• Published 2nd Apr 2014
  • 377 Views, 4 Comments

Acheron's Call: Chronicles of a God - Talon19912

A betrayal by a close friend leads one individual down the path of a greater destiny

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Prologue: Battle in the Void: Talon vs. Darksaber

Prologue: Battle in the Void; Talon vs. Darksaber

Year: 4xxx
Month: January
Day: 1
Time: 24:00 G.S.T (Galactic Standard Time)
Planet: Noctus, Classification: Star of Darkness
Mission Report Written By: Admiral James Beck, Task Force 212, United Earth Space Corps

After months of fighting the Crew of the Acheron Star, a Super Battleship have reached their final destination, The Star of Darkness, the dead planet Noctus, the origin of the Vicious Shadow Spawn. Talon James Eques, former Captain of the Acheron Star, is betrayed by a close friend leading to a battle of apocalyptic proportions between the two, With his friend only stating that it was bound to happen. The Battle between the two causes Noctus to implode on itself. Captain Eques Presumed Dead.
Location: Noctus (Before Implosion)

Talon didn’t know what to think at the moment, he knew this confrontation would be necessary, but he didn’t want to admit it. He knew Darksaber knew Talon would never fight him without a good reason, but why would he go so far to make Talon fight him, it made no sense to him. He made his way through a castle made of black crystal situated in the very core of the star itself his boots made no sound in the vacuum of space.

Talon stopped at a pair of doors, they like everything else were black, reaching up to the ceiling twenty feet above, they were an imposing presence in an even more opposing fortress. Talon in his luminescent white armor was a stark contrast in the otherwise dark halls. Talon reaches out with a hand and pushes the door open.

Talon enters what appears to be a throne room and on the far side he sees what he came for, sitting on the throne on the far side of the room was Dark saber wearing his trademark black Demonic Armor (imagine the Deadric Armor from Skyrim, with a tattered black cape) His helm sat in his lap and he was leaning forward with his chin on his hands. His red eyes glowed in the darkness.

With a sigh Darksaber stood and put on his helm. “Talon,” He said simply.

“Darksaber,” Talon replied.

“I gues there’s no way to avoid this now is there?” Talon asked. His helm engulfed his head.

“There never was,” Darksaber replied.

Talon and Dark saber Draw there blades. Talon’s was a Bastard Sword weighing ten pounds Measuring 54 inches from tip to pommel, the blade was two inches wide, the hilt took up ten inches of the total length it glowed with an ethereal white light (Imagine Narsil/Unduil from lord of the rings, Isildur/Aragorn’s sword) . The sword of Darksaber was a Zweihander Measuring six and a half feet and eight inches wide, it weighed 40 pounds the hilt was a foot and a half long, it radiated a sinister black aura (Imagine Glam from Soul Calibur).

The two charged at each other and clashed in the middle of the throne room the resulting shockwave blew out the windows of the
castle. The clashed again and met in a deadlock, Both flaring their power; Talon with the power of Light and Life and Darksaber with the power of Darkness and death. Two energies that legends tell if the two were ever to clash the universe itself would feel the conflict. And feel it the universe did, the overwhelming sense of wrongness permeated every planet in the universe. As Talon and Darksaber clashed, each too evenly matched with the other. Though Darsaber had power, reach, and speed on his side; Talon had Speed, Agility, and power on his.

The two continued to fight even as Noctus crumbled around them. The two met at the center again and another shockwave ensued this time the castle around them was thwarting to crumble.

“Take this, All consumind Darkness,” Darksaber yelled as his fist erupted with black energy, He disengaged Talon and threw the energy at Talon who deflected it with his sword, sending the energy into a nearby wall, destroying it with a magnificent explosion. “I can do that too, Providence Wave!” Talon called in response. Talons Sword began to radiate pure light energy, such that the ground began to crater around him. Holding his sword like one would a baseball bat he swung it and unleashed a torrent of energy at Darksaber.

Darksaber brought up his sword in defense. Talons attack clashed against the blade. Darksaber gritted his teeth and forced the attack aside with a mighty roar.

“You’ve definitely improved in the last two thousand years, Talon, but this is the end, Herald of Oblivion,” Darksaber said.

‘Dammit,’ Talon swore.

“Alright then one last attack,” Talon said. “Divine Judgement,”

The two began to radiate energy that manifested as wings behind the two, Talon had feathery silver wings that gave of an aura of immense power, and Darksaber had Black bat like wings that radiated pure darkness. The two’s attacks charged up and unleashed as various points of white and black light that converged into on massive blast of energy that would leave the survivor drained. The two energies clashed in the middle of what was left of the throne room. The dome of swirling energy between the two attacks was growing larger. ‘Come on dammit,’ the two fighters thought.

Then the orb appeared to start boiling from the energy being put into it. ‘Not good,” Talon thought. ‘If that explodes who knows what could happen!’ Talon steeled himself. He knew Darksaber never gave up when he got an idea in his head. ‘I won’t give up either, what happens will happen,’ He thought. The planet around him began to shake ‘Well here goes nothing,’ Talon poured every last bit of energy he had into his attack, while Darksaber did as well. Suddenly the orb collapsed in on itself and began to form a black hole. ‘Shit,’ Talon swore. While Talon was distracted Darksaber took his chance and teleported behind him.

“Shame on you Talon, for letting your guard down,” Darksaber smirked behind his mask. “Well here is your reward!” he yelled. Darksaber grabs Talon’s sword and yanks it from his grasp. Talon turns towards Darksaber only to get impaled by his own sword. Talon’s eyes widen as dark saber pull his sword free and throws it into the black hole. “Your next Talon,” Darksaber says.

“Why? Talon asks weakly, clutching at the wound to his gut.

“Talon this universe is doomed, I’m going to make sure that at least one of our order survives, and it’s going to be you, so I lured you here and tricked you into creating this inter-dimensional portal, let’s face it Talon, you were never one to kill using your powers, but, Nemisis needs to be stopped and I’m the only one who can do it,” Darksaber picks up Talon by the collar and drags him to the portal. “I don’t know where this will lead but anything is better than a dying dimension, so this will be our final good-bye Talon, you were a good kid, no offence but I hope to never see you again,” Darksaber then throws Talon into the portal. Talon watches as Darksaber turns away “Good luck Warrior of Light,” he says. The portal closes.

Author's Note:

The first chapter in a story I hope everyone who reads this will like.