• Published 18th Apr 2014
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My Little Pony: Twilight's Requiem - Pika53

Join Twilight and friends as they investigate a long-forgotten testing facility within the Everfree Forest. Please read and review.

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Chapter 13

“I take it back.” Tess muttered as the group surveyed their new surroundings.

From what Jaden could see, the chamber was about sixty-two feet from the door they’d entered through to a small alcove on the opposite side of the chamber. In another small alcove to their right was a small moving platform suspended six feet in the air with a cube on top. To their left was a large square floor button; a row of orange lights connecting it with an alcove part way up the left wall near the far side of the chamber.

As he continued to survey the chamber, Jaden noted that the distant alcove was suspended on a ledge that would require a portal to reach. The walls themselves appeared to support a portal which would help. Curiously, aside from the floor button, moving platform, and a ten foot wide puddle of repulsion gel in front of the distant alcove the room was empty. Following another row of lights from the mystery alcove, Jaden spotted a platform suspended about eighty-five feet above the entryway they’d used.

“What do we do now, y’all?” Applejack asked.

“Well, if I remember the level from that game I was playing earlier correctly then we’ll need to place the cube from the platform on the floor button which should grant us access to the higher level alcove. That alcove in turn should have a button and cube set-up that ought to open the exit door on the platform above.” Jaden answered.

“And just how do we reach the platform?” Tess asked.

“We fling to it.” Jaden replied.

The alicorn’s eyes grew wide as she and the others realized what he meant. Jaden completely understood and sympathized with his companions discomfort; he wasn’t looking forward to the idea anymore than the ponies were. After a pause Tess sighed and shook her head before speaking up.

“Alright, let’s get this over with.”

With a nod, Jaden made his way toward the platform in alcove to their right.

Over the next hour, most of which was spent calming and convincing Fluttershy that the material emancipation grill in the upper alcove wouldn’t harm her, the group navigated the chamber. Sitting on the exit platform while waiting for Tess to catch up, Jaden couldn’t shake the sudden feeling that the attempt wouldn’t end well. Minutes later, that feeling was confirmed by the awkward way the alicorn was propelled into the air by the repulsion gel after leaping to it through the portals.

“No! Oh no! Noooo!” Tess screeched while desperately flailing her legs and flapping her wings as she came up just short of the platform.

Without hesitation, Jaden lunged forward and grabbed her right foreleg, while Applejack grabbed the other in her hooves, and the pair pulled the alicorn onto the platform; fully comprehending the reluctance of plummeting back to the bottom of the chamber despite the protection the boots offered.

“Are you alright, sugarcube?”Applejack asked.

Gasping, Tess nodded that she was before wincing and massaging her injured wing with a hoof.

“I could take a look at that for you… that is if you want me to…” Fluttershy offered meekly.

Tess quickly agreed and the yellow pegasus began bandaging the wing. When she finished, Tess expressed her gratitude and Fluttershy quickly checked and rebandaged his wounds before the group silently passed into another hallway that lead to an elevator. Along the way, Pimmy Jauntsun addressed them over the intercom again.

For those of you who got covered by repulsion gel in that last test, the lab boys have some advice for you…
‘Do NOT get covered in repulsion gel’.

The group stopped and exchanged confused looks.

We haven’t entirely nailed down what element it is yet but it’s a lively one… and it doesn’t like the equine skeleton.” The message continued.

“Really?” Tess muttered sarcastically; rolling her eyes.

The group quickly continued and entered the elevator which in turn took them to the next area. Exiting the elevator and letting his gaze drift, Jaden noted that the new area had a lot in common with the chambers they’d already passed through just prior to the two part test they’d just completed. Jaden noted that the catwalk leading to the next testing area had collapsed at some point. At the end of the current catwalk was a twisted metal support beam they could use to cross what appeared to be some sort of moat to reach the next area. Exchanging glances, Jaden lead the way toward the center of the chamber.

All these science spheres are made of asbestos, by the way; keeps out the rats. Let us know if you feel a shortness of breath, a persistent dry cough, or your heart stopping; because that’s not part of the test. That’s asbestos.” another pre-recorded message blared out over the intercom.

The group stopped and exchanged glances.

“Spheres? What spheres?” Fluttershy asked.

Jaden shrugged as they continued onward. Minutes later, the group reached the center of the chamber.

“So, how do we get up there?” Tess asked, as the group gazed up at the next testing area.

The chamber in question was suspended some one hundred fifty feet off the ground. Although it wasn’t visible from their location, an elevator connected the chamber with the higher levels. From what he could see, four heavily reinforced columns supported the structure. However, considering the state of the surrounding debris, Jaden questioned the actual stability of the structure.

