• Published 18th Apr 2014
  • 1,323 Views, 4 Comments

My Little Pony: Twilight's Requiem - Pika53

Join Twilight and friends as they investigate a long-forgotten testing facility within the Everfree Forest. Please read and review.

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Chapter 5

Chapter #5:

Exiting the elevator yet again, Jaden sighed and shook his head; wondered how many more tests they would have to endure. Although he’d lost count, he was fairly certain it was a dozen or so. Beside him, Trixie rolled her eyes and groaned. Even though she wasn’t showing it, Jaden knew she was starting to feel exhausted. Approaching yet another ante-chamber door at the top of some stairs, an unseen speaker hissed in a familiar, cold voice.

“Due to regularly scheduled maintenance procedures, the test that was originally assigned
to this area has been replaced by a live fire course designed for military androids. Good luck.”

“Thanks ma, we love you too.” Jaden retorted, earning a snort from Trixie.

Stepping through the entryway, Jaden noted that the test chamber they’d entered was less of a room and more of a maze. Both portal-sticking walls and non-portable walls were everywhere. Letting his gaze drift, Jaden smirked as he saw a dark panel on a nearby wall suddenly light up, labeling their current position as “Test 08.” Icons below the number showed, albeit in crude monochrome, turrets and a box being dropped on a button. Jaden blinked. He was certain they’d passed through more test chambers than just eight.

“Say, if this is a course designed for military androids if they abuse my rights can I sue?” he called out.

Aside from Trixie’s confused squawk, he received no reply. Jaden hadn’t expected one anyway.

Fifteen feet ahead, the path curved sharply to the left. Jaden quickly made his way forward to investigate. Holding up a hand in warning for Trixie to stay back, Jaden crept around the corner into the next hallway. Standing at the far end he saw a small white oval shaped machine with three black prongs protruding out of its body, keeping it upright. A small antennae emerged from what he knew was the turret’s main body along with the red glowing eye in the center of the device. Behind the turret was another portable wall.

“Target acquired.” the turret said in a child-like, computerized voice.

Seconds later, it clicked open its sides to target him with its guns.

Jaden swore aloud as he ducked back around the corner as the turret opened fire. Trixie meanwhile, staggered backward and grunted as Jaden collided with her. Once the firing had stopped, Jaden peered around the corner once more. This time he stayed further back as the turret’s laser actively swept the area; searching for him.

“Hello-o-o? Is anyone there?” it called out.

Jaden carefully lined up a shot with his portal gun at the wall behind the turret.

“There you are.” the turret spoke ominously as Jaden fired a cool portal in its direction.

The portal connected and he quickly ducked out of view before it had a chance to respond further. Moments later, Jaden turned and fired a warm portal at a nearby wall; revealing the turret from behind. Trixie meanwhile, stood nearby and glared at him while rubbing her snout with a forehoof. Jaden however, merely smirked as he approached the portal and turned to the irate unicorn.

“My dear, I’d like to introduce you to the Equestrian Science Sentry Turret.” he said as he jerked the turret through the portal.

“Hey, put me down!” the turret screamed, flailing around frantically in his arms.

Jaden ignored the turret’s pleas as he addressed Trixie once more.

“Although they appear friendly, they’re armed and more than happy to blow holes in you on sight.”

Trixie murmured something as Jaden set the turret down in front the far right wall where
it would still function but not hurt them. He then turned back to the light blue unicorn.

“Now, that the turret is taken care of we’ve got a nice shortcut to use.” he said.

The showmare regarded him with a dubious stare before passing through the portal. Grinning, Jaden followed her. Moments later, he placed the warm portal higher on the wall before making his way back toward the previous corner. Jaden than placed a cool portal on the wall in front of the turret before making his way back to Trixie. Approaching the next corner, Jaden held up a hand in warning for Trixie to stay back once again. Glancing around the corner into the next hallway, Jaden spotted another turret. Turning, Jaden couldn’t help a small smirk as he addressed the light blue unicorn.

“Wanna see something entertaining?” he asked.

Trixie just stared at him as he waved her over. Jaden carefully lined up a shot at the turret as he continued speaking.

“Remember that other turret we passed?”

Jaden really did have to fight back laughter as he watched Trixie roll her eyes and nod in reply.

“Well, it’s time for a little fun methinks.” he said as he turned and placed a warm portal beneath the turret in front of them.

Moments later, the satisfying sounds of shrieking turrets and gunfire could be heard.
Grinning, Jaden turned back to the showmare; only to find her staring blankly at him.

“Fun hater.” Jaden grumbled as Trixie snarled back at him.

