• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 1,964 Views, 16 Comments

Ponyball Z - Alchemystudent

Rainbow Dash and Goku team up to search for the legendary elements, on the way they encounter new threats and new foes

  • ...

All over time and Space

Chapter 2: Go, Go, Power Rangers.

Meanwhile Fluttershy was standing up on a balcony looking up at the sky and wishing that she could the other worlds besides the Elemental ones. Then she felt someone hugging her from behind and give her a small kiss, " Good morning Fluttershy." Said the true blue 22-year-old pony.
" Good morning to you Rainbow Dash." Said Fluttershy returning the kiss.
" Hallo up there." Said the soon to be dead pony.
" Hey, do I interrupt you when you kiss Julie-Su?" Asked the queen.
" No, but this meeting is important, I'd advise you to go and get your soon-to-be bro-in-law and his fiancée." Said Knux pulling down his hat over his eyes. Speaking of the two tailed wonder, she was out in the courtyard. " Moon Hammer magic." Said Sweetie Belle, a 20-year-old purple pony. Scootaloo blocked the attack with a barrier move. He then went into a reversal by throwing several razor leaves. Sweetie Belle just blocked the attack by spinning her hammer. She then unleashed a world shaking, which Scootaloo jumped over and then released a shadow ball blocking her vision, then she heard, " Vine whip, poison ivy." He said releasing a bunch of vines to tie her up and bring her close to him, " Good, afternoon, Sweetie Belle." Said Scootaloo.
" Good afternoon, Scootaloo." Said Sweetie Belle. They then gave each other the biggest liplocking, gumsharing, fireworks shooting, Well what you know those tricks Rainbow Dash taught me worked, Two page, paragraph long, Vegita and Bulma like, Darien and Sailor Moon like kiss that had those out in the audience taking notes. " Hey Scootaloo once you're done imitating me, Applejack wants to see us." Said Rainbow Dash.
" Rainbow Dash okay." Said Scootaloo.
" Be, behind Scootaloo you right." Said Sweetie Belle. Once the gang got together, Applejack explained to them the events of chapter 1 and finished with, " So that's it we have exactly 7 days in order to get the Elements."
" But why do we need to go through 7 chapters in the first place, shouldn't my Ultra Rainbow Dash powers be enough?"
" No, for you see when the master sword gets powered up, so will Ultra Rainbow Dash." Said the orange pony.
" But what about my elemental powers?" Said Rainbow Dash.
" No, but that's because our elemental powers are separate, and let me tell you why." Said Applejack.
" This isn't going to be one of your two page ledgens is it?" Asked Rainbow Dash
" Yep, afraid so."
" I'm sorry I asked, do you realize that you've got the most words of anybody in this story?" Said Rainbow Dash.
" Yeah, but telling the author that!" She than began, " One day after making the chaos gems, Mewtwo realize that he had five leftover. So he combined them into an emerald by using his love for his older bro. He then sent it to the one who has the 5th element the strongest within them. It was first given to the moon princess Serena, when she had to fight pharaoh 90. Now it has been bestowed unto you. That is why Robotnik wanted to kill you. Because he knew that if you did get robotized, within 18 years the emerald would've freed you and returned all of Equestria to normal, and you would've been with Fluttershy either way." Said Knux.
" Well, at least it wasn't two pages like the last one." Said Scootaloo.
" Yeah I guess Alchemy Student decided to have mercy on the printers." Said Rainbow Dash.
OH, Ha, ha, ha. :D
" But all saneness aside, when are those friends of yours suppose to come?" Asked Rainbow Dash. Just then in came the blurred image of 10 people ( Okay 6 Saiyans, 3 humans, and 1 android) " So where's this super powerful warrior that supposedly defeated Dark Rainbow Dash?" Asked Vegita.
" Uh, the blue gal’s it." Said Goku.
" WHAT!" said Vegita.
" Wait a minute, since there's royalty abound here, lets introduce ourselves right." Said Rainbow Dash.
" What do you mean pony?" Asked Vegita.
" You'll see follow me." Said Rainbow Dash. They all went to the castle, where Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy sat on the royal couch (What did you expect, a throne) Then in came a little mole like Pokemon, " Sandshrew, sand sand, Sandshrew." He said, " Presenting the royal family of Vegitasei."
