when a guy is early that's pretty bad\

<spitfire it's bad when both sexes cum early>

"so next question is why do you want to fuck me?"

"I really don't know there is just something about you that I like maybe it's the hair, maybe your style, but whatever it is I just want to fuck you, left here"


"last left and it's right there" and she pointed to a old brick building that had a old bomb that had a red F spray painted in the side and there where colored strobe lights, or what I believed where strobe lights, at the door

"so where do I park"

"in the back" I proceeded to go to the back and when I parked she started to take out glow sticks out of her pocket and gave some to me

"why are you giving me these" and I just gave a confused look

"because tonight’s DJ you need glow sticks just to get in"

"fine just put some in the glove box for next time" she started to open the glove box and she put the sticks in but something caught my eye "hey what’s that?" and she grabbed what looked like a envelope and she gave it to me I opened it and it had a credit card in it and a letter It said:

Dear Sean,

If you are reading this than I am dead and I drove myself off a cliff but I would like to say I thank you for everything that you have done for me and all the support you have given me and we both know my family hated me so I thank you for being my first friend and only friend so I gave you my car and I hope you enjoy it because no one in my family deserves to have it and on the card is a couple million dollars on it, it is all signed with your name and info and the pin is 4920 don't ask how I got your info just be thankful I gave to you because you deserve to have it so in conclusion I thank you and we will see each other soon

your best pal, Church

"you crazy bastard I sure do miss you but what do you mean you will see me soon but any ways thanks"

/we all do\

<he was the first one I told about you two> I saw rainbow reading over my shoulder "rainbow this is private"

"sorry but who was he?"

"A friend so let’s go shall we" and we got out of the car and walked to the door with the lit glow sticks on us and the beat of the music was getting louder as we got closer to the door then when we got to the door there was a bouncer there and he let us pass through and when we got inside it was all quiet and pitch black besides all the glow sticks that people were wearing

"what’s happening rainbow?"

"shhh there changing DJ" just then the lights flashed on and different were strobe all around and the stage light went on and very loud, loud enough to feel it through the floor, dub step started playing it was shown on a guy with a oversized headphones on "damit it's not her"

"who exactly"

"DJ-PON3 she is the best DJ in the city well I gonna have some fun I will see you later" and she ran off

<well what should we do>

(the same thing we came here to do, drink)

<right> and I started to make my way to the bar and when I got there I took a seat

"well what can I get you?" the bartender said

"just a beer" then the lady opened the bottle and tried to give it to me but I was distracted by another girl at the bar with a blue hair with neon blue streaks and had purple goggles on

"sir your beer"

"thank you" and I grabbed the beer and I walked to the girl and sat next to her and said "fuck me if I'm wrong I don't believe we have met"


/god that sucked\

"well then" she turned to me "take off your pants and let’s get started"


"I'm sorry what" and I just sat there in shock

"you heard me take off those Christmas pants" I looked down at my pants then I looked back at her and saw that she took off her goggles and saw those beautiful crimson red eyes

"vinyl scratch, I never thought I would see you again" and we hugged and then we started to make out

when we finished she said "by the way you said the line wrong" I took a swig of my beer with vinyl still in my arms

"oh ya how does the line go"

"it goes ' fuck me if I'm wrong but I believe we've met"

just then rainbow walked up and said "wow not even ten minutes and you all ready have girls hitting on you"

I jumped at the sound of her voice “holy crap, you scared the crap out of me by the way she is an old friend from high school"

"who's your friend rainbow"

"vinyl this is rainbow dash my roommate" then I swear I saw a light bulb shine above her head

"well dashie I will call you... well dashie and my friend here rainbow ok since that was my nickname for him" vinyl said in a seductive voice

"wait you name was rainbow too, cool and vinyl only one person is allowed to call me dashie" rainbow spat back

"by the way can you ask her something" she gave a sly grin

"what" and I looked in her eyes and knew what she was talking about "no I am not asking her that"

"aw come on she's feisty I like that" she gave another sly grin

"dude I just met her, like not even 10 hours ago"

