• Published 26th Mar 2014
  • 12,640 Views, 52 Comments

Just a Little Taste - Dr Atlas

Come on Doomie. What better way to show your love and affection than to shrink down to four inches and surprise that pink mare you love so much. Nothing will go wrong. right?

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So tell me a little about yourself.

Doomie’s eyes were struggling to open. He had regained consciousness, but that entire force of love energy left him completely worn out. He could barely feel his legs, or his arms, but for some reason he could feel his back. Come to think of it. His back was feeling better than the rest of him. It felt as though he had been massaged five times. and each massage being better than the last. Why was he feeling like this? Then his mind began to remember the events that had happened. A stupid plan, a stupid kiss, and a stupid attempt at trying to tell a mare that you lo-


His ear stems went into attention. Where did that come from? It sounded so familiar, like he had heard it once before, sounded like-

“Are you awake yet, little guy?”

Now it was time for his eyes to come to attention. He recognized that voice. It was her. That same pony that he had tried to impress. That same pony that almost killed him. That same pony that was now probably watching him through a locked, steel cage, ready to send him straight to the princess. This was bad. Doomie could already see him in front of that big white tyrant. Asking him all sorts of questions about him, his queen, his siblings, and his affair with-

“Glad to see you’re finally awake. I was beginning to think you were going to sleep through the whole day.” Said the big pink pony.

Doomie finally got to his senses and took a look around. He tried to get up, but he still felt a little dazed. So since he couldn’t move, he decided to say what was bugging him so much.

“What's with all the purring?” he groaned. All he heard in response was a giggle.

“Well, it’s coming from you, silly.” Doomie rubbed his eyes to finally get the picture. He could see it but...not believe it.

There he was; laying flat on his stomach, and what he was laying on was her belly. Now he was in a state of, not only fear, but confusion. Why is she doing this? Shouldn’t she at least have him tied up or gaged? Before he could think of something else that the mare could do, he looked down to see his answer. Right below him was the shadow of a hoof casting on him. At that moment he was in a state of just fear.

“W-what are you doing?” Doomie said in a terrified tone of voice.

“Well duh, I’m petting you.” She said in the most cheering tone of voice. Pinkie didn’t seem to notice that he was currently scared out of his mind, so she continued moving her hoof closer to him. Doomie guessed that ‘Petting’ was just some code word ponies use for crushing. He thought about begging for his life. Yeah, that might buy him some time. Putting his hooves together and giving a pleading face he said.

“Please don’t doooahahaaaaahaaaaaa” Doomie tried to finish that sentence, but was interrupted by her hoof gently sliding across his back.

At first, Doomie tried to struggle, but the softness of her hoof and how gentle she was being made him stay in place. He opened his mouth to say something, but all that came out of it was purring.

Pinkie laughed “I told you you were the one making all those purring noises.” Doomie tried to make a face of irritation, but the way she was moving her hoof made that face turn into a big grin. When her hoof reached his lower back, she lifted it and continued the process.

Doomie was starting to get a little worried. This mare was over ten times his size, and, according to the queen, she was one of his mortal enemies. Yet here she was treating him like a pet. He had to admit that what she was doing was incredible. His back had never felt this good, but it didn’t feel right to him, not the back rubbing, but the situation in general.

Pinkie’s hoof finally stopped its treatment and rested behind him, causing Doomie to raise his head in questioning. “So.” She said “What's your name?”

His name. He never told her his name, had he. Doomie sat up straight, cracking several kinks in his back in the process. “Uh, It’s Doomie.” He said blankly. Was this like a date where they start talking? Wait, was this a date!?

“Doomie?” Pinkie said. “That’s a silly name.” Doomie blushed.

“Well it’s not like your name isn’t silly.” He said “Besides, it’s what the fans gave me.”

“What do you mean? Pinkie Pie is a great name, and Doomie is a good name too.”

“Doomie is not a bad- wait, good?”

“Yeah.” She said “What made you think my name was silly? You didn’t even know what it was?”

Doomie gulped “Well, ponies usually have strange names, right?” He grinned. Pinkie just shrugged.

“Well,” She said “now that we know each other a little more...” Pinkie grabbed Doomie by his tail and hoisted him just above her face. Then she rested her head on her other hoof and crossed her legs. “Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?”

It took Doomie a couple seconds to realize that he was in the air. He tried to grab on to something but all he could hold onto was, well, air. He looked down to see Pinkie and her smiling face. He was beginning to think that any moment now, she would open up her mouth and just drop him in, swallowing him whole. But Ponies don’t eat meat, right? Wait, was he made out of meat?

“Come on, Doomie.” Pinkie said “Tell me, what’s life like in the hive?”

Doomie went wide eyed, was she trying to get information off of him? How she was holding him only made him think that theory was correct. She could easily drop him and send him down her throat. Doomie didn’t want to reveal a single thing about his life, but he knew that his life would come to an end if he didn’t say something.

“W-well” He stuttered “W-we fly around and...uh...collect food and…..um.” Pinkie kept smiling and tilted her head, Doomie thought that that just signed him to keep talking, or else. “A-and we go to sleep.”

“What do you guys sleep in?” Pinkie questioned. Every time she opened her mouth, Doomie thought that she would just let go of her grip on him.

“W-w-we sleep i-in c-c-cocoons” Doomie couldn’t stop his stuttering, Being held like this was scaring him more than it should of.

“Cocoons?” Pinkie questioned, being completely oblivious to state of fear. “That’s cool, so you guys are like butterflies?” Doomie clenched his teeth. Now he revealed that the changelings and the butterflies are mutual friends. Now he was sure that the queen was gonna find kill him for this. Then pinkie yawned, showing Doomie the contents of her mouth, nothing but wet saliva, a slimy tongue, and flat teeth that looked it could crush bones. Doomie then knew that the queen wouldn’t kill him. This mare would be the death of him first.

Pinkie closed her mouth and said. “Sorry about, your stories aren't boring to me. I’m just getting a little tired is all, I haven't even eaten anything today.”

Eaten. She hasn’t eaten. Doomie wanted to use his wings to try to get out of this but he was too scared to even move. “Y-you haven't what?” He said.

“Wait,” She said “I have an idea.” putting on a sly smile, she let go of Doomie.