• Published 11th Apr 2014
  • 3,409 Views, 99 Comments

Twilight Sparkle Is... Princess Under Fire - PegasusMesa

Twilight should never have made fun of Discord's favorite action movie. Now, he's turned her life into an explosion-riddled, adrenaline-fueled nightmare, complete with ninja attacks, corrupt officials, and dastardly plots.

  • ...

Save the Last Dance

Discord sat forward, chewing on his nails as he and Luna watched Twilight and Fluttershy’s situation grow dire. A small pile of shavings had already built up around his feet.

Luna stuffed a clump of popcorn into her mouth. “Twilight Sparkle has made an impressive showing, thus far,” she said, oblivious to his anxiety. On the screen, a mass of thugs congregated. “A fight approacheth!” Luna grinned and shifted her weight.

“Oh yes, I can’t wait,” Discord said in an unsteady voice. “I live for this kind of thing.” Under his breath, he added, “I hope she does, too.”

“Guys, kill them.” Gilda picked up her sandwich and took a bite.

“Fluttershy, what are we going to do?” Twilight asked as the circle of thugs tightened around them. She and Fluttershy put their backs against each other.

Fluttershy glanced over her shoulder. “Um, there aren’t really that many of them. Just don’t stop moving and you’ll be fine.”

“Wait, what?” Twilight said. “I need more than that—” The thugs broke rank and bolted forward.

Fluttershy exploded into action, leaping into the air and kicking out hard with her hind legs. A sickening crack ripped through the air as two enemies caught her hooves in the sides of their heads. The force of her attack lifted their feet from the ground.

“S-sorry!” she said over the sound of their bodies hitting the marble floor. The moment she touched down, she darted straight at another pony, a pegasus whose eyes had gone wide from the shock of seeing two of his companions felled so quickly.

“Wha—” he started, before Fluttershy leapt over him and onto his back.

“I’m so sorry.” She wrapped her forelegs around his neck and slammed him against the floor, where he lay, groaning. “Um, please don’t be angry.”

Unfortunately, Twilight hadn’t seen any of this, busy as she was with her own problems. Two stallions, one of whom was missing an ear, and a mare wearing an eye-patch crowded around her, pummeling her despite her best efforts.

“Oof!” A kick caught her in the stomach, and it was only through sheer force of will that she didn’t collapse to the ground. She pushed aside one of No Ear's attacks and moved close to him, delivering a headbutt directly to his chest. Her horn jabbed him in the throat and sent him reeling backwards, choking and with a hoof held up to his bruising neck.

“My grandma can fight better than you losers,” Gilda said. Her beak ripped off another chunk of sandwich, and through the mouthful, she added, “And she’s dead!”

Suddenly, something wrapped around Twilight’s hind leg and pulled hard. She glanced around and saw the mare, who had a firm grip on Twilight’s limb, grinning back. In front of her, the uninjured stallion kicked out Twilight’s forelegs. She grunted as her chin painfully hit the wooden floor.

“It’s about time,” Gilda grumbled, taking a swig of juice.

“Well, that was easy,” the mare thug said as she rubbed her eye-patch. “Let’s finish her, then go help the oth—” Twilight’s other hind leg caught her squarely in the jaw. She fell backwards so quickly that the back of her head rebounded off the floor.

“Bitch!” the stallion growled, aiming a kick at his prone opponent’s head, only to miss when she rolled away. He stumbled forward and just barely managed to keep his footing.

Gilda’s talons slammed down on the table. “All you have to do is kill two mares!” she shouted, bits of unchewed bread spraying from her mouth. “If you can’t even do that, then why do I bother paying you?”

Twilight pushed herself back upright and launched herself at the off-balance thug, only to feel something wrap around her midriff and lift her into the air. Another unicorn, this one a mare who had withheld from joining the fray, had cast a spell which currently held Twilight aloft.

“Gotcha,” the thug said with a chuckle.

