• Published 11th Apr 2014
  • 3,408 Views, 99 Comments

Twilight Sparkle Is... Princess Under Fire - PegasusMesa

Twilight should never have made fun of Discord's favorite action movie. Now, he's turned her life into an explosion-riddled, adrenaline-fueled nightmare, complete with ninja attacks, corrupt officials, and dastardly plots.

  • ...

Going Rogue

Applejack had just laid down for some well deserved sleep when something pounded on her door. She grumbled and hid her face under the pillow, but whoever stood outside only knocked more loudly. With a loud groan, she rolled off of her couch and shambled to the door.

“What the hell do ya want?” she snapped as she threw it open. A young stallion, likely only just out of colthood, stood on her doorstep. He cowered under her intense scrutiny.

“Ch-Chief,” he said, refusing to meet her eyes. “I-I-I have a report from h-headquarters.”

“Cadet, it’s midnight.” Inside, a clock chimed. “Scratch that—it’s a quarter after. What could possibly be important enough that ya need to pull me outta bed?”

The cadet shrank down even further. “S-Sergeant Twilight is back, and she brought somepony with her,” he said. “I thought y-you’d want to question Rainbow Dash if she—”

“Hold the phone,” Applejack said, sleep forgotten. “Twilight caught Rainbow Dash? Tonight? As in, that varmint’s sittin’ in a jail cell at this very moment?” Her expression brightened.

“Yes, Chief!” he said. Now that he was no longer the subject of Applejack’s ire, he could relax and straighten his posture. “The sergeant’s about to begin the question—”

Then why the hell didn’t ya tell me in the first place?” Applejack roared, the force of her tone nearly forcing the cadet to his knees. “Do ya have shit for brains or somethin’?”

“Yes, Chief,” he said meekly. “Sorry, Chief.”

She grabbed her clothes and cantered outside. “Well, let’s get goin’,” Applejack said as she locked the door behind her. A cruel smile spread across her face. “It’s time to welcome an old friend back to Ponyville.”

“Hey! Let me out!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she kicked at the bars to her cell. “You can’t do this!”

A stack of books in tow, Twilight pranced into the room. “Sorry, Rainbow, but I can’t let you go until you tell me what I need to know.” Fluttershy slipped through the door after Twilight before it closed.

“I don’t know nothin’,” Rainbow said. She slammed her hoof against the floor and snarled. “And you can’t just throw me in a jail cell without an accusation!” She frowned as Twilight opened up one of the books. “Er, can you?”

Twilight flipped through the pages for a few seconds before she found what she wanted. “It actually says here that I can,” she said. “You are being held as part of an ongoing investigation. Add to that the fact that you assaulted an officer of the law, and I actually have a very good reason to keep you here.” Fluttershy nodded. “Did you really need to tackle me?” Twilight’s wing brushed against the bars, drawing forth a pained wince. “Ouch.”

“Yeah, well…” Rainbow ran a hoof through her mane as she exhaled. “Sorry about that,” she muttered.

“The wings aren’t your fault.” Twilight gazed at her for a long moment before pulling up a stool and sitting on it. “Look, Rainbow,” she said, tugging at the collar of her sweater, “I need to know where you took Spike. He’s only a baby, and he might be hurt, for all I know!”

“I’m not gonna squeal," Rainbow said as she crossed her forelegs.

“If you help me out, I can drop some of the charges against you,” Twilight continued. “Instead of a felony, you could be charged with only a misdemeanor. So please, for your sake as well as Spike’s, can you tell me where he is?”

“The kid’s fine,” Rainbow said with a sigh. “I made sure that everypony knew not to touch him.”

“Why would they listen to you?” Twilight asked, pulse quickening. “You’re not the leader, are you?”

“They listen because if they don’t, I’ll slap them upside the head!” Rainbow flared her wings. “And I’d do it, too, if I wasn't locked… in here…” Her eyes widened as she realized what Twilight was hinting at.

“That’s what I thought. It’s hard to protect someone when you’re locked in a jail cell.” Twilight stood and reached through the bars to grab Rainbow’s hoof. “You can’t guarantee his safety now, can you? Please, Rainbow, tell me where he is!”

Rainbow’s eyes darted around the room as she attempted to sort out her thoughts. “Well, I guess,” she said slowly. “He’s—”

Fluttershy shrieked when the door slammed open to admit Applejack, who halted in her tracks at the sight of Rainbow. “Well, well, well,” she said with a small grin, “what have we here?”

