> Acheron's Call: Chronicles of a God > by Talon19912 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Battle in the Void: Talon vs. Darksaber > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue: Battle in the Void; Talon vs. Darksaber Year: 4xxx Month: January Day: 1 Time: 24:00 G.S.T (Galactic Standard Time) Planet: Noctus, Classification: Star of Darkness Mission Report Written By: Admiral James Beck, Task Force 212, United Earth Space Corps After months of fighting the Crew of the Acheron Star, a Super Battleship have reached their final destination, The Star of Darkness, the dead planet Noctus, the origin of the Vicious Shadow Spawn. Talon James Eques, former Captain of the Acheron Star, is betrayed by a close friend leading to a battle of apocalyptic proportions between the two, With his friend only stating that it was bound to happen. The Battle between the two causes Noctus to implode on itself. Captain Eques Presumed Dead. +++++ Location: Noctus (Before Implosion) Talon didn’t know what to think at the moment, he knew this confrontation would be necessary, but he didn’t want to admit it. He knew Darksaber knew Talon would never fight him without a good reason, but why would he go so far to make Talon fight him, it made no sense to him. He made his way through a castle made of black crystal situated in the very core of the star itself his boots made no sound in the vacuum of space. Talon stopped at a pair of doors, they like everything else were black, reaching up to the ceiling twenty feet above, they were an imposing presence in an even more opposing fortress. Talon in his luminescent white armor was a stark contrast in the otherwise dark halls. Talon reaches out with a hand and pushes the door open. Talon enters what appears to be a throne room and on the far side he sees what he came for, sitting on the throne on the far side of the room was Dark saber wearing his trademark black Demonic Armor (imagine the Deadric Armor from Skyrim, with a tattered black cape) His helm sat in his lap and he was leaning forward with his chin on his hands. His red eyes glowed in the darkness. With a sigh Darksaber stood and put on his helm. “Talon,” He said simply. “Darksaber,” Talon replied. “I gues there’s no way to avoid this now is there?” Talon asked. His helm engulfed his head. “There never was,” Darksaber replied. Talon and Dark saber Draw there blades. Talon’s was a Bastard Sword weighing ten pounds Measuring 54 inches from tip to pommel, the blade was two inches wide, the hilt took up ten inches of the total length it glowed with an ethereal white light (Imagine Narsil/Unduil from lord of the rings, Isildur/Aragorn’s sword) . The sword of Darksaber was a Zweihander Measuring six and a half feet and eight inches wide, it weighed 40 pounds the hilt was a foot and a half long, it radiated a sinister black aura (Imagine Glam from Soul Calibur). The two charged at each other and clashed in the middle of the throne room the resulting shockwave blew out the windows of the castle. The clashed again and met in a deadlock, Both flaring their power; Talon with the power of Light and Life and Darksaber with the power of Darkness and death. Two energies that legends tell if the two were ever to clash the universe itself would feel the conflict. And feel it the universe did, the overwhelming sense of wrongness permeated every planet in the universe. As Talon and Darksaber clashed, each too evenly matched with the other. Though Darsaber had power, reach, and speed on his side; Talon had Speed, Agility, and power on his. The two continued to fight even as Noctus crumbled around them. The two met at the center again and another shockwave ensued this time the castle around them was thwarting to crumble. “Take this, All consumind Darkness,” Darksaber yelled as his fist erupted with black energy, He disengaged Talon and threw the energy at Talon who deflected it with his sword, sending the energy into a nearby wall, destroying it with a magnificent explosion. “I can do that too, Providence Wave!” Talon called in response. Talons Sword began to radiate pure light energy, such that the ground began to crater around him. Holding his sword like one would a baseball bat he swung it and unleashed a torrent of energy at Darksaber. Darksaber brought up his sword in defense. Talons attack clashed against the blade. Darksaber gritted his teeth and forced the attack aside with a mighty roar. “You’ve definitely improved in the last two thousand years, Talon, but this is the end, Herald of Oblivion,” Darksaber said. ‘Dammit,’ Talon swore. “Alright then one last attack,” Talon said. “Divine Judgement,” The two began to radiate energy that manifested as wings behind the two, Talon had feathery silver wings that gave of an aura of immense power, and Darksaber had Black bat like wings that radiated pure darkness. The two’s attacks charged up and unleashed as various points of white and black light that converged into on massive blast of energy that would leave the survivor drained. The two energies clashed in the middle of what was left of the throne room. The dome of swirling energy between the two attacks was growing larger. ‘Come on dammit,’ the two fighters thought. Then the orb appeared to start boiling from the energy being put into it. ‘Not good,” Talon thought. ‘If that explodes who knows what could happen!’ Talon steeled himself. He knew Darksaber never gave up when he got an idea in his head. ‘I won’t give up either, what happens will happen,’ He thought. The planet around him began to shake ‘Well here goes nothing,’ Talon poured every last bit of energy he had into his attack, while Darksaber did as well. Suddenly the orb collapsed in on itself and began to form a black hole. ‘Shit,’ Talon swore. While Talon was distracted Darksaber took his chance and teleported behind him. “Shame on you Talon, for letting your guard down,” Darksaber smirked behind his mask. “Well here is your reward!” he yelled. Darksaber grabs Talon’s sword and yanks it from his grasp. Talon turns towards Darksaber only to get impaled by his own sword. Talon’s eyes widen as dark saber pull his sword free and throws it into the black hole. “Your next Talon,” Darksaber says. “Why? Talon asks weakly, clutching at the wound to his gut. “Talon this universe is doomed, I’m going to make sure that at least one of our order survives, and it’s going to be you, so I lured you here and tricked you into creating this inter-dimensional portal, let’s face it Talon, you were never one to kill using your powers, but, Nemisis needs to be stopped and I’m the only one who can do it,” Darksaber picks up Talon by the collar and drags him to the portal. “I don’t know where this will lead but anything is better than a dying dimension, so this will be our final good-bye Talon, you were a good kid, no offence but I hope to never see you again,” Darksaber then throws Talon into the portal. Talon watches as Darksaber turns away “Good luck Warrior of Light,” he says. The portal closes. > Chapter 1: A new god on the block > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter: 1 Location: Unknown Planet: Unknown Month: Unknown Day: Unknown Year: Unknown Darkness and Pain, that’s all he knew as he floated in the void. As Warrior of Light Talon had a connection to his universe that gave him the powers he wielded. Unfortunately he felt that connection vanish a short while ago, that could only mean one thing his universe no longer existed, his powers would cease to be, or should he say that’s what should have happened, just as he felt his powers vanish they suddenly reappeared, only they felt different stronger for some reason, It confused him greatly, until he realized what that meant, Darkness doesn’t exist, or if it did it would be on such a small scale it shouldn’t even matter Light dominated this new universe. He was filled with a sense of calm, for a moment at least. Then he felt it a dark taint that existed just underneath the light. Coming from a small planet in which it’s sun and moon orbited it. He felt true light and darkness in such perfect balance on this planet, even though that dark taint existed. He pushed through the darkness towards the feeling. His body was in extreme pain with every movement, still he pushed onward, and then he felt a tug in his mind, a familiar presence, he recognized it immediately as his own power only they were smaller, almost unformed; They? That wasn’t right. There should be only one source of light, then he realized again, in a world that tis dominated by light it wasn’t uncommon for two sources of light to form, however that makes any darkness that much more powerful even if it was miniscule by comparison. He push the towards the light ever harder, as he realized darkness was growing all the faster, though it wasn’t inherently evil darkness was dangerous, it feeds off of negative emotions and gets stronger as a result, jealousy, anger, hatred, lust, greed, fear