• Published 11th Apr 2014
  • 3,407 Views, 99 Comments

Twilight Sparkle Is... Princess Under Fire - PegasusMesa

Twilight should never have made fun of Discord's favorite action movie. Now, he's turned her life into an explosion-riddled, adrenaline-fueled nightmare, complete with ninja attacks, corrupt officials, and dastardly plots.

  • ...

Wake-Up Call

The halls of Canterlot Castle echoed with the sound of shouting and explosions.

In a darkened room, light cast by a film projector illuminated the raptly attentive faces of Discord, Princess Luna, and Fluttershy. Each had their eyes glued to the screen where the movie played. The fourth and final member of the group, Twilight Sparkle, sighed as her gaze roamed, not fixing on any specific spot for more than a second at a time.

On the overhead, a police officer lashed out with her leg, catching a stallion on the chin. “Here, let me give you a ‘hoof’,” she said to the reeling pony as two other officers grabbed him by the shoulders and led him away.

Twilight groaned loudly, drawing shushes from the three other viewers. “Um, if that’s okay with you,” Fluttershy added before she turned her attention back to the movie. Twilight rolled her eyes and rested her head against the floor.

Meanwhile, two more stallions in blue uniform had approached the officer onscreen. “Dammit, Jenkins,” said the older of the two, “you know that’s not how we do things in my precinct!” He rubbed his temples, where his brown coat had begun to gray.

“Captain, if I did this by the book, he’d still be out there,” she answered with a grin.

“Whoever wrote this so-called ‘book’ should be jailed,” Luna said, stuffing popcorn into her mouth.

“If you weren’t the best damn cop I’ve ever seen, well…” The captain sighed and turned to leave. “I’m getting too old for this. Get some rest, Jenkins. You’ve earned it.”

As the older officer walked off, the two remaining ponies glanced at each other. “So, newbie, how’s the leg feeling?” Jenkins asked.

“Mostly better,” he said. He gave his bandaged leg a light shake and winced. “Just a little sore. So, what’re you going to do—” Jenkins cut him off as she pulled him close for a deep kiss.

“How romantic,” Fluttershy murmured with a blush. Twilight rolled her eyes again and growled softly.

“Sorry, but I’ve been told to rest,” Jenkins said, stepping back. “I’ll have to take a rain check on dinner. Captain’s orders.” The stallion’s face fell.

“Or maybe not,” Fluttershy said.

Discord elbowed her in the ribs and chuckled. “Wait for it.”

“So, let’s go rest, instead,” Jenkins continued, giving the recruit a lewd wink. The grin on his face stretched almost as widely as Fluttershy’s. They walked off into the sunset as the screen darkened and the credits began to roll. An intense orchestral score accompanied them.

“Marvelous!” Luna said, stomping her hooves. Discord snapped his fingers and the room’s torches flared. “I must say, Miss Danger Close can make a fine movie.”

“And you doubted me,” Discord said. He turned to Fluttershy, who hummed along to the music. “What did you think?”

“It was…” She scrunched her face up and put a hoof to her chin. “Fun,” she decided. “Very fun.”

Luna glanced sidelong at Twilight, who stared at the screen, a scowl etched on her face. “Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said, “did you not enjoy the movie?”

For a long moment, Twilight didn’t answer. “I don’t get it,” she finally said.

“Tch, ‘don’t get it’?” Discord scoffed. He narrowed his eyes at her. “What isn’t there to ‘get’?”

“That’s exactly my point!” Twilight said, meeting his gaze. “There was nothing to it! Ninety five percent of the movie was fighting, and the other five percent was bare-bones plot included just to get to more fighting!”

Luna’s horn lit up, and a quick spell pulled down the sheet hanging on the wall. “That is exactly the point of the movie,” she said sternly. “I watched it to have fun, not to strain my mind. If I wished for mental exercise, I would have attended my sister’s court.” She shuddered at the thought.

“I’m not saying that the movie should be a treatise on modern applications of transdimensional magic, but at least give me something to think about!” Twilight stood and helped Luna clean up the snacks and cushions scattered about.

