• Published 1st Apr 2014
  • 1,964 Views, 16 Comments

Ponyball Z - Alchemystudent

Rainbow Dash and Goku team up to search for the legendary elements, on the way they encounter new threats and new foes

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Dream tonight, Dream Delight

Chapter 7: Luna don’t you cry for me!

The nova landed on one of the most mysterious planets in the universe, Dreamcus. When the gang came out Rainbow Dash said, " Everyone welcome to Dreamcus where dreams come true. And that's the truth, for you see when you're on this world your greatest dream will come to life and if you fall asleep on this planet t he dream will come to life." Said Rainbow Dash as they continued their trek to Queen Leslie's castle. While walking they saw their own dreams and the dreams of other people. When they got to the castle they heard, " Stop right there!" Then in came a cute little pink blob with red sneakers. " HI! My name's Kirby, honor guard of this planet, and defender."

" This blob is the planet's protector?" Said Vegita.

" Yeah so what?" Asked Kirby turning himself into a Saiyan. After the introduction and the telling of why their here Kirby led them into a room inside the palace where there was a picture of the Starbearer, he then pushed the picture aside and saw that it was gone, " OH NO! But I think I know where it is follow me." Said Kirby.

" So where are we going?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

" We're going to King DeeDee's castle." Said Kirby.

" King DeeDee, what does he have a cousin known as…" Said Rainbow Dash.

Don't say it.

" Dexter?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

DOH! Kirby then explained, " You see a couple of years ago, King DeeDee came to this world to take it over and make it a
nightmare world. But I came and stopped him. When his punishment was sentence the Queen decided to have mercy on the evil king. Now he has a bitter rivalry with me because he thinks Leslie loves me best when in fact she loves us equally." Said Kirby as they reached the castle where they saw the nightmare king getting ready to eat the Dragonball, " Attention King DeeDee, hand over the Dragonball peacefully and no one will get hurt." Said Kirby as a little microphone.

" NEVER! Once I eat this I'll become an all powerful begin and take over this planet, and then I'll become the favorite of the queen." Said King DeeDee as he ate the Dragonball. Kirby then swallowed Goku and Rainbow Dash and spit them out as a powerful star. He then flew up and threw the star at the evil king's stomach performing the Heimlich maneuver. Rainbow Dash then after putting on some nurses gloves grabbed the Dragonball. Kirby then formed an energy lance and began to do battle. The first move king DeeDee made was knocking he sword out of Kirby's hand. Kirby then did a triple drill kick followed by a rapid punch. King DeeDee then belly bounced Kirby away. Kirby then became a spiked ball and tried to do a spin dash. But King DeeDee just grabbed and prepared to throw Kirby over the edge when he heard, " KA-Me-Ha Flash!" said a teenaged Bra for you see in Bulma's arms little Bra was asleep. Kirby accepting this distraction Kirby performed a Hadoken and then id a triple spin kick. Kirby then became a foot as he se King DeeDee up, " Now in the name of Queen Leslie I hereby banish you to (Thinks for a second) the Barney realm!" Said Kirby with a smirk as he kicked King DeeDee halfway across the planet. After saying their good-byes and Kirby thanked Bra for her help. The

Nova tooked of, while Kirby said, "BYE!" And did his little dance.

Author's Note:

Thus ends the shortest chapter I had ever done