these all feed darkness until it grows a mind of its own, that was how Nemesis came to be, it fed off of Darksabers’ own darkness and grew a sentience and began to act on its own that is why only Darksaber could defeat it. Talon struggled forth on his path towards those feelings until he felt them all the stronger, he was here. Now to observe, which he did. The people of this planet; or should he say ponies of this planet. They were an innocent race, knowing almost nothing of darkness itself, which was a blessing and also a curse. A curse because when darkness is introduced there is no telling what could happen. He watched this world go by for many years the lights were getting stronger, they would be born soon. He had long ago tracked down the source of these lights, a young unicorn filly with a white coat and a pink mane by the name of Gaia, she would be their mother. He also felt the presence of their future father, a young unicorn colt with a dark blue coat and a light blue mane by the name of Terminus. As Gaia matured she became a real beauty, in pony terms at least. Terminus wasn’t what one would call eye candy but he was attractive enough. The two met at a young age and became friends instantly; when the two were a little older Gaia earned her cutie mark an easel with a blank canvas, her talent laid in painting. Terminus earned his by defending another colt from some bullies; it was a sword and shield. Over time as Talon watched and healed, his form chanced to resemble that of Equus’ inhabitants, he became a pony himself, the change was so subtle he didn’t even notice. However when he did it really didn’t matter anymore. He was much taller than the average pony easily double the average stallions’ height, his coat became pure white except for the black diamond on his forehead beneath his white horn. He had large majestic white wings with the occasional silver feather. His pure white hooves were feathered over by his coat. His mane and tail were white with the occasional tuft of silver thrown in. His sword had long since returned to him and rested in its sheath at his side under his left wing. He wore his old white cloak to conceal both his sword and wings. He wore a silver chain necklace around his neck; it had a silver pendant in the shape of a rose on it, the only thing he had left from his first wife over two thousand years ago. “I hope you haven’t been bored in this realm for too long, young one,” a voice called form behind. Turning quickly his horn ignited ready to cast a spell at a moment’s notice. His eyes widened as he realized what stood before him, A being far more powerful than him. He quickly bowed before the awesome presence before him. “There is no need for that, young god,” Talons’ eyes widened to epic proportions. “God? Me?” He asked. He was thoroughly surprised when the being before him laughed. “Yes you, wait you don’t know where you are do you?” It asked thoroughly confused. “I’m afraid not,” he replied. “Why you are in the realm of the gods itself, and have been for more than ten thousand years,” Talons’ jaw dropped at that. “Really? It only felt like a few hours to me,” Talon said. “Meh, time is relative here, this is your realm after all, you are responsible for it all, you shape it to your will, and it obeys only your command,” The being said. “When you arrived your presence was felt by every god in existence, you were still mortal then, but the other gods waited for you to die, after all a living mortal cannot live in an empty realm like this, when you didn’t die, but instead grew more powerful, you surprised many of the other gods, even as wounded as you were, you healed, that was the next sign, now there is your ability to see me, an elder god, as well as inter act with me, you have transcended mortality and became a god yourself, the next step is to shape your personal realm and your ascension is complete,” it said Talon’s mind was officially blown wide open, he was a god. “What does mean for me though?” Talon asked. “Anything you want, you are not bound to the mortal realm any more, you are above petty things like the laws of physics, but you will have your own set of guidelines you must adhere to, you will know when someone trespasses in your realm, you can create or destroy life on a mere whim, with a simple snap of your fingers, or in your case a wave of your hoof, it’s a lot of power and an incredible responsibility to have, especially for a once mortal like yourself and a few other gods,” It stated. “I just came by to welcome you and to tell the only rules a god must abide by,” it warned. “And that is?” Talon asked. “A god can never engage in hostilities outside of insults with another god, A god must never enter another’s realm with ill intentions, A god is allowed no more than ten representatives in their mortal realm under their direct control, A god must never influence the realm of another in anyway directly or indirectly without express permission, A god can have multiple minor gods under their command, Minor gods are created by the god in question, A god can forge alliances with other gods, And finally, A god must NEVER kill another god, it effects every realm in existence negatively, those are your only rules, is that understood,” it stated. “Perfectly,” Talon replied. “Good, Now enjoy the rest of eternity, Oh and everything in your realm is controlled with your imagination” It replied cheekily. “Right then, let’s get started,” Talon said. Talon’s realm quickly changed from an empty black void to a grassy meadow with rolling hills and a vast forest, a large lake was situated in the center, all around there were animals of all sorts that could naturally be found in these environments there was a beautiful blue sky with the sun shining above he turned it to night and crated the starry sky above with a large moon hovering in the sky above, he created a companion in the form of a fox that would keep him company he created a small house nearby where he would rest when tired, there were mountains on the horizon that encircled the valley and acted as a barrier against the void. “Now to create my minor gods,” he thought. He began to plan his creations of carefully each would have to be unique. First he created a pony, he was black and cloaked in smoke, when he emerged he only had the body of a colt, he was a unicorn colt his eyes were red and he had sharp teeth. “Sombra,” Talon said with a smile. “Welcome to your new home,” The colt smiled happily “Thank you father,” Talon smiled and signaled him to his side where Sombra happily trotted to his side. “Next,” Talon said. He created another pony only this one looked much closer to himself in a burst of starry energy a small form appeared, with wings and a horn like Talon, she stumbled forth. She was only slightly taller than Sombra with a light blue mane and a dark blue almost black body; she had a cutie mark, a crescent moon. “Nightmare Moon,” Talon said. She gave him a small smile in return. “Welcome to the family,” She smiled and gave him a small smile in return. She joined him at his side next to Sombra. Talon waved a hoof and out of nowhere appeared a cloud of cotton candy, Talon blinked. That wasn’t supposed to happen. The cotton candy suddenly grew eyes and stared a Talon. Talon blinked. The cotton candy suddenly started to form into a body. It appeared as a serpent firs then it grew arms and legs, then a pair of horns on its head thin it exploded in its pace was a strange creature serpentine in form however its limbs were made out of different animal limbs. “Discord,” Talon smiled. “Yo pops,” Discord replied with a lazy wave. “Join your siblings,” Talon replied with a twitching eyebrow. With a final wave of his hoof Talon conjured a ball of green flame that hovered in place for a short while before it started to grow and morph into a pony like shape. A large crooked horn appeared on its forehead followed by insect like wings its eyes opened to reveal green cat like eyes that radiated wisdom much like the eyes of his other children it stepped forward with a graceful gait and bowed to Talon. Talon smiled at his newest and last child “Chrysalis,” Chrysalis stood tall once again and Matched Talon’s height and stood with a regal grace. “Welcome to the family,” > Chapter 2: Birth of the Sun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Birth of the Sun Many years passed and Talon’s children came into their own. Sombra was an intelligent and kind hearted young colt, he was inquisitive and fairly friendly, but he had a short temper. Moon, as she preferred to be called was a quiet and withdrawn pony, she was incredibly shy and a bit clingy, she tended to stick close to either Talon or Chrysalis at any one time. Discord was a character. He was always in some kind of trouble, and had a tendancy to run his mouth, but he was highly intelligent and strong willed, he was also a bit of a goofball. Chrysalis