Despite the dull throbbing from her stomach, Twilight grinned. “If it’s magic you want—” Her horn flared and a massive purple hammer winked into existence “—then who am I to argue?” The thug’s eyes widened as the magical weapon descended. She dove to the side, narrowly dodging the attack and releasing her spell in the process. Freed, Twilight dropped to her stomach with a grunt. Her own enchantment dissipated as she lost her concentration.

She groaned and pushed herself upright just in time to avoid another kick from the stallion. With a quick sweep of her foreleg, she knocked his legs out from under him and kicked him in the side of the head.

Twilight took a moment to catch her breath, and as she did so, her gaze fell on a bass drum that lay against the wall where the string quartet had been playing. Her eyes lit up and she cast another spell. The drum lifted into the air.

“Hey, you!” She pointed directly at the unicorn mare, who had just regained her footing. “I’m with percussion, here for some bass-kicking!” The drum dropped onto the poor thug’s head and laid her out.

“What… what was that?” Breathing normally, Fluttershy stood over six unconscious enemies. She walked forward to stand next to Twilight. “Th-that thing you said.”

“The one-liner?” Twilight said, raising an eyebrow. “Pinkie said I have to have one for every fight, so I just thought… you know. Was it good?”

“I—Well, it w-wasn’t really bad…” Fluttershy glanced away.

“You’re kidding, right?” Gilda said, snorting. “Whenever anyone tells a joke that bad, a kitten dies!”

“I thought it was fine…” Twilight said with a frown. “Oh, wait! I've got another one!” Once more, her horn glowed, and a translucent trombone appeared in front of her. “Follow me!” She started towards the thug she had poked in the throat. He had finally recovered and stood glaring at her while he massaged the bruised area.

“No, wait!” Fluttershy said as she followed. “W-we should be more careful…”

The thug lashed out at Twilight, but she ducked under his leg and landed a right hook on his chest. He toppled over backwards.

“Hey, do me a favor,” Twilight said to him as he tried to roll away. She raised the conjured instrument above her head. “B-flat.” It descended swiftly upon him, striking him hard on the back. Twilight turned and grinned at Fluttershy. Suddenly, a pegasus, who had been waiting for a chance to attack, tackled Twilight to the ground. He brought a hoof crashing down towards her head, but was knocked aside at the last minute by a heavy uppercut from Fluttershy. She wrapped a leg around his neck and choked him unconscious before releasing him.

“I can’t believe it,” Gilda muttered. Her gaze darted between Fluttershy, Twilight, and the massive ceiling window. “How—how can just two of you do all this?” She gestured to all of the fallen thugs, some of whom were still groaning in pain.

“Th-thanks for the save,” Twilight said to Fluttershy. She climbed to her hooves and rubbed her side. “So, was that better?”

“I—what?” Fluttershy sat on her haunches and frowned. “Was what better?”

“The B-flat thing!” Twilight said with a grin. “I said B-flat, then I hit him with a trombone! Now he’s flat on the ground! Eh? Eh? Get it?”

Fluttershy sighed and slowly raised a hoof to her forehead. “Yes, I get it.”

“Oh come on, Fluttershy! It was A-major improvement!” Twilight’s grin widened. “Get it?”

“Please…” Fluttershy said with a groan. “Please stop.” Hoofsteps sounded from the door, and both she and Twilight looked over to find that another group of enemies had arrived.

“Ha, nice timing!” Gilda crowed as she spread her wings. “All of you, buy me some time. You only have to keep them busy for a bit.” Turning her back to Twilight and Fluttershy, she dropped her pants and patted her feathered behind. “Suck it, dweebs!” She rocketed upwards, breaking through the window and showering the floor underneath with shards of glass.

“Do you think we can handle this many?” Twilight asked, pressed up against Fluttershy. “There’s a lot more of them this time.”