The pair quickly made their way around the next corner and up a set of stairs. At the top of the stairs was a large open area composed of portable walls. What looked like a pair of decent sized gaps at the other end illuminated another narrow corridor; complete with a pair of red lasers indicating a pair of turrets were nearby. Letting his gaze drift, Jaden noticed what appeared to be a narrow open vent on the left wall. Another camera was on the opposite wall. Lining up a shot, Jaden fired a warm portal at the camera.

“Do NOT damage valuable testing equipment!” GLaDOS snapped over the intercom as the camera fell to the floor.

Jaden murmured sarcastically as he turned and fired a cool portal at the floor. Trixie meanwhile, rolled her eyes and snorted as Jaden fired a warm portal at the vent moments later. Glancing through the portal, Jaden was pleased to see that the warm portal had connected to something on the other side of the vent. Trixie however, was not impressed.

“Trixie will NOT go through that thing!” she snapped, staring dubiously at the cool portal.

“Are you scared?” Jaden asked.

“Trixie is not afraid of anything!” the magician shot back.

Jaden’s smirk only grew as he cocked an eyebrow at the light blue unicorn.

“Well, Trix. Can I call you Trix?” he asked.

“NO!” the magician roared.

“As I was saying, the turrets and the innumerable death traps we have yet to encounter are from that game I was mentioning before. The bug-monsters and zombies we faced back in Ponyville were something totally different; so… the only way out of this absurd funhouse is through.” Jaden replied with a not so gentle shove from behind.

Jaden chuckled as he heard Trixie squeal as she tumbled through the portal into the next room.

“Don’t worry dear. If you feel your internal organs dissolve after contact with a portal, I’ll be sure to let someone know for ya.” he called out cheekily.

After giving the showmare ample time to calm down, Jaden followed her through the portal. He found himself standing in a small service chamber surrounded by various pipes and other assorted objects. Six feet to his left was a large doorway leading to a catwalk that in turn led deeper into the facility.

“Ooo, feisty… meso like.” Jaden teased as Trixie snarled and tried repeatedly to buck and pummel him with her forehooves.

After a few minutes, Trixie sighed in defeat as the pair made their way onto the catwalk. Moving along the catwalk, Jaden noted that the facility was enormous. Judging by the worn condition of the surrounding walls and catwalks, the facility hadn’t been visited by anyone in a very long time. As far as the eye could see, barely functioning lights illuminated a veritable greenhouse, rife with large vines, moss, and wide-leafed plants that sprung tenaciously from various shattered walls and damaged catwalks. The pair spent the next hour or so trekking across the many unstable catwalks as they journeyed deeper into the facility.

As they traveled, Jaden struggled to not make any wild retorts as GLaDOS repeatedly called out to them over the intercom.

Reaching a stable walkway with a closed door at the end, the pair quickly entered to find themselves in an office of some sort. Letting his gaze drift, Jaden took in his surroundings with a critical eye. The room itself was a decent sized office but chairs and various papers and trashes littered the floor; a testament to whatever bizarre research had occurred here. A large window stood on the wall across from them with an unobstructed view of another test chamber beyond. Another plain door stood on the far right wall while what looked like several cabinets were fixed to the opposite wall next to the window.

Exchanging glances, Jaden quickly made his way over to the cabinets and began searching through them. He was pleasantly surprised to find the first cabinet contained several prepared first aid kits. Jaden placed the kits in his bag before turning his attention to the second cabinet. Inside the second cabinet he found nothing of value. Perplexed, Jaden walked over to Trixie who stood boredly beside a desk near the door on the right wall.

Readying his rifle, Jaden opened the door and began sweeping the area before them for threats. The pair found themselves once again in another bland labyrinth of corridors and catwalks. Curiously, the area was also more industrialized than the previous access tunnel had been. Glancing up, Jaden noticed dim moonlight seeping in from a large hole in the ceiling far above them and realized the facility they were trapped in was located deep underground. Jaden cocked an eyebrow; intrigued at the surprising revelation as the pair continued forward along a nearby catwalk.

Rounding a corner, the pair was surprised when what Jaden recognized as a personality core glided up to them along a cable suspended from a closer part of the ceiling. The personality core was the size and shape of a basketball and had a greenish/purple optic. It took a colossal force of will for Jaden to restrain himself from shooting the metal sphere on sight. For its part, the personality core seemed to be just as surprised to see them and squeaked. A few tense seconds passed before Jaden lowered his weapon.

“Wow, it’s been a while since we’ve had visitors. Who are you?” the core stated in a soft male voice.

“I’m Jaden Kururugi, human, in case you're wondering; and this is Trixie.” Jaden replied, trying to figure out why the voice sounded familiar.