was a whole other story. She was highly respectful and intelligent, she had a kind heart, and was a loving individual, she fit a mother role perfectly. Talon imagined her as a perfect queen, and that’s what he got the perfect queen. She was the disciplinarian of the group, as well as the strongest followed closely by Moon. Talon waved a hoof and suddenly he was back on Equus, apparently some time had passed since his last visit Gaia and Terminus were Now married and expecting their first foal. He had missed a lot Gaia was a highly successful artist and Terminus was now a city guard. The two of them were still nearly inseparable, is was kind of sweet really. Talon supposed it was time though. “Discord, you remember the plan?” Talon asked. “Of course pops! Who do you think I am?” Discord gloated. Talon gave him a level glare with a quirked eyebrow. “Do you really want me to answer that?” Talon asked. Discord only shrugged. “Meh, I don’t really care either way, but are you sure about this pops? I mean this goes against all you’ve taught us,” He said. “Of course I’m sure, think of it this way, this is your final test, If you can pull this off perfectly, you will have taught the inhabitants of Equus a valuable lesson, plus if you go too far you know I’ll step in to deal with it personally, but remember, in time I myself will start to work against you as well, you will recognize me at once so don’t worry about it and get down there to cause some havoc,” Talon said. “Hai Taichou,” Discord said with a salute and the sudden appearance of a samurai helmet on his head added to the scene. Discord suddenly vanished in a puff of smoke. “Crazy kid, Moon prepare yourself, your part in this will come soon,” Talon stated. “Of course father,” Moon replied. “Chrysalis, how’s your army coming along?” Talon asked his ‘Oldest’ Daughter. “Well father, we’re ready to leave when you give the word, the children are eager to do as you command,” Chrysalis replied “Good, How’s Sombra coming along with his studies,” Talon asked. “He’s making excellent progress, and has decided to take up acting to make the part he’ll play all the more convincing,” Chrysalis said. “He’s doing really well,” she stated. Talon nodded at that “Alright, prepare the horde to go into hiding, and send a few of your changelings into the masses to spread the teachings of light,” he said. “Is that wise Father?” Chrysalis asked. “Not really, but it will be interesting to see what happens, and I can always smite them if they go too far,” Talon replied in an amused tone. Chyrsalis’s only reply was a sweat drop. “Father, all that power has gone to your head,” Chrysalis said. Talon blinked at her. “Really? You think so?” He asked. Chrysalis shrugged in reply. Talon turned back to the screen, it appeared that at least ten years have passed, The foals of Gaia and Terminus had been born, botth fillies that resembled their parents to the point of being clones only younger. What caught his attention though was the kind of ponies that the two turned out to be. “Now that’s new,” Talon said in awe Talon stepped forward and materialized into the mortal plane in the form of an elderly version of himself. “It’s time to take the stage,” he said as he uses magic to pull the hood of his cloak over his face and stepped out into the streets. He walked down the orange cobblestone streets of the village of Neigh York, he took in the sights, and they were reminiscent of New York in the 1700’s back on earth. Brick buildings lined the road and as he passed by various shopkeepers cold be heard trying to sell their wares. He came upon a familiar art shop; it was Gaia’s shop where she sold her paintings. On display in the shop window were many different paintings and portraits, one caught his eye instantly. He was incredibly surprised to find a landscape he was all too familiar with. It was an exact replica of his realm. How was that possible, he could only wonder, with is curiosity piqued he decided to enter the shop. As he entered the door way he caught sight of many beautiful paintings. “This is quite the collection,” he said to himself. He heard the sound of hooves against a wooden floor. “Sir, can I help you with anything?” a voice asked. “Huh? Oh sorry! I was just looking to ask about a painting in the window?,” Talon replied as he turned to face the mysterious speaker. He noticed no one was there. He looked around a little more. “Ahem, down here,” the voice said. Talon looked down and noticed that the speaker was none other than Gaia’s oldest daughter. She was a carbon copy of her mother. Pink mane, white coat, even her eyes were an exact match. “Well, little one, I just wanted to ask about a painting in the window,” Talon said. “Wait a moment, please,” the filly said. She then rushed into a back room. Talon waited for only a moment before Gaia appeared before him. “Can I help you, Sir,” she asked. “Yes, I was just exploring the town when I happened upon your store, well a certain piqued my curiosity and I hand to ask about it,” Talon explained. “Oh? And which of my humble paintings caught the eye of a powerful individual such as yourself,” Okay now it was getting weird. “Just how would you know how powerful I am?” Talon asked. “Your magic sir, I can feel how powerful it is, it frightening really,” Gaia replied. Talon just chuckled. “Yeah that’ll do it, truth be told I’ve never been good a surpassing my power, even before my ascension,” Talon replied. “You’re an Ascended one?!” Gaia asks in shock. “That I am,” Talon replies. “Mom what’s an Ascended one?” Gaia’s daughter asks. “Well dear, an Ascended one is a Unicorn or Pegasus that reaches the peak of their abilities, but there is something in there blood that makes them able to shove aside their natural limits and their bodies have to change form just to handle their power, it is said that no mortal being can truly harm an ascended one,” Gaia explains. “The process actually takes place and is decided while a baby is still in its mother, the natural magic of the mother and father actually combines when the baby is forming then the baby itself will absorb the magic and be given life, but eventually the magic must return to the mother, when it doesn’t is when the process of ascension actually starts and doesn’t finish until the baby is born and reaches full maturity,” Talon explained. Gaia was in awe from Talon’s explanation; Ascension was a mystery and out of nowhere came a stallion who just blew hundreds of years of research out of the water and debunked every known theory that existed. “Talking of ascension, to you mind if I do a little test in the shop here?” Talon asked. “What kind of test?” Gaia asked. “Oh nothing much, I just want to confirm something, don’t worry the test is completely harmless, if it fails” Talon said. “And if it doesn’t fail?” Gaia asked apprehensively. “Your life will be changed forever,” Talon said cryptically. “Aright do your little test,” Gaia said. Talon nodded and his horn began to glow surrounded with bright silver light then a silver orb materialized out of nowhere. “Alright it’s done all you have to do is touch the orb with your horn and channel your magic into it,” Talon say. “Alright,” Gaia says unsurely and touches the orb with her horn. As Gaia channels magic into the orb it starts to glow faintly. “Hm interesting,” Talon says. “What is?” Gaia asks. “Well you definitely carry the ascension gene on your blood but it never activated, but I wonder-,” Talon glances at Gaia’s Daughter. “Little one, Now I want you to try,” Talon says to the filly. “Do you mind?” he asks Gaia. “Go ahead,” Gaia says, genuinely interested. “Alright Little One, do what you mother just did,” Talon instructed. Gaia’s daughter nods and steps towards the orb. She places her horn against the orb and channels her magic. Suddenly the orb flares to life pulsing brightly and continuously, then she herself is engulfed in silver light. Both Gaia’s and Talon’s eyes widen. Then the light suddenly stops. The filly backs up and looks around in a daze. “What was that,” Gaia asked. “It’s just as I thought,” Talon says. “What is?” Gaia asked. “Your daughter is an Ascended one,” Talon says seriously. “And potentially an extremely powerful one,” He states. Talon looks at the filly. “What’s your name little one,” He asks. The filly stands op straight “My name is Celestia,” > The Gods Unleashed! