• Published 26th Mar 2014
  • 12,639 Views, 52 Comments

Just a Little Taste - Dr Atlas

Come on Doomie. What better way to show your love and affection than to shrink down to four inches and surprise that pink mare you love so much. Nothing will go wrong. right?

  • ...

You taste good. (Vore)

Author's Note:

To those who are reading this, you either came back here, or you're new.
Either way, this was one of the alt endings to this story
The other was gonna be him telling her how he loved her,
and then they would kiss,
and doing that would make him grow back to normal
they embrace,
say 'same time tomorrow',
He flies off,
fade to white,
role credits...
So...now you know the jests of it...
Also, I have no idea how this chapter has more views than my other ones.
It's kinda freaking me out...
it's as if people come back here just to read this chapter for the vore...
nah, that can't be it.

Pinkie opened her mouth and lazily hung her tongue out as the changeling came closer and closer to landing in her maw. Doomie tried to use his wings but the sight of her mouth made them stay frozen in place. He closed his eyes and flung his arms around, trying to catch something as he came closer and closer to the mare’s mouth. Finally, he was able to grab onto something. He opened his eyes to see what had saved him.

If his eyes had pupils, then they would be the size of dinner plates as he realized he was holding onto the top part of her lip. Doomie looked down to see a sight he couldn’t comprehend. A mouth with walls of saliva, a uvula dangling and dripping with spit, and a wet slimy tongue that was coming right for him. Doomie panicked, he tried to climb out, but the tongue was too fast. It wrapped itself around his midsection and began to pull him in. Doomie was struggling to keep a grip on her lip.

“Wha are ou srugling?” Pinkie said, trying her hardest to form words, it was hard to talk with a changeling on your tongue anyway. Doomie ignored her and tried to keep a tight grip, but the tongue was becoming too strong for him. Any minute now he would be pulled in and the lips he was holding on to would close. He tried to say something, but the tongue was starting to tighten its grip on him. Making it harder for him to breathe. He couldn’t handle it anymore. Losing all his strength, he let go.

Doomie expected to see nothing but darkness and a feeling of wetness, but Pinkie’s mouth hadn't closed yet. Her jaw hung wide open. Doomie took a look around, the bottom of her mouth had a pool of spit forming, the sides of her mouth had strings of saliva attaching to the tongue that was holding him in place. He looked up to see the roof of her mouth, dripping with-


A bit of slime landed on Doomie’s face. He was about to wipe it off, but Pinkie’s tongue had other plans. It hoisted him into the air and let go of him, causing him to land face first into the pool. Doomie began to feel a mixture of different emotions. Fear, confusion, being disgusted, and for some reason….aroused.

The tongue landed on his back, slightly crushing him on impact. He let out a yelp which seemed to make deadly organ get off of him. He turned over to see that the pinkie muscle was towered over him. “Are ou ouay?” Pinkie said. Doomie tried to understand why she was asking him this. Maybe she just wanted him in perfect condition for when he made his journey down her throat.

He held up his hoof in defence. “P-p-p-please...” He tried his hardest to talk louder, but he was too afraid to do it. He thought if he said anything, she would start to chew. He shut his eyes, wanting this to be over with, but it was far from over.

The tongue slid under him and brought him in the air again. This time it didn’t stop moving as it pressed him against the roof of her mouth. Doomie began to struggle. “Why won’t she stop playing with her food?” He thought “Why won't she just swallow me and end it?” He began to whimper. Begging for her to just swallow him and begin his painful death.


Pinkie had never tasted something so good in all her life. This little guy had flavor that was just too good for her to not stop the sloshing. She made sure her tongue explored every part of him. It was like each section of him had different flavors, but one section was starting to get a little bit too salty. “He didn’t taste like that before.” She thought. Then she heard it, tiny whimpering were coming out of her mouth. Then she realized something. The salty taste…was his tears.

Pinkie immediately stopped moving her tongue and brought her hoof to her mouth. Carefully, she pulled the little changeling out. She looked down to see if she had hurt him anywhere. Although, she found out something far worse than that.

Doomie laid their shaking. He was curled up in a ball, completely covered in saliva, and had tears around his still shut eyes. Pinkie looked back in utter sadness. She didn’t want him to act like this.

She moved her face closer to him “D-doomie?” She said.

He opened his eyes and looked up at her. “”Why won’t you just end it?” He sobbed. Pinkie’s head realed back in surprise “Can’t you just get it over with?” Doomie continued “It’s bad enough that you’re just toying with me, but when I know it’s you who’s doing it…It just makes it worse.” Pinkie continued looking at him, trying to think of something to say.

