• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 1,964 Views, 16 Comments

Ponyball Z - Alchemystudent

Rainbow Dash and Goku team up to search for the legendary elements, on the way they encounter new threats and new foes

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You got the touch you got the power

Chapter 9: You've got the touch you've got the power!

The Nova flew back towards Mobius for its final mission but one last objective needed to be done, " Attention mates, at the sound of the whoosh it'll be pricelessly 10:00" Said Applejack as Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Goten, and Bra ran. " Trunks help!" Said Goten running from his elder bro.

" I'd love to help bud but I've got problems of my own. Get back here Bra!" Said Trunks.

" Hee, hee, you'll never catch me!" Said Bra running. Rainbow Dash decided of an easy way to get her little sister to bed. He went into the bridge and said, " Hey Applejack do you think you could put this Bee Gees CD in for me?" Asked Rainbow Dash showing Applejack Greatest.

" Sure mate!" Said Applejack putting it in.

" Well, Fluttershy I think we'd best get back to bed before the song kicks in." Said Rainbow Dash.

" I agree, but on one condition." Said Fluttershy.

" What's that?" Asked our hero.

" You carry me." Said Fluttershy as Rainbow Dash picked her up and carried her over the threshold.

" Well, mates its 14 minutes past bedtime, so here's your smooth deejay playing soothing sounds of the brothers: Stella, Flora, and Musa playing their sleeper hit 'Moon rise'. So I'd advise you to get to your bedrooms in 3minutes." Said Applejack as she put the CD in.

Do you wanna see the moon rise?

Watch the ending of the day?

I have been working oh, so very hard,

To move the stars,

Into a beautiful array!

I've just been kind of lonely,

These past few years

And nopony seems to care!

Do you wanna see the moon rise?

Then we could hang out 'til the sunrise!

"Not tonight, Luna."

Okay, fine...

Do you wanna see the moon rise?

I want to show you, come with me!

Orion's stars are out and shining bright

It's such a gorgeous night,Oh won't you come and see?

It's just that no one seems to notice

All the things I do

I feel like I'm going mad!

"Oh, Luna..."

Sister please forgive me

Why did it have to end like this?

If only I had just been there for you

Just like I ought have to...

I was remiss

So distracted by my duties,

Now I'm all alone

I just don't know what to do!

Do you want to see the moon rise?

The next morning, the nova flew at an extremely fast pace and suddenly stopped (That's right not only can I make this land on a dime but give you exact change-Scootaloo) to gently land on Mobius near an open area, " So now that all of the Dragonballs are gathered we need to awaken Will. But in order to do that we need Mewtwo." Said Applejack.

" What no chant or password?" Said Goku.

" Nope it's going to be that simple. Now Groudon, come out." Said Applejack. Then in a magnificent flash of light, there stood Giratina in a shower cap holding a rubber psyduck, Never fails, you try to take a shower and you get summoned. (Transforms back to his 6'7" tall self) now lets see, we've got my nickname's sake and friends and the Dragonballs gathered. You guys must want me to wake Irma up right. Said Yvetl (AKA: Goku).

" Right." Said the pony.

Okay wait right there. Said Dialga. He then meditated and went into Taranee's mind, who was asleep at the foot of Stella's bed. That stormcloud pokemon then woke Will with an alarm clock to the brain. Then in exactly 5 seconds the purple dragon came. Meanwhile the Z-gang were busy looking up for Will while the Rainbow Dash team who remembered what Will looked like were looking down, " So where is he?" Asked Gohan.

" Maybe down here." Said Will cleaning herself. They all looked down and saw a cute little purple dragon with orange wings, horns,
and black eyes, " (Laughs) that's an eternal dragon?" Said Goten laughing his head off.

" What and you were expecting thundering clouds, huge, fiery red eyes, and green? Sorry not my style." Said Will, " So who's going to ask for the wish. Now remember, it can not meddle with fate. So what is it going to be?" Everyone was then dumbfounded, because they could not think of what the whish will be. Vegita knew what he wanted but he was going to train for it, Scootaloo couldn't think of anything either, and neither could most of the people at that position. Rainbow Dash then quickly remembered what Goku said back in chapter 2 page 15 and said, " Wait Goku's got one."

" What me! Okay here goes, Will I wish that Vegita would show how he feels for Bulma more often." Said Goku and when he did that nothing happened, except that the Dragonballs turned from regular Dragonballs to 7 pink pearls, each with different colored points.