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acheron’s call Chapter 3: The Gods Unleashed! Location: Neigh York Month: Unknown Day: Unknown Year: 600 B.D. (Before Discord) Talon was staying in the room he had rented at a local inn. It had been a long time since he had spent the night in a location such as this and just had a chance to relax, it was nice. Two days ago he had meet one of the inheritors of his power, naturally he didn’t bother to mention it to Gaia, he didn’t want to cause her any more stress than absolutely necessary. He also didn’t want to over stay his welcome. Now he had to wait for Gaia’s other daughter to get old enough to test her as well, of course he already knew she would be an ascended one as well. ‘I think it would be best to wait until she actually awakens to meet her,” Talon thought to himself. Talon quickly looked around for witnesses before opening a portal to his realm and walking through it. “So how did things go father?” Chrysalis asked. “Just as I had expected,” Talon replied. “It looks like their powers are maturing as I thought they would,” He said. “So how do you think their life is going to be once their power awakens?” Chrysalis asks. Talon sighs. “It won’t be easy, most Ascended don’t have power on that scale so it’s hard to tell, Immortality is a given, due to the density and the nature of their powers their going to live forever, as long as they aren’t killed, they don’t know that though, and I’m not going to tell them either. I had to learn about my powers the hard way, I’ll be there to guide them but beyond that, it’s their problem. They’re going to be targeted because of that power, most ponies are either going to worship them as gods or fear them as gods, I had to deal with that as well until my people started to colonize other worlds. Finally the sheer magnitude of the power they wield alone is going to make their lives hard, simply because of the amount of effort they’re going to have to put into controlling it,” Talon explained. “So how’s Discord doing?” he asked. “He’s biding his time and waiting for the perfect time to strike,” She replied. “Moon?” Talon asked. “She’s doing as well as can be expected,” Chrysalis replied. “Considering what your planning on having her do,” she said. “She’ll be fine, of that I have no doubt,” Talon said confidently. “What about Sombra?” he asked. Chrysalis was silent for a moment. “I’m not sure, we haven’t seen him for a few days,” Chrysalis said. “A few days?” Talon asked. “Yes he just up and disappeared on us,” Chrysalis replied. “He left a note saying that he was going to start his portion of the plan a little earlier than expected, he said he needed to make sure that it went off without a hitch,” She said. Talon sighed yet a again. “His perfectionism is going to be the end of him, and even though your all gods the one thing you’re all not, is invincible, before the actual plan commences I can see both him and Discord messing it up at least once, Discord will probably end up being sealed away, Sombra will probably end up being destroyed due to the arrogance he has been displaying lately, you and moon are the only two I can actually see completing their missions as planned, with any amount of success,” he said. “I know it sounds cruel, but you’re not just going to be teaching ponies a lesson, but will be learning your own lessons as well,” he said. “I know you told us before, but, what happens when we completely fail our tasks?” Chrysalis asks. Talon shrugged his shoulders. “ I’ll strip the ones who fail of their godhood as punishment, it seems harsh, but, this plan cannot afford to fail,” Talon said. “I don’t want this world to follow the same path as mine did, the main reason my people left my planet is because we sent it to its own destruction, I will not allow that to happen,” He said resolutely. “Hi father welcome back,” said a cheery voice from behind. Talon turned to see Moon coming up to them. Talon smiled at the filly. “Hello Moon how are you?” Talon asked. Out of all his children Moon was the only one to remain young, Talon had a very important role for her to play and it would require her to be as young as necessary before her part began,. After all she would be sealed in Gaia’s youngest daughter in a short while. After the sealing their lives will merge and the two would become one pony. Moon understood her part well, after all even though she appeared young she was just as mature as the rest of his children. “I’m doing fine father, a little nervous, but fine,” Moon replied. “That’s good to hear,” Talon said with a smile. Talon walked over to the window of the living room of his house that he had created when he made his realm, it was a large house with four bed rooms and two and a half bath rooms. It was designed using a traditional Japanese style. Just then he felt of the lights fluctuate dangerously. Talon’s head shot up quickly. Running to the door talon yelled “Moon, Chrysalis come with me, something terrible has happened” he said quickly. “What about your cloak?” Chrysalis asked. “No time, let’s move,” Talon replied quickly as he grabbed his sword. Chrysalis’s body was enveloped I green flame for a moment, then it quickly died down, in her place stood a mare on par with Talon I height, with a pitch black coat and a dark teal mane and tail, large majestic black wings, and a slender horn on top of her head, her eyes were a bright teal with slits in them and on her flank was a green flame, this was Chrysalis’s true form, it was something Talon had thought up when creating her. As her power grew her form would change to resemble her true self, instead of a sickly insect like pony, it would be a beautiful mare that radiated pure power and an aura of serenity to her, and although she was dwarfed by Talon in her insect like form, in her true form she could easily match Talon blow for blow, she just didn’t have his stamina, it was kind of like shikai and bankai from a show Talon watched a long time ago. “Come on girls we don’t have a lot of time,” Talon said. ++++++++ Scene Change +++++++ Year: 595 B.D. Celestia was having a good day, the sun was shining the birds were chirping, it was just a beautiful day. Each and every day Celestia followed a set schedule; Wake up, eat breakfast, help her mom in the store, babysit her little sister Luna, eat lunch, babysit her sister again, help with the store some more, close the store for the day, eat dinner, study politics, arithmetic, alchemy, magic, history, and even self-defense; read a story to Luna before bed, wash up, then finally go to bed herself. Every day was the same thing, and Celestia was happy for that, however the nights were different for her. She was plagued by nightmares constantly, of course to everyone around her they were just that, but to her they were like experiencing the events up close and personal. She constantly dreamed of destruction of entire planets, of masses of living darkness consuming everything in their way, at the end though there was one thing that brought her any kind of peace, A voice, a strangely calming female voice, that would reach out to her, and comfort her. Of course that voice wasn’t just a dream either; it was always there at the back of her mind even while awake, she could always feel a calming presence within her. Today however was a rare day off for her, with nothing to do, she would have the day to herself, which she would take full advantage of. Like her mother, Celestia enjoyed art of all forms, whether it was music, painting, or even acting, she enjoyed them all. Even Luna who was five years old love art with a passion, that little filly had already discovered what she loved while Celestia was just content to sit and watch he sister happily paint whatever she wanted. She had to admit though, she was a little jealous of her sister. Luna even as young as she was knew exactly what she wanted, while Celestia herself being almost sixteen had no clue. Walking towards the door of her mother’s shop she grabbed her sketch pad and pencil set and headed out towards her usual spot a small grove in the park near the center of the town. Upon reaching her spot she laid in the grass under a tree and just started to sketch, it was just something she liked to do when she wanted to relax, it wore away the stress that would no doubt accumulate as time went on. She would sketch just about everything, from the birds that would come close to her while she was sketching to the flowers that would bloom around her. While she did this she would reach perfect harmony with herself and the environment around her, she almost seemed to disappear. Hours passed by before she packed up her pencil set and sketch pad and placed it in her saddlebags before deciding to return home, but as she was doing this she stopped, a familiar smell was in the air, but she couldn’t place it following looking in the direction of the smell Celestia froze. Plumes of black smoke rose over the horizon. “By the maker,” Celestia gasped before galloping in the direction of her home. “Please be alright, Please be alright,” She chanted. She was extremely worried about her family, or at least what was left of them. Her father had died over a year ago, in an attack by diamond dogs, due to that she would have to take small jobs around town to help support her family. It wasn’t perfect but she was happy with the way things were. As she turned the corner her breath caught in her throat. “NO!” she cried as she rushed towards the shop that was