• Published 26th Mar 2014
  • 12,643 Views, 52 Comments

Just a Little Taste - Dr Atlas

Come on Doomie. What better way to show your love and affection than to shrink down to four inches and surprise that pink mare you love so much. Nothing will go wrong. right?

  • ...

Remember. No elements.

“Deep breath, Doomie. Deep breath.”

The changeling had been flying right outside the window of the pink mare’s room. The one he decided to ‘feed’ off of in order to get more food for his fellow brothers and sisters. Though secretly, he had been begging for something like this to happen. The day his queen would ask him to go out and collect love for her. He could care less about the rules of not only collecting off of ponies who had a close connection to the princess, but to also never drop his disguise. He didn’t want to wander around with one on. It didn’t feel right for him to just immediately drop it once he saw Pinkie. He wanted it to be more of an ‘original’ surprise. So he did the only other thing he could think of.

Shrinking himself. It sounded strange, but it was the only thing he could think of. Besides, it was safer for him to fly around. Not a single pony had seen him as he flew into town, but that was going to change at this very moment. For now, he was going to confront this mare and confess his feelings. Whatever that means? He flew closer to the window and took a peek inside. “Their she is.” He said dreamily.

Right inside was a certain poofy haired, pink pony he had met during that fateful day in Canterlot. Sure, all she did was ask him to change into her and then blasted him with magic, but that was more of her purple friend’s fault. She probably didn’t even mean to do it anyway. She was probably aiming for the changeling next to him.

He couldn’t help but grin at the sight of her. Finding a sizable crack in the window, he flew in the room. Luckily for him, she was unaware of his presence. She seemed more preoccupied with whatever it was she was doing.

She was on a table writing something down. Doomie could only guess that it had something to do with a party. He had learned about how this pony was into that sorta thing. Not from stalking, but from secretly looking into every information from his fellow brothers and sisters and other ponies he had conversations with.

As she continued writing, Doomie kept on trying to understand why she was writing with her mouth. He could never figure out how these ponies could write like that, or why they wrote at all. Couldn’t they just say things telepathically to each other like his brothers and sisters? He shook his head and paid attention to the task at hoof. He flew closer and closer to the mare. Trying his hardest not to attract any atten-


Doomie nearly flew back toward the window at the sound of her sneeze. He had thought he had been found out. But he reassured himself that it was just a-

“So you thought you could just sneak in here, huh?”

Doomie made sure that the only thing moving were his wings at that moment. Did she know he was here? Was his cover blown? The mare then, with her back to Doomie, opened a drawer from under the table. “Well Mr. Fly, I’m telling you right now.” Wait... fly? Within a second, she spun around with a flyswatter at hoof. “You’re not leaving here alive!”

Within seconds, the mare batted at the air like crazy. Doomie couldn’t react in time and got hit with the first swat, launching him to the bed where he laid there on his stomach in a daze. He tried his best to move his wings, but the force of the flyswatter had taken all the strength away from him. He then tried to get up, but only succeeded in flipping himself over. As his sight returned to him he started to get a picture of what he saw, and he was mortified at the sight.

The mare was on the edge of the bed with the flyswatter held in both her hooves, poised to strike. “This is where you meet your end, little fly.” She said as she started to raise the instrument of death further into the air. Doomie was on the verge of nearly fainting from the shock and pain. He tried to think of something he could do to get out of this, but he was too scared to think right now.

With full force, the mare plunged the swatter toward him. Doomie could only watch in horror as it came closer and closer. He curled up into a ball and raised one of his hooves to shield his face from what was soon to be his doom and his other to block his eyes so he couldn't see it, the holes in his arms didn’t help though. All he could do now was think of what had brought him here in the first place. Then he remembered. It was nothing but a stupid plan to try and surprise a mare that he had taken a liking to. Now it was going to end up killing him. Why did he shrink himself in the first place?

“You idiot!” He managed to squeak out with his tiny voice.

Within mere centimeters, the swatter came to a halt. Doomie looked through the holes in his arm to see that he wasn’t crushed by the horrible thing. He adjusted his eyes to see past the holes in the killing device to see the mare with a confused look on her face. “I don’t remember flies being able to talk.” She said.

Feeling confident, Doomie spoke up again. “I-I’m not a fly. I’m a-”

The pink pony’s face then switched places with the swatter and took a closer look at him “In fact...” She said “I don’t think you're a fly at all.” Giving a look of confused anger, she scooped up the so called fly and brought it up to her face. At this point, Doomie made sure not to say or do anything at all. Any sudden movements, or sound, would result in this mare crushing him on the spot. “Wait a sec. You’re a changeling!” she said. The mare now gave a look of pure anger. Her teeth were grinding, ears in a hostile position, and eyes that Doomie could see have fire in them. He was certain she was going to pounce on him any moment now.