“Oh, uh, hey, AJ,” Rainbow said. Ears flattened, she pulled her hoof from Twilight’s grasp and backed away. “Long time, no see, huh?”

“If it ain’t mah best pal, Rainbow Dash,” Applejack continued, slowly stepping forward. “What’s the matter, Rainbow? Not happy to see me?”

“Well, I—”

“Cuz Ah’m reeeaal happy to see you, ya little piece of shit!” The end of the sentence came out of the chief’s mouth as a snarl. “What, are ya too damn scared to face me after ya ditched the force and became a damn criminal?

“Hey! I didn’t ditch anything!” Rainbow shouted, pushing her head against the bars. “I quit, fair and square! It was legal and everything!”

“Yeah?” Applejack said as she put her own head against the cell. “And right after, ya joined with the Wonderbolts and turned full-time criminal! If that ain’t ditchin’, then Ah sure as shit don’t know what is!”

Rainbow backed down at that. “I—I didn’t become a Wonderbolt to be a criminal,” she muttered, gaze on the floor. “It wasn’t supposed to be like that.”

“Rainbow, why did you join them, then?” Twilight asked. Applejack opened her mouth, likely to continue to shout, but Twilight quieted her with a shush.

“I grew up admiring them,” Rainbow said softly. Her head drooped forward. “They were always doing things to help, and on top of that, they were the best fliers, like, ever!”

“So, what changed?” Twilight said.

“Well, Spitfire, she—” Rainbow glanced up suspiciously. “Wait, I’m not going to snitch on my teammate!”

“The teammate who left you for dead?” Twilight said as Applejack snorted loudly. “Are you going to defend somepony like that?”

“Well, um…” Rainbow frowned at her hooves. “Y-yeah, I am,” she said unsteadily.

“Well, good riddance, then” Applejack said. She sneered at Rainbow before patting Twilight on the back. “Good job, Twi. We’ll get some answers from this little shitter before we turn in for the—”

“Chief!” An officer had slipped her head past through the doorway. “You've got a call!”

“Ah’m not takin’ calls this late,” Applejack said as she waved a dismissive hoof. “Tell ‘em to call back tomorrow.”

“Ah, it’s from the Gryphonian Embassy, sir,” the officer said. “They were very insistent on speaking with you.”

“Son of a bitch,” Applejack muttered. She stomped out of the room. “Ah’ll be back!” she shouted over her shoulder before the door shut behind her.

Twilight turned back to Rainbow Dash, who had settled onto her haunches. “C’mon, Rainbow,” Twilight pleaded. “What will happen if Spike—”

She did what?!” Applejack had shouted so loudly that, even with the door to the cells closed, her voice was clearly audible. “Ah’m gonna kill her!

“Um, that doesn’t sound good,” Fluttershy said. She backed into the corner. “I h-hope she’s not talking about yo—”

The door slammed open again, this time with enough force to shake dust loose from the ceiling. Applejack stormed through and walked up to Twilight. “What the hell were ya thinkin’?!” she roared.

“What do you mean?” Twilight said, reeling.

“Ya know damn well what Ah mean!” Applejack said. She poked Twilight in the chest, hard. “Ah told ya not to do anything too rash, so why in this green Equestria would ya assault the ambassador from Gryphonia?!”

Twilight's eyes widened. “I’m not the one who assaulted—”

“Ya beat the damn shit out of her!” Applejack shouted. “Ah sent ya to speak with her, not to slap her around!”

“I did not slap Gilda around!” Twilight said, scowling.

“Ya gave her a black eye and ripped the claws out of her foot,” Applejack said dryly. “Ah don’t know what else ya’d call it.”

“To be fair,” Twilight said, “she did the claws herself—”

“Ya know what? That’s it.” Applejack threw her hooves in the air and made a strangled noise. “Ah’ve put up with yer shit until now, because ya’ve always gotten the job done, no matter the consequences. But this? This is too much. The gryphons want ya locked up and put on trial, and Ah can’t say Ah blame them!”

Twilight’s hoof came down upon the ground hard enough to make the stool jump. “She attacked us first!” she yelled. “We acted in self-defense!”

“It don’t matter what she did!” Applejack answered. “But it’s not your problem no more, cuz you’re off this case!”