" There you go the wish is granted have fun, bye!" Said Will as she disappeared, after giving Bra, Trunks, and Goten his autograph. Ryaquza then said, Okay now that the Dragonballs have turned into the original pink pearls that I'd originally made, lets head over to the temple in time over in Hyrule. They then did by way of the Typhoon across the Sucine Ocean, and into Hyrule. Then after getting expressed permission from Queen Zelda got within the Temple of time. Zapdos then said, Okay everyone put the Pink pearls onto the specified areas around the place where he master sword was. And don't worry I've made sure that no one can mess it up by putting those colored symbols on top. Once everyone did that Articuno said, Now here are the people who are not allowed in here: Women who are pregant, princes, guardians, past monks, children 4-18, Women, any kings who start with V, and of course carrots. Now come on Rainbow Dash. He then led Rainbow Dash within the doors where he told Rainbow Dash to place the master sword within the stone once more, " Let me guess, we'll go back in time 7 years." Said Rainbow Dash.
No wrong story. Now if you excuse me.Said Moltres was he powered up and said, I call upon the full fiery force of the demon's forge meld these 7 pearls into the center piece of the master sword.Then each pearl glowed with amazing pink energy and made a new center piece of the sword, Now Rainbow Dash try to pull the sword from the block while I summon the spell.Said Entei as Rainbow Dash ran and began to pull the sword and lighting stuck the sword.

(Start playing the touch)

Suicune said, call upon the fierce instinct and the incviniblity of EARTH! AS earthquakes rumbled, and a green light broke through a wall to reveal a stained glass window with a picture of a Persain with green eyes and a picture of Flora: A flowing haired, rock hard warrior, with muscles on his muscles, commanding the very Earth beneath him, holding a whip in one hand that holding it in the right hand made him look like a magnificent barbarian fighting off a rock monster, The balance and adversity of AIR Now a blazing white light with hurricanes and tornadoes broke through revealing a picture of Celebi with blue eyes and of Musa: A head that shone off the rest of magnificent muscular body, with lighting charging his hands and one of them had a handheld laser trying to battle off a huge wind monster, The kindness, tranquility, and swiftness of WATER, A shining blue light broke through this time followed by the sound of rushing water and typhoons, the window this time was a picture of a Whooper a cute little Pokemon with annte sticking out with blue eyes and a picture of Andy: A flowing blonde warrior that had water splashing on his muscular body which made it glance more like sweat than water, he's holding a spear in one hand to fight off a fierce sea dragon, The vengeance and power of FIRE, Then lava flowed in with mountains erupting and a fiery red light shone through the picture of a Houndoom, a fierce fire dog with a skull amulet and bone armor and of Stella: a muscular warrior, with his armor half ripped showing off his chest, flowing fiery red hair, with fire surrounding him and his sword, and fighting off an evil dragon, All of this combine to from the love, the power, and the mysteries of the heart, LOVE, All of the fierce elements in there died down and the 4 points of light combined to turn into pink light and then broke the wall to reveal a picture of the Elder with the Beast king on bottom, Celestial, then the Starbearer, and lastly the Demon, also a picture of Leslie: A beautiful raven-haired lady, with a wonderful dress that just mearly added on to her miraculous beauty, and in her right hand a crystal boomerang, then the pink light hit the centerpiece of the sword and Rainbow Dash finally pulled it out.
Now Rainbow Dash call upon the Elemental armor to claim your destiny! Said Lugia.

" EARTH beneath me, AIR above me, WATER around me, FIRE within me, and LOVE surrounds me!" Said Rainbow Dash in the voices of their procetive ruler while holding the master sword in the air. Then grass and vines surrounded Rainbow Dash's torso and formed the breastplate and sheild of earth. Wind went onto Rainbow Dash's feet to form the boots of air, water splashed onto his head to become the helmet of water, and then fire latched unto his arms to become his gauntlets and sheathe of fire. Then something pinked shone through his chest then turned into a heart crystal. Then the master sword changed shape from a broad sword into a kitanna the choice weapon of samurai. Rainbow Dash then walked out into the crowd in his normal self. " What were you expecting me to come out as Super Rainbow Dash? But before we try to figure out the extent of my power we'd better figure out how to handle that!" Said Rainbow Dash pointing to the big comet coming down.

Author's Note:

I think I made of made some people cry with that last song...oh well! Onto the last chapter and end credits. Hope you all will join me there!