burning along with everything else. Busting through the burning door into the shop that had already started to collapse, everything was on fire. The sound of a crash came from the floor above. “MOM! LUNA” She cried as she rushed up the stairs. “Celestia!” a voice called from the other side of the room. Celestia looked towards some falling debris to see her mother with a crying Luna beside her. Her mother was trapped beneath a smoldering part of the roof, her horn alight with magic to keep the two of them from being burnt by the fire. “Thank the maker,” Gaia sighed. “Celestia listen to me,” She said through the exhaustion of using her magic for an extended time period. “I want you to take your sister and run as far away from here as possible, there was a rebellion on the other side of the city earlier this week, I didn’t say anything to you earlier because I didn’t want to worry you, but it seems the rebels have decided the city wasn’t important, I want you to take your sister and run, run as far and as fast as your legs can carry you,” She said a the magic surrounding her horn started to falter. Gaia grunted and pushed more magic into her horn. A crying Luna was lifted onto Celestia’s back. Celestia looked at her mother who only had a small smile on her face. She knew her mother wouldn’t make it and even with her magical power Celestia knew she couldn’t save her. “Celestia, my back has broken and even though I want to be with you and your sister I won’t survive with my injuries the way they are, so promise me you’ll always look after your sister, and take care of yourself,” Gaia said. Celestia couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. “I promise,” she said. “Celestia you have such a bright future ahead of you, the night you were born a vision came to me, a vision of you and five other faceless ponies on the balcony of a magnificent white castle watching over and protecting the ponies of this world with you and one other leading them to a future just as bright, three ponies stood behind you, and two stood at your side, the power I felt from the six of you rivaled the maker itself. I only wish I could have seen that future for myself, Celestia I am so proud of you, you have no idea,” Gaia smiled softly at her daughter. The wood of the shop started to groan. “Go now Celestia and make a bright future for yourself and every other pony in the world,” Gaia called as the shop started to collapse on itself. The magic around Gaia’s horn finally faded, but the last thing she saw before black was her daughter taking a last look before running down the stairs and into the shop below. And thus was the end of Gaia, Mother of Celestia and Luna. Celestia ran just like her mother wanted, she ran hard and fast for two days just to get away from what remains of her home in Neigh York, of course now she wasn’t running, she was walking, along a path that led towards the town of Everfree, the economic center of Equestria. Celestia had a few bits on her to maybe afford a room for a week or two for her and Luna, but that was it. She sighed and looked back at Luna who lay asleep in her saddle bag, then to the horizon where the Everfree Castle stood proudly in the distance, her expression resolute. ‘Things will be better, I promise,’ she thought. +++++Back to Talon+++++ Talon, Moon, and Chrysalis had arrived in the park of what remained of Neigh York. What greeted them was a dismal sight, the burnt wreckage and the remains of various buildings. “What happened here,” Talon asked. Even though he was a god he wasn’t all seeing. “The Legion of Discord happened,” a voice said from behind. Talon and the other two turned to see a member of the equestrian guard, in full combat gear. “The Legion of Discord?” Talon asked. He had a hunch but he needed confirmation. The soldier snorted. “A group of rebels that claim to be doing the will of some crackpot that believes he is the will of chaos ponified, we had only just arrived as they were starting to burn the town with fire spells,” he said. “We were sent to bolster the guard here, because of a recent uprising about a week ago,” “Were there any survivors?” Chrysalis asked. “A few here and there but it’s only a small number compared to those that were lost,” The guard replied in a somber tone. Talon lowered his head in respect for the dead. His newest God Thanatos would be having a hard time with this, after all it was his home when he was alive. “If you here to look for some friends amongst the living or dead your free to do so,” The guard says. “Thanks,” Talon replied. “Come with me,” he says. Talon and the girls walked through the ash laden streets to the location of what used to be Gaia’s art store. All over the place ponies were cleaning up the after math of the attack. The dead bodies on the side of the street covered by blankets and sheets really put it into perspective on how terrible even a peaceful world like Equus could be. Upon reaching what remained of the store Talon stopped, In front of the store stood a lone stallion, He coat was dark grey and his main and tail were pitch black and shone like obsidian, his eyes were deep red that seemed to glow in the dim light of the setting sun his horn was aglow with black magic that seemed to absorb all light in the area, He wore a tattered black cloak in his right front hoof he wielded a scythe. His eyes shone with deep sadness while in his magic was clutched a small tattered cloth doll that had miraculously survived the fire. The stallion gently placed the doll on the ground leaning it against a single surviving stone pillar. “Thanatos?” Talon asked. “Such a tragic loss of life isn’t it?” The stallion named Thanatos said. “I was created to regulate the flow of the dead to the afterlife as well as choose who lives and who dies, but I can’t seem to care about any of the life that was lost here but one, and she lies in the remains of this store,” He said in quiet tone. Talon looked to what was once a store and caught the glimpse of a soft glow amongst the rubble. Talon walked carefully towards the glow, past Thanatos towards what was once the center of the store. He looked down and reached out with his magic and then pulled. What came up was a small glowing gem. “Thanatos, do you realize what this is?” Talon asked. “It’s a soulstone!” Thanatos replied wondrously. “It’s also how I made you the god of Death,” Talon replied. “With this e will have Zoe, the goddess of Life,” As soon as Talon said this, his magic sparked to life enveloping the small crystal in a brilliant silver light. Talon steps back as bright white light envelopes the area. The light formed into a ball, which then began to change shape until it was a pony of roughly Talon’s own height, the light grew what was obviously a horn then large majestic wings the energy began to shift into a golden color that formed her main and tail, then she opened her eyes to reveal ocean blue irises. Plant life began to sprout around her hooves as the light begins to fade. “Gaia?” Thanatos asked. The new pony turned her head sharply to face Thanatos. “Terminus?” she asked shakily. “But how? You died a year ago, I saw your body!” she says. “You can thank lord Talon for that, if he hadn’t intervened when he did I would be truly dead, not the god of death himself,” “Lord Talon?” Gaia asked. “Ahem!” Talon coughed. The two looked at him. “Right sorry,” Thanatos apologized. “Gaia, or should I call you Zoe, this is Talon, Overseer of the mortal realm, in other words, my boss, and head god,” he said. Talon deadpanned at Thanatos. “Right thanks for that intro Thanatos,” he said. “Why are you calling him Thanatos, his name is Terminus,” Zoe replied. “The same reason I’m going to start calling you Zoe from now until the end of time, Goddess of Life,” Talon said calmly. “When a mortal dies they leave behind all attachment to their previous lives, when a mortal soul ascends into god hood, the leave behind any attachment to their mortal lives as well, only now though, there are a few perks to the job. One is that you can return to the mortal realm any time you wish,” Zoe looked happy at that “But,” and the happy is gone. “You must not interact with anybody you knew in your previous life, at least outside of visions and dreams,” And the happy is back, sort of. “Another is absolute power over your domain, an example is Thanatos and his absolute control over the force of death,” Talon explained. “Yours would be life, mine is reality itself,” he said. “But why us?” Zoe asked. Thanatos chuckled a little “This will probably blow your mind, it did me, when I first heard him explain it,” he said. Talon smiled. “I’ve been watching you both for most of your lives until the times of your deaths, I marked you both before either of you met as my avatars of Life and Death. Let me say something first though. I CAN NOT control your choices or the choices others make, I actually don’t have that much power in the mortal