Discord snorted and conjured a hammock, onto which he immediately leaped. “Mindless fun is an art,” he said. “And even you have to admit, that movie was more exciting than any of your little ‘adventures’.”

Please,” Twilight said. “All Jenkins did was kick the bad guys a dozen times, run from explosions, and ignore her captain’s orders.” As she used a levitation spell on the projector, she glared at the draconequus, who made no movement to help. “Why does she love that new officer? What were the villains’ motivations? Where does Jenkins come from that made her the way she is?” With a grunt, she released her enchantment and dropped the machine into a large box.

“Those questions are for a different type of movie,” Luna said. “We are to gasp at the explosions, marvel at the combat, and rejoice when the hero gets the mare or stallion!” She sniffed at a discarded chip before popping it into her mouth.

Fluttershy strained to lift a large pillow onto her back. “I think that you would—” Her knees buckled, and she would have collapsed to the ground if Twilight hadn’t moved over to prop her up. “Th-thank you.” As the two leaned on each other, bright crimson spread across Fluttershy's face. “Um… I think you would enjoy it more if you didn’t expect so much. I-I don’t mean to criticize…” The pillow slid off of her back and onto a couch.

“Well, I do,” Discord said before Twilight could reply. “Only an utter savage wouldn’t appreciate what these movies have to offer.”

“Now, Discord, that wasn’t very nice,” said Fluttershy. Discord didn’t so much as glance in her direction.

“Are you calling me a savage?” Twilight said, eyes narrowing.

“Twilight Sparkle, do not rise to his bait,” Luna said. She, too, was completely ignored.

“If I am, it’s only because you are one,” Discord said. The two adversaries stood nose-to-nose.

“Please, calm down,” Fluttershy said as she pulled at his leg.

“I can dislike your stupid movie if I want to!” Twilight said, wings flaring.

“And that’s why you’re a savage!” he shot back.

“Oh yeah? Well—”

“That is enough!” The full force of Luna’s voice staggered the combatants, nearly knocking Twilight to the floor. Only Fluttershy’s support kept her from collapsing completely. “Twilight Sparkle, we realize that you did not care for our film selection. Discord, her preferences do not reflect upon her character. You both shall stop arguing immediately. Am I understood?” Both nodded meekly. “Now, apologize to each other.”

Twilight glanced downward, ears drooping. “I’m sorry,” she said in a soft voice. “For saying bad things about your movie.”

Discord had crossed his arms and glared at Luna. “Well?” she said with a frown. He glanced away and mumbled into his chest. “We cannot hear you.”

“Fine, I’m sorry,” he snapped. “You’re not a savage. Mostly,” he added under his breath.

“Very good! Now, I am afraid that I must end our time together,” Luna said, clapping her hooves. “My court approaches, and I have much to prepare.”

“I should get home anyway,” Twilight said. She ushered Fluttershy towards the door. “Spike can probably handle himself, but he’s still just a baby dragon, so I cant help but worry.”

“Save for the slight disagreement, I enjoyed this gathering,” Luna said. She glanced at Discord, who still faced away with his arms crossed. “We must do this again, and soon. Perhaps next time we shall choose a movie more to Twilight Sparkle’s liking, hm?”

“That sounds great, Luna!” Twilight turned to Fluttershy and nudged her lightly. “Would you be alright flying home instead of taking a chariot? I need to stretch my wings a little.”

“I suppose,” Fluttershy said. “If it’s not too much trouble, I might need to stop and rest along the way, though…”

“No problem!” Twilight grinned at Luna and gave her a wave. “Thanks for having us! I can’t wait to do it again!”

“Thank you,” Fluttershy said with a bow. The two left, softly closing the door behind themselves.

Now alone with Discord, Luna turned to him and frowned. “You are not usually this quiet for so long,” she noted. “What is the matter?”

“Oh, nothing.” One claw traced a line up and down his chin as he stared at the ceiling. “Hmm…”

Luna’s frown deepened and she craned her head to get a glimpse of his face. “You are planning something.”

“My dear Luna, I’m always planning something,” Discord said, raising an eyebrow.

