• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 1,964 Views, 16 Comments

Ponyball Z - Alchemystudent

Rainbow Dash and Goku team up to search for the legendary elements, on the way they encounter new threats and new foes

  • ...

I am sorry my feelings are short circuit

Author's Note:

Yes, I hate Wolfei, for reasons unexplained. I hate him...yeah...thats why.

Chapter 3:I am sorry my feelings are short-circuited, I can only say how I feel in my dreams

As the nova continued to its destination, Rainbow Dash asked, " Hey AJ, I've got 4 questions for you, where are we, when are we, whats the crossover, and whats the capital of Maine?" Coming from a tough sparring match with Goku and Vegita (SSJ Stage 3) Trunks and Goten fused into Gotenks (SSJ Stage 3) Gohan (SSJ Stage 2) Krillin at his best and Scootaloo in his turbo form, while blindfolded, and into the bridge, " But alch, I don't even know how to play that game." Said Rainbow Dash.
Oh, very funny you know that I tickle my bro for less.

" The answers to your questions are: Landing on the moon, the year after colony 200 (3000) uh, (checks script) Gundam, and Augusta. And sorry girls but Serena's palace isn't here so you can't ask her for the address for her seamstress.

" Oh, darn!" said Bulma.

" Wait girls maybe we can ask her after the movie." Said Fluttershy.

" Yeah!" Said the girls. Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash, Goku, and Vegita imagined their wives (Scootaloo: Girlfriend) in the dress that Serena wears. Rainbow Dash then said. " Come on guys!" said Rainbow Dash, jucin towards the moon base. Vegita and Goku flew after, followed by an orange fox saying, " Hey Rainbow Dash, wait for me!"

" Oh, no you two don't! There's no way you mates are going have all of the fun." Said Applejack. They then ran through the fortress till they heard, " Halt intruders! Identify yourselves!" said a computer, and also they were confronted by mobile dolls (No, not Barbie and Ken, but mobile suits operated by remote control.)

" All right here's how we're going to do this." Said Rainbow Dash; " Vegita, you and Goku find the Dragonball. Me, Applejack, and Scootaloo will handle everything here." Said Rainbow Dash and as the saiyans ran off the P.A. said again, " I repeat identify yourselves."

" I just love it when the say that." Said Rainbow Dash.
(Start playing the Team rocket theme)

" Prepare for trouble!" Said Rainbow Dash.

" And make it double mates!" Said AJ.

" To protect Mobius from devastation,"

" To unite all peoples within the nation,"

" To defend the beauty of truth and love,"

" To extend our justice to the stars above,"

" Rainbow Dash,"

" Applejack"

" Team Rainbow Dash blast off at the speed of light!"

" Surrender now or prepare to fight mates!"

" Scootaloo that's right." Said Scootaloo.

" All right here's the plan: Applejack, Scootaloo you guys go to the main office and deactivate Krissy and Barbie, I'll try and destroy them here. Got it?" Said Rainbow Dash.

" Got it." Said AJ.

" Good." Said Rainbow Dash.

" I don't get it." Said Scootaloo as he got hit with a pillow.

" Just follow my lead little mate." Said Applejack as they went to the control. Rainbow Dash then spun dashed right into the center of one and then jumped and richocete off of two walls, and spin dashed another suit right in half. Rainbow Dash then ran, dodged a couple of bullets, and then landed on the chest of one allowing its friend to shoot the one Rainbow Dash was standing on, " Aw, gee you shot your wittle friend, here let me make it up to you. I'll just stand here and let you take a shot." Said Rainbow Dash smirking. Then just as two bullets were 5 inches away, Rainbow Dash grabbed one, sped away before the second one hit to allow it to hit the MD, and then threw the bullet he had at another one. Rainbow Dash then found a long loose wire tied it around two Mobile dolls' head and said, " You know the only way to defeat me is by putting your heads together!" Said Rainbow Dash as she tightened them up and crashing the heads. Meanwhile in the control room a solider said, " Man whatever that thing is destroying our dolls is unbelievably fast." Said a soldier.

" All right you guys, stop your operation now and no one will get hurt!" Said Scootaloo.

" T… That PEGASUS talked!" Said another soldier.

" Scootaloo I think these blokes are afraid of us." Said the guardian.

" Really, let me see, boo!" Said Scootaloo. The soldiers' eyes bugged out, their bodies stiffened, and then their tongues made a staircase in which their voices came out and said, " Eeek!" they then fainted. Once the Rainbow Dash team met up with the Saiyans, they felt a low rumbling sound, " Uh guys do you feel this thing transforming?" Asked Scootaloo.

" I don't know but don't look now, there's a giant piece of metal coming in a 7:57 o' clock!" Said Rainbow Dash as they got out of the now transforming Mech. Vegita and Goku transformed into stage 3, and battled the evil robot. Meanwhile Rainbow Dash looked at the metal and discovered something, " Wait this thing's made of Adamantium, I've got an idea!" Said Rainbow Dash as she became Super Rainbow Dash and fired a small hole into the side of the robot. Rainbow Dash then saw a bunch of gears moving, except one that was labeled shift and was in neutral. Rainbow Dash then found out a way to get up to the ceiling. He started running on two gears that were running unto each other. He began to run the opposite way of one causing it to build up potential energy, and when he stopped it caused him to be slingshot up to the ceiling, bonking him on the head, " Oww! Who's the Bakayero fils de Chienne that drew the ceiling up there!" Said Rainbow Dash getting himself up. Then when he was just about to grab the emerald he heard, " Stop right there pony!"

Meanwhile back at the nova Trunks saw the sword that his future self had begin to glow, " Wait that sword only glows when there's an evil android near." Said Trunks as he picked up his sword and flew away. Meanwhile Bulma saw her son flying away, " What oh, no. When he gets back here he is so grounded!" Said Bulma, her heaving bouncing hair flowing in the breezr as she yelled out in terror and sorrow, clutching her dominante hand to her heart. Trunks then flew straight into the copick where Rainbow Dash is, " So you're the android that I sensed!" Said Trunks.

" That's right, I am android 22," Said Wolfei (Didn't expect that didn't you? J ) " I was to be Cell's 2nd command. But now that he was destroyed, I had to use a new plan, which was this. Gain all of the people down on Earth's favor then destroy them. But now that you're here I'll add a prince and a king to the list of the DEAD! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" Said he evil villain as he spilt into 2 and brought out his sword. Rainbow Dash and Trunks brought out their weapons. Rainbow Dash blocked a hit from the one he faced just to get cut in the side. Rainbow Dash then did a spin kick, which led into a head slice. Trunks meanwhile kicked Wolfei into the stomach and knocked the sword out of his hand. The robot then opened his hands to reveal energy drainers. Rainbow Dash then smiled and said, " Hey Trunks I've got an idea that can come in handy." Said Rainbow Dash as both he and Trunks sliced Wolfei's hands. Rainbow Dash and Trunks had surprise looks on their faces when he sprouted blades. Rainbow Dash and Trunks backed up to the opening that Trunks made, " Well, here's the exit, so after you Rainbow Dash." Said Trunks.

" No, no, after you." Said Rainbow Dash.

" No kings first."

"NO princes first."

" No after ( Both look at the rampaging robot) HIM!" They said together as Wolfei crashed onto the moon below, " (Duke Nukem impersonation) What a mess!" Rainbow Dash said.

" Yeah, am I glad I don't have to clean it up." Said Trunks as they grabbed the Dragonball.