At least twenty enemies pooled into the grand room. “Probably, but Gilda’s going to get away,” Fluttershy said with a gulp. She glanced up, towards the window. “Do you have anything to keep them busy for a few seconds?”

“Nothing I can think of.” Twilight tugged at her collar. “Darn, I wish this tuxedo wasn’t so tight—” Her eyes widened. “The bow-tie!”

“It’s a lovely tie, but, um—” The thugs spread out in order to prevent anyone from escaping through the door “—how’s that going to do anything?”

“Trust me,” Twilight pulled her tie off and inspected it, quickly locating a tiny pin that protruded from behind the bow. “Get ready to go.”

“But I—” Fluttershy bit her protest off. “O-okay.”

With one final breath to steady herself, Twilight yanked the pin out and threw the explosive towards the approaching foes. “Go!” she shouted, Fluttershy right beside her as they rocketed upwards.


She glanced back to see the thug in the forefront catch and inspect the tie. He furrowed his brow and tossed the garment over his shoulder with a shrug.


Pegasi from amongst the crowd spread their wings and prepared to take up pursuit. For Twilight, time slowed to a crawl as she and Fluttershy raced through the window. Their wings strained for every last inch of distance they could put behind them.


Fluttershy shouted something that Twilight couldn’t make out over the wind that roared past her ears. Expecting an explosion, she glanced downwards, only to find that nothing of the sort had happened.

Was it a dud? she wondered. The enemy pegasi had almost reached the window. And to think I was worried—

Without warning, everything around her turned to flame.

“We must postpone the remainder of the movie,” Luna said to Discord as she strode back in from the balcony. The moon, just brought over the horizon, shone through the window. “My court begins shortly, so I shall—”

A frantic knocking came from the door. Muttering about interruptions, Luna strode to the portal and threw it open to reveal a heavily breathing guard.

“Princess!” he said, leaning against the doorframe. “Urgent—news—” He staggered and would have fallen had Luna not held out a leg to catch him.

“Regain your breath,” she ordered calmly. The guard nodded and, after a minute, managed to calm himself enough to speak coherently. “Now, what is so important that you must speak to me at this hour?”

“Well, there’re a few things,” he said, “but the first is Princess Celestia! She’s missing!” He shifted his weight from side to side.

Luna frowned deeply. “I assume she did not inform you of any business she might have had.”

“That’s right, Your Majesty,” the guard said with a nod.

She glanced back at Discord, who quickly turned his gaze away and started to whistle. “And nopony knows where she has gone?”

“No, Your Majesty!” The guard blushed and glanced at the floor. “And, ah, whoever abducted her left a very, um, unflattering stuffed doll of the princess in her place.”

“Unflattering?” Luna asked, now turning to face Discord squarely. “Interesting. What, exactly, is unflattering about it?”

The guard’s blush deepened. “Certain, um—” He scuffed the ground with a hoof “—sections of her anatomy have been… enlarged.” He coughed.

“Let me guess,” she said. “By sections of her anatomy, you mean hindquarters.” He nodded quickly. “Yes, I thought so. Discord, do you know anything about this?”

Discord ceased to whistle and affected injury. “Me?” he said, placing a hand over his heart. “Kidnap dear, sweet Celestia? You wound me by even suggesting such a thing!” On the screen, where the “movie” still played, Twilight and Fluttershy shot through the roof of a building. “I am reformed, after all—” A deafening explosion tore the building apart. Luna’s gaze flicked over to the screen before she returned it to the dragonequus.

“I find it hard to believe you—” She, too, paused when a faint rumbling noise rippled through the castle, a mere second after the on-screen detonation. “What was that?” she said, darting to the window. In the distance, where Ponyville lay, a massive fireball bloomed upwards.

“Um, what a coincidence?” Discord said with a high-pitched chuckle.

Luna slowly turned and glared at him. “Discord,” she growled. The temperature in the room noticeably dropped.

“Th-there’s more to my report,” the guard said, stepping forward. “Reports have come in, saying that strange buildings have appeared in Ponyville—out of thin air!—including what seems to be a police station!”