“I-I can explain.” He said in an innocent tone. Ponies spared you if you talked innocently, right? Doomie felt the ground shake, or hoof shake in this instance, as the mare climbed on the bed. She sat down in the middle of it and continued to hold the defenseless bug in one hoof while crossing her other hoof in a way that physically told the changeling to continue talking. “I was..well..uh..” Doomie didn’t really know how to put it. How can you tell a mare that is currently wanting to kill you that you kinda have a cru-

“You were what?” She said “Spying on me?” She raised a brow with anger still present in her face.

“No...no no no. I wasn’t.” Doomie said, quickly shaking his head “I was….um…”

“Or maybe you were trying to be an assassin!” She yelled.

“What!?” He questioned “No...How can I even kill you being four inches tall?”

“I don’t know...” She said. turning her head away from him and putting a hoof on her chin “You changelings work in very strange ways”

“Well, its not like you ponies don’t do strange things too.” Doomie used his small hooves to clamp his big mouth shut. Did he really say that out loud? The mare pointed her hoof inches away from his face. Causing Doomie to fall flat on his back by the force of the wind.

“Or maybe you were trying to feed off of me!”

Doomie was glad to know the mare didn’t acknowledge his outburst, but was horrified what she said. He couldn’t get out of this now. Maybe it was time to tell her...the truth “Well….you could say that...” He said while scratching the back of his neck. The mare then brought her face up to him.

“AH HA. I knew it! You were trying to suck the life out of me. Weren't you?”

“Life?” The changeling questioned “I was trying to get your lov-.”

“Yeah, I know how you changelings do that. You guys do that by sinking your teeth into me and take away everything of mine. Thoughts, love, blood, guts.”

“Eww. Why would we want that?”

“I don’t know, why would you?”

The changeling face hoofed at the mares remark. Is this really what other ponies think? That we are all just evil creatures who want to kill the first thing they meet. “We are not vampires. We feed off love, not blood.” He said with slight irritation in his voice.

The mare backed her face away from him. “Oh really? Then how do you get love off of a pony?” Doomie gulped. How was he supposed to answer that without giving a....demonstration. “Well?” Pinkie said. Her face was now in front of him again. Doomie rubbed his hooves together.

“Well….we...uh…” He was starting to blush from the embarrassment of answering the question.

“What?” Pinkie said “Do you bite my neck?” She strained her neck to give a full view for him. Doomie opened his mouth to object but Pinkie continued to talk. “Or maybe you just bite anywhere and suck it off of me.”

Doomies face couldn't stop glowing red. “No!” He said “I-”

“Or maybe.” Pinkie continued to ramble “You try to take it off of me while you have se-”

“NO!” Doomie screamed. A little more high pitched than he had hoped. “Look. We don’t take love by biting or sucking or...whatever you were thinking of.”

Pinkie brought her face up to him again. Determined to get answers. “Then what do you-”


Doomie ran up to the edge of Pinkie’s hoof and planted a kiss on her snout. Pinkie immediately blushed and backed away in surprise at the changelings sudden movement. As for Doomie he immediately felt the love energy that came off of the mare, though it mostly came off of him. He fell flat on his back and lazily held his tongue out from the sudden energy. He forgot to realize that, being many times smaller than before, energy like that practically gave him enough to fly to the hive and back. With his tongue still out, he raised his head to look at the mare.

“There” He said, breathing heavily. “That’s how we get love.” Secretly, Doomie couldn't believe what he just did. He had just went full force and kissed the mare directly. He was sure that any moment now she was gonna-

“Really?” Pinkie said, rubbing her nose to get the tiny amount of spit from it. “That’s how you changelings do it?”

Doomie sucked his tongue back into his mouth as he got up on all fours. “Yeah.” He said. “Thats how we get love off of you ponies.” Toward the end of that sentence, he started to feel shaky. That love energy was starting to become too much to handle. Doomie looked up at Pinkie. Her face made a change from angry to now a slight grin.

“That’s kinda cute.” She said.

Doomie blushed “I-It’s not ‘cute’” He said, still a little dazed “It’s the official way to..to…” Doomie kept trailing off, he was on the verge of passing out. Pinkie couldn’t help but giggle at the little performance the little bug was doing.

“It seems to leave you a little tired too, huh?” she said with a smile. At this point, Doomie was trying his best to keep his ground. Trying to stay conscience and continue talking.

“Well….me being four inches tall….” Doomie couldn’t understand why he was acting like this. Completely dazed and slightly confused. Wasn’t love energy supposed to make you stronger, or did he take too much for him to handle?

“Do you need to take a nap?” She said in a caring tone of voice. “What?” Doomie said in a slurred voice.

“No….A changeling….like me….needs no…” Before he could finish he collapsed on her hoof and started to begin his deep slumber. Pinkie couldn’t help but “daw” at the sight of the little bug. She brought the hoof that was holding him closer to her chest and used her other one to gently caress his back. Purrs escaped from the changeling as she continued to pet him.

As she continued she couldn’t help but say out loud “Changelings can purr?”