• Published 18th Apr 2014
  • 1,324 Views, 4 Comments

My Little Pony: Twilight's Requiem - Pika53

Join Twilight and friends as they investigate a long-forgotten testing facility within the Everfree Forest. Please read and review.

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Chapter 12

Tumbling endlessly through the void, Jaden wondered what would happen next. He had no idea where he was or where the group was headed. Nor did he have any idea how long they’d been falling. He heard screams nearby along with another voice that calmly spoke of past events while simultaneously mocking them. The shaft itself seemed to go on without end. Several times throughout the drop, Jaden thought he saw glimpses of grated walkways, pipes, and various other things that seemed to spread out in all directions. Continuing to tumble, Jaden couldn’t help but wonder if there was actually an end to the shaft. Minutes later, he received an answer as he slammed into a series of wooden beams that now appeared to line the shaft and the world went dark.

Jaden awoke with a start.

Blinking, he now found himself laying on a cold, hard surface with three concerned ponies looking down at him. Curiously, Tess’s outfit appeared to be ripped in numerous places. The alicorn quickly removed and discarded it as Applejack spoke up.

“Are you alright?”

“I think so… just a bit sore… and dizzy.” Jaden replied as he slowly sat up.

“How long was I out?” he asked.

“Five minutes.” Tess replied, extending a hoof and helping him up.

Letting his gaze drift, Jaden saw that they were trapped in a large cave of some sort. Despite the dim light that seemed to filter down from above, Jaden could clearly see various concrete walkways, large pipes, and other assorted rubble that seemed to spread out in all directions. Ten feet to their left was the smoldering remains of the elevator they’d previously been trapped in. Glancing up, he could barely make out the facility they’d recently been imprisoned in. Although the testing facility obstructed most of the view, enough light was able to penetrate to help them navigate the mounds of debris that seemed to litter the area they now found themselves in.

It also proved that there was a nice sunny day in the world above.

“Some place.” Tess muttered; voicing his thoughts.

“It’s... um... really scary...” Fluttershy murmured, shuddering.

Jaden was inclined to agree and dreaded to think of what it would be like after dark.

“Is everyone alright?” he asked.

Applejack and Fluttershy quickly affirmed that they were fine. Tess meanwhile, groaned and began massaging her right wing with a hoof.

“Looks like I won’t be flying anytime soon. I think I pulled something.” she gasped.

“I’m sure we can scavenge something to repair that if we keep looking.” Jaden said as he began checking his equipment.

The only weapon that appeared damaged was the assault rifle with a warped barrel and some sort of malfunction in the firing mechanism.

“Well, this thing is pretty much useless.” Jaden remarked as he removed the ammo and attachments and discarded the weapon.

He quickly reattached the extra parts to the grenade launcher.

“How’s your weapon?”

“It’s still functional.” Tess replied.

Jaden nodded.

Glancing around, he noticed that something was missing.

“Where’s our favorite little root vegetable?” he asked.

“Uh… I saw a bird fly away just after we got here.” Fluttershy replied.

Jaden nodded; realizing they would have to search for the missing AI along with an exit.

“So, which way should we go?” Applejack asked glancing around.

“I suppose that route is as good as any other.” Jaden answered; pointing straight ahead at a path that seemed to twist through the debris.

Murmurs and nods permeated through the group as they began walking down the path. As they traveled, Jaden was rather grateful of the extra light provided by the flashlight attached to the launcher. He could hear the ponies murmur as they took in their surroundings. Looking up he noted that they’d reached a giant pipe they’d need to pass through in order to reach the next area.

The group stopped and exchanged glances. Nodding, Jaden raised his weapon once again and started walking; the rest of the group followed silently. As they traveled, Jaden noted that Tess had taken a rear guard position and was carefully scrutinizing the area in response to his lead; amusing him in spite of the seriousness of the situation. Minutes later, they arrived in front of a wall as the path seemed to turn to the right. Letting his gaze drift, Jaden saw a large mesh fence several feet away that blocked their immediate path. In the distance he could see an enormous pair of support columns amid the rubble.

The path they were following seemed to curve toward those columns. Examining the wall in front of them more closely, Jaden suspected it could hold a portal; as could a bent panel that hung above the ground a short distance away on the other side of the fence.