“What do you mean?” She asked. Doomie just looked at her, completely baffled to her question.

“What do I mean? What I mean is that you were just trying to kill me!”

Pinkie was shocked “No I wasn’t!”

Dommie stood up. “Right, so I guess lathering you tongue on me wasn’t just some sick tormented taste test just to see if I was good enough for you to rest in your stomach?”


“And then,” Doomie continued, “have me slide down your throat and enter said stomach, where I will lay there to-”


“Have my entire body be digested in the most painful of-”

“DOOMIE!” Pinkie brought her hoof up to eye level. She took a long, hard look at the changeling, trying to figure out what to say.

“What?” Doomie said, tears still present. Pinkie faced away and sighed.

“Doomie.” She began. “I wasn’t trying to eat you. I was just doing something that I thought someone like you would like to experience.”

“What” Doomie said blankly. “Being eaten?”

“Well…” Pinkie looked back at him “Yes and no.”

Doomie wiped the tears from his eyes with his hooves. “Were you trying to lick the favor off me?” Doomie asked in an awkwardly tone.

“Well…” Pinkie said in a tone of voice that made Doomie feel more even uncomfortable than before. “You do taste pretty good.”

Doomie blushed. He always thought that the cliche romantic lines were. ‘you’re beautiful’ or ‘prettier than a flower,’ but ‘you taste good.’ That took the cake. “I...t-taste good?”

Doomie’s question was answered by Pinkie’s tongue licking the side of his face. Doomie yelped in surprise. He stumbled a bit after she was done sliding the tongue. “MMMhhhhh” Pinkie couldn’t help but close her eyes and lick her lips after she was done. She gave a smile and said, “You have way more flavors than that other pony.” Doomie’s ear stems went into attention. Other pony? Did he hear that right? Did she already have a...

“You...you have a coltfriend?” He said. He couldn’t believe that all this work was for nothing. Trying to impress her (and almost getting killed in the process) was for nothing.

Pinkie just laughed “No I don’t little guy. He just got into one of my spices and shrank.” Pinkie rubbed the back of her neck innocently. “Also, I couldn’t really help myself. It’s not everyday you get to taste a pony that tastes like bacon.” Doomie gave a look of utter confusion. Don’t ponies just eat sweets and hay? Pinkie interrupted his train of thought with another lick. This time from his belly up to his neck. Doomie started getting flustered with all of this.

“Why do you keep doing that?” He said with slight annoyance.

Pinkie just kept smiling. “Sorry, but I can’t help myself” She was about to give another lick, but Doomie flew into the air before he could.

“Pinkie. Can you just-”

Before Doomie could finish, Pinkie wrapped her mouth around his torso. Making him face her snout. He immediately went into a panic and flapped his wings, but it was no use. He was trapped.

“Pinkie wait! Don’t do thieeeAAAaHhahhaaahahahhahahaaahha” Pinkie grinned as her tongue started tickling Doomies bottom hooves. The tongue kept lapping, causing him to burst into a fit of laughter. He tried using his hooves to push his way out of her mouth but it was like her lips were glued to him. So he tried the only other thing he could think of...Pleading.

“PAAhhaaainkaahhiieee...Sthaaahaaaahahaha...Le-let Gaaaahhhaagoooohhohoo Haaahaaaaahaaaa.” Pinkie just smiled at this little display of tickle torture, though, she knew he was going to tire out sooner or later, and she wanted to make sure he was awake for the next part. Slowly, she let her tongue wrap around his legs.

Doomies laughing came to a stop as soon as he felt the organ crawl up his legs. “Wait, Pinkie-” But he already felt himself get pulled in. He tried his hooves again but the tongue made sure that wouldn’t be happening. It moved up to his chest and wrapped around his arms. He was completely immobile at this point, and the only thing that was out of her mouth was his head. “NO! Stop! Please!” He cried out, thinking that it wouldn’t be any use, but his pleadings made the tongue stop moving.

“Mhhh mmhhhhmmhh, mmhhh hhmm mhhmhh mhhhh mh” Doomie’s mind translated that to “It’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you.” But he wasn’t believing that for a second. He was beginning to think that she was just trying to mess with him, but she did say that she wasn’t going to kill him. Maybe she was…

Pinkie finally pulled him in. Releasing him from her tongue’s grip as he fell on the bottom part of her jaw. Doomie looked around. He couldn’t see anything. Nothing but pitch blackness. He got up and rubbed his eyes. Thinking that it would readjust them, but as he Opened them again, he saw the same pitch black darkness, which only made him freak out. Then he felt the warm feeling of something wet and soft make its way up his back. Doomie felt shivers as the tongue slid up and down behind him. On instinct he purred, making him truly believe that Pinkie was right about it.