Discord,” she said more loudly as her eyes narrowed. A nimbus of electricity played around her horn. “Thou promised Us that ‘twas not real.” Her lips rippled with a snarl.

Discord backed away, paw and talon held out. “Really, it all depends on your definition of real,” he said. Luna’s horn flared. “Well, would you look at the time! I must be going! Gotta do the thing, in the place! Thanks for the fun, see ya never!”

Luna lunged towards him, but he snapped his fingers and vanished from sight. She couldn’t stop her momentum and ended up stabbing impaling a pillow on the end of her horn.

Discord!” she roared. A small cloud formed above her head and spewed lightning. “When We find thee, We shall end thee!

Even as the ground-shaking words left her mouth, Luna was out the window, hurtling towards Ponyville and the young mare she had placed in mortal danger.

Sanity had abandoned the world, leaving only fire in its place.

A wall of heat blasted Twilight in the back and threw her into an uncontrolled spin. Before she could stop them, her wings snapped shut.

My bowtie did this? she thought as everything around her burned. Suddenly, the hellish inferno moved above her, and she managed to catch a glimpse of the ground at least a hundred feet below. She closed her eyes to keep from getting too dizzy. I have to stop spinning!

Twilight strained to open her right wing, but found that it wouldn’t obey. A lance of pain shot through her back when she tried to force the appendage.

I must have pulled it. She attempted the same with the other wing, to similar results. Her upward momentum ceased and she began to fall. Where’s Fluttershy? she thought, cracking an eye open. She caught sight of Fluttershy, who had landed heavily and only just now started to push herself to her hooves.

With no help coming from that quarter, Twilight once more attempted to spread her wings. Waves of agony assailed her, but she refused to give up.

“Come on,” she growled. “Come on!” Despite her persistence, they still refused to budge. What does it take to make you move?! Suddenly, her eyes widened. “Oh. Oh!” She returned her attention to Fluttershy. Well, if this is the only way…

Images of Fluttershy flooded Twilight’s mind as she recalled their dance. She pictured that shapely leg, along which she had ran her hoof only moments before they had come within a hairsbreadth of kiss—


Twilight’s wings burst open, drawing an agonized scream from her already raw throat. Ten feet from the ground, she stabilized and glided the final distance to land gracelessly in the grass. Her sides heaved from the deep lungfuls of air she gulped down.

“Twilight!” Fluttershy shouted as she ran over. “Are you alright?”

Ignoring her concerned friend, Twilight pushed herself onto her wobbling legs and scowled. “Why would she make me wear a bomb like that?” she shouted. She gestured towards the ruined shell that had once been Gold Tier. The outer walls chose that moment to crumble inward. “Look! Look at what it did! That thing was around my neck! It—it could have gone off at any time and taken me with it!”

“Um, I’m sure it was a mistake.” Fluttershy placed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Let’s just—”

“I’ve never wanted to actually kill anypony before, Rarity,” Twilight screamed skyward, “but congratulations! You have shown me that there’s a first time for everything!

Fluttershy’s ears drooped as she shrank away. “M-maybe I’ll give you a moment alone.”

A mouse scuttled out from under a stack of crates, nose twitching in the darkness. Shafts of moonlight shone in through the windows and illuminated motes of dust that hung in mid-air. The mouse darted across the floor to a burlap sack, the corner of which something had nibbled off. It poked its head through the rip and had just taken a mouthful of grain when the warehouse door slammed open and someone came inside. By the time the door was closed, the mouse had long since vanished amongst the boxes.

“What—the hell—was that?” Gilda panted, examining her singed wings. She moved to the window and peeked around the edge. “Did anyone see me?”

The remains of Gold Tier sat within view, and overhead a massive cloud of smoke loomed, visible even against the starry sky. A crowd had gathered on the outskirts of the disaster area, but nobody seemed interested in the warehouse that Gilda now hid in.