“So, what now?” Tess asked.

Jaden didn’t answer. Instead he took careful aim with his portal gun and fired a warm portal at the wall beside him and a cool portal at the overhanging panel. He was about to pass through when he noticed Fluttershy scrutinizing something nearby.

“Find something?” he asked.

“I wonder what’s in that.” Fluttershy answered; pointing at something in a nearby pile with a hoof.

Walking over, Jaden saw that the pegasus was pointing at a small metal container of some kind. The container appeared to have sustained serious damage; complete with a warped door on the front. Using a metal pipe laying nearby, he quickly pried the container open and was surprised to discover three additional pairs of Long Fall Boots inside.

“What are those?” Applejack asked.

“They’re called Long Fall Boots. Basically, they protect the wearer from impact related damage from high falls.” Jaden explained.

The ponies stared dubiously at him.

“I know it doesn't make much sense, but these boots are the only reason I survived that fall.” he continued.

The ponies looked to one another, exchanging opinions between themselves without uttering a single word, but allowed him to help them into the boots. Moments later, Jaden silently watched as the ponies adjusted to walking in the boots. Once they were settled, Jaden remembered something and removed his bag before rooting through it while the ponies looked on curiously. He quickly found what he was looking for and tossed the item to Tess; who caught it with telekinesis and cast him a curious glance.

“It’s the same model portal gun that Twi’s using.” Jaden explained.

“As I understand it, the device works on most flat surfaces and has considerable recoil.” he continued.

Tess nodded and carefully studied the device before strapping it on as Jaden dug out a few more ammo magazines.

“Need any ammo?” Jaden asked.

Tess quickly agreed and Jaden tossed a few magazines to her before strapping on the bag once again.

“Well, ponies first.” he remarked, waving a hand toward the nearby portal.

Jaden couldn’t help a slight smirk as he watched the alicorn stare pointedly at him and roll her eyes before passing through the portal; Applejack and Fluttershy hot on her hooves. He quickly followed them.

Letting his gaze drift, Jaden noted that the immediate area they were in was surrounded by debris. The path curved around another wall to the left. Fortunately, the route they were taking wasn’t blocked by the massive amounts of junk that seemed to litter the area as the group silently moved forward. A short time later, they reached a strange looking slab of concrete that could have been a building at one time. Studying the structure closely, Jaden was sure it could hold a portal.

“Uh, what are you doing?” Tess asked.

Jaden didn’t answer. Instead he took careful aim with his portal gun and fired a warm portal at the wall and a cool portal at a spot on one of the distant support columns. Both portals connected. Amid protests, he quickly passed through the portals and found himself standing on a catwalk high up on the support column. Following the catwalk around a corner, Jaden reached the end and spotted another portable wall at ground level near a narrow alcove in the nearby rock face.

“Alright, what’s the deal with taking off like that?” Tess snapped as she and the other ponies approached him along the catwalk.

“Short cut.” Jaden answered as he took careful aim and fired a warm portal at the portable wall.

He really did have to fight back laughter at the glare Tess gave him. Applejack meanwhile, looked on amused as Fluttershy commented on how high they were.

“Come on now, there’s no point in gettin' all worked up over nothin'.” the farm pony stated as the group passed through the portals once more.

The path they were following was actually a tunnel of some kind that soon ended at a large metal gate. Mounted on a post beside the gate was what appeared to be some sort of fuse box; complete with an old fashioned lever. The group exchanged glances and Jaden pulled the lever. Seconds later, the gate opened and the area was flooded with light from a number of spotlights that had been set up.

Shutting off his flashlight, Jaden couldn’t help being confused by what the source of power could be to operate the lighting and other things that were in the chamber beyond. Passing through the gate, he heard his companions murmuring in awe at what they saw and could hardly believe it himself. The area they now stood in appeared to be a staging area of some kind with a large hatch on a platform blocked off by another pair of gates at the far end. What appeared to be two separate control rooms lined the walls of the chamber some twelve feet off the ground but the room on the left had a broken staircase.

“Well I’ll be…” Applejack murmured.

“What is this place?” Fluttershy asked.

“I don’t know. But it seems that if we want to get out we’ll have to go through that door.” Jaden said.

