• Published 14th Apr 2014
  • 2,000 Views, 29 Comments

Snips and Snails have Sexy Time with Silver Spoon. Very nice, you like! - Facemelt91

A romantic tale of epic proportions sees the intrepid heroes, Snips and Snails, embark on a sexually fuelled conquest of the fair maiden, Silver Spoon, in this truly remarkable story of struggle, woe and eventual victory.

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Comments ( 14 )

4236584 < this guy frightens me sometimes...

Well, it's official. This piece of utter plottless garbage has more views than a story about Pinkie Pie's suicide.

Fimfiction, what is wrong with you?


In this context, a "gout" of anything is a highly concentrated liquid volume. If you were to sever someone's carotid artery, huge gouts of blood would erupt from it. Might be a British term.

Thanks also for the comment - the story itself is exactly as you say, plotless smut :P

You need to decide what sort of attention you want. If you want views, write plotless clop with provocative titles. If you want upvotes, write about pointless happiness and fuzziness. If you want downvotes, write disgusting trollfics.

As to Pinkie Pie's Suicide, it's a bit too OOC and too sad for most people, judging merely by the title. Bronies are asocial sickos who find pleasure in clopping to like watching cartoon for little girls about happy ponies, but you write a story about the most happy pony dying from depression and expect a lot of views, really? If you worry about stats so much, consider writing something more popular, clop or not. And most importantly, all positive stats (views, upvotes and watches) increase when you improve quality of your writing.


Hehe, sounds like there is an expectation to conform to a particular genre if you want to get noticed! Truth is, I'm not really writing for any attention or purpose (okay, maybe with this story). Pinkie's Suicide is a genuine, serious attempt at fanfic writing, this is just a trollfic I put on for the lols. I'm not really worried about stats, I'm just experimenting. I figured if its good, it will get noticed. Which is why I can't understand why this shit is more popular than Pinkie's suicide!

I didn't really expect a lot of views on Pinkie's suicide based on its content, but the quality of the writing is definitely better than this trash. I just think it's funny that it's more popular :P

Also, I want to call you out on saying depression is OOC for Pinkie Pie. I don't agree and I think that there are a lot of suggestive undertones in the canon that could be used to imply otherwise.

Looking through your suicide story. I'm at chapter 3 and I still don't see the reason for Pinkie's breakdown. Does it even exist? I see a very detailed suicide scene, I see fucked up treatment, I see Dash being the only one bothering to visit Pinkie... The story isn't dark in a sensible way, I just can't take it seriously, especially with all those "replies" from Pinkie.

I can't force myself to read it. It's too damn boring. I don't know in what state if mind I need to be to enjoy reading it.


Well, thanks for the feedback. You are of course, entitled to your views. I think if you were to read on, your opinion may change, but that's entirely up to you.

Also, just to pick your brains: does there always have to be a reason for depression? (Yes, Pinkie has one, a genuine one, which is explained via a number of clues throughout the story, but very often it can present itself without a clear reason)

My poor foalcon folder! :raritydespair:

4237218 I like your story.  Why does it have down votes?

Because people dislike honest clop.

Seriously guys, you can squirt a turd with perfume, but at the end of the day, it's still a turd.

Did u see an antho tags mutha faka?!! Dis bich hassss hannnndss 4 hoooves dont question ittttssss now im gonna go getsss highhhh hafta i chugs this bottle of rubbing alcohol and finish sniffing dis paintsss........


Titles mean nothing. I thought that was a joke him actually using her shit for toothpaste, good GAWD!:pinkiesick::pinkiesick::pinkiesick:

(taken from story description)

In an alternate universe, a (much older) Snips and Snails are chefs working in a hotel which may or may not be owned by Silver Spoon's father. Imagine if you will, please, that all of the characters are being voiced by a fat geordie dude who lives in his mother's basement (not me, I'm not a fucking geordie)

they're adults..... fictional adults of questionable species with constantly changing anatomy (see my previous comment)

That was some serious meta corpse raping going on.

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