She sighed and walked to the room’s vanity, where her tiara lay waiting. “What are you planning now, then?”

“Nothing in particular,” he said, still running his finger along his jawline. “I suppose I shall be off, then.” His body spiraled in on itself until it vanished with a loud pop.

“‘Nothing in particular’,” Luna said with a snort. “If that is true, then I am the king of Gryphonia.” She shook her head and turned her attention to getting ready for the night’s court session.

Far above the ground, Twilight and Fluttershy glided through the warm summer air, marvelling at the beautiful orange colors that the dying sunlight painted across the sky. On the opposite horizon, the moon already peeked over the treeline, impatient to take its place in the heavens.

“Um, Twilight?” Fluttershy squeaked. She blushed and averted her gaze from Twilight's. “I have a...” Her voice grew increasingly high pitched until it trailed off entirely.

“You have a ‘what’?” Twilight asked, waving a hoof.

“I have a question,” Fluttershy said in a slightly lower tone. “If you don’t mind answering.”

“You don’t have to be nervous!” Twilight said with a laugh. “Ask whatever you want.”

“Well, if it’s alright with you…” Fluttershy’s lower lip quivered. “What… what do you think of me?” She squeezed her eyes shut.

“What do you mean?” Twilight said, frowning. “You’re one of my best friends! I think you’re great!”

“No, I mean, what do you think of me as a pony?” Her blush deepened.

“Well…” Twilight glanced upwards and put a hoof to her chin. “You’re definitely the kindest pony that I know, and you’re very sweet. Hanging out with you is really fun!”

“You—you think I’m fun?” Fluttershy hesitantly glanced over.

“Yes?” Twilight said, raising an eyebrow. “Shouldn’t I?”

“Well, I—I—” She coughed to clear her throat. “I’m glad that you think that.”

“You know, I spend a lot more time with our other friends than with you,” Twilight said. She gave her friend a light smile. “We should change that.”

Fluttershy’s wings nearly stopped beating. “R-really?!” She took a deep breath. “When?”

“When? Hm.” Twilight’s horn flashed and a sheet of parchment appeared in front of her. “Let’s see when I’m free…” Her eyes ran up and down the paper for a long moment. “How about tomorrow?”

“Y-yes,” Fluttershy said, swallowing heavily. “Tomorrow sounds wonderful.”

“Great!” She conjured a quill from thin air and scratched a note into the schedule. “What do you want to do?”

“To d-do?” Fluttershy squeaked. “U-um, how… how about d-dinner?”

“Dinner… with… Fluttershy…” Twilight said as she wrote. “Alright, it’s a date!”

“A d-d-date?” Fluttershy said, swooning. She barely kept herself from falling out of the air.

“Yep! I’ll be by to get you after five.” With a flourish of her quill, Twilight rolled up the parchment and sent it back to the library.

Fluttershy’s smile shone almost as brightly as the moon.

Twilight opened her eyes and looked around. She stood in the center of an urban brawl.

“Ah!” she cried, leaping sideways as a stallion went tumbling past. He made a brief effort to stand, but unconsciousness claimed him and left him sprawled in the grass.

The surrounding buildings crowded in on the mass of combatants. Overhead, more dropped in on the fray from a hot air balloon as Twilight darted back and forth, dodging through the crowd. Heavy music floated through the air, but she couldn't discern its source.

“What the hay is going on?!” she shouted skywards. Suddenly, everyone else collapsed, leaving only Twilight and one other pony standing.

“What do you think, Twilight?” said the other, a policemare, as she strode forward. “Exciting, isn't it?” The music had dropped into a soft series of bass notes.

“What do you mean, ‘exciting’? That was crazy!” Twilight’s eyes narrowed at the approaching police officer. “Hold on… I know you! You’re Sergeant Jenkins, from that stupid movie!”

Jenkins halted a leg’s-length away. “The adrenaline you get from a fight, the thrill of a chase, the excitement of getting the stallion… You call it ‘stupid’, but you don’t understand how amazing life can be when you stop thinking and start doing!”