“How do we do that?” Tess asked.

“I think it has something to do with whatever is in those side rooms. Would you care to assist?” Jaden replied.

Tess thought the idea over briefly before agreeing and the pair walked toward the room on the right. Applejack and Fluttershy meanwhile, remained in the center of the chamber and watched them. Quickly ascending the staircase and walkway, Jaden and Tess entered the room and saw that it contained a single small window, various cables, and a console with a large red button but was otherwise empty.

“So, if the other room is just like this one then all we need to do is press both buttons at the same time and that should open the door.” Tess mused.

“Yeah, be right back.” Jaden replied as he placed a cool portal on the wall adjacent to the console and left.

Standing on the catwalk, Jaden took careful aim at a spot on the opposite wall near the remains of the stairs leading into the other control room and fired a warm portal. The portal connected and Jaden rushed back to the cool portal and passed through. Once on the other side, he repositioned the warm portal in the control room at the same spot as the cool one.

“How do you want to do this?” Tess asked.

“Let’s press the buttons together on the count of three.”

Glancing through the portal Jaden watched Tess nod as they each approached a console.

“Okay, we’re doing this in… three… two… one!” he called out.

As one, the pair pressed the appropriate switch and triggered the opening mechanism; setting off an alarm in the process. Crossing through the portal, Jaden entered into Tess’s room and the pair quickly made their way to rejoin Applejack and Fluttershy as the massive hatch slowly began to open.

“Now that is a big door.” Jaden remarked; unable to resist the pun or the accompanying snicker as the ponies slowly turned and stared pointedly at him before murmuring softly about the comment.

Five minutes passed before the hatch and surrounding gates were fully open. Quickly making their way over, the ponies were surprised by what was found behind the massive hatch.

“Now what in tarnation is the point in using an oversized door to protect a regular one?” Applejack grumbled.

Jaden shrugged. He didn’t have an answer to that question as the group passed through the second door and entered a narrow dark hallway.

At the end of the hallway was another massive cavern chamber. Once again, Jaden was struck by the sheer scale of how massive the place really was in addition to how much it resembled what was in the game. What appeared to be a massive lake separated the platform they found themselves on with another on the other side. A single catwalk connected the platforms together. Much like the previous chamber, what looked like giant metal spheres and other assorted ruble protruded from the surface of the lake.

Something about the look of the liquid itself just didn’t seem right. He certainly didn’t want to go swimming in the stuff if he didn’t have to.

Glancing to the right, Jaden saw another large platform with what appeared to be an elevator shaft some sixty feet away. Over his companions murmurs, Jaden sighed and shook his head; wondering what would happen next as they made their way to the other side of the cavern. As they traversed the walkway, he noticed that all but one of the doors were sealed shut. The door in question was smashed outward as if something heavy had collided with it from the other side and left an enormous hole.

Gazing through the hole, he could see another narrow dark hallway beyond.

“I’ve got this.” Tess volunteered, hefting her ASHPD.

Nodding, Jaden stepped aside so Tess could get a clear shot at one of the walls in the adjacent hallway. The alicorn raised her portal gun and fired a cool portal into the hole; yelping in surprise at the recoil. The portal connected. After taking a moment to compose herself, Tess fired a warm portal at a nearby wall. This portal also connected allowing them access to the hallway.

“Nice goin’, Tess.” Applejack congratulated.

“Thanks. I wasn’t expecting it to kick like a mule though.” Tess replied.

“Yeah, it does take some getting used to.” Jaden commented.

The group silently filed through the portal and into the hallway. Aside from the damaged doorway to their right, another doorway was to their left; another fuse box, like the one in the previous cavern, was attached to the wall beside it. As he grasped the handle, Jaden was hardly surprised when the door failed to open. Glancing at his companions, who nodded in approval, Jaden pulled the lever. Seconds later, the door opened outward and the area beyond was flooded with light.

Passing into the next room, Jaden was surprised to discover that they’d entered a rather grand looking lobby of some kind that had seen better days. All around them lay fallen wall panels, remnants of a once majestic company logo, and various piles of assorted rubbish. Letting his gaze drift, Jaden closely studied his surroundings and noticed a foyer along the far right wall that didn’t appear accessible from ground level.