“Who are you?” Trixie asked.

“Oh, I’m Desi, the ‘Curiosity’ core.”

“So, how did you get here?” Desi asked.

Jaden and Trixie exchanged looks before he responded.

“We got separated from some friends and need to get back to the testing area.”

Trixie scoffed at the comment.

“I can take you to the testing area if you want.” Desi volunteered.

Trixie groaned and rolled her eyes as Jaden nodded and the trio began moving.

Curiously, GLaDOS hadn’t made any snide comments over the intercom as they travelled. Desi however, was very sociable and cheerfully asked them all sorts of questions in addition to telling them more about the facility.

Over the next hour, Jaden was intrigued to learn that the facility was built in an abandoned mine some nine miles wide and just as deep. The facility seemed to be built like a modern high-rise building, with the oldest sections near the bottom of the shaft. Jaden couldn’t help wondering what created such a hole, who would build such a facility with materials apparently uncommon to the region, or why no one had known the place existed to begin with.

“We should be getting close to the testing area.” Desi commented as the trio came to a halt in front of another round metal door.

“Great! Trixie was beginning to worry.” Trixie muttered sarcastically, prompting Jaden to snicker.

The door opened with a hiss, revealing another hallway similar to the ones they had initially passed through. A blue barrier meanwhile, blocked their immediate path. Desi however, was unfazed, and glided right up to it.

“What is that?” Trixie asked.

Jaden held up a hand warning Desi to stay quiet before turning and addressing the light blue unicorn.

“Darling, this fascinating device is called an Emancipation Grill.”

Trixie merely cocked an eyebrow as she stared dubiously at him.

“What does it do?” she asked.

“Erm… well… it’s designed to… uh… disintegrate things that aren't registered to go through.” Desi replied.

Jaden really did have to fight back laughter as he watched Trixie’s eye twitch slightly,
as she glared at the blue barrier that seemed to shimmer tauntingly at her.

“Disintegrate?” she repeated; tail flicking anxiously.

Desi nodded in confirmation before crossing through the beam and turning back to them.

“Luckily, both you and I are registered to go through, and so are ASHPDs, so you don't have to worry about them until you come across one in a test chamber.” he said.

“Trixie feels so much better now.” the magician grumbled, rolling her eyes.

“Well… here goes something.” Jaden said as he stepped forward.

As he began passing through the beam, Jaden felt a slightly strange, but pleasant, tingling sensation wash over him. He stopped partway through, unable to resist the urge to prank the stuffy showmare. Feigning electrocution, Jaden turned around and laughed as Trixie shrieked in horror. Moments later, he leaped through the beam to avoid being mauled by the irate unicorn.

“Chauvinist Donkeyflank!” she screeched.

Still snickering, Jaden cocked an eyebrow. If that was the best swear the light blue unicorn could muster then he was gonna have some serious fun with her. Trixie meanwhile, continued to glare angrily at him before she took a deep breath, closed her eyes and galloped through the grill.

“TRIXIE IS ALIVE!” the showmare screamed in relief seconds later.

“Really!? How can you be sure you’re not really here… and we’re not figments of your imagination?” Jaden retorted; laughing as the livid unicorn once again attempted to pummel him with her forehooves.

“Just remember, blue beams are safe. Red beams’ll kill ya.” he giggled helpfully.

After a few minutes, Trixie sighed and the trio made their way down the hallway. Exiting the corridor and rounding a corner, the trio approached another open area. Before them was what appeared to be another testing ante-chamber. Coming to a halt, Jaden glanced around and noted that this ante-chamber seemed unusually large and open to the surrounding maintenance passages. From what he could see, Jaden also noticed several large glass panels erected between them and another round metal door on the far side of the room.

“That door should lead you to your destination.” Desi commented.

Jaden nodded as the trio slowly moved forward. Moments later, he stopped the group as
he noticed a series of red lasers lining the area; an indication that they weren’t alone.

“Aw, crap Equestrian Science Sentry Turrets; possibly the nastiest things in the entire facility.” Desi grumbled.

“Gee we hadn’t noticed.” Jaden muttered sarcastically.

He then turned to the showmare.


Trixie rolled her eyes and snorted in reply.

Readying his rifle, Jaden dashed forward; the cries of turrets locking onto him followed by their explosive gunfire echoed throughout the chamber. Jaden paid them no heed as he raced for the nearest glass partition. Diving behind the partition, Jaden caught his breath and glanced through the protective barrier; noting the placement of the murderous little machines. On a small platform quite some distance away, sat four of the charming devices. Beyond the platform he could see that the factory setting seemed to stretch into infinity.