realm, but just as I have watched you so too have I watched your daughters Celestia and Luna. They have inherited the same power I wielded before I became a god myself, as such I have a vested interest in their fates,” he explained. “But any ways let us return to my realm, Thanatos should be finished here so we can all go together, I need to locate your daughters before they get into trouble,” Talon said. As they arrived in Talon’s realm, Zoe was amazed. “You created all this?” “Everything you see around is modeled after where I grew up as a child before learning about by powers, that was some twelve thousand years ago, I think?” Talon said rubbing the back of his head. “I’m not sure after about two thousand it all kind of blended together,” Talon turned away from them and closed his eyes. “Found them!” Talon said suddenly, then his mood darkened. “This is really bad,” he said. “What is?” Zoe asked. “The Legion of Discord is heading straight for their location, and with the current defensive capabilities of Everfree the city will last for about as long as Neigh York did before it’s fall,” Talon said. “Thanatos, Zoe if the fighting breaks out and there is no other choice, you may reveal yourselves to your children, but I’m not going to be held responsible for what happens afterwards,” He said. “Besides I’ve never been a fan of the rule that makes it forbidden for a god to never see its mortal children again, there’s actually a loophole around that but I’ll let you figure it out,” he said. “But if you’re going down to fight wouldn’t it be easier to just wave a hoof and say ‘be gone,’ then banish your enemies to the void,” Zoe asks curiously. “Not really, No,” Talon said. “In my mortal form I only have access to about ten percent of my full power, unless I go against another godlike being, and the chances of that happening are slim to none, there are actually rules against it,” Talon replied. “And no threat on Equus that I know of would warrant me using that kind of power anyways,” He affirms. “At most I’m about as powerful as a super powerful Alicorn, that’s our racial name by the way, except for you Thanatos, you’re a horned thestral or bat pony,” He said. “Let’s get a move on, we need to get to Everfree at precisely the time their army arrives to make it look convincing,” Talon said. “Make what convincing?” Zoe asked. “The return of the Alicorns of course, if you’ve read your history you would know that the Alicorns of old died out around ten thousand years ago roughly the time I arrived in this realm,” Talon said. “In a sense you could call me the last known living Alicorn on the planet, but I digress, let’s get a move on already,” Talon says as he opens a portal and subsequently jumps through. “Does something seem off to you,” Thanatos asks Chyrsalis. “Not any more than usual, he actually doesn’t get out as much as one would think, and he really has no friends besides us, his children, so I guess he happier knowing he has someone outside his children he can actually talk to without feeling like a foal,” She says. “Ah, I see,” Thanatos replies. +++++ Scene Change, Everfree +++++ Chaos was the one thing on everyponies mind as Armor clad guardsponies ran towards the gates to hold off the enemy army heading their way. Celestia, one of the few combat capable ponies outside of the guard was drafted in immediately in order to help defend the town. In the weeks since the attack on her home, and the death of her mother things had finally calmed down. She had ran herself ragged trying to care for young Luna, who only recently started to come out of her shell. It had looked like it was going to be alright, at least until now. She had left Luna in the care of a friend while she was on duty so she wouldn’t have to worry about her. Celestia placed a golden helmet on her head and trotted towards the wall where she would join in the defense of her new home, and the last of her living family, she would protect them or die trying. The clouds began to roll in around Everfree, with most of the Pegasi drafted into the guard, there was no point in controlling the weather when a fight would soon start, a drop of water hit her helmet ‘Rain,’ she thought. ‘with this it will be even harder to see the enemy incoming,’ thunder rolls and lightning strikes the ground nearby. “So not only do we have to fight, but we have to fight in a storm,” She grumbled. Another bit of thunder accompanied by lightning. Then she saw them. The enemy, the same ones that destroyed her peaceful life. She wanted nothing more than to go down there and rip them to shreds. Her anger abated then the clouds themselves began to churn. The clouds swirled around like a hurricane eye was directly over top of them. The moonlight filtered in from the sky above and illuminated the battle field in front of them. “It seems like the maker has blessed us this evening,” The guard next to. “Something feels wrong though,” she said. “Why do you say that?” he asked her. “There is a heavy concentration of magic in the air holding the clouds into that shape. More magic than I’ve ever felt from anypony,” She said. “Well I wouldn’t know seeing as I’m just an earth pony,” He said. “Sorry,” Celestia said. “No harm done,” the guard chuckled “Names Shield, Rey Shield” “Celestia,” she replied. “Ah, you’re old Termites oldest, right” “Termite?” Celestia asked. “Sorry, Terminus he got the name as a colt when he took a header into a wooden post and took a chunk out of it,” he said. “You knew my father?” She asked, surprised by the revalation. “Sure did!” he replied. “I used to live in Neigh York myself when I was young, when he and Gaia started dating he was over the moon,” Rey chuckled. “How’s he been anyways,” he asked. “He died, about a year ago, diamond dogs,” She said. Rey looked depressed at that. “I’m sorry to hear that, well here we go,” he said suddenly. The enemy began to send out their siege equipment first. Catapults were rolled onto the field where they began to fire flaming projectiles at the hapless defenders. “Magical Artillery! Return Fire,” the guard captain yelled. The unicorns all around began charging their horns with their most powerful area of effect spells they had and unleashed them into the lines of the enemy, taking a few out with them, but it wasn’t enough, the enemy still kept coming. Scores of Minotaur and diamond dogs filtered from the trees and poured onto the battle field, unleashing ferocious war cries. “Sharpshooters! Fire!,” the captain ordered. “Incoming!” a guard yells. Celestia looks away from the battlefield and up into the sky only to see a fire ball heading straight for her, then everything flashed white. Celestia was rendered temporarily blind. Shaking her head quickly from left to right, her vision began to clear. Only to be met with a face full of Dark Grey Fur. “Now now Tia, I thought I taught you better than to lose focus on the battle field,” a disturbingly familiar voice said. “One sec Tia. Hey Assholes, your package has been marked RETURN TO SENDER!,” the voice yells. Celestia takes a step back. Only to see a dark grey pony with a horn and bat wings send the fireball back at the enemy with the use of magic blacker than night. Celestia watched the fireball only to see it crash into an enemy catapult, destroying it and surrounding enemies in a massive explosion. “Now where were we,” The pony says and turns to face Celestia. And her jaw drops. “Dad?” She asks carefully, her eyes wide. Thanatos smiled at his daughter. “Yeah it’s me, but it’s not just me, you mother is here as well. Well not here, here, but on the battlefield, probably tearing into the enemy with her enchanted thorn bushes,” he said contemplatively. “Like me she’s changed as well, you may not recognize her right away though,” he said. “Then there’s Acantha, and Lord Talon as well. Hmm I wonder where he’s at, ah well, best not to worry about him, no normal pony can kill him…maybe,” he said. “But now’s not the time for talking, it’s the time for kicking ass,” He looked around quickly. “Ah there she is, come on let’s go see if we can help your mother,” He said then took off in a quick trot. Celestia was shocked. That was definitely her dad but, he said her mother was here as well, and Fighting? Oh she had to see this. She took off after her father. Talon, or Acheron as Thanatos had dubbed him, and Chrysalis, otherwise known as Acantha, were on the other side of the battle field laying waste to the enemy. Talon was mowing them down by teleporting and using his sword to finish enemies before they could act. Chrysalis was content with dealing widespread fire damage to the enemies by incinerating them where the stood. The final kill count 250 to 200, in favor of Talon. As soon as their part in the battle was done they were content to watch as the enemy scrambled to get away from them. “Well that was fun!” Talon said with a smile. “What say we regroup with the others,” he said. “Sounds like