Then he felt the tongue grab him again and turn him around. His eyes were still trying to adjust to the darkness so he couldn’t really see where he was facing. He felt the tongue again, this time on his belly. Doomie cringed, not wanting any more tickles, however, what was about to happen next would make him want to have another round of it. The tip of the tongue started moving its way up to his chest, then his neck, until it finally stopped at his lips. Doomie stared back in silence.

“Uh...Pinkmhhhh” Doomie’s wings opened and his eyes went wide as the tongue’s tip made its way into his mouth. He tried backing up, but the tongue pushed him forward until his head hit her front teeth. He thought about biting into the french kissing organ, but for some reason or another, he was enjoying it. It was as if some part of his mind wanted this to stop, while the other part wanted this to never stop. His struggling murmurs started turning into moans as he began to closed his eyes. The tongue continued moving around the small space of his mouth, leaving no part untouched.

After a few minutes of exploring, the tongue pulled out, leaving a string of saliva attached to it and his own tongue. Doomie heavily panted. his mouth hung open and his tongue lazily hung out as his eyes slowly went into attention. They seemed to have adjusted to the darkness after having them closed for so long. He looked up to see the tongue tower over him again. Raising a hoof, he said “Pinkie…..That was...ah!”

Doomie yelped in surprise as he felt her tongue slide under him. He felt the soft surface hoist him into the air. He was expecting his body be mushed between the roof and the tongue, but it stopped midway. Doomie arched his back and slid his elbows under him for support as he looked around the moistened cave. It was the same as the last time he was in here. Walls of saliva, some of it dripping off of the teeth. He looked straight forward to see the uvula, and past that was the throat, something that Doomie didn’t want anything to do with. Then the tongue started to tilt.


After the tongue kiss, Pinkie thought that maybe it was time for the best part. So she slid her tongue underneath him and tilted it. Ready for the little guy to slide down, but as the tongue went vertical, she felt a slight squeeze around the top. Now why is Doomie doing that She thought. Her answer came within seconds. A muffled scream was heard inside.

“Pinkie! I thought you said you weren't gonna kill me!” Pinkie raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Mhh hmm hmmhh.” She mumbled.

“Yes you are, you’re trying to swallow me right now.”

“Mhh hhmmhh mh hhmmm mmhhhmmhhh hmm mhhh.”

“Oh really? Then explain how your stomach acid will-”

“Mhhh hmmm.”

“It won’t? How?”

“Hmm mh.”

“So you don’t digest meat?”

“Mmmhhh hhmmm mmhh hmm.”

“But, how will I get out?”

“Mhhh hhmmm mmhhh hmhmmh hhmm.”

Doomie sighed as he looked down her throat. To him it was like a bottomless pit. She was reassuring him that he would be alright, but he was having second thoughts, but a part of his mind was wanting him to slide down the magnificent gullet. Taking a deep breath, he let go of the tongue.

As soon as Pinkie felt the little bug let go, she brought her hoof to her throat and pushed on it. She didn’t want it to end so quickly, so she made Doomie’s descent to her stomach a little slower. She felt him slowly slide down her esophagus to the bottom part. She lost a hold on him once he got past her chest. She gave a loud sigh as she felt him make his way to her belly. She laid down on her side and craned her neck to her stomach. Waiting to hear from him.



Doomie landed face first into the stomach juices. He raised his head into the air and coughed. “Not the kind of landing I was expecting” He said. He took a look around. It seemed that he was in a small pool of water that came up to the bottom holes of his arms and legs. and the walls were covered in the same substance as the pool. Doomie got up and laid down on a spot that was clear of the liquid.


Doomie’s ear stems went up in attention. “Yeah?” he said out loud.

“Oh good, you’re okay.”

“Yeah.” He said while stretching “I’m fine.”

“All nice and comfy?”

“Yeah. It’s pretty nice in here, It’s kind of...” Doomie yawned, “hot in here though.”

“Is it too hot?”

“No no..it’s...pretty much...perfect.” Doomie started closing his eyes. The humidity of this place was starting to make him tired, plus the rhythm of her heart beat was starting to make him a little drowsy.

“Well, when you want to come out, just say so. I’ll be downstairs.”

