• Published 21st Mar 2014
  • 1,551 Views, 13 Comments

Forever My Muffin - JourneyCatMLP

Derpy visits Dinky's grave after a horrible accident.

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Forever My Muffin

Rain fell softly over Ponyville. In this weather, many ponies were rushing to get indoors, except for the occasional stubborn fillies and colts who wanted to stay out and splash in puddles. Wind also blew through trees, making the leaves rustle as if they were afraid of a big storm coming.

However, a certain mailmare was not inside. Instead, she sat in pity in front of the gravestone marked with a name of the one thing she especially cherished in this world; a thing many ponies have. A thing, more like a filly, was the thing the mailmare cherished.

The mailmare, Derpy, just kept staring at the gravestone with tears falling from her golden, walled eyes. Dinky was the name on the gravestone. "Dinky" was a name Derpy would sometimes have nightmares about in her sleep. At least, the name "Dinky" being printed on a grave. Yes, Derpy has had bad dreams about her sweet little muffin dying at times.

Despite the rain falling harder and faster Derpy stayed planted in front of the grave, just wondering why her world crashed down like a fire being lit on a home, and it crumbling to the ground. The nasty weather now perfectly matched Derpy's saddened mood. If Dinky were still here, her and Derpy would be at home playing some indoor games, something anypony would love to do with their children on rainy days.

It was just merely two days ago when this tragedy happened. Derpy decided to take a break from her her job and spend a day with Dinky. Absolutely nothing could go wrong...until everything did.


"Dinky! Watch out!" Derpy cried out at Dinky.

Dinky was crossing the road to show Derpy that she was a big filly. She turned back to assure her that everything was well. That was when a speeding stagecoach suddenly flew out of nowhere and hit Dinky with immense strength. The only sound coming out of Dinky then was a short yelp of pain before blacking out.

The stagecoach driver lay dazed nearby, but Derpy was far from dazed; she was hysterical. Many ponies were shouting at once at what just happened, but Derpy was yelling the loudest for Dinky to wake up.

"Dinky! Dinky! DINKY!" the mailmare called to her little filly.

Dinky did not respond, however. She just lay on the road completely limp and still. Without hesitation, Derpy picked up Dinky and flew as fast as her wings could carry her to the hospital.

"Doctors! Please! Dinky here has been hurt badly!" Derpy shouted when she burst through the front doors of the hospital.

A doctor rushed out and gave Dinky one look of great concern.

"She needs intensive care this instant!" he warned.

So while Dinky was hopefully being treated to survival, Derpy paced back and forth through the waiting room. Some ponies who had seen her rush in with Dinky were hoping for everything to work out for her, because they truly cared about her. Without Derpy, much of the mail Ponyville needed would not be sent on time.

It was quite a while before the same doctor came into the waiting room with a look of pure heartbreak.

"Where's Dinky?! Is she okay?!" Derpy asked desperately.

The doctor hung his head, then looked Derpy straight into her crossed eyes.

"I'm very sorry, but Dinky had passed away just a minute ago. Her injuries were much too severe, and many bones in her body were shattered. She also had internal bleeding, which was the most likely cause for a quick death," he said sadly.

Derpy just stood there letting that sink in. Her muffin had died because of the simple mistake of heading onto the road. All hope that had been lit up inside her burned out.

Then, Derpy turned and ran away from the hospital after paying some bills for the medication Dinky was given; the medication that unfortunately didn't save her. She kept on running and then switched to flying as fast she could. She flew home and burst through her front door. She went into her bedroom and took out all of her emotion.

She kicked at several things in there, breaking them. She yelled out in pain and sorrow, and jumped on her bed and cried. She cried for Dinky; her pleasure in life, somepony to talk to about hard times, and always having a warm smile. Derpy continued to cry until she passed out asleep.


That day was still vivid in Derpy's mind, and it may forever be. Derpy hung her head and let tears fall onto the already soaked grass.

The funeral for Dinky had already been attended to by many of the Hooves family members. Derpy had seen Sparkler, her sister, take this horribly. When Sparkler gave a speech about Dinky, she couldn't talk anymore from sobs, so she stopped. Derpy was able to give a fine speech, which just saddened the family more.

Doctor Whooves was sad as well, because Dinky had always been a curious and quirky filly. At quite a young age, she had already mastered a few magic spells. Derpy was a pegasus, so she wasn't sure how to teach Dinky a few tricks, but Sparkler helped with that.

The place Derpy spent most of the time was at this grave now. She didn't know if she would get fired from her job for skipping some days, but she honestly did not care now. All she cared about was Dinky being gone.

The rain up above had slowly turned into hail, and the temperature dropped. Derpy did not care, though. She hoped the weather would stay surely and agitated like this forever, because Dinky will never come back. However, Derpy was pretty smart despite not being the most coordinated, and she knew that the sun would have to come out eventually.

"Oh, Dinky...why did y-you have t-to g-go?" Derpy stuttered, "my precious muffin...y-you were too young."

Derpy bitterly thought back on the good times she had with Dinky. She remembered pretty much all of Dinky's Hearth's Warming Eves with her. She remembered Dinky's euphoric smiles when she came into her room, hurrying to wake her up to go open presents under the tree. She looked back on Nightmare Night with Dinky as well. Dinky was always so cute dressed up as a firefighter.

"Yeah, those were good times," Derpy said to herself.

On Easter, Derpy would always take Dinky to the park to search for hidden eggs like other fillies and colts. Last year, Dinky had found the most eggs, and she got rewarded with not only getting to keep the eggs, but proudness from Derpy, her dear mother.

Derpy thought that looking back on past times would upset her further, but to her shock, these memories made her feel a little better. Even if she is no longer alive, Dinky is still Dinky. She is still a unique and intelligent filly with a heart of shimmering gold.

Derpy smiled at the nice thoughts she was having, but found herself once again frowning at the wretched memory of Dinky's death. She thought some more, and decided to head over to Sparkler's house. She learned the grief was hard to go through, but it was worse to do it alone.

"Goodbye, my little muffin. I'll never ever forget you," Derpy assured to Dinky in the heavens above.

Author's Note:

Personally, I think Sparkler would be Derpy's sister instead of one of her daughters. It would make more sense that way, because Doctor Whooves is an Earth pony, and Derpy is a pegasus. Sparkler could have passed the unicorn trait to Dinky.

Anyway, here was a crack at a more short sadfic. I find short stories much easier to write because it's less overwhelming because you are less likely to get writer's blocks.

Comments ( 13 )

You monster. You made Derpy cry... wait...yeah... that makes me a monster too... Crap...

4115829 I gotta say, your profile pic is quite fitting for your comment. :derpytongue2:

4116335 Yeah, I suppose if they judged me based on that pic people would think I write a lot of sad fics... or that I write about food a lot... I should write more Food Fiction...

I don't think this is sad enough to cry for.

4329133 Wow... I forgot I made that comment... Time sure flies when you can't write because work is destroying your soul.... and now just reading the description I start feeling sad again because I remember the story... I applaud your ability to make me cry again after over a month... poor Derpy...

4329891 Tank you. Ha! Get it? Tank you? :rainbowlaugh:

I really didn't expect to actually give anybrony a bad case of the feels from my stories. :pinkiesmile:

4331635 And yet we label it "Sad"...

Still, there is a special place in my heart for Derpy... as in I wouldn't be a brony at all if Derpy didn't exist.

*sobs like crazy* :raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry:

4121884 Some people just react differently than other people. I'm one who needs quite a lot to shed tears.

I'm thinking about my uncle now... I LOVE YOU! :raritycry:

I didn't cry at all... I was unmoved...


I think I'm a monster.

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