“Wh—what did you say?” The color drained from Twilight’s face.

“Ya heard me, Sparkle! You’re too involved, so Ah’m takin’ ya out of the action.” She pointed to the door. “Now, get.”

“You can’t do this!” Twilight said, grabbing Applejack by the shoulders. “I have to save Spike, and I don’t know any other way to find him!”

“Like Ah said, it ain’t your problem anymore,” Applejack said. “Now, get, before Ah throw ya in there with Rainbow.”

“But, I—” She threw her head back and released an exasperated shout. “Fine! I’ll just—I’ll figure something out! But you better do your best to find him, or else I won’t forgive you.”

“Don’t be tellin’ me how to do mah job,” Applejack said. Twilight scowled, but slowly plodded to the door. The last thing she saw before going through and closing the door behind her was Rainbow, her only hope for finding Spike.

“I’ll find a way,” she muttered. “Even if it kills me.”

“I’ll kill her!” A stool flew across the room and exploded against the wall. Gilda flipped a table, sending checkers and poker chips scattering. “I swear, I’m gonna kill her!”

“You gonna be alright, Gilda?” Spitfire asked. A cushion shot by her head, but she didn’t even flinch.

“You know what? We’re gonna kill her now!” Gilda said. She winced as her bandaged talon bumped against the ground. “Get the other Wonderbolts, and we’ll go kill that miserable little dork and her pegasus friend. And after that, we take care of her stupid dragon.” Her beak curved into a cruel smile.

“Um, Ambassador?” Trixie said from the doorway. “The boss wants to see you.” The smile vanished from Gilda’s face.

“I’m busy!” she snarled. “What does the boss want to see me about?”

“About what happened tonight,” Trixie said, forcing her gaze down.

“How the hell can she already know all of that?” Gilda said. “Spitfire, do as I said and get the other ‘Bolts. We’re leaving as soon as I’m done!”

“You got it,” Spitfire said.

Gathering the other Wonderbolts didn’t take long, which left them to pace while they waited for their leader to finish her business. Finally, Gilda reappeared, eyes wide.

“So, what’s the plan?” Spitfire asked. Gilda didn’t answer, but instead shambled to a couch and sank into it. “Um, Gilda?”

“We’re not going,” she said softly. “We aren’t to go out of our way to attack Twilight Sparkle.”

“Huh?” Spitfire raised an eyebrow at Gilda’s laconic demeanor. “But just a few minutes ago, you said—”

“I remember what I said!” Gilda snapped, regaining a bit of her energy. “Now I’m saying that we’re leaving her alone.”

Spitfire crouched down to look her employer in the eyes. “What did the boss say to you?”

“Twilight is to make it here alive and on her own,” Gilda said as she leaned back and groaned. “Until then, she’s off limits.”

“And after she makes it here?”

A wicked gleam sparked in Gilda's eyes. “After that? We’ll see.”

Back in her small office, Twilight paced back and forth between the couch and the door. “Would I be able to use a seeking spell?” she said with a frown. Her wings hung loose, draped nearly to the floor. “No, I don’t have any of his scales to use as a reagent.” Her legs halted for a moment. “Maybe I could cast the spell to find Gilda!” Her face instantly fell, however, and her pacing resumed. “That won’t work, either. I don’t know how to attune the spell for gryphons…”

As she paced to the door for the twentieth time, her eyes fell upon a bookshelf, barely visible behind a large stack of cardboard boxes. A quick spell had the obstruction pushed aside, and she eagerly examined the books’ spines.

“I bet there’s something here that I can use,” Twilight muttered. Her lips moved as she silently read the titles. “Why would I have these?” She squinted to make certain that her eyesight hadn't mislead her. “Manehattan Mayhem, featuring Drill Dozer? Drill Dozer is: the Equestrian Executioner? Drill Dozer, in—” Her eyes widened “—a Mare a Minute?!” She groaned and paced to the couch. “Why would I have this garbage on my bookshelf? Why would anypony have this on their bookshelf?”

A soft knock on the door interrupted her tirade.

“Come in,” Twilight, said, straightening her turtleneck. Nobody answered, and the door remained shut. “Come in!” Still nothing. “Pinkie Pie, if this is a prank—” She threw the door open to reveal Fluttershy, who carried a covered bowl. “Uh, hi, Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy’s gaze dropped to the floor as she mumbled inaudibly.