Before he could mention the foyer, a male voice suddenly addressed them from a hidden loudspeaker within the chamber; eliciting a startled squawk from Fluttershy. As they listened to the speaker who’d identified himself as ‘Pimmy Jauntsun’ drone on, Jaden realized it was a recording similar to the one he’d heard during the first trip to Canterlot Castle. It amused him how those events felt as if they’d occurred a long time ago. Another voice, identified as Tavlena, cut into the conversation; sounding strangely familiar, albeit perky.

After the recording had ended the group exchanged glances and Jaden noted the various degrees of incredulity as they passed across his companions’ faces.

“Who would want to build such a place?” Fluttershy asked.

Jaden shrugged. He didn’t have an answer to that question either. Moments later, he was surprised to see Tess fire a pair of portals on and near the foyer. Both portals connected.

“Nice shot.” he congratulated.

Tess smiled as the group passed through the portals and onto the foyer. Passing through a nearby door, they entered what appeared to be some kind of office area; complete with cubicles and colored lines on the floor. As they traveled through the area, another pre-recorded message began playing; explaining where to go to take various tests.

For those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I’ve got some good news and some bad news. Bad news
is we’re postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we’ve got a much better test for you; fighting an army of mantis-ponies.

Pick up a rifle and follow the yellow line. You’ll know when the test starts.” the recording continued.

“What do ya think he meant by mantis-ponies?” Applejack asked.

“I’m guessing he was referring to those bug things we ran into back in Ponyville.” Jaden replied.

“That’s a real comforting thought to know those things were created down here… and possibly running loose.” Tess grumbled.

Minutes later, the group exited the room and found themselves back in the main chamber. This time they were much closer to the elevator shaft; abet separated by a small broken catwalk. Exchanging glances, the group crossed the catwalk and approached the elevator. Fortunately the lift was already at ground level so they were quickly able to ride it to the top of the shaft. Exiting the lift, they discovered another broken catwalk that lead to a door on the far side of the chamber to their right and a trio of unrelated doors on another platform to the left.

“What do you think is over there?” Fluttershy asked.

“Good question. Let’s find out.” Jaden replied as he took aim and fired a warm portal at a wall near the doors.

Turning he placed a cool portal on the side of the elevator shaft and passed through. The ponies crossed over moments later and the group began investigating the doors. The first two doors were tightly locked but the buttons beside them seemed to work just fine. Jaden couldn’t help being amused at his companions’ reactions to the messages that played describing what kinds of tests were to take place behind the doors.

Reaching the final door however, the group noticed that things were considerably different. The door itself appeared to be intact but slightly ajar. There was also a strange odor, like spoiled fruit, that seemed to drift out from the entryway. The group exchanged uneasy glances as Jaden prepped his launcher while Tess slowly opened the door. Just beyond the door was a dimly lit utility passage that ended at another partially closed doorway some thirty feet away. Nothing moved yet the stench seemed to grow stronger the closer the group got to the second door.

Jaden held up a hand warning Applejack and Fluttershy not to follow before signaling Tess to open the door. Passing into the next chamber, Jaden was almost overcome by the stench. The chamber itself resembled a huge industrialized orchard of some kind with trees as far as the eye could see. Curiously, nothing moved but the smell would likely mask any approaching threats. Minutes later, he gave the ponies the ‘all clear’ and watched them take in the new surroundings.

“What in the hay is all this for?” Applejack breathed.

Jaden shrugged. He didn’t have an answer to that question as the group slowly began to explore the area.

From what he could tell, the chamber was about the size of a football field. Taking a closer look at the trees, Jaden was surprised to discover that they were all lemon trees. Most of the fruit was rotten however. Out of the corner of his eye, Jaden watched as Tess prodded a lemon in a nearby tree with a small metal shard she’d found. Moments later, she yelped in surprise as it fell off.

“You okay?” Jaden asked as Applejack and Fluttershy rushed over to them.

“Yeah, I just wasn’t expecting that.” Tess replied, uncertainly.

Glancing at the shard the alicorn was holding, Jaden saw the tip was melted. Letting his gaze drift, he saw what was left of the lemon on the floor. It appeared to somehow be burning a small hole into the concrete beneath.

“What happened?” Applejack asked.