Twilight snorted and turned to the side. “There’s more to living than hoof-fights and sexual trysts,” she said. “What about your relationships to other ponies? What about your own life, and what you did to get where you are? What about your wants, needs, and fears?” The bass sped up as percussion instruments began to play. “And what the hay is this music?”

“None of that matters,” Jenkins said with a grin. The whites of her eyes yellowed and the pupils shifted from dark-brown to blood-red. “Ponies want to see action! Suspense! Sex! They want spectacle! And let me tell you, providing what they want is fantastic!” Her tail lengthened and grew scales, while the music’s tempo increased even further.

“More like ‘boring’,” Twilight said. “‘I can’t imagine how dull life would be for… you…” Her eyes widened as she finally noticed the Jenkins’s gradual transformation.

“You can’t imagine it?” A single, long fang slowly slid out from under Jenkins’s lip. “My dear Twilight, you don’t have to imagine it.”

Twilight backed away, wings spread wide. “D-Discord?!”

“You’re going to live it.” Fingers grew out of his forehooves, and he snapped them deftly. Twilight vanished with a yelp.

Now all alone, Discord fell into a fit of wild laughter. He held his sides as the tears streamed down his face.

“Was that truly necessary?” The new voice had him spinning around, laughter immediately abandoned. “I do not take it kindly when others abuse the domain of dreams without my express approval.” A patch of empty space shimmered, darkened, and solidified into a frowning Princess Luna. The music transitioned to a slower, more somber number.

“Bah, nosy as always,” Discord said, crossing his arms. “You’re just like your sister, you know. Always poking around in everyone’s business.”

“What did you mean when you said, ‘you’re going to live it’?” Luna said. The orchestral score rose and fell dramatically. She sat on her haunches as her frown deepened. “And would you silence that racket?”

“Don’t tell me you weren’t just a teeeensy bit annoyed when Little Miss Sparkle insulted our movie,” Discord said. He snapped his fingers again, and the music ended abruptly. “You are the action aficionado, after all.” His sinewy body snaked into the air above Luna and twisted in a series of mesmerizing patterns.

“Perhaps slightly,” Luna said without looking up. “But that does not answer my question.”

“So, I thought I’d teach her a little lesson,” he continued. “You know, give her a new-found appreciation for the genre.” He dropped back to the ground and threw an arm around Luna’s back. “What do you say? You want in?”

“You invade Twilight Sparkle’s dreams, get caught in the act, and then have the gall to ask me if I want to prank her?” Luna said, giving him a wide-eyed look.

“Oh, don’t be such a prude!” Discord said with an exaggerated sigh. “The Luna I knew centuries ago loved this kind of thing! Honestly, I think Celestia’s having a bad influence on you.”

She frowned and glanced downward. “I have not pranked anypony since my youth,” Luna said. “‘Tis not fitting behavior for a princess.” Despite her words, a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. “However, I will admit that Twilight Sparkle was a little close-minded earlier…”

Discord threw his arms into the air, then somehow caught them when they fell back down. “Woohoo! It’s game time!” He leaned in close so that he could whisper. “Alright, Widdle Wuna, here’s what I have planned…”

As her eyes cracked open, Twilight flinched, nearly falling out of her bed. She sat up and wiped sweat from her forehead.

“A dream,” she said, panting heavily. “It was just a dream.”

You don’t have to imagine it. You’re going to live it. A chill trickled down Twilight’s spine.

Suddenly, her ears twisted and caught the sound of footsteps quickly pounding up the stairs. They stopped right at her door. A glow surrounded her’s horn as she prepared a spell with which to defend herself from whoever stood outside. The handle creaked and turned.

“Twi, are you up yeOW!” Spike had barely opened the door before a spark of electricity scorched the wooden floor, inches from his feet. “It’s me, it’s me!”

“Spike!” Twilight bolted out of bed and to his side. “I’m so, so sorry! I thought it was—” How do I tell him I thought it was somepony here to attack me? “—somepony else,” she finished lamely. And why would I think that in the first place?

“Who else besides me would be in the library this early?” Spike asked, crossing his arms.

“Nopony, of course,” Twilight said with a chuckle. “I was having a weird dream, and I’m still waking up, I guess.”