“Are you alright?” Twilight asked. She crouched down to look into Fluttershy’s eyes. “You can relax around me.”

“Oh! Um, sorry,” Fluttershy said, lifting her head. “I-I wanted to, um, talk.” She took a step forward but immediately retracted her hoof. “C-can I come in?”

“Yes, please do,” Twilight said as she stepped to the side. “I wasn't expecting anypony to visit, though, or I would have cleaned up a bit.” She shut the door. “So, what did you want to talk about?”

“Well, I—” Fluttershy swallowed heavily and wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead “—I’m sorry that the chief took you off the case.” She dropped to her haunches. “It—it wasn’t right.”

Twilight sighed and took a seat as well. “I’m just worried about Spike,” she said. “I can’t think of any other way to find him.”

“I wish I could help you,” Fluttershy said, patting her on the shoulder. “Oh!” Her eyes brightened. “Um, how are your wings feeling? I-if it’s alright to ask.”

Twilight tried to fold them against her sides, but gave up with a pained wince. “Not good. I can hardly move them on their own.”

“May I have a look?” Twilight nodded and swiveled around. “Um… I-I need you to t-take off your s-sweater, first.” Fluttershy swallowed heavily.

“Alright,” Twilight said, shrugging out of the garment. She winced as she pulled her wings through the holes in the sweater’s back. “Ouch. Go ahead.”

“This might hurt,” Fluttershy said. She reached out and probed the area around the wings’ bases. “Are you okay?” she said when Twilight grunted and flinched.

“I’m fine,” she said through clenched teeth. She winced again when Fluttershy picked up one of the wings and gingerly extended it. “Just—don’t take too long, please.” Fluttershy nodded and inspected the other wing.

“You didn’t break or sprain anything,” she said, gently letting go, “but you pulled a lot of muscles. I, um, kind of thought that would be the case, so I—” She gulped and held out the bowl she had brought along “—I made this.”

Twilight lifted the lid and immediately recoiled. “It smells terrible!” she said, face twisted into a grimace. “What the hay is it?”

“It’s medicine, to heal injuries like yours,” Fluttershy said. “When I was a filly, my mother taught me how to make it. With this, in a few hours you’ll feel better.”

“I don't have to drink it,” Twilight said with a neutral expression, “do I?”

Fluttershy gasped and put a hoof to her mouth. “Oh, no!” she said. “If—if you did that, you might die! This is just to be rubbed on the sore spots.” A light blush crept across her cheeks. “So, um…”

“Yes?” Twilight prompted when Fluttershy trailed off. “Is something wrong?”

“No! I mean—” Fluttershy swallowed to clear her throat, and her blush deepened. “Sh-should I r-rub it on f-for you?”

“Oh!” Twilight said, taken aback. Her own face grew crimson as she envisioned soft, gentle hooves caressing her back. “Yes. I mean, sure! Do so! Er, if you would be so kind. Please.”

“I’ll be gentle,” Fluttershy said, dipping her hoof into the bowl. “I promise.”

She rubbed the salve onto the right wing, and Twilight nearly cried out from the pain. Instead, she clenched her jaw. Only moments later, the agony had vanished, replaced by a cool, numbing sensation.

“That feels a lot better,” Twilight said with a sigh. She immediately gasped and nearly bit her tongue when Fluttershy moved to a different spot on the wing.

For a while, they both sat in near silence. The only sounds were the frequent intakes of breath caused whenever Fluttershy touched a spot that was particularly sore. Finally, Twilight twisted her head and looked back.

“Hey, Fluttershy?” she said.

“Yes?" Fluttershy answered, picking up a roll of bandages.

“I was just wondering—” Twilight’s breath hissed through gritted teeth as Fluttershy began to bind the wings “—what’s your stake in all of this?”

Fluttershy’s ministrations paused. “Wh-what do you mean?” she asked before resuming.

“Well, I want to save Spike, and Applejack wants to bring criminals to justice.” Twilight twisted further to look her in the eye. “But I still don’t know what you stand to gain.”

“I don’t gain anything,” Fluttershy said. “I t-told you before—I’m just a concerned citizen—”

“Who just happens to be an amazing fighter?” Twilight interrupted with narrowed eyes. “Who just happens to have accurate information about a criminal like Gilda? Who just happens to sneak into a job in order to get close to her? I may be new to this crime fighting thing, but even I don’t buy a coincidence like that.”