She hissed in pain as she folded her wings. “Stupid dork,” she grumbled, crouching down. “Because of her, I won’t be flying away. Guess I’ll have to wait for the ‘Bolts to pick me up, and—”

“Twilight! She went in there!” Gilda’s eyes shot open and she whipped her head up to look outside. Some annoyingly bouncy pony talking to Twilight pointed directly at the warehouse. “Just a few minutes ago!” Her voice was shrill enough to pierce the sturdy walls.

“Shit!” Gilda shouted. She glanced around frantically until her gaze fell on a ladder that ascended into the loft, where a number of large crates sat dangerously close to the edge. Her beak curved into a wicked smile.

She started to climb.

“—with a scarf, because you have no idea how lucky you are that you aren’t here!” Twilight ended her tirade with a wordless scream before she fell to her haunches and fought to catch her breath. Crouched low to the ground, Fluttershy shuffled back to her side.

“Um, are you alright?” she asked softly. Her face could hardly be seen behind her mane.

“Yes,” Twilight said, gulping the air. “I feel better now.”

“Are you really going to, um, sh-shove a hat up her—”

“Did I say that?” Twilight grinned nervously. “I would never do something like that to one of my friends!”

Fluttershy frowned. “But you said—”

“Ha, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Twilight said. Her hoof scuffed the ground.

“W-well, if you s-say s-so.” Fluttershy’s teeth chattered as she began to shiver.

“Are you alright?” Twilight asked, stepping close.

“I-it’s just a l-l-little c-cold,” Fluttershy said as she rubbed her forelegs together.

“Cold? Here, take this.” Twilight shed her coat and held it out. “It’s supposed to be resistant to temperature changes, or some such.” Her eyes narrowed. “According to Rarity, that is.”

“Th-thank you,” Fluttershy said, blushing as she accepted the offer. She slung it over her shoulders. “Y-you know, I was wondering how you managed to avoid getting burned by the explosion. I avoided it, but you were in the middle of the blast!”

Twilight frowned and put a hoof to her chin. “Huh—the temperature-resistant coat. I hadn’t thought about that.” She glanced at the burning wreckage of Gold Tier and her frown deepened. “I’m still mad about the bowtie, but maybe—”

“Twilight! She went in there!” They glanced over to find Pinkie Pie trotting towards them. She gestured towards a run-down warehouse across the street.

“Who did?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

Fluttershy stepped forward. “Was it Gilda? When did she go in?”

“Just a few minutes ago!” Pinkie said. She bounced in place. “C’mon, let’s go get her and find out where the bad guys are!”

“You ready, Fluttershy?” Twilight said as she straightened her collar.

Fluttershy shuffled up to stand beside her. “Um, yes. I think so.”

Together, the three cantered to the warehouse door. “You’re sure she’s in here, Pinkie?” Twilight asked. “Absolutely sure?”

Pinkie glanced through the window. “Yep! Saw her go in about three minutes ago!” She turned back to her two companions. “So, what’s the plan, oh magnificent leader?” Both she and Fluttershy looked at Twilight expectantly.

“Plan? Um… right.” Twilight rubbed the side of her head. “What’s the plan… Pinkie, you wait out here in case she tries to come out this way. Fluttershy, you circle around and make sure there aren’t any other doors she can escape through. I—” She gulped before finishing “—I’ll go in and get her.”

“A-are you sure you’ll be fine alone?” Fluttershy said, placing a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “If you wait, then—”

“Then she has more time to think of a way to escape!” Twilight shook her head. “No, we’ll do it this way. If you don’t find any other doors, come in and help. Ready?”


“Yepper doodles!” Pinkie threw off a snappy salute.

“Okay.” Twilight gulped again and reached for the doorknob. “H-here I go, then.”

As she pushed it open, the door creaked ominously. Someone had left claw prints in the thick dust that lay on the ground. She closed the door behind her.