“I’ve heard lemons were acidic… but not like this.” Jaden answered, squatting down to examine the lemon’s remains.

“I’d hate to see what a fresh one would do.” he added, shaking his head.

The ponies murmured in agreement.

“What are those?” Fluttershy asked suddenly.

Following the pegasus’s gaze, Jaden saw a small stack of some kind beside a nearby wall. The group quickly made their way over and discovered the objects were what appeared to be fresh lemons individually incased in glass tubes. Jaden took a moment to reexamine the launcher Pinkie Pie had given him.

“These things somehow power my grenade launcher.” he remarked.

“Can’t help wondering how this bag can hold everything either.” he added as he removed his bag and began stuffing the glass tubes into it.

Tess rubbed her temples in exasperation and groaned in reply.

Minutes later, he finished and the group made their way back to the elevator shaft. Jaden took a moment to reposition the warm portal on an angled panel before turning his attention to the door on the other side of the chamber.

“Okay, one door left. Fluttershy shouldn’t have a problem reaching it.” he remarked; eliciting a squeak from the mare in question.

“Oh, and just what are the rest of us supposed to do?” Tess asked.

Jaden really did have to fight back laughter as he replied while imitating a certain fashionista pony they all knew.

“Oh come now darling, why it’s all quite elementary really. For you see, speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out.”

“And sometimes speedy thing makes messes on walls. Oh, what horridly dreadful messes!” he continued dramatically while running a hand through his hair before rubbing the alicorn’s cheek; creeping her out and amusing the other ponies.

“I recon I know now what Dash was laghin’ at.” Applejack chortled.

“Eeyup.” Jaden replied while imitating another familiar pony; eliciting more snickers from the mares.

Tess meanwhile, rubbed her cheek vigorously with a hoof.

“Oh, don’t encourage him.” she grumbled as Jaden walked to another part of the elevator shaft and fired a cool portal toward the bottom of the shaft.

“Too late!” he retorted, as the portal connected, before leaping down the shaft.

Moments later, Jaden felt the rush of free fall before landing safely on the platform.
Turning, he saw his companions gaping at him from the elevator shaft.

“Come on over. You’re gonna love it!”

He continued to watch as the ponies paced the platform. Fluttershy was the first to work up enough courage to leap down the shaft; shrieking all the way across the chamber. Stepping aside, Jaden watched her land safely on the platform with a grunt. Applejack was the next pony to cross. Tess meanwhile, continued to pace the platform before reluctantly following them. Moments later, she crashed head over hooves onto the platform and groaned.

“See, nothing to it.” Jaden remarked as he helped her up.

Tess sighed and rolled her eyes as the group entered the nearby door. Passing into the next chamber, Jaden noticed that they’d entered some sort of pumping station. Most of the area was blocked off by gates but he could see a catwalk that lead out on the upper right part of the room. Letting his gaze drift, he spotted a nearby control room to their left. Entering the control room, Jaden pulled the conveniently labeled ‘Gel Pressure control lever’ and heard the unmistakable sounds of machinery starting up. After all the machinery was back online, the gates into the main chamber opened. Unfortunately, there was no direct path to the catwalk that lead out of the room. Exchanging glances, Tess sighed and fired a cool portal at the wall just above the catwalk and a warm portal at a nearby wall in rapid succession.

The group quickly made their way out of the room and found themselves in yet another part of the main chamber. Letting his gaze drift, Jaden noted that the catwalk they were on ended abruptly. It appeared they would need to climb down a series of pipes leading to platform with an elevator. After exchanging glances, the group made their way to the elevator that in turn led them to another brightly lit chamber. A series of catwalks crisscrossed the chamber and lead around various obstructions toward a door on the far side. A short distance away was a crude map labeling various test chambers; complete with a “You are here” symbol. Moments later, Pimmy Jauntsun addressed them over the intercom.

Alright, let’s get started. This first test involves something the lab boys call repulsion gel.

You’re not part of the control group by the way, you get the gel. Last poor soul got blue paint. (laughs)
All joking aside that did happen; broke every bone in his legs. Tragic, but informative… or so I’m told.” the recording continued.