Then in came a little pig monkey like Pokemon, " Man, man, man, Manakey." Then in came another pig monkey like Pokemon that looked like he had just broke out of his cage, " Primeape, prim, ape ape prime ape, Primeape." He said, " Presenting his royal majesties, the king Vegita, king of all Vegitasei and it's other lands. With him is his son the prince Trunks and Cousin Son Kakarot, otherwise known as Goku of Earth with family, and the royal honor guard: Krillin and 18." Then Primeape carried them in. Then in came a little beet with grass hair, " Odd, odd, od od, Oddish." Then in came its brother, another little beet with a nearly blooming bud and drooling, " Gloom, Gloom gloom gloom gl, Gloom!" It said, " Presenting her royal majesties, Queen Bulma of Vegitasei, ruler of all the planet and of its realms. And with her is the young princess Bra." Then in came a little green hula dancer with little flowers in her head, " Bellossom!" She said coming in throwing little petal around. Then in came its big sister, carrying Bulma and Bra, a big bouquet of flowers, " Vileplume!" She said. Once they all got in, " All right now that you're all here allow me to introduce myself," Said King Rainbow Dash Maurice pony I, " I'm Rainbow Dash, over there is my lovely wife Fluttershy, over there is Sweetie Belle and her fiancée Scootaloo (Oh, one more thing. If you see me having Rainbow Dash call Scootaloo little bro, its because Rainbow Dash still considers Scootaloo a little brother, and when Scootaloo marries Sweetie Belle, she'll not consider him a brother in law but a brother, likewise Sweetie Belle a little sister not in law) And gliding in, one person I think one of you already knows, is Applejack, treasure hunter, fighter, guardian, and old dude!"
" What that's it! Once this adventure's over you're due for one heck of a strawberry!" Said the guardian.
" And coming in is my kids the twins Pinkie Pie (Points to a pink blur) and Pound cake (points to a green blur). My little sister Rarity." Said Rainbow Dash.
" Get back here, I'll teach you to tear the head off of my whittle dolly!" Said Rarity.
" Looks like we're going to have to have a talk with our kids later on." Said Fluttershy.
" I agree." Said Rainbow Dash.
" All right now that we've done these introductions, how do you explain that we're going to get the Elements. It's not like we have a spaceship." Said Vegita.
"Actually we do follow me." Said Scootaloo leading them to a wing of the castle that not even Rainbow Dash knew about. They then went up to a security system, " Please enter name and password." Said S.O.N.D.R.A
" Power, Miles, Scootaloo." Said Scootaloo.
Improves his
" Welcome Scootaloo. Your labcoat and glasses are on the automatic coatrack." Said the computer. Just then in came a very disgunished butler like coat rack; Scootaloo then put on her coat and glasses and looked very cute. They then entered the lab, which was even bigger than Dexter's lab, " Welcome everyone to my laboratory. Here we design weapons that look like ordinary objects. Look out for the machine gun umbrella, the rose darts, the bomb balloon, the grappling watch, and…C whats that?" Asked Scootaloo to a ready for this, crocodile.
" Oh I got this idea from the Flintstones." Said C feeding a snapping handbag.
" Hey Scootaloo. Whats this subway sub doing here? I know it's actually a sub machine gun." Said Goku.
" No actually I thinks its someone's lunch." Said Scootaloo. They then went into the vehicle room where they saw the boat, the Typhoon, and the plane the tornado. They then went to towards the final room, " And in this room is our biggest project." Said Scootaloo.
" Please enter palm, renta print, and 3 passcodes." Said Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo did the first two things and then said, " Dc R O 9/09/99 Pr @ $99.9
S3&SK R O 94.
Fluttershy is really
On the ball
Now when she releases the
Hero really loves the
Earth and although he
Doesn't admit it, he
Gets really
Excited about getting
His feet
On the
They then entered the room, " Everyone, allow me to introduce the Nova! This baby is about the size of a Kilngon ship, space cases ship, and the enterprise, and is the circrumprence of the Death Star. Has the attack power to battle a legion of Borg cubes, warp drives powerful enough to get to any planet, time, and universe within a day. 6 bedrooms, 1 big training room, Gundaium hide, Kamehameha blast proof shielding, lighting powered generators, high speed navigational computers, and cargo bays big enough to feed 60 Snorlaxes." Scootaloo said.
" Uh Scootaloo I think you'd better add one more for us." Said Bulma.
" Why?" Asked Scootaloo.
" Because Goku can eat as much as a big Snorlax!" Said Bulma. They then got on the spaceship after it got ready for Lunch (But Greg she's not even in this movie-Goku. Also I'm a bit hungry)
" All right here we go!" Said Scootaloo pressing the button and instead of going forward it crash into back, " Oops! (Chuckles) had the silly thing in reverse." They then went forward and Krillin asked, " Uh, do we really need that garage door?"