Another platform positioned near the second partition an equal distance away contained four more of the infernal devices. Although the first two turrets were no longer tracking him, the remaining two continued to bombard his position. Leaning around the partition, Jaden targeted the closest turret and returned fire. The turrets shrieked at him and each other as the force of the rounds ripped apart their casings and knocked them over. Panicking as they always did when unable to get back up, the fallen turrets started to randomly shoot in front of them, hoping that the burst of gunfire would somehow, knock them back onto their feet. Unfortunately, they never even considered the rest of their comrades, who were coincidentally lined up in their sights.

“And that’s why you don’t bring turrets to a gun fight. No sport.” Jaden grumbled as the last turret shut down.

He quickly reloaded then waved his companions over. Minutes later, the pattern repeated itself as the group made their way to the second partition. This time Jaden used M203 grenades to quickly eliminate the turrets. As the last turret shut down, Jaden allowed himself a moment to relax. They were finally alone. The trio then quickly made their way over to the door, which opened automatically for them.

“Well, I guess this is where we part. Hope you find your friends.” Desi said

“Thanks.” Jaden replied as the personality core turned away and disappeared into a nearby hole.

After watching the core disappear Jaden set the safety on his weapon and turned to Trixie.

“After you.” he said, waving a hand toward the door.

Trixie sighed and nodded before stepping through the entryway and Jaden followed her.

The pair found themselves standing in yet another testing ante-chamber; a dark panel on the wall lit up labeling their current position as “Test 19”. A variety of different icons lit up under the number. Many of them showed concepts completely foreign to Jaden, like a pony falling into some sort of liquid. Another showed what resembled a springboard. Out of the corner of his eye, Jaden watched Trixie blink in bewilderment at the panel.

Moments later, the showmare jumped as an unseen speaker hissed in a familiar, cold voice.

“Ah, there you are.”

“Yep, here we be. Why? You miss me?” Jaden replied.

“Well, you seem to be flying right through my challenges, aren't you?” GLaDOS remarked.

Jaden smiled and shrugged as another door opened ahead of them.

Upon entering, Jaden noted the chamber resembled “Chamber 18” from the original portal game. From what he could see, they had entered on an upraised platform. Portal-sticking walls, most of them too corroded to hold a portal, comprised much of the room. Past the edge of the platform was a large pit, from which Jaden could hear the sloshing of liquid.

Looking down, he saw that the water was a nasty, swampy-looking concoction which smelled awful. Jaden was sure he didn't want to end up in it. Across the pit he could see another small platform; a portal-sticking ceiling was the only way to reach it. He could make out another pit and platform, this one taller, extending around the far right corner. The only portal-sticking surfaces nearby were the walls that immediately surrounded their platform.

Jaden looked on amused as Trixie gazed cautiously over the platforms’ edge.
Moments later, she glanced back at him with a disturbed expression on her face.

“It might interest you to know that the experiment will soon reach its conclusion.” GLaDOS remarked.

“Ooo, Trixie can hardly wait.” Trixie muttered sarcastically, prompting Jaden to snicker.

“So what now?” she asked.

Jaden didn’t reply. Instead he lined up a shot at the ceiling above the distant platform. He fired a cool portal at it; the portal connected. Turning, he fired a warm portal at the wall to their left; illuminating the distant platform from above.

“You can’t be serious.” Trixie muttered, staring incredulously at him.

“Seems we don’t have much choice.” Jaden replied.

Without waiting for a reply, Jaden charged through the opening. Moments later, he felt the rush of free fall before landing safely on the platform. Turning, he saw Trixie gaping at him from the original platform.

“Come on over. You’re gonna love it!” he called over to her.

The showmare continued to stare incredulously at him before she began pacing the platform. Minutes later, Trixie lunged through the warm portal after him with an exasperated sigh. Stepping aside, Jaden watched her land safely on the platform with a grunt.

“See, that wasn’t so bad.” Jaden said.

Trixie rolled her eyes and glared at him before turning her attention to the next platform.

Following her gaze, Jaden noted that the platform was much taller than theirs was. It was also constructed of portal-sticking panels. Another portal-sticking ceiling was the only way to reach it. Jaden was sure this was the platform he’d seen back at the entrance. Briefly exchanging glances, Jaden fired a warm portal at the ceiling above it; the portal connected. He then fired a cool portal at the wall in front of them; illuminating the platform from above.

Sighing in disgust, Trixie rolled her eyes, shook her head, and leaped through the portal; shrieking all the way back down to the platform. After giving the showmare ample time to settle, Jaden followed her through the portal. The pattern repeated itself for the next several platforms in the chamber. Standing on the tallest platform they’d encountered yet, Jaden spotted another small platform above them. Unlike before, there were no portal-sticking surfaces immediately surrounding the platform. On the wall far above the rear of the platform was what looked like an open hatch leading to another test chamber.

