• Published 2nd Apr 2014
  • 376 Views, 4 Comments

Acheron's Call: Chronicles of a God - Talon19912

A betrayal by a close friend leads one individual down the path of a greater destiny

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Chapter 1: A new god on the block

Chapter: 1

Location: Unknown
Planet: Unknown
Month: Unknown
Day: Unknown
Year: Unknown

Darkness and Pain, that’s all he knew as he floated in the void. As Warrior of Light Talon had a connection to his universe that gave him the powers he wielded. Unfortunately he felt that connection vanish a short while ago, that could only mean one thing his universe no longer existed, his powers would cease to be, or should he say that’s what should have happened, just as he felt his powers vanish they suddenly reappeared, only they felt different stronger for some reason, It confused him greatly, until he realized what that meant, Darkness doesn’t exist, or if it did it would be on such a small scale it shouldn’t even matter Light dominated this new universe. He was filled with a sense of calm, for a moment at least. Then he felt it a dark taint that existed just underneath the light. Coming from a small planet in which it’s sun and moon orbited it. He felt true light and darkness in such perfect balance on this planet, even though that dark taint existed. He pushed through the darkness towards the feeling. His body was in extreme pain with every movement, still he pushed onward, and then he felt a tug in his mind, a familiar presence, he recognized it immediately as his own power only they were smaller, almost unformed; They? That wasn’t right. There should be only one source of light, then he realized again, in a world that tis dominated by light it wasn’t uncommon for two sources of light to form, however that makes any darkness that much more powerful even if it was miniscule by comparison.

He push the towards the light ever harder, as he realized darkness was growing all the faster, though it wasn’t inherently evil darkness was dangerous, it feeds off of negative emotions and gets stronger as a result, jealousy, anger, hatred, lust, greed, fear these all feed darkness until it grows a mind of its own, that was how Nemesis came to be, it fed off of Darksabers’ own darkness and grew a sentience and began to act on its own that is why only Darksaber could defeat it.

Talon struggled forth on his path towards those feelings until he felt them all the stronger, he was here. Now to observe, which he did. The people of this planet; or should he say ponies of this planet. They were an innocent race, knowing almost nothing of darkness itself, which was a blessing and also a curse. A curse because when darkness is introduced there is no telling what could happen.

He watched this world go by for many years the lights were getting stronger, they would be born soon. He had long ago tracked down the source of these lights, a young unicorn filly with a white coat and a pink mane by the name of Gaia, she would be their mother. He also felt the presence of their future father, a young unicorn colt with a dark blue coat and a light blue mane by the name of Terminus. As Gaia matured she became a real beauty, in pony terms at least. Terminus wasn’t what one would call eye candy but he was attractive enough. The two met at a young age and became friends instantly; when the two were a little older Gaia earned her cutie mark an easel with a blank canvas, her talent laid in painting. Terminus earned his by defending another colt from some bullies; it was a sword and shield.

Over time as Talon watched and healed, his form chanced to resemble that of Equus’ inhabitants, he became a pony himself, the change was so subtle he didn’t even notice. However when he did it really didn’t matter anymore. He was much taller than the average pony easily double the average stallions’ height, his coat became pure white except for the black diamond on his forehead beneath his white horn. He had large majestic white wings with the occasional silver feather. His pure white hooves were feathered over by his coat. His mane and tail were white with the occasional tuft of silver thrown in. His sword had long since returned to him and rested in its sheath at his side under his left wing. He wore his old white cloak to conceal both his sword and wings. He wore a silver chain necklace around his neck; it had a silver pendant in the shape of a rose on it, the only thing he had left from his first wife over two thousand years ago.

“I hope you haven’t been bored in this realm for too long, young one,” a voice called form behind. Turning quickly his horn ignited ready to cast a spell at a moment’s notice. His eyes widened as he realized what stood before him, A being far more powerful than him. He quickly bowed before the awesome presence before him.

“There is no need for that, young god,” Talons’ eyes widened to epic proportions.

“God? Me?” He asked. He was thoroughly surprised when the being before him laughed.

“Yes you, wait you don’t know where you are do you?” It asked thoroughly confused.

“I’m afraid not,” he replied.

“Why you are in the realm of the gods itself, and have been for more than ten thousand years,” Talons’ jaw dropped at that.