" Oh, thanks, I almost forgot." Said Scootaloo pressing the button just in the nick of time.
As the nova floated by Fluttershy said, " Captains log (Ugh, lifts a heavy log) kiss date 456987123.12 (Rainbow Dash gives her a big kiss)." She then left to return the small gift Rainbow Dash gave her. Most of the navigational programming was done by Knux, Scootaloo did the matience, and the others just partied. " So where are we headed?" Asked Scootaloo.
" Well, according to the chapter Earth." Said the orange dude.
" Back o that pitiful planet whatever for?" Asked the king of All Saiyans.
" Because the holder of the Element of earth is there." Said Knux. They then landed after they went by MIB offices and got their intergaltic passports (You know whats the difference between me and other writers, I make this look good!) They then went to the Command Center, " Please show power coins for entrance." Said Alpha 5.
" Hey Alpha it's me Rainbow Dash. Don't you think you guys can let an old friend in?" Said Rainbow Dash.
" Rainbow Dash! Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, AYE! I knew I should've ordered that eye viewer from Sears." Said Alpha as he opened the gates. They then got in, " Ahh, allow me to introduce myself, I am Alpha 5." Said Alpha, a miniature red robot with two symbols on top of each other and a visor.
" And I'm #6." Said a female Alpha.
" Wow, two mulifunitional synchronized automatons." Said Scootaloo. Everyone except Bulma was dumbfounded, " He means robot." Said Bulma.
" And I am Zordon!" Said a tall buff man with short back hair.
" I am Demitra." Said a girl that looks like she was from India.
" Okay Zordon now that you've introduced everyone, when can you hand over the Element?" Asked Knux.
" I'm sorry but I cannot, for you see it was taken from me in a battle with an evil witch Rita Replusa." Said Zordon showing them the viewing globe and in it was an evil witch with a rabbit hat and Madonna like clothing.
" So all we have to do is fly to where she lives, and get it." Said Goku.
" I'm afraid it's not that simple, for you see Rita's husband lord Zedd, has put a force field around the castle and thus made it darn near impossible to get in." Said Zordon referring to a red muscle like tyrant with an endoselkton. Just then an alarm sounded that sounded like a cat being tortured. " Well, maybe you won't have to look far." Said Zordon pointing to the monster with the Element in its stomach with in the viewing globe.
" But the Element radar isn't reacting to it." Said Bulma.
" That because it's not a regular Element. Rainbow Dash do you have your master sword with you?" Asked Knux.
" I treat it like my American express." Said Rainbow Dash pulling out the sword.
" Great now point it towards the picture." Said Rainbow Dash's cousin. As she did this the sword glowed green. " Alpha contact the rangers immeadly!" Said Zordon.
" Aye, aye, aye, aye! Right Zordon.
Meanwhile back at the Angle Grove gym and juice bar, a teenager was teaching his martial arts class when he heard (det det det dot dot), " All right class dismissed!" Said Jason, the red ranger, leader of the rangers, and while in his human form was wearing his red clothes, " Hey twin bro, stop doing lip push ups on Kim and come on." Said Jason to Tommy.
" Jason there right." Said Tommy, a pony tail, brown haired warrior, with white clothing on.
" Soon there be we'll right." Said Kimberly, a pink clothed warrior with light brown hair. Billy, a light blonde warrior with glasses and blue clothes, meanwhile was watching Trini, a black haired Japanese practice her mantis style fighting style, when Bill heard his communicator ring, " Trini, it time for us to go." Said Billy.
" Be right there Billy." Said Trini. And at a mall, Jessica, a red haired girl with white-stripped clothing, was shopping with her friend Aiesha, a black girl with yellow-stripped clothing. " Yo, girl duty calls." Said Aiesha.
" Oh, darn just when I was about to pick the perfect dress." Said Jess. Meanwhile Rocky, a Hispanic with red stripped clothes, Zack, a black guy with a black shirt, Katharine, a blonde haired (No dumb blonde jokes please) and had pink stripped clothes on, Curtis a blue stripped black guy, and Adam, a Chinese hero with a green stripped suit on were watching RockyIV when the communicators beeped, " Yo, time to go dudes!" Said Zack.
"Right, come on lets go!" Said Adam.
" Darn the best part is coming too." Said Curt.
" Be right there guys." Said Rock.