The only portal-sticking surface available was on a panel on the opposite wall from the hatch on the other side of the current test chamber. Walking over to the far edge of their current platform, Jaden glanced over the side and spotted another small platform constructed of portal-sticking panels below. Jaden shook his head and sighed, knowing what had to be done to reach the platform above.

“How are we supposed to get up there?” the magician grumbled; her tail flicking anxiously.

“Do you really expect me to answer that?” Jaden retorted, cocking his head to the side.

Trixie squealed indignantly before stiffly approaching the edge and looking down. Moments later, a frustrated groan escaped the mare’s lips as she realized he plan. Jaden meanwhile, targeted the distant wall and fired a warm portal at it; the portal connected. He then aimed at the platform below and fired a cool portal; that portal also connected.

“See ya on the other side.” Jaden said before leaping toward the platform far below.

Jaden whooped in delight as free fall once again enveloped him. The excursion was over far too quickly for his taste as Jaden found himself standing safely on the target platform. Glancing over the side, Jaden waved cheekily at the light blue unicorn below. Trixie glared up at him briefly before she began pacing the platform.

“C’mon Trix, time’s a wastin’!” Jaden called out.

“Trixie thought she said to never call Trixie that!” the showmare screamed.

Shrugging, Jaden turned and walked through the nearby hatch. After disappearing from Trixie’s sight, he stopped and waited for the light blue unicorn to catch up. He didn’t have to wait long before he heard the unmistakable squeal as his companion followed him through the portal. Moments later, Trixie crashed head over hooves onto the platform and groaned.

“Bravo, my little pony.” he teased as she painfully crawled back to her hooves.

Trixie snarled at him before stiffly wandering towered the end of the corridor. Jaden followed her
and they quickly found themselves on another platform in yet another brightly lit test chamber.

The chamber itself was less of a room and more of an arena. Gazing cautiously over the edge, Jaden could see the acid far below. On the floor at the end of the platform, was a strange-looking panel that looked vaguely familiar. Jaden smirked as he realized what the panel was. In the center of the room was a large, funnel-like object with another launcher supported by a pair of pillars below. Looking closely, Jaden could see a cube stuck inside the tube.

At the very end of the chamber, Jaden saw a round door with a bright “EXIT” sign above on another platform. A large, red floor button sat beside the sealed door. Jaden cocked an eyebrow at the setup. Fling-and-catch; simple enough if the only obstacle was the acid. Of course in this crazy place, Jaden knew that ‘simple’ was a relative term.

Letting his gaze drift, he watched Trixie examine the launcher before them curiously. Jaden couldn’t help an amused smirk at the reaction the light blue unicorn would likely have when she discovered what the panel in front of her did. Moments later, said unicorn looked up at him; the unasked question of what they should do next burning in her eyes. As if on cue, the funnel in the center of the room released a cube that began bouncing endlessly on the launcher below.

Jaden could almost hear the ‘faith plate’ theme in his head as he watched the cube continue to bounce. Trixie meanwhile, merely snorted at the spectacle. Grinning, Jaden waved a hand toward the bouncing cube. Trixie responded by distancing herself from the launcher; clearly expecting him to take the lead. Chuckling, Jaden shook his head and walked over to the launcher.

After watching the cube for a moment, Jaden stepped on the launcher.
Trixie scoffed as aside from a blinking yellow light and an audible chirp, nothing happened.

“It seems the ariel faith plate in this room is sending a distress signal.” an all too familiar voice said.

“You broke it didn’t you?” GLaDOS sneered.

“I didn’t break nothin’!” Jaden replied as he distanced himself from the launcher; eliciting a squawk from Trixie.

There was a moment of silence before GLaDOS spoke up again.

“There… try it now.”

Trixie glared at him and huffed indignantly before stepping onto the launcher.

Again, nothing happened.

“Hmm, this plate must not be calibrated to someone of your generous… ness. I’ll add a few zeros to the maximum weight.” GLaDOS purred.

Jaden really did have to fight back laughter as Trixie shot him another murderous glare.

“Ok… try it now.” GLaDOS spoke up.

Smirking, Jaden seized an opportunity to distance himself from the angry unicorn by leaping onto the launcher after taking a moment to study the bouncing cube once more. Seconds later, he was hurling triumphantly through the air with a delighted whoop. Quickly catching the cube, Jaden twisted his body as he rebounded from the second launcher; doing a graceful, if flashy, flip as he landed on the platform. He quickly approached the floor button and placed the cube on it before turning his attention to Trixie.