For a long moment, Fluttershy didn't answer. “You’re done,” she finally said, tying off the wrapping around Twilight’s wholly bandaged wings. She turned to the door. “I-I should be going—”

“Wait!” Twilight said as she leaped forward to keep her from leaving, but she froze when Fluttershy suddenly turned and put a hoof on her back. “What are you—”

She would never remember whether it was she or Fluttershy who closed the distance; perhaps they both moved at the same time. She could only recall that one moment, they stood stock still and staring, and the next they had embraced and pressed their lips together.

Once again, Twilight relished in the earthy scent that Fluttershy bore. As their contact lingered, she noticed that her lips tasted sweetly familiar. Like fresh honey, she thought. However, before the kiss could develop further,Fluttershy pulled away.

“I—I’m a federal agent,” she said, setting Twilight back on her heels. “I’m tracking down somepony connected to Gilda.” Her gaze flickered to Twilight’s face before dropping to the ground.

“Why are you telling me this now?” asked the dazed Twilight. I just kissed one of my best friends! What is wrong with me?

Fluttershy reached up to toy with her mane. “I just—I don’t want there to be any illusions between us.”

“Y-yeah,” Twilight said, licking her lips. “No illusions.” It tasted like honey—No! Relationships take time to build! You don’t just jump into them halfway through! “I agree.” With a demure smile on her face, Fluttershy leaned back in for another kiss, but paused when Twilight stiffened.

“Twilight?” Fluttershy said as her smile shrank. “Is—is something wrong? Is this too fast?”

Yes, it is! Twilight's mind screamed. You’re my friend! We can’t do this! “Is this love, or infatuation?” She blinked rapidly to hide her surprise. The question had simply sprung unbidden from her mouth.

“I-I’m sorry?”

Guess I'll just have to go with it. Twilight stared deep into Fluttershy's eyes. “You’ve only known me for a few hours! How can we have feelings for each other?”

“I’m not sure,” Fluttershy said. She tried to avert her gaze, but Twilight’s hoof held her face steady.

“I—I’ve just never had feeling like this before,” Twilight continued. “So I don’t know what to expect. Maybe we should wait until we have a better idea.” Yes, this is for the best.

Fluttershy blushed and closed her eyes. “I s-suppose you’re right.”

“So, are we…” Twilight tried to turn her attention away from the scent of damp soil, the sweet taste that lingered on her lips, the admittedly beautiful pony that stood before her. She tried to focus on anything else, but found that she couldn't. “Are we, uh—” Ah, the hay with it.

She wrapped her legs around Fluttershy and kissed her deeply. She grunted and widened her eyes, but didn't protest, so Twilight steered them both towards the couch, which was just large enough to accommodate two.

“Pus-infested cur,” Luna muttered as she neared Ponyville. Her wings pushed her forward, despite the aches that ran through them due to the speed of her flight. “Cowardly son of maggots, you will rue the day you lied to me!”

Moments later, she hung suspended in mid-air over the town. Her eyes, far more suited to the dark than anyone else’s, scanned the area for signs of activity, but none presented themselves. Luna shrugged and tilted into a nosedive—

—and abruptly collided nose-first with what felt like a brick wall.

“Wad trickery id did?” she cried, holding a hoof over her nose, which had started to bleed. Although nothing could be seen between her and Ponyville, drops of blood splattered on something invisible. “A barrier?” She reached out with her other hoof and probed the impedance.

A loud noise cracked through the air, and Discord appeared on the other side of the invisible wall. “Sorry, Princess,” he said as he bowed low, “but I’m afraid I can’t let you interfere quite yet.”

“Didcord!” Luna shouted. If looks could kill, her’s would have vaporized Discord on the spot. “Led me pathd, thid indant!”

“I already told you—no can do,” Discord said. He sighed and rolled his eyes. “I swear, you ponies are denser than rock.” Luna kicked at the barrier, but only succeeded in stubbing her hoof. “Well, as much as I enjoy watching you make an utter fool out of yourself, I’ve got places to go and ponies to see! Toodles!” He waggled his fingers at her, then disappeared from sight.

“Ged back here!” she shrieked, to no avail. An ominous glow appeared around her horn as she glared at the invisible force that thwarted her efforts to reach Ponyville. “Wall, have ad thee!” She lunged forward.