The group looked to one another, exchanging their opinions between themselves without uttering a single word as they began navigating across the various catwalks. A short time later, they reached a wall and the end of the current catwalk. Skirting along the wall’s side, the catwalk terminated in a twisted heap. Glancing up, Jaden spotted another catwalk that lead around the obstruction to the door. He was about to fire a portal to reach it when the intercom addressed them again.

The lab boys just informed me that I should not have mentioned the control group. They’re telling me I should stop making these
pre-recorded messages. That gave me an idea, make more pre-recorded messages. I pay the bills around here; I can talk about
the control group all bloody day!

“Charming fellow.” Tess murmured as she fired a cool portal at the wall beside the upper catwalk and a warm portal at the nearby wall in rapid succession.

The group quickly made their way onto the upper catwalk and followed it around the corner. Moments later, they discovered that this catwalk also ended abruptly. Below them was another intact section of the previous catwalk that lead straight to the door. Sighing, Jaden took a step back before leaping to the catwalk below. The ponies quickly followed and the group passed through the door. Curiously, the room they entered resembled the Alpha Enrichment Sphere #1-A level from the game. The wall directly in front of them was actually a platform adorned with all sorts of company posters. Jaden looked on amused as Tess studied a poster describing a blue colored gelatinous substance and its use as a diuretic.

As the alicorn shook her head, Jaden let his gaze drift around the room.

On the opposite side of the chamber was the exit; suspended on a platform at the same height as the platform before them. In the center of the chamber was a shallow pit filled with the same blue colored gelatinous substance. On the other side of the pit was a small metal cube laying against a portable wall. The ponies meanwhile, murmured among themselves about the situation as they gazed around the room. Once again, Applejack spoke up; voicing the groups’ thoughts.

“So, what do we do now, ya’ll?”

“Well, the only way we’re going to proceed is to put that metal cube on a floor button
on the top of that platform in order to open the door on the other side.” Jaden replied.

The ponies stared pointedly at him.

“And how exactly are we supposed to reach this button and the door on the opposite side?” Tess asked.

“Believe it or not that’s what the pit of blue goo is useful for.” Jaden replied.

The ponies stared dubiously at him.

“I know it doesn’t make much sense but as I explained to Dash shortly after we got separated blue goo makes you bounce,
orange goo makes you move really fast, and white goo is used to place portals on any surface.” he continued.

The ponies continued to stare dubiously at him. Sighing, Jaden aimed at the wall behind the metal cube and fired a warm portal at it. The portal connected and Jaden took several steps back before running toward the shallow pit. At the last moment, he jumped and landed on the blue colored gelatinous substance; bouncing off of it and into the air. Adjusting his aim in midair, Jaden fired a cool portal at a wall on the platform before gravity took over once more. It took him a few more minutes of bouncing around to reach solid ground near the metal cube.

Turning, Jaden saw the ponies gape in disbelief at what they’d just witnessed.

“It’s a lot like jumping on a trampoline.” he remarked as he picked up the metal cube and passed through the portal.

Stepping out onto the raised platform, Jaden quickly placed the cube on a nearby floor switch and opened the door as the ponies stepped onto the platform.

“Now, you’re sure we‘ll be able to use that stuff to cross to the other platform without any problems?” Applejack asked as she nervously gazed over the side of the platform.

Jaden nodded.

“I think the mechanics have something to do with how much force is imparted on the gel.” he remarked.

“Well, here we go.” Tess muttered.

The alicorn took a few steps back before leaping toward the goo pit below. Moments later, she safely bounced onto the platform across form them; releasing a startled yelp in the process. Turning to Applejack, Jaden cocked an eyebrow; a slight smirk crossing his face. Sighing, Applejack nodded and followed suite with similar results leaving Jaden and Fluttershy alone on the platform.

“I’m not sure I can do this.” the yellow pegasus murmured nervously.

“You know you can always fly over there right?” Jaden answered soothingly.

After a moment’s thought, Fluttershy cast a sheepish glance downward before following the suggestion.

Jaden quickly followed and the group made their way toward the door.

“So, that’s it huh?” Applejack mused.

“Yeah, unfortunately I have a feeling we’re gonna be doing this more in extreme circumstances.” Jaden replied.

“What could be worse?” Tess remarked as the group passed through the doorway into the next chamber.