a plan father,” Chrysalis replied. The two flashed away using a teleport spell. > Chapter 4: Reunions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acheron’s Call: Chronicles of a God Chapter 4: Location: Everfree, Battlefield Talon and Chrysalis had teleported to the location of Thanatos and Zoe only to see a mass of enemies run past them, completely ignoring them in the process. The reason for this was made known as a tangle of thick vines with thorn that must have been six inches long went past the two in pursuit of the fleeing enemies. “Well looks like Zoe’s having fun,” Talon commented. “Looks like it,” Chrysalis replied. “It’s a good thing when you gave us our powers we instinctively knew how to use them,” she said. “Yeah, glad I thought of it,” Talon replied, glancing back, watching as the vines made quick work of the fleeing enemy. “Zoe can be incredibly vindictive can’t she?” He asked. “Though, given the circumstances I can’t find myself to blame her,” “I know what you mean father,” Chrysalis replied. Talon and Chrysalis continued walking towards their destinations, seemingly ignoring the reverent yet disbelieving glances that they were receiving from many of the uninjured Guardsponies. Of course they made note every time they received such looks. “Father, have you seen Moon anywhere since the battle started,” Chrysalis asked. Talon looked thoughtful “Given the weather conditions, I’d say she’s wrapping up with her part in this battle,” he said. Another fluctuation occurred. “It looks like Celestia is about to ascend any moment now, we should hurry,” Talon said. Chrysalis nodded. The two of them pick up the pace towards their destination. ++++ Celestia ++++ Celestia was stuck speechless at the magic her Mother was performing. Her mother had literally made plants come to life, form into wolves and start tearing through the enemy, all while her mother stood elegantly in the same position, the plants automatically dealing with any enemy that got too close. “Are you sure that’s mother?” Celestia asked. “Of course, I was present when she was resurrected,” her father replied. “Of course her name is Zoe now, but she is still pretty much the same, apparently so is her vindictive streak,” he says, casually dodging a minotaur that gets sent flying in their direction. “It looks like it,” Celestia said, narrowly dodging a flying diamond dog. “Even though I’m seeing it, I think I’m having trouble believing it, I mean mother was always such a passive pony,” she said. “I know what you mean, but when our power was given to us upon our resurrection, we changed somehow, now we have no problem with fighting or killing to protect the things we care for,” her father says. “But your mother and I need to be that way to fulfill our give roles as life and death, your mother is taking lives to preserve others, but also brings new life into the world, I on the other hoof must collect the souls of the dead and guide them to their proper place in the afterlife,” he said. “You mentioned a Lord Acheron, who’s he?” Celestia asked. “Lord Acheron is the chief god of this realm,” her father says. “He has final say over all that happens to our world, he has taken a special interest in our family for reasons he either won’t or can’t explain, all I know for certain is that he has a plan for the future and our family and anypony close to us will be drawn into it,” he says. “Is he trustworthy?” Celestia asks. Her father smiles at her. “I’ll let you decide that for yourself,” he says. "Um, Alright," Celestia replied. "Lord Acheron, wishes to make a powerful statement,” Her father replies. “What statement is that?” Celestia asks. “Tell me what kind of pony is your mother,” her father requests. Celestia looks at her mother, closely, her eyes widen in shock “Sweet maker,” she gasps. “She’s an Alicorn!” she exclaims. “Yes and there are three others on the battlefield beside her,” Her father said. “Lord Acheron, has ordered us to reveal ourselves to the world in this battle,” he said. “Lord Talon and his Daughter Acantha are on the other side of the battlefield aiding the soldiers there.” He looked thoughtful. “I wonder how that’s coming along,” he wonders aloud. “Better than expected actually,” said a voice from behind them. Celestia turned sharply to face the new voice. +++++Talon++++ Talon laughed inwardly as Celestia turned to face him. Thanatos faced him much more calmly. “Acantha and I took out close to five hundred enemies that had decided to circle around in an attempt to surround the city,” Talon said. “Now their retreating with their tails between their legs, in the diamond dogs’ case, literally,” He laughed a little as he said that. Talon ducked under a diamond dog that was flying towards him. “I think Zoe is enjoying letting her frustrations out in this manner,” he said. “You think?” Thanatos asked curiously. “I would,” Talon replied. It didn’t take much longer for the enemy to get the message and start retreating en masse. “How many enemies were here?” Thanatos asked. “I’m not sure exactly I really didn’t have time to count, I know for sure it was more than a thousand,” Talon replied. He turned to the black Alicorn mare behind him. “Acantha, will you go retrieve your sister, and meet up with us later?” he asked. “Of course father,” Chrysalis replied. Chrysalis spread her wings, and with a mighty beat, shot into the sky. Talon turned to the others. “We should find somewhere else to talk before the storm begins again,” he said as he looked towards the sky. Celestia suddenly collapsed. Zoe who had finished wrapping up her part in the battle rushed to her daughter's side. "What's happening?" she asked. Talon whose horn was glowing with silver light replied "Her Ascension is starting earlier than I predicted it would, we need to get her inside quickly," Zoe's horn flared with golden light and she levitated Celestia onto her back. "Well what are we waiting for, let's go," Zoe said. > Chapter 5: Ascension and the Elemental Stars > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acheron’s Call Chapter 5: Ascension and the Elemental Stars Location: Everfree, Inside City, two hours after the battle of Everfree. Ascension, the greatest trial a life form can go through. It’s not limited to any race in particular, a diamond dog for instance, once it undergoes ascension, their intelligence is boosted exponentially, that’s where alpha diamond dogs come from. In the dragon family, they ascend into elder wyrms, the dragon leaders. Ponies, in particular pegasi and unicorns, once they ascend, will on incredibly rare occasions ascend into Alicorns. Most times though it comes only with a significant boost in the ability where most of their potential lies. Such as a Unicorn who has amazing magical power, or a Pegasus who has an incredible increase in their speed, there are even accounts of earth ponies gaining incredible strength, or a one in a billion ability to break the laws of the universe, that happened only once, a very long time ago. Ascending into an Alicorn happens only when Alicorn blood, however miniscule is present in a family’s ancestry. Ascension is a rare and exciting event for an outsider to witness, but for the one undergoing natural ascension it is commonly an excruciating experience, the physical pain is only intensified by the intense sickness that come with it. Ascension sickness as it is commonly called, is an affliction in which the body’s natural defenses are dramatically weakened while their body undergoes a physical change of some sort. After the physical change, the newly ascended will be incredibly sick for days afterward while their body’s immune system plays catch up. However after ascension an individual becomes incredibly robust, able to weather all but the most life threatening diseases and even then they’ll at worse experience only flu like symptoms, their strength is doubled, their magic, if any, is also doubled, or even tripled and, with proper tutelage, will only grow stronger, an individual’s memory is enhanced as well, they’ll be able to remember almost anything that happens after their ascension in perfect detail, couple that with the fact that it at the very least doubles your lifespan and it suddenly seems like a blessing, However the downside to natural ascension is that it has a sixty percent fatality rate amongst unicorns, forty percent rate amongst pegasi, and an eighty percent rate amongst earth ponies. Artificial ascension is forced ascension through use of a special spell that mimics natural ascension, except it has none of the benefits or the drawbacks of natural ascension. Of course it wasn’t artificial ascension that young Celestia was going through. Talon stood at the foot of the bed, his horn alight in concentration as he used a healing spell to ease the pain Celestia was feeling. Zoe sat at one side of the bed using a cloth damp with cold water and a special mixture of herbs to help ease the