“And that is how it’s done.”

Trixie stared skeptically at him for a moment before her eyes widened as she realized where the conversation was going.

“Trixie will NOT get on that thing!” she screeched.

“We’ll see.” Jaden retorted before quickly firing a cool portal at the ceiling above the launcher and a warm portal at the floor beneath the startled unicorn in rapid succession.

Moments later, the showmare was airborne; howling all the way across the chamber. Jaden couldn’t help but laugh at the spectacle; particularly when GLaDOS made the inevitable comment. Trixie meanwhile, crashed head over hooves onto the platform and groaned.

“Look at you, sailing through the air majestically. Like an eagle, piloting a blimp.”

“TRIXIE IS NOT FAT!” Trixie seethed, staggering to her hooves and scowling.

“Your carriage waits oh, petite one.” Jaden chuckled, waving a hand at the open door.

He laughed again as the light blue unicorn hissed at him before storming through the doorway. Jaden quickly followed her and soon the pair was standing in another round room with an elevator in the middle. Unlike the rooms connecting the first few test chambers, this one was illuminated by dim artificial lights which flickered, as if on their last glow. Almost all of the wall panels were broken but barren of mold, and behind them Jaden could see rusted mesh screens with glowing red lights.

After a few moments, the elevator arrived and they entered. The glass doors shut, and the lift quickly moved upwards. A short time later, it stopped at another round room and opened its doors for the pair. Stepping out, Jaden could see they were headed for another metal-walled ante-chamber. Quickly entering the room, Jaden watched as the wall panel flickered; but only half of it lit up. It had been cracked from a low level, as if something had come along and smashed it. The top only said “Test” before ending in cracked blackness. The icons on the bottom were completely blacked out; save the last one on the list: a picture of a slice of cake.

“Ooo, nummy!” he muttered, eliciting a contemptuous snort from the showmare as GLaDOS spoke up.

“It says this next test was designed by one of Equestrian Science’s Nobel Prize winners. It doesn’t
say what the prize was for. Well, I know it wasn’t for being immune to bullets… or neurotoxin.”

Passing through the next doorway, Jaden noticed that the test chamber they’d entered had a lot in common with the previous one. Once again, they’d entered on an upraised platform. Gazing cautiously over the edge, Jaden could see the acid below. On the floor at the end of their platform, was another launcher. Letting his gaze drift, Jaden noted that a combination of tricky flings from more launchers and travel across small platforms and hard light bridges would be required to navigate to the exit.

A large cluster of platforms, some of them moving, were situated near the center of the enormous chamber. He could just make out a few pole-based and floor buttons on several of the platforms as well as in the alcove with the exit on the far side of the room. A pair of funnels hung from the ceiling; a series of orange squares connecting them with the buttons. He also noticed at least a dozen turrets were scattered around the room. Likewise, many of the walls could sustain a portal.

Jaden whistled softly at the rooms’ configuration; realizing just how challenging this course would be.

“When will the fun ever stop?” he asked, smirking over at the light blue unicorn.

Over the sound of Trixie’s exasperated groan, he stepped on the launcher; bouncing over to the closest platform. Upon landing, Jaden noted that the platform was smaller than it initially appeared. On another nearby platform, he spotted a turret that paralleled and blocked access to another platform that they’d need to cross. Jaden targeted the turret and fired a cool portal beneath it. He then turned and fired a warm portal at a section of wall further ahead that paralleled another platform with a turret. The first turret yelped as it fell through the portal and collided with the second sending both turrets tumbling into the acid below; firing as they went. Chuckling, Jaden repositioned the warm portal on the wall to his right.

Taking a few steps back, he charged at the portal; leaping at the edge of the platform and praying he’d built up enough speed as he passed through the warm entryway before him. Moments later, Jaden reappeared above the platform the turret had occupied and repositioned the warm portal towards the previously blocked platform beyond. Seconds later, he appeared above the platform and adjusted his position to safely land on it.

Jaden turned back toward the entryway.

“See, nothing to it.” he said as he repositioned the cool portal to make it easier for the showmare to cross onto his platform.

Trixie snorted in reply as she passed through the cool portal and reappeared through the warm portal on the platform beside him. The platform itself was unremarkable but there was a pole button that looked like it might trigger something nearby on the other side. On a nearby wall was what looked like an inactive hard light bridge. Several more were scattered around the chamber. If his hunch was right, the pole button would activate the hard light bridges allowing them access to the surrounding platforms.

Jaden and Trixie exchanged looks; the light blue unicorn sighing and shaking her head irritably.