“Well, if I remember the level from that game correctly we’ll need to portal up to the top of one of the support columns before placing another portal in the chamber.” he replied while taking careful aim at a spot near the top of the far right support column.

Jaden fired a cool portal at the spot and the portal connected.

“The problem will be getting everyone safely up there before placing the second portal considering how small that ledge looks.” he continued while placing a warm portal at the bottom of the same support column.

“That sounds really dangerous.” Fluttershy commented.

“Yeah; unfortunately, I have a feeling it’s going to get worse the further we go.” Jaden agreed.

“Well, we won’t get anywhere just standin’ ‘round here.”Applejack remarked.

With a nod, Jaden passed through the portal. The next half hour was spent traversing the narrow ledge and entering the test chamber proper. Once inside, Jaden noted that the chamber was identical to the Alpha Enrichment Sphere #2 level from the game. On the narrow side of the chamber was a funnel and a pole button. Along the left side of wider area was a series of ledges that extended fifteen feet in height apiece. Suspended from the opposite wall was another platform with an angled panel behind another material emancipation grill. By his estimate, from the floor to the ledges that ran along the top of the chamber was about forty-five feet.

“What do we do now?” Applejack asked as she gazed around the chamber.

Silently, Jaden placed a cool portal beneath the funnel and a warm portal on the floor beside the first ledge. He then walked over and pressed the pole button, releasing a torrent of repulsion gel. Jaden made sure to coat the ground, along with the first ledge, with a generous portion of gel before the flow ceased. After approaching the ledge and taking several steps back, Jaden charged toward the gel and used it to reach the higher areas of the chamber. Moments passed before the ponies followed him.

Jaden watched in amusement as Tess walked further along the chamber; halting as she reached a large hole. From what he could tell, the distance from the edge of the platform to the hole was about fifteen feet. The chasm itself was about fifty feet in length but another platform was visible on the other side. As she returned, Jaden could see the alicorn wasn’t particularly thrilled. Silently, he moved into position and placed a warm portal on the angled panel. Returning to the group, Tess regarded Jaden with a skeptical look.

“Have any idea what we should do next?” she asked.

Jaden nodded.


“Do you really wanna know?” Jaden retorted.

Tess’s eyes grew wide as she realized where the conversation was going. Moments later, a series of strangled noises and half formed words spilled out of the alicorn’s mouth as Jaden turned to Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, would you press the switch again so we can get the gel flowing?” he asked.

“I suppose so… but why?” the yellow pegasus replied uncertainly.

“We’re gonna need a runway.” Jaden answered.

He had to fight back a smirk at the sounds of jaws hitting the floor in rapid succession.

“Uh, I don’t much recon I like where this is goin’.” Applejack remarked, finally working her jaw back into place.

“I know what you mean but it seems to be the only way to reach the other side of the chamber.” Jaden replied.

“This sucks!” Tess grumbled.

Jaden shrugged.

Applejack and Fluttershy meanwhile, exchanged glances before the yellow pegasus
reluctantly flew down and pressed the button; releasing another torrent of repulsion gel.

“Nice job.” Jaden congratulated as Fluttershy returned.

Fluttershy beamed as the gel created a nice strip along the ground toward the distant chasm.

“So, who wants to go first?” he asked, moving the cool portal to a spot just below them.

The ponies stared at him; Tess cocking an eyebrow and giving him a skeptical look.

“Well, see ya on the other side.” Jaden said as he dropped into the portal below.

Moments later, he was airborne; rebounding off the gel and landing safely on the distant platform. Turning, he looked on as one by one the ponies followed. Upon landing, Tess took a moment to compose herself, after the most recent flight, before rejoining them.

“There has to be a better way to do this.” she grumbled.

Jaden merely shrugged at the exasperated alicorn in reply as the group began walking. Rounding a corner, they saw an elevator at the far end of a long hallway and silently began walking toward it. As they traveled, another per-recorded message blared out from hidden speakers.

Just a heads up, that coffee we gave you earlier had florescent calcium in it so we can track
the neuronal activity in your brain. There’s a slight chance that the calcium could vitrify your
frontal lobe.

Anyway, don’t stress yourself out by thinking about this. I’m serious.
Visualizing the scenario while under stress actually triggers the reaction.” it continued.

The group stopped and exchanged confused looks.

“Ok then.” Tess mused as the group began walking again.

“It’s official, this dude’s nuttier than an outhouse.” Jaden replied.

“Let’s just hope they remembered to fix the plumbing.” Tess retorted sardonically.

Jaden laughed as the group entered the elevator and ascended to the next floor.