“Alright, Gilda,” Twilight said, glancing around. The center of the large building was wide-open, but boxes lined the walls. Gilda could have hidden herself in any number of places. “I know you’re in here. Can we just talk?” Silence answered her.

A shiver ran down Twilight's spine. Fear and excitement warred for dominion as she strode into the open area. Something behind her creaked, and she whipped around with her horn alight. However, instead of an attacking gryphon, all she saw was a mouse standing in front of the door.

A whistling noise from above was the only warning she had.

Twilight dove to the side instants before a massive crate smashed into the ground where she had stood only instants before. It shattered upon impact, revealing its contents—dozens of barbells. However, Twilight wasn’t given time to ponder over her near death, as another box fell from directly above her. She rolled sideways and once again narrowly avoided becoming thinner than even Rarity would envy.

Breathing heavily, she climbed to her hooves, only to be kicked onto her side by a fuming Gilda. As Twilight pushed herself back up, Gilda leaped forward and clawed her along her back.

A hideous shriek rang through the air, and Gilda fell backwards.

“Wh-what?” Twilight asked dazedly. She staggered a step away before turning to face her opponent. “What happened?”

“My talons!” Gilda screamed, nursing her claw as she dropped to her knees. “What the hell are you wearing?!” Blood dripped to the floor in front of her.

“Cut-resistant shirt,” Twilight answered. She tugged at the collar, mentally swearing to go easy on Rarity for the bowtie. “Never leave home without it.”

“Don’t talk shit!” Gilda said. She leaped forward, only to be thrown backwards when Twilight slammed a shoulder into her chest. Gilda tried to roll away, but was finally laid low by a solid right hook.

“Twilight!” The door shrieked on its hinges as Fluttershy threw it open. “Are you—oh, wow!” She put a hoof to her cheek. “I-I guess you didn’t need me, after all.”

“You didn’t see it when she almost crushed me,” Twilight said, gesturing to the smashed crates. “Twice.”

“Oh.” Fluttershy sat on her haunches. “W-well, nevermin—” The window shattered and a pegasus shot through. Fluttershy tried to twist out of the way, but not before the newcomer bowled her over.

“Fluttershy!” Twilight cried. She stood and moved towards her friend, only to be tackled by another pegasus.

“Heya, Twi,” the second attacker said. “Long time no see.”

“Rainbow Dash?!” Twilight said with wide eyes.

“Well, not if you count that time earlier today,” Rainbow continued. She trotted to Gilda and helped her to her feet. “You alright?”

“‘S’about time you showed up!” Gilda said as a trickle of blood ran down her chin. “Where were you?”

Another pegasus walked in through the door. “We had to pry Fleetfoot away from the slot machines,” Spitfire said with a shrug.

“Hey!” Fleetfoot said, standing over Fluttershy's still form. “When I’m on a streak, I gotta finish it!”

“And it almost got me killed!” Gilda shouted. “Take care of them, and get me out of here!” She pointed to Twilight and Fluttershy.

“Where’s Pinkie Pie?” Twilight asked. She tried to stand, but Rainbow walked over and pushed her back down.

“Don’t try to stand,” Rainbow said softly. Louder, she said, “Your partner’s a bit busy, right now. Be good and I’ll—” A heavily breathing Fluttershy planted both of her hooves in Rainbow’s side, sending her rolling. Her head smacked off of a crate.

“I saw her take out fifteen ponies by herself!” Gilda said. Her wide eyes were focused on Fluttershy, who took an unsteady step forward. “Get me out of here, both of you! Now!”

“Fifteen?” Spitfire said with a frown. “Did you even have fifteen pon—”

I said now!” The two standing Wonderbolts picked up Gilda and ran to the door.

“W-wait… Spitfire…” Rainbow reached out a hoof to her comrades as she tried to stand. “Don’t… leave me here!”