“Alright,” he said slowly. “Well, when you’re ready, I have waffles waiting for you downstairs.” He turned and made his way out. “Hurry up before they get cold!”

“Thanks!” Twilight said, moving after him. “Let me wash up and brush my teeth, and I’ll be right there!”

The door to her tiny bathroom squeaked on its hinges as she pushed her way through and shambled over to examine herself in the mirror.. She reached up to rub at her still-drooping eyes. Bits of her mane stuck out at odd angles.

“First thing’s first,” Twilight muttered, reaching for her hairbrush. Her mouth opened wide and cracked her jaw as she yawned loudly.

Then someone standing in the shower threw the curtain aside and Twilight’s eyes popped completely open.

“Wha—” She dove to the side just in time to avoid a kick that had been aimed at her head. The attacker’s hoof smashed into the mirror, shattering it and sending fragments of the reflective surface scattering all over the floor.

Twilight rolled to her feet and faced the intruder, a stallion dressed in black. His entire body was obscured by the silky uniform, save for eyeholes in the mask. “Who are you?!” she shouted. “Why are—” She got no further as two more ponies, dressed similarly to the first, bounded in. The three surrounded her.

Her head twisted around as she struggled to comprehend the scenario. The mysterious attackers glanced at each other, and as one, they rushed forward.

An awkward roll kept Twilight from harm’s way once more, but the masked ponies didn't allow her any rest. They pushed on, hooves lashing out and keeping her on the move. She repeatedly fell away, a tactic which always kept her a hair’s breadth from injury. At least, until she tripped over the bathroom rug and cracked her chin on the floor.

“Ow,” she groaned. Her vision swirled as she fought to regain awareness of the situation. A black shape rose up in front of her, and Twilight knew that she was only seconds away from getting stomped on. Her hind leg kicked out desperately

The attacker grunted as his would-be victim’s hoof slammed into his rib cage, pushing him off balance enough that the kick he had aimed at her head missed completely. He stumbled backwards and would have fallen had his comrades not moved to hold him up.

Twilight’s vision cleared, and she rose onto her wobbling legs as she glanced around the bathroom quickly. Finally, she managed to get her bearings.

“Who are you?” she asked in a shaky voice as her horn glowed faintly. “Why are you doing this?”

The injured attacker pushed away from the other two and breathed deeply. Then, without warning, he leaped forward.

And bounced off of the spherical shield spell that Twilight had conjured around herself.

“Ninjas,” she said, breathing hard. “I’m being—attacked—by ninjas. This makes—perfect sense." She could feel her heart beating in her ears. "Good thing—my bathroom’s—so… big?” Her eyes widened as she took in the cavernous room. “Since when was my bathroom big?

Unfortunately for Twilight, her adversaries didn't plan on allowing her time to rest. They each pulled out a pair of throwing stars and sent them spinning towards her.

Normally, Twilight wouldn't doubt the integrity of her spells. She would expect the projectiles to simply bounce off the shield and fall harmlessly to the floor. However, nothing about this situation was remotely normal, so she instead dropped onto her stomach.

The stars whizzed above her, passing through the spell as though it didn't exist.

As the attackers readied another round of projectiles, Twilight scrambled to her hooves and, leaving the "safety" of her spell, dove behind a cabinet. Two more stars shot over her head, and loud thunks indicated that more than one had struck her cover.

"What's going on?" She stuck her head around the corner, pulling it back just in time to avoid even more weapons thrown her way. "Why is this happening?"

"Twilight?" someone called from outside of the bathroom. Twilight's eyes widened as she realized that it was Spike. "What's going on up there?"

Horn aglow, she hopped out from her cover and charged forward, even as the attackers drew more stars. A translucent purple wedge winked into existence, but even so, they prepared to throw themselves forward.

Twilight ran straight into them.

Wherever wedge touched pony, the unfortunate victim was hurled away with such force that their hooves left the ground. The three assailants scattered like bowling pins, and Twilight flew into the hallway. Her spell dissipated as its duration expired.