“Really? It only felt like a few hours to me,” Talon said.

“Meh, time is relative here, this is your realm after all, you are responsible for it all, you shape it to your will, and it obeys only your command,” The being said. “When you arrived your presence was felt by every god in existence, you were still mortal then, but the other gods waited for you to die, after all a living mortal cannot live in an empty realm like this, when you didn’t die, but instead grew more powerful, you surprised many of the other gods, even as wounded as you were, you healed, that was the next sign, now there is your ability to see me, an elder god, as well as inter act with me, you have transcended mortality and became a god yourself, the next step is to shape your personal realm and your ascension is complete,” it said

Talon’s mind was officially blown wide open, he was a god. “What does mean for me though?” Talon asked.

“Anything you want, you are not bound to the mortal realm any more, you are above petty things like the laws of physics, but you will have your own set of guidelines you must adhere to, you will know when someone trespasses in your realm, you can create or destroy life on a mere whim, with a simple snap of your fingers, or in your case a wave of your hoof, it’s a lot of power and an incredible responsibility to have, especially for a once mortal like yourself and a few other gods,” It stated. “I just came by to welcome you and to tell the only rules a god must abide by,” it warned.

“And that is?” Talon asked.

“A god can never engage in hostilities outside of insults with another god, A god must never enter another’s realm with ill intentions, A god is allowed no more than ten representatives in their mortal realm under their direct control, A god must never influence the realm of another in anyway directly or indirectly without express permission, A god can have multiple minor gods under their command, Minor gods are created by the god in question, A god can forge alliances with other gods, And finally, A god must NEVER kill another god, it effects every realm in existence negatively, those are your only rules, is that understood,” it stated.
“Perfectly,” Talon replied.

“Good, Now enjoy the rest of eternity, Oh and everything in your realm is controlled with your imagination” It replied cheekily.

“Right then, let’s get started,” Talon said.

Talon’s realm quickly changed from an empty black void to a grassy meadow with rolling hills and a vast forest, a large lake was situated in the center, all around there were animals of all sorts that could naturally be found in these environments there was a beautiful blue sky with the sun shining above he turned it to night and crated the starry sky above with a large moon hovering in the sky above, he created a companion in the form of a fox that would keep him company he created a small house nearby where he would rest when tired, there were mountains on the horizon that encircled the valley and acted as a barrier against the void.

“Now to create my minor gods,” he thought. He began to plan his creations of carefully each would have to be unique.

First he created a pony, he was black and cloaked in smoke, when he emerged he only had the body of a colt, he was a unicorn colt his eyes were red and he had sharp teeth. “Sombra,” Talon said with a smile. “Welcome to your new home,” The colt smiled happily

“Thank you father,” Talon smiled and signaled him to his side where Sombra happily trotted to his side.

“Next,” Talon said. He created another pony only this one looked much closer to himself in a burst of starry energy a small form appeared, with wings and a horn like Talon, she stumbled forth. She was only slightly taller than Sombra with a light blue mane and a dark blue almost black body; she had a cutie mark, a crescent moon. “Nightmare Moon,” Talon said. She gave him a small smile in return. “Welcome to the family,” She smiled and gave him a small smile in return. She joined him at his side next to Sombra.

Talon waved a hoof and out of nowhere appeared a cloud of cotton candy, Talon blinked. That wasn’t supposed to happen. The cotton candy suddenly grew eyes and stared a Talon. Talon blinked. The cotton candy suddenly started to form into a body. It appeared as a serpent firs then it grew arms and legs, then a pair of horns on its head thin it exploded in its pace was a strange creature serpentine in form however its limbs were made out of different animal limbs. “Discord,” Talon smiled.

“Yo pops,” Discord replied with a lazy wave.

“Join your siblings,” Talon replied with a twitching eyebrow.

With a final wave of his hoof Talon conjured a ball of green flame that hovered in place for a short while before it started to grow and morph into a pony like shape. A large crooked horn appeared on its forehead followed by insect like wings its eyes opened to reveal green cat like eyes that radiated wisdom much like the eyes of his other children it stepped forward with a graceful gait and bowed to Talon. Talon smiled at his newest and last child “Chrysalis,” Chrysalis stood tall once again and Matched Talon’s height and stood with a regal grace. “Welcome to the family,”