fever that her daughter was experiencing. One would only have to look at her face to see the worry she was feeling. Thanatos was sitting on the other side of the bed anxiously watching over his eldest daughter. As the god of death he had no healing skills, so all he could do was watch and wait as Talon and Zoe did their work. There is no known cure for Ascension sickness; the only thing you can do is try to make the patient as comfortable as possible as the affliction runs its course. +++++Celestia+++++ Celestia had been in crippling pain for she didn’t know how long she was stuck in the embrace of the intense fever or pain she had been feeling. So when she finally woke up it was only natural that she didn’t know where she was. She only knew she was in a bed in a room with a white brick wall. Her vision was blurry and everything around her was muted, she could vaguely hear someone say “She’s waking up,” but that was it. Her body felt like lead as she struggled to sit up. But she felt a pair of hooves gently push her back onto the bed. All she saw was a white and gold blur. “Don’t try to move right now, Celestia,” a hauntingly familiar voice said. “You need to rest; you are still weak from your ascension,” the clearly female voice said. “How is she Zoe,” an unfamiliar voice said. This time a white and silver blur came into her field of vision. “It seems the worst has passed, my lord,” the female said. “She awake as you can see but she’s unfocused,” “Yeah, that’s known to happen to newly ascended Alicorns,” the male voice said. “The power she’s radiating is astounding,” he said. “It’s surprising given how young she is,” “Is it possible Luna will go through the same thing” the female asked. There was a slight pause. “It’s almost a guarantee,” The male replied. “I did some ‘research’ a while back out of curiosity on my part, and found something interesting about your family tree,” he said. “And what did you find?” the female asked, the curiosity in her voice was obvious. “Did you know that two of you ancestors were Alicorns?” the male asked. Celestia blinked rapidly. She was related to an Alicorn? “Really?” the female asked. “Yeah surprised me too, and you should know that isn’t an easy thing to do,” the male replied. By this time Celestia had already put two and two together about who was speaking in the room. The name Zoe had already given away the identity of one and she was relieved about it, extremely so. The other she had to guess but, she believed it to be that Talon pony her father talked about. Her vision began to clear and she looked around. She notices two white ponies much larger than an average pony. One was a mare, she recognized her as her mother even if she didn’t physically look much like her any more. The other was a stallion, a little larger than her mother. The stallion notices her staring at him and looks towards her with his sapphire blue eyes. Celestia immediately tensed as she stared into his eyes. That stare of his absolutely radiated power, as she looked deeper she began to feel a familiar presence in her mind start to react. A presence she hadn’t felt since before coming to Everfree with Luna. Suddenly warmth began to fill her body, and then she felt it, a sudden burst of power so strong, it was beyond anything she had ever felt in her life. Then she began to feel another presence, this time from the outside. She then felt a power that dwarfed her own by… well by a lot. She searched for the source of the power only to realize the stallion in front of her was the source of the power in front of her, only the power was almost identical to hers, it was cool like a summer breeze, but it was as hard as tempered steel. Something like that could only be achieved by many years of hard training and discipline. Most average ponies will never live long enough to demonstrate that kind of control over their own power. She felt something else though, it was hard to describe. She knew it was the nature of his power, but something was familiar about it, she then realized what it was. This power was the same as her own. His eyes though showed more than his power, but also allowed a glimpse into his soul. What she saw enchanted her but also frightened her greatly. In his eyes he held a deep love of life and the creation of it, but he also held a deep pain, far deeper than anything Celestia had ever experienced. She swore she could feel that pain herself. But then a Vision appeared before her, a vast expanse of space billions of stars shining in the night sky, then she was moving, flying through space towards one star in particular, as the star came closer the realized what she thought was a star was actually another planet, as she entered the atmosphere and touched the surface, she was greeted by an amazing sight. In front of her was a castle made of white crystal that shone in the light of a nearby white dwarf star, it was amazing, the crystals acted as prisms to create a rainbow of colors which then appeared in the sky above creating an aurora, But inside the castle was another source of light, Celestia walked the arch over a lowered draw bridge, following the source of the light. She quickly found herself in a throne room of some sort. In the center of the room floated a ball of white light centered in the middle of three golden rings that encased and slowly revolved around it. On the rings were runes that glowed with rainbow light. Celestia slowly approached the light, feeling drawn to it, she reached out a hoof to touch it, and then suddenly everything stopped. There was a flash of light then she found herself back in the room with her mother and the stallion. +++++Talon+++++ Talon had looked at Celestia and watched as her eyes clouded over. He idly wondered what she would see in his eyes, after all eyes are often called a window to the soul. “Milord what’s happening,” Zoe asked as she looked at Celestia. “Your daughter has decided to look into my soul, kind of surprising really,” Talon replied. “Is it dangerous?” Zoe asked. “Not really, most of what you experience will be emotional, but sometimes you are greeted with visions,” he said. “Of what?” Zoe asked. “It depends on the pony,” Talon replied simply. Suddenly Celestia shook her head and her eyes cleared. “I take it you saw something,” Talon said. Celestia nodded. “What did you see?” Talon asked, though he had a good hunch on what it was. Celestia slowly explained everything the experienced in the vision. “I see,” Talon said. He looked at Celestia who flinched under his gaze. “You saw something that nobody beyond Acheron has seen in a million years,” “What was it she saw,” Zoe asked. “Aurora, the Star of Light, origin of all light magic,” Talon said. “I always thought it was destroyed long time ago,” “Light magic?” Celestia asked. “Yes, call it what you wish, holy magic, divine magic, celestial magic, healing magic, or even light elemental magic. They are all just a part of light magic. Celestia if you saw that in a vision, it means you are highly in tune with light magic, possibly on par with Acheron himself, I myself am in tune with light magic, however I specialize in Elemental and Divine Light Magic I also dabble in Healing Magic. Acheron is a master of Light Magic in all its glory.” “Aurora is only one of the Twin Stars, the other is Noctus, the Star of Darkness, which governs, curses, hexes, death magic, celestial magic, and dark elemental magic, together they rule over the five Elemental Stars, Kazes, the wind star, Pyrus, the fire star, Terrus, the earth star, Takius, the water star, and Surgex, the lightning star,” Talon explained. “Every star governs a specific race; sometimes a single star will govern multiple races, or a single race will be governed my multiple stars,” Talon explained. “Sorry about that, but as an Alicorn you need to be aware of this, Alicorns are the only race besides dragons to be governed by all the stars, and it will show in our manes, once we master our specialization, our manes will turn ethereal and reflect our specialization, an example is that in my unsealed form my mage shines with silver light, reflecting my mastery over Light Elemental Magic, yours will reflect your specialization eventually as well,” Talon explained. “Will you be teaching me?” Celestia asked. Talon looked at her “Either myself or your mother, since she is governed by Aurora as well,” he said. “What about my father,” Celestia asked. “Unfortunately, your father is governed by Noctus and won’t be able to teach you much of anything really,” Talon replied. “But listen, we’ll talk about this later, you need your rest, and I have a few errands to run around the city tomorrow, so rest up and the day after we’ll discuss this, alright,” Talon said. Celestia yawned and nodded “Alright,” she said. Within moments she was asleep. “If it’s alright with you I’ll stay with my daughter, for now,” Zoe said. “That’s fine,” Talon replied and walked out the door.