" He meant now mate!" Said Kat. Once the all of the rangers got there (6Reserves + 6regulars) " What's up Zordon?" Asked Jason.
" A monster is attacking the outskirts of the city. You also might see some helpers there as well." Said Zordon.
" Right, you guys know what time it is!" Said Jason.
" 11:50?" Asked Kim.
" Time to go on the Internet?" Asked Adam.
" Time to go to a Japanese restaurant?" Asked Trini.
" No, its Morphing Time!" Said Jason.
(If you paid attention to the colors you'll know who's who.)
W-2 buckle my shoe.
P-4 shut the door
B- 5
Y-6 Pick up sticks
Ys- 7
Gs-8 lay them straight
Ps- 9
Rs- 10 do it again.
Bs- 11
Ws- lets delve.
( Start playing the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers theme)
They then teleported to the area where they saw Goku, Rainbow Dash, and Vegita, ready to get the Element at the right moment. They then went into action. Kim began by doing a double high kick putties follow by a spin kick into three more. Tommy and Jason teamed up, Tommy began with a double punch and then did an elbow crush into the head of one. Jason then performed a triple tornado kick, then brought out the power sword and slashed down 4 more. Tommy then gave Jason a jump boost which Jason then went into attack, which led up to another putties price cut in ½. One silly putty began to strangle Kim but got knocked out but by Kat's shield. Trini meanwhile did a triple kick into three, bounced off a tree and then used her daggers like a bomb and took out several more. She then turned around and threw her dagger into at least 5. Trini then acted like a power drill and took down 6.She wasn't able to get the one behind her for it was stabbed in the back by Bill. He then spun around and performed did an over-the-head slash into one. Billy slashed one half down, spun cut 3 down, and then did an earthquake crash. Aiesha then spun her Nunchuks like a double helicopter in 6 putty heads. Aiesha then knocked a couples knees out. She then tripped one down and then rammed her elbow into the vertebrae, then jumped did a right kick into one head and left kicked the 2ndone's head, and kicked one right into Zack's power ax. Zack then fired a multi shot machine gun blast and then finished with a backflip kick. Kat meanwhile threw her shield which some putties ducked, only to get hit by the richocete. Curtis meanwhile threw two axes and did a cutting figure eight, grabbed them back and then did an X slash on another. Meanwhile Rocky and Adam were teamed up, while Adam ran through the bunch with this tonfas knocking down the bunch of them, Rock was taking down the others behind them with his patented earthquake smash. Then Kim had an idea to take the rest down. She brought out her bow and fired it straight up in the air. Tommy looked and realized the plan, he then said, " Ladies and gentleman, allow me to introduce once again Saba." He then brought out his saber. " Ready to go buddy?"
" As always!" Said the talking dagger as it flew up and fired his eye beams to charge the arrow with its eye beams. Jesse saw it and then said, " Sheeba ready to join your friend?"
" Of course." Said the girl saber as it flew up and helped its friend to charge the arrow. The arrow then crashed unto the battlefield exploding the rest of the army except the monster. Kim and Kat tried a double kick but to no avail. The monster then grabbed Kim by the neck and began to strangle her. This continued till Tom slashed the creature with Saba. Rocky then tried to knock it down with an earthquake while Aiesha and Adam did a double kick into the monster's stomach. The creature knocked all three aside like Cell knocking Hercule. Kim then tried her bow while Trini threw her daggers, the beast caught them and threw them back. Then Jason said, " Guys time to combine the weapons." They then brought out all of the weapons.
" Power ax!"
" Power bow!"
" Power daggers!"
" Power lance!"
" Power sword/ Saba!" Said Tom and Jason together they then made their best power weapon.
" Zeo sword!'
" Zeo sheild!"
" Zeo chucks!"
" Zeo tonfas!"
" Zeo axes!"
" Sheeba!" Said Jess they then made their weapon. They then fired which badly destroyed the monster. They then heard, " Magic wand make my monster grow!" Said Rita. Rainbow Dash and Goku sprung into action. Goku instant transmitted himself to the wand but by the time he got there it was too late. Rainbow Dash meanwhile, when she got to the landing point he had 60 seconds before it landed, leaving him enough time to enjoy her can of Dr. Pepper and read his comic book. He then grabbed the wand in midair and threw it back from the grass, hitting Rita right in the ane. Rainbow Dash then received a call on his glovecom, " Rainbow Dash here what's up?" asked Rainbow Dash.
" Well, the monster actually. You see when you and Goku left Zedd sent down his growth potion and made the monster grow. We need you and Goku to get back here and get that object you guys are looking for. We'll distract it with the Omega Zord." Said Jason.