"and within that 10 hours you brought her here" she just rolled her eyes

"no she brought me here"

"well I believe she deserves a reward for bring us together again"

"wait you two were dating" rainbow interjected

(wait this is your ex-girlfriend, sweet)

"yep dashie, now rainbow ask her"

"fine I will ask her rainbow" she looked at me "do you want to have a three-way with us"

"what’s in for me"

"*sigh* you get to fuck me"

"YES" and rainbow's eyes grew twice the size they originally were

"cool well I will meet you guys after my shift and rainbow I have something planed for you" and she ran off

(I wonder what that plan is)

<knowing her it could be anything>

just then a spot light hit the stage and it was vinyl at the booth and vinyl said "HELLO EVERYBODY" there was a large yell across the club "MISS ME BECAUSE I MISSED ALL OF YOU AND SORRY FOR THE DELAY OF ME BUT I JUST GOT BACK WITH MY BOYFRIEND" she pointed at me and the spotlight shown on me and at the time I was taking a drink of my beer and when t he spotlight hit me I did a spit take "SAY HELLO RAINBOW" and there was a roar of laughter

I just waved "COME ON YOU GET UP HERE" there was a path made to the stage and I slowly made my way there "COME ON BABY GET UP HERE" I got to the stage and I was standing next to vinyl and she kissed me and I returned the kiss "NOW LETS GIVE IT UP FOR OUR NEXT CONTESTENT"

"wait contestant I didn't sign up for anything" I tried to argue with no success

/oh shit's just got real\

(hey I was gonna say that)

/you snooze you lose\

"AND HIS COMBATTANT IS..." and there was a large wheel was spinning and it stopped on a small sliver of the wheel and the club went silent "oh shit"

"wait what does that mean does that mean I win"

"no unfortunately it's the exact opposite your fighting the biggest guy in the roster" she got back on the mike and said "HIS COMBATTANT IS 'THE TITAN" slowly a cage rose from the ground and a giant was in said cage he had scars all across his body and he had a giant hammer in his hand

"dam he's huge vinyl rules of the fight"

(no kidding)

"two, no guns and no rules, but you can back out so please do" she was begging

"are you kidding me of course I fight this will be easy" and I cracked my knuckles and took off my shirt and got the mike and said "YOU ALL WANT TO SEE A FIGHT WELL YOU GOT ONE" and there was a roar of happiness and I made my way to the cage "vinyl play the song monster when the fight starts"

when I go to the door I saw rainbow and she said "don't do this I would like to fuck you in one piece please"

"trust me I will be fine" and made out with her and when I finished I walked in the cage and went face to face to the monster and the bell rang and the song started playing and the giant hit me with his hammer and it broke a couple of ribs but healed before I hit the fence

"that's it keep in hitting me because you can’t hurt me" and I charged the monster with a chainsaw and slid under his legs and jumped on his back and slid back down with chainsaw in his back and he screamed in pain but when I look back to see what damage I have done I saw nothing

"what the fuck, that was a real chainsaw right" he turned around and tried to hit me with his fist but I just moved out of the way

/ya that was a real chainsaw\ then I dogged the hammer hit but instead got kicked in the face, smashing it in, and hit the fence hard and the chain link cut my skin but my face and back quickly

"all right how do we beat someone that heal just as fast as us" I got a large bowie knife and made many large cuts to the monster but they just healed up

(knock him out) me and spitfire were kinda surprised at his comment and with soarin's distracting comment the giant managed to grab my leg and swing me around like a flail and bashed my body in the ground repeatedly and with 5 bashes he let go and turned around raised his arms in triumph and roared

"ow" I slowly got up and began rubbing my head "thanks for giving him a distraction dumbass"

(sorry but why can't we just knock him out like we were back at the room, I'm just saying) I got back in my feet and charged the monster

/wow that's actually a good Idea\ I jumped on his back and formed a sickle

"that may be a good idea but I got a better one" I put the sickle at his neck I winked at vinyl and pulled the sickle through his neck effectively cutting the monsters head off and it just rolled off and with the blood spurting everywhere, me, the floor and the crowd, and the carcass just fell to the floor