Jaden quickly made his way over and pressed the button. Moments later, half a dozen hard light bridges burst into life around the room. Although the hard light bridge on the nearby wall wasn’t actually close enough, it would help them reach the next platform. Jaden quickly placed a warm portal on the wall in front of the hard light bridge and a cool portal on the wall in front of their platform. The hard light bridge quickly extended beside their platform and Trixie glared suspiciously at it.

“Is it safe?” she asked.

Jaden was about to explain when an all too familiar voice spoke.

“These bridges are made from natural light that I pump in from the surface. If you rubbed
your cheek on one it would be like standing outside with the sun shining on your face.”

“It would also set your hair on fire, so don’t actually ‘do’ it.” GLaDOS continued.

Jaden really did have to fight back laughter as he watched Trixie’s eye twitch slightly, as she continued to glare at the blue light beam before them.

“Darling, why I do believe the show must go on.” he said, imitating a certain pony seamstress while waving a hand toward the beam.

“Trixie is through with you!”

“Gee, Trix, you're mean today. Why are you mean?” Jaden retorted, rolling his eyes.

Over the sound of the showmare’s furious shriek, he laughed and dashed along the narrow beam; quickly finding himself standing between the two platforms. Trixie meanwhile, continued to stand on the original platform and cast him another murderous glare. Still snickering, Jaden waved for Trixie to come to him. The angry unicorn however, sat and refused to cross the beam. Jaden made a spectacle of rolling his eyes as he spoke.

“Alright then, you can stay here and keep Gladdy company. I on the other hand wanna make like a tree... and leaf.”

Jaden grinned at how quickly Trixie shot to her hooves and began moving toward him at the threat.

It didn’t stop her from giving him another screech and murderous glare however, as she declared scathingly. “DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! Trixie will NOT stay here!”

Jaden waited quietly as Trixie made her way over. As soon as she was safely on his side and halfway along the beam, Jaden repositioned the cool portal on the wall in front of the next platform. He then stopped Trixie and signaled for her to turn around. Sighing in disgust, the showmare rolled her eyes, shook her head, and began travelling in the opposite direction.

Jaden quickly followed her onto the next platform. Another launcher and pole button awaited them. Letting his gaze drift, Jaden noticed that a chain of orange squares connected the pole button to the first funnel; indicating fling-and-catch mechanics would be required to activate the first floor button located on the next platform in front of them. The pair exchanged glances as Jaden made his way toward the pole button.

As soon as he pressed the button a ticking timer started. Four seconds passed before the tube opened. Jaden whistled softly as he watched the cube drop into the fetid fluid below with a splash. Trixie meanwhile, let out a horrified gasp as she watched the metal cube disintegrate in the acid. Although four seconds wasn't much time, Jaden knew it was doable if one of them was airborne just after the button push. Turning, he watched in amusement as his companion’s eyes grew wide as she realized what he was thinking. Moments later, the showmare rolled her eyes and sighed in defeat before stepping in front of the launcher.

“Well… here we go.” he said before pushing the button.

Trixie didn't wait for the ticking to start before stepping onto the launcher. Jaden was pleasantly surprised to see the light blue unicorn manage to successfully catch the cube; although he figured a combination of face and forehoof wasn’t the most preferred method. Trixie meanwhile, slammed rather ungracefully on her flank on the target platform with a groan. Winded, the showmare shoved the cube aside before falling onto her back panting as Jaden crossed over.

“Nice catch.” he commented as he picked up the cube and placed it on the nearby button.

Trixie sat up and grumbled to herself, rubbing her snout with a forehoof and scowling, as half a dozen more hard light bridges burst into life around the room. One of them conveniently appeared beneath the second funnel. The only real obstacle remaining was the turrets Jaden knew. All of which were deployed on small dais’s between the final platform and the distant alcove. Targeting the largest cluster of the infernal devices, Jaden placed a warm portal on the ceiling above the turrets and cool portal on their platform.

He then pulled out and prepped a grenade; letting it cook off in his hand for several seconds before dropping it through the aperture. The results were spectacular as the turrets caught by the detonation either shrieked and tumbled into the abyss or exploded leaving only four functional turrets remaining. Jaden couldn’t help a small but decidedly wicked smile at the result of his handiwork. Trixie meanwhile, cocked an eyebrow at him.

“Now that the turrets are handled we can continue testing.” he said cheekily; mimicking their hostess’s speech pattern.

Trixie blinked at him a moment before she rolled her eyes, shook her head, and turned away.

Jaden meanwhile, repositioned the warm portal on the remaining platform to make it easier for them to cross over to it. The platform in question sat between them and the alcove; and had another pole button. Another path of orange squares linked said button to the second funnel. The remaining turrets were also positioned nearby. Giving a smug, casual wave, Jaden hopped through the aperture; feeling slightly disoriented as he emerged on the target platform. Grumbling to herself, Trixie followed soon after.