" All right I'm here." Said Rainbow Dash.
" All right." Jason said and then realized that Rainbow Dash was already there. While Rainbow Dash was thinking of a way to get to the Element Jason said, " Hey, Dinozords, thunderzords, ninja, and shogun zords get over here!"
" Saba call the white Tiger Zord, I'll get the dragon zord." Said Tommy as he brought out the dragon dagger and played it. Then the Zeo rangers called upon the Zeo megazord.
( Once again the Ranger theme)
The rangers then got into the Megazord once the others went mega, " All right now fusion!" Said Jason as he brought out the power crystal, " Okay now, form feet and legs, (The thunderzord and also while the firebird came off and came onto the hand to form a gauntlet, and shogun formed the legs) form hands and arms (The ninja Zord did this, while the falcon went to the back and formed the wings) and we'll form the torso and head (the Megazord along with the Tiger zord formed the torso and the chest plate, the megazord also contributed to the head, Zeo the helmet, and the Dragon the tail)." That's when the Omega Zord was formed. Meanwhile Rainbow Dash figured out a way to get in, " And the censors won't like it!" Said Rainbow Dash.
" What do you mean?" Asked Goku.
" You'll see." Said Rainbow Dash as he jumped up and spun dash right into the stomach cutting it open.
" Hey wait up." Said Goku.
" Oh no you don't Kakarot, you're not going to have all of the fun." Said Vegita. Meanwhile Rainbow Dash ran towards the head when he got stopped by several antibodies, uncle bodies, and cousine bodies. The in came the saiyans, " Man talk about your unfair odds!" Said Goku.
" I know there's 42 of them and only 3 of us." Said Rainbow Dash.
" As proud warriors, we should least show them some courtesy and allow them to regroup (Chuckles at his joke)." Said Vegita. The fight began once Goku and Rainbow Dash regain their senses and took Vegita to the hospital. The battle went smoothly till one creature said to Vegita, " Once we're done with you we'll kill your loved ones!" Vegita then lost it. Meanwhile Goku and Rainbow Dash, having a low tolerance for gore, started to play cards, " So Vegita hides his feelings?" Said Rainbow Dash.
" Yeah, you know one day I wish Vegita would reveal how he feels for his family." Said Goku. (Wait time out, that's foreshadowing I'm a real writer now, YES!) They then went into the brain, they then almost grabbed the Element when the giant defense monster attacked. Vegita then did a spin kick into the face, while Goku and Rainbow Dash performed a double punch. But the monster simply swatted the three away. Then Rainbow Dash said, " Hey guys I've got an idea (Whispers plan) all right blue Vegita, orange Goku, Blue me to, hut!" They then broke off. Then they rammed into the beast from three different directions. Then Rainbow Dash got ready to do his trusty spin dash as Goku fired his Kamehameha wave and Vegita fired his final flash attack. Just 5 nanoseconds before the blast hit Rainbow Dash grabbed the Element before the beast blew. Once Jason saw the guys escaped he deiced its time to fight. The omegazord delivered a 1-2 punch and then led up with a sidekick. The monster then slashed it and then tried it again but the OZ blocked it. Then after the block the Omegazord punched it right into the stomach. Then it tried a tailwhip, which the monster grabbed it and threw it over the head and slammed it into the ground. The creature then tried to copy it but the Omegazord grabbed the tail and sent a huge electric shock through its system. It then brought out a blazing sword like weapon and charged it with fire and thunder. It then did a Trunks esque cut.
Meanwhile at the Command center, " Good job Rangers" Said Zordon, " And especially to you as well Rainbow Dash, Goku, and Vegita."
" Hey no prob!" Said Jason.
" Just doing the job." Said Rainbow Dash. After the others left Adam said, " Hey has anyone seen Tommy or Kimberly?"
" Last I heard of him, he said that he had some unfinished business with Kimberly." Said Kat.
" And for that matter where's Jason?" Said Rocky.
" He said that he had something to do with Jessica." Said Zack. They then saw Jason give Jessica the biggest lip locking, gum sharing, gosh I hope my father don't see us, fireworks shooting, is that your final answer, two page 100 word summary kiss of her life. And Tommy was doing the same to Kimberly. " Humph and they call that a kiss." Said Bill.
" What do you mean Billy?" Asked Trini.
" I mean that this is a kiss!" Said Billy as he imitated his buds

Author's Note:

Here is the next chaptr, with more cocane and hookers for you all!