(now what are you gonna do)

<you'll see> I walked out of the cage grabbed rainbow dragged her on stage with me and vinyl and started making out with both of them on stage

/you have no self esteem do you\

<shut the fuck up this is my moment> and at this moment the cage went down and I stopped making out with the two girls on stage and yelled "DRINKS ON THE HOUSE" then there was an uproar of happiness and I couldn’t tell whether it was from the fight or the free drinks maybe it was both

then vinyl grabbed the mike and said "I WOULD LIKE TO CONGRATULATE RAINBOW DAGGER FOR BEING THE FIRST PERSON TO FINALY BEAT THE TITAN AND NOW THE HE IS NOW THE ULTIMATE FIGHTER" and there was another roar from the crowd, vinyl turned to me and said "bathrooms in the back, your gonna want to wash all that blood off your face because you are gonna get wasted with all the drinks people gonna offer you"

"good to know" so I walked to the bathroom and washed my face

when I finished I was walking back but I heard a scream but it was muffled quickly behind one of the doors and when I got closer to the door then I heard "you stupid bitch do you realize someone could have heard that scream, looks like I have to teach you how to be quiet"

/sounds like rape\

(oh ya how can you tell)

/because I happen to know the difference between a scream of fear and a scream of pleasure\

<good enough for me>

after hearing that I knocked on the door and the guy said "shit WHAT DO YOU WANT"

"I WAS JUST WONDERING IS THIS ROOM USED" and the guy got annoyed and opened the door and I hit him in the face and he just landed on his ass a few feet from where he was standing and I saw a girl on the bed tied up and gagged and tears were flowing down her face and she had light green hair and a white stripe down the middle and had her pants taken off and her shirt ripped and then the guy got back up and charged me and I grabbed his neck when he got to me "all right you little dirt bag I am not gonna tell anyone but if I catch you doing this again I will break every single bone in your body, individually" when I finished he just gulped and I slammed him in the ground cracking the concrete on impact and he just got up and scurried away

"are you ok?" as I was untying the rope and gag on the girl

"yes I'm fine thanks to you I'm lyra and you are?" as she was rubbing her wrist from her the rope

"I'm sean question" she started to get her pants on

"yes" we started to walk back to the dance floor

"would you like to meet DJ PON3?" and her eyes just lit up "I take that as a yes well follow me" and we walked to the back stage stare case and saw vinyl still at the booth and my and lyra sat next to rainbow on the couch on the side of the of the stage that was hidden from view from the floor and I saw a table full of full shots

"rainbow what are all these shots for?"

"they’re for you for winning the fight" ad she grabbed a shot and downed it

"cool" and I grabbed one as well

"now who you friend"

"oh I'm lyra" and she tried to grabbed one as well but rainbow stopped her

then I whispered to rainbow "she was almost raped and I allowed her to come back stage with me"

"oh that makes sense, then enjoy lyra" and lyra grabbed a shot

after all of a night of shots I woke up to find both rainbow and vinyl grabbing my arms "what an awesome night"

and I fell back asleep

I need OC for later chapters so if you want your OC in my story please PM me thank you

Comments ( 6 )


A. I bet you haven't heard of the car

B. can you put that in the 'Shit I All Ready Know' file and thanks I need a proof reader

C. in both real life and the story

D.whitch one

and I see you finaly read the story

806081 I kinda read it. Also. Church. As in Leonard Church?

I believe the line is Could you put that in the memo and entitle it SHIT I ALREADY KNOW!?

I still find this story extremely absurd.

And the sister i was talking about was the one who gave you the applejack. No one ever gives me ponies.:raritycry:

806239 I am horrable at coming up with names so church was the best I could come up with and its his first name


good to know and diddo for yours

I made her the nice sister and the other sister sorta a bitch but still family

806267 yea but my story is SUPPOSED to be ridiculous.

806287 and my isn't dude I can create wepons with a thought and I can grow back any thing ,pride limbs energy, any thing you can think of and thats not ridicoulous come on man

Comment posted by MoonFlare deleted May 26th, 2013
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