“She’ll squeal,” Spitfire said. “Can we afford to—” A loud crash cut her off as a crate, pushed from the loft above, fell directly on Rainbow

"Rainbow!" Twilight cried, struggling to stand.

“Got her, boss,” said the fourth Wonderbolt, who had flown in through an upper window.

“‘Sup, Rapidfire?” Spitfire glanced over her shoulder and smiled apologetically. “Sorry, Dash,” she said with a shrug. “Such are the fortunes of war.” They bore their leader outside.

“No!” Twilight shouted. She forced herself to her hooves, grunting when a wave of pain ran through her hind leg. “Come back here!” She limped after her quarries.

She stepped outside and glanced around, but couldn’t find them on the ground, and the sky had darkened to the point where nobody would be able to spot them in the air.

“Yeah, run!” she shouted, dropping to her haunches. “I’m not sure what else I expected, since you’re half-chicken and half-pussy!

“Twilight?!” Fluttershy said from the doorway. “Wh-why would you say that?”

“Say what?” Twilight asked. “All I did was call her a pu—” Her eyes widened and she clapped a hoof to her mouth. “What is happening to me? I’m so, so sorry! I never say things like that!”

“I—” Fluttershy sighed and shook her head. “You don’t have to apologize.” She sighed again and gave a slight smile. “It’s been a very rough day. You must be very tired.”

“My everything hurts,” Twilight said with a groan. “My home exploded, my assistant was kidnapped, and I can’t even fly until my wings get better!” She exhaled explosively. “At least we caught Rainbow Da—” Her eyes widened. “Is Rainbow alright?! She isn’t hurt badly, is she?”

Fluttershy patted her on the back. “She’s unconscious, but breathing steadily. Lucky for her that the crate they dropped was empty, so it didn’t do anything other than bruise her.” She shivered and pulled the tuxedo coat tight.

A wave of frigid air blew by. “When did you get so good at this kind of stuff?” Twilight asked as she sidled over to borrow some of Fluttershy’s heat. “I mean, the fighting and all that.”

“Oh, I’m not good at fighting,” Fluttershy said. She blushed as their sides made contact. “I-I just do what I c-can to help out.” Another shiver wracked her body.

Twilight glanced over. “Are you still cold? You shivered again.”

“N-no, I’m not,” Fluttershy said, blush spreading. “Th-thank you for your coat.” She turned to look at Twilight without realizing that their faces were so close. “Um…”

Twilight could feel the heat from Fluttershy's every exhalation. All she had to do was lean forward, and—”

Seemingly from nowhere, Pinkie Pie landed in front of them. “Hey, guys, what’s going on?!” Twilight and Fluttershy scrambled away from each other. “Oo, la la!”

“Pinkie!” Twilight said in a strangled voice as Pinkie flashed a conspiratorial grin. “Where were you?” Fluttershy pulled her coat over her head.

“I saw one of the Wonderbolts, so I chased after him!” Pinkie said, bouncing in place. “He got away, though. So, didja catch Gilda?”

“No, she got away,” Twilight said. She frowned and advanced on her partner, and the grin slowly faded from Pinkie’s face. “And she might not have if you hadn’t ditched us! Why—” She halted as Pinkie shrank backwards. “Never mind.” Twilight drooped her head backwards and sighed. “Sorry, Pinkie, I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

“I’m sorry…” Pinkie looked down, tears filling her eyes. “I’m the worst partner ever, aren’t I?”

“I’m sure things would have turned out the same, anyway,” Twilight said with what she hoped was a comforting smile. She lifted Pinkie’s chin. “Anyway, we have Rainbow Dash, who can probably tell us what we need to know.”

“Oo, the chief’s going to like that!” Pinkie’s face brightened. “Let’s take her back, then!”

With Rainbow in tow, the three weary ponies trudged back home.

Author's Note:

Credit to MrNumbers for the puns in this chapter, as well as a number of others. Without him, Twilight's one-liners wouldn't be nearly as cheesy (or endearing).