Pressed up against Fluttershy, Twilight glanced down at her sleeping friend—No, not my friend anymore, she thought with a frown. Whatever we are now, it’s not friends. Fluttershy snored and nuzzled into Twilight’s chest. Was this about love, or infatuation? Where before the question had been meant as redirection, now Twilight seriously considered it. She's definitely pretty, but I feel like there's more to it than that.

Her gaze roamed the office as she considered the implications of the past two hours. On the wall, a digital clock read three twenty-seven.

How did I get here, anyway? Twilight continued. Why has all this happened? This is my first chance to just think about everything. She shifted into a more comfortable position. Everypony’s lives have changed, even mine. But I’m the only one who knows that this isn’t right. Her eyes widened as an unsettling thought occurred. Or… am I? What if I’m the one who’s wrong?

Fluttershy’s hind leg kicked out and she gave a particularly loud snore. Despite the gravity of her thoughts, Twilight couldn’t help but smile and pull Fluttershy closer.

I can’t start doubting myself now, Twilight thought, smile slowly fading. And I can’t trust Applejack to do everything she can to save Spike. The clock changed to three thirty and chimed softly. A world where I can’t trust Applejack? I guess that’s all the proof I need that this isn't how things are supposed to be.

She gently lifted Fluttershy's wing and rolled out from underneath it, pausing to give her a soft kiss on the cheek. As silently as possible, she opened the door and left, clothing in tow.

“Sorry, Fluttershy,” Twilight whispered as she shut the office behind her. “That meant a lot to me, but I can’t be there when you wake up.” She slid the turtleneck over her head and pulled her coat on before trotting down the hallway.

She paused at each intersection, poking her head around the corner to make sure that nobody caught sight of her. Fortunately, the police station was nearly abandoned at this hour, so she didn't run into any witnesses. She finally reached the holding cells and pushed her way into the room.

Rainbow Dash, who had been lying on her bed and staring at the ceiling, leaped to her hooves. “Twilight? What are you doing here? I thought you got kicked out!”

“Playing by the rules isn't going to save Spike, this time,” Twilight said, wincing at her own words. “I need to know where he is, and I need to know now.”

“I wouldn't tell Applejack where our hideout is, so what makes you think I’ll tell you?” Rainbow sat down again and crossed her forelegs.

“I don’t have time for this,” Twilight said as she rubbed her forehead. “Look, you joined the Wonderbolts to do good, right?”

Rainbow frowned, but said, “Yeah, I guess. What about it?”

“They haven’t done any good deeds since you joined, so here’s your chance to make up for it.” Twilight approached the bars. “Tell me where I can find Spike.”

“But—” Rainbow’s face paled and she lowered her gaze. “They’ll kick me out,” she mumbled.

“Do you really want to be part of a team that will abandon its own members?” Twilight snapped. “Is that something you like? Because if you do, then go ahead and defend them while Spike’s in danger!”

“But I just…” Rainbow’s ears drooped. “Fine, you win. We were camped out in the old factory in the Everfree Forest.”

For a moment, Twilight considered the information. “There is no factory in there—” Her eyes suddenly widened. “Unless the castle turned into a factory…”

“Twi, I think you might want to take it easy for a bit,” Rainbow said, eyebrow raised. “You’re kinda talking crazy.”

“Thanks for your help, Rainbow!” Twilight said as she rushed to the door. “I’ll make sure to have some of your charges dropped when I get back!”

“Yeah, don’t forget about that!” Rainbow shouted, but Twilight was already out the door.

Trixie trudged in through the door and walked up to the mahogany desk, behind which lay a chair with its back away from the wall. “You wished to speak with Trixie?” she mumbled, eyes darting back and forth.

“Yes,” said the chair’s occupant in a melodic voice. “Twilight Sparkle has entered the Everfree Forest, I believe with the intention of coming here to save the dragon.” A cage covered by a blanket sat on the desk. A loud snore came from inside, shocking Trixie into a jump. “If you would, take some of my ponies and arrange a warm welcome for her.”

The thought of getting another shot at Twilight brought a grin to Trixie’s face. “Boss, leave it to Trixie,” she said, galloping out the door. Behind her, a soft chuckle rang forth.

“All part of the game,” the boss muttered with another laugh. “All part of the game.”