Doomie nodded. “Well, you’ll know where I’ll be.” He was too tired to talk at that point. All and all, it was a pretty good morning, besides almost dying and getting scared more times that he could count. As his eyes finally were about to come to a close, he felt something. Something that, if he told Pinkie, she would have him out as quickly as possible. Something that all changeling’s (especially guards) dreaded the most in a situation like this.

I have to pee.

Comments ( 35 )

I rated it teen just in case....
And yes....the pony she was referring to was this guyfc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/050/a/3/sucks_by_ponythroat-d776kr5.jpg

i wonder, what did you dream of while creating this story.

*see's your comment*

well that was odd i cant really say im a fan of vore but i didn't hate it

also :trollestia:

Comment posted by BleedingRaindrops deleted Apr 23rd, 2014

4276250: well....to put it bluntly
Vore is a fetish which involves one big creature eating a smaller one whole.
I would go into detail, but its one of those things that, "If you don't know anything about it, you won't like it"
Plus, I doubt anyone would want to read a paragraph of me talking about some weird fetish i'm into. So....yeah....Vore is things eating things.


Vore is a fetish which involves one big creature eating a smaller one whole.

hardly, i myself am not a fan of micro/macro vore. same size is ware its at for me. Regardless of my opinions, good luck with your story.

Well i read it and have a question, could he not himself turn easily back into his normal size? I just want to know if i understand this right.
And this Chapter was not bad, i expected worse but it was ok

Well it's not like Pinkie will be able to tell if he releases, right? ;p
Keep going! ;)

I loved this story! Its so cute and when she is petting him aghh its just too much. I also loved your third chapter ending. Gotta say that is one heck of a final line. :pinkiecrazy:

Anyway I would love you to continue this with them interacting more, maybe him finally changing his size (Although Pinkie does find him cute this way) but I see you have another changeling story running instead.

Anyway a great read and a like and what not for you! :ajsmug:

Did you seriously just reference to Exilo?

I'm pretty sure some will hate me for saying this, but...

4366387 the pony that tasted like bacon! I'm pretty sure someone I followed made...

That would be PS
and/or Pan Sizzle
made by PT
and/or PonyThroat
now that I think about it
I'm not really sure why I referenced him?

4367516 Exilo is the one with the story, that's what I meant. And, yes, I know about the bacon ass pony, Pan Sizzle.

"I have to pee."

Omg I'm dying!!!! xDDD

4367516 Haha :rainbowlaugh:

4276577 I thought I hated vore, how are you doing this to me? :raritydespair:
NO LITTLE JIM! SIT DOWN! :rainbowwild:

The humanity of this place was starting to make him tired,


Good thing they didn't make it. The Changelings would have all had cuteness heart attacks.


4553578 No sequel I'm afraid,:ajsleepy:
there will be another vore fic though. If that makes you happy

4553676 Kinda:fluttercry: I hope it turns out just as great

This chapter made little to no sense, compared to the previous two. Muscling in your fetish was a poor idea to finish an otherwise cute story :applejackunsure:

Horses can digest meat, stomach acids will try to digest anything, the difference between herbi and carnivores being the nutrition that they get from the broken down matter, or lack thereof.

I feel like an idiot for both not reading the chapter titles, and for not realizing immediately that this was a vore story XD

I'm not into vore, personally, so this story wasn't overly, uh... hot, to me? :twilightblush: However, it was well written, and in general I liked it! :3

4398464 I thought I did too. Until I discovered the lighter side of it. For stories where the character will be perfectly safe or fine after it's done I like. Whether it's because he/she can't be digested or that he/she becomes like a melted paste like substance that can be reformed later. And while melting into this paste there's no pain. As long as vore doesn't involve graphic digestion and pain I like it. Just steer clear of the dark and gore tags when you're looking for gore stories.

4167861 just so you know this is non fatal soft vore. The changeling will be perfectly alright. :scootangel:

4917489 this story is based on a show with magical multicoloured miniature horses. Your argument is invalid.

Not much into vore anymore, used to draw and RP soft vore due to a friend that turned out to be an ass. I hate hard vore of any kind, makes me feel sick, but soft is fine. Was worried a bit, but, honestly, should've just pay attention to the tags to know he'd be okay. :B

Nice story overall, I like it. Also, Doomie is best changelling.

The last line, lol... Also, wait, "in situations like this"? ... Did it happen before? XD


Well I really liked the first two chapters and then this chapter came. Well I'll just go with what the A/N said at the beginning and leave it at that.

6112186 On top of everything else, it's Pinkie Pie, who is physics-defying even by pony standards.

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