“Are you alright?” Spike said from the top of the stairs. “You’re making a lot of noise.” Suddenly, a fourth black-clad attacker appeared behind him. His hoof was held high, ready to crush poor Spike underneath. His kick came crashing down on empty space as Twilight’s magic snared Spike around the waist and pulled him to safety.

Her’s eyes darted back and forth in search of an escape route, but the only clear path was to her bedroom. The fourth intruder slowly stalked forward, and noises from the bathroom indicated that the other three would soon be back on their hooves.

Twilight didn't hesitate to dash for the one possible place of refuge, tugging Spike behind. She slammed the bedroom door shut.

“What’s going on?” Spike asked as Twilight cast another shield spell that covered the door. A series of impacts, likely kicks, beat against it, but it held firmly.

“I don’t know,” Twilight answered. She paced back and forth across the room. “But we’ll be fine in here, I think. For as long as my spell holds. Which might not be long! They had an answer to my magic, before! But do they have another one?” More blows rained on the door. Spike rubbed her on the back as her breathing intensified.

“Chill out,” he said. “I know you’ll get us out of this!” She glanced down at him and nodded.

“You’re right.” Suddenly, the kicks stopped, and silence reigned. “I don’t like the sound of—” The door fell backwards into the hallway, completely separated from its hinges. One of the attackers held a blowtorch. “Oh, come on! How is that fair?!”

Another of the unknown ponies kicked the shield spell and blew it into fragments.

“Spike, get back,” Twilight said as the attackers advanced into the room. “I’ll keep you safe.”

“B-be careful,” he said, already hiding under a table.

Just like in the bathroom, they rushed Twilight all at once. Their onslaught immediately pressed her back onto her heels as she backpedaled, barely keeping ahead of them. She tried to leap over the bed, but overestimated her strength. Her hoof caught the far edge and she went tumbling to the ground.

“Ow…” she groaned, rubbing the place where her head where it had hit the floor. From her position, she could see under the bed, all the way to the other side. Her attackers’ hooves made their way around towards her. Then, her eyes focused on something else, something that had been stuck to the bed’s underside…

It was a round device with wires sticking out of it, and a digital timer that displayed a large number ten. A second later, the number changed to a nine, then an eight. Twilight’s face paled.

“Spike!” she shrieked as she leaped to her hooves. The attackers paused in their advance and glanced at each other. “I need you out here, now!

“Okay!” Spike bolted out from his hiding spot. “What for?”

“No time!” Twilight said, hurtling the bed and scooping him up. “Cover your face!” Eyes narrowed, she turned to the window and lowered her head. “This might hurt a bit!”

The masked ponies raced to catch her, but they were too late. A powerful leap sent her flying through the glass and into the great outdoors. Twilight’s wings flapped, but with her awkward position she could only manage to slightly slow her descent. The ground raced up to meet her. Moments before impact, she turned her body so that she, instead of Spike, would take the brunt of the force.

She hit the ground and rolled.

After a few moments, Twilight’s motion finally ceased and she caught a glimpse of the window through which she had come. Two of the ninjas had their bodies halfway out in an effort to pursue her. A third egged them on from behind, even pushing them in his haste to take up the pursuit.

Then Twilight’s library exploded.

A wave of intense heat passed over her, and she doubled up to shield Spike. Where once her home had stood proudly, a massive fireball bloomed skyward, flaring in all of its glory before dispersing. It left behind the smoking remnants of the tree, and little else. Of the attackers, Twilight could see no sign.

Spike pushed his way out of her protective embrace and stared at what was left of the library. “That…” He glanced back with wide eyes. “That… was awesome! You were fighting, and then you were, like, ‘Spike, we need to go’, and then you jumped out the window, and then you rolled, and then boom!

“I don’t remember saying that,” she said softly, standing. She found herself unable to tear her gaze from the smoldering wreckage. “My library… Why—” Something hard collided with the back of Twilight’s head, sending her tumbling back to the ground. Though her vision quickly darkened, she saw someone take hold of Spike and vanish in a rainbow-colored burst. “Rainbow Dash?” She fought to stand, but her strength gave out.

Her head fell back and she knew no more.