Where the Castle of the Two Sisters had once stood, now a run-down concrete building sat. The windows that Twilight could see had been broken, leaving only shards of glass clinging to the frames.

“Let’s see how Fluttershy’s salve worked,” Twilight muttered as she unravelled the bandages. She spread her freed wings. “A bit stiff,” she noted, “but better.” Slipping her sunglasses on, she returned her attention to the building and proceeded slowly towards what appeared to be the front door.

She pushed it open and strode through.

The room that greeted her presented nearly the same image that the outside of the building had. Cobwebs clung to the corners, and bits of broken furniture lay scattered about the room. Twilight glanced down and noted the multitude of hoofprints in the dust. Suddenly, something dropped from the ceiling directly above her.

“Twilight Sparkle!” Trixie shrieked as she fell. “Trixie shall have her—” A single uppercut from Twilight caught her under her chin and sent her reeling backwards. Trixie wobbled, but didn’t collapse. “Trixie shall… have her… rev—” A headbutt to the chest finished what Twilight’s original attack did not, and Trixie dropped to the floor, eyes spinning.

“This is going on my album of greatest hits,” Twilight said as she examined her hoof. Trixie groaned loudly.

Meanwhile, two thugs had entered the room, but the sight of Trixie getting taken down so easily brought pause to their advance. The moment Twilight dropped the one-liner, they glanced at each other and grimaced.

“That was awful,” one said, backing towards the door.

“How can you even live with yourself?” the other said as he followed. Twilight snarled, and both thugs fled back they way they had come. She rolled her eyes and turned back to Trixie.

“Where can I find Spike?” Twilight asked, giving Trixie a rough shake.

“Did anypony get the number on that bus?” Trixie said woozily. Twilight shook her again.

“Trixie!” she said more loudly. “Where—is—Spike?”

Trixie’s eyes slowly focused on Twilight’s face, and she tried to shrink away. Unfortunately, Twilight held her tight.

“Th-through that d-door, and d-d-down the hallway,” Trixie said as she pointed with a trembling hoof. “Last d-door on the r-r-right.”

“Thanks.” Twilight released her and moved in the direction indicated. “No hard feelings, right?” Trixie collapsed with a groan.

Moving at a quick pace, Twilight went through the door and proceeded down the hallway. Shafts of early morning sunlight drifted through the broken windows, painting the rotting wooden floor. Suddenly, a noise came from a door to the right.

“I-is anypony out there?” Twilight stopped outside of a closed room. “Please, help us!”

“Stand back from the door,” she said, horn alight. A surge of energy built up on the end of it, and a moment later, the door exploded off of its hinges. Twilight poked her head into the room. “Is everypony alright?”

Two earth ponies, huddled together, stood and walked slowly forth. “Th-thank you, dearie,” said the first, a mare. “We thought we’d die in here!”

“Mrs. Cake!” Twilight said as her eyes widened. “And Mr. Cake! What are you two doing here?”

Mrs. Cake opened her mouth to answer, but her husband interrupted. “Please, we just want to go home,” he said. “Can’t we answer these questions later?”

“Of course,” Twilight said slowly. “The way out should be clear.”

“Thank you,” Mr. Cake said, leading his wife back down the way Twilight had come. With a shrug, she continued towards her destination.

As she galloped down the corridor, Twilight frowned. Why haven’t I ran into anypony else? she wondered. If this is their hideout, shouldn’t there be more enemies? She finally reached the end of the hallway and turned to the door on the left. I can figure this out after Spike’s safe and sound.

With a swift kick of her hind legs, Twilight flared her wings and burst into the room.

Her eyes quickly took in her surroundings. A large desk with a backwards chair dominated the area, but her attention focused on the covered cage. “Spike!” she said, moving forward cautiously. “Is that you?”

“No!” came Spike’s voice from under the blanket. “Twilight, run away! You’re the one she wants!”

“Wait, ‘she’?” Twilight said with a frown. “Who—”

“Welcome, Twilight Sparkle, to my humble abode,” said the chair’s occupant. “It has been far too long since we last met.”

“Wait a minute,” Twilight said, eyes widening, “I know that voice.”

“Of course you do, my faithful student.” As Twilight's mouth worked soundlessly, the chair swiveled to finally reveal the boss’s identity. “I look forward to continuing your education.”

Finally, Twilight found her voice.