Glancing around, Jaden noted that most of the turrets were located on the right side of the chamber at a higher elevation and pointing toward the funnel. The last turret was located to the left and in line with any direct routes to the distant alcove. He would have to keep its position in mind as he walked over to the nearby pole button.

“So, have you come up with anything brilliant yet?” Trixie muttered sarcastically.

“Working on it.” Jaden replied as he pressed the button.

As he’d expected, the cube dropped out of the funnel and landed on the narrow beam without incident.

“Oh, and what of Trixie? Does she just sit here and twiddle her hooves?”

“Well,” Jaden began before turning and quickly firing a cool portal at the ceiling above the hard light bridge, just out of the turrets line of sight, and a warm portal at the floor beneath the startled unicorn in rapid succession.

“…this is a co-op course dear, so it’d be nice to have a little cooperation.” he continued as the showmare tumbled onto the narrow beam with a squeal.

He really did have to fight back laughter as the light blue unicorn snarled at him before she painfully made it back to her hooves. She then began making her way toward the cube just as slowly.

“Ugh! Why does Trixie always have to do this?” Trixie whined.

“Because Trixie is such a natural.” Jaden replied.

Over the sound of the showmare’s exasperated moan, Jaden repositioned his portals to have a clear run at the alcove. Moments later, Trixie yelped in surprise as the cries of turrets locking onto her followed by their explosive gunfire echoed throughout the chamber.

“Don’t worry Trix, I’ve got ya covered!” Jaden called out as he targeted the offending turrets with his rifle and opened fire on them.

The first two turrets went down rather quickly but the third proved more difficult to target when he would inevitably end up exposed with the fourth behind his back. Trixie meanwhile, was shouting at him to do something as she used her magic to transform the cube into a makeshift shield. Jaden noticed that the light blue unicorn had been shot somewhere along her right side and was bleeding. She’d also lost her hat somehow along the way.

Weighing the risks, Jaden rushed across the bridge in front of him; strafing the turret as he did so. A lucky shot sent the turret tumbling into the fetid fluid below as the final one activated and began searching for him. He disposed of it by repositioning his portals so it would tumble into the fetid fluid also. The turret screamed as it fell into the acid below while Trixie called out to him.

“And just how is Trixie supposed to get over there?”

Jaden quietly repositioned his portals to provide another light bridge for the mare to cross over. Trixie merely snorted in reply before she leaped down to it; wincing moments later from her recent injury. Still holding the cube, the light blue unicorn limped over to the center of the bridge. Jaden couldn’t help noticing the irony of the situation as she stopped above the platform the turret had previously occupied and set the cube down again. The showmare suddenly turned and bucked the cube at him as hard as she could.

“Whoa! That could’ve hit me!” Jaden yelled as he dived out of the way.

“That's the idea.” Trixie intoned darkly with a smirk.

Moments later, she yelped as the bridge she was standing on suddenly vanished. Instinctively, Jaden fired a warm portal at the platform and a cool portal at the wall to his left. Seconds later, Trixie, still screaming, crashed head over hooves into the alcove and collided with the opposite wall quite hard. Jaden winced at the impact before scrambling to his feet and stumbling over to her. Groaning at all the punishment her body had taken today, Trixie tried making it back to her hooves only to get a head rush and fall back down.

“Are we having fun yet?” he asked, crouching down beside the unicorn.

“What do you think?” Trixie snapped.

She then let out a pained gasp.

“You got hit. You’re bleeding.” Jaden said.

“Yes, yes, Trixie knows this already!”

“Just a sec and I’ll patch ya up.” Jaden replied as he began searching through his bag for a first aid kit.

Moments later, he set to work treating the magician’s injured right hind leg. Despite looking bad, the wound was actually a minor flesh wound that the unicorn would easily get over. He even said as much, although it did little to sooth Trixie’s growing ire. Soon after, Jaden finished and let the pony rest as he fetched the cube. He quickly placed it on the button and the door opened.

As if on cue, Her sadistic, cruel voice came from the speaker on the opposite wall.

“Congratulations, I have the results from the latest test: You are a horrible person.
I’m serious, that’s what it says: A horrible person. We weren’t even testing for that.”

Trixie snickered as Jaden helped her to her hooves.

Spotting a nearby camera, he gave it a certain hand gesture that he knew many individuals would consider rude. Jaden was fairly certain that a specific pony was one of these individuals… and didn’t care.

“Lick me.” he said as the pair exited the room.