• Published 17th Mar 2014
  • 3,922 Views, 20 Comments

Babe, Please! - TheNewYorkBrony

Rainbow's begging on her knees after Applejack catches her flirting at another woman. And she'll do anything to make it up to her!

  • ...

Begging On Your Knees

It was a wonderfully sunny day in Mansfield. One in a very long time. There had been a terrible onslaught of snow storms one after the other although out winter, and the locals were glad to get some rays. Even if it was only for a day. A cool breeze blew in the wind, which made the day even nicer. Especially for Rainbow Dash, who liked a nice draft as she ran down Main Street.

She had been racing Scootaloo, her foster sister, when she lost track of the girl. She was only twelve, but boy, did that girl have a pair of legs on her. And as Rainbow pulled off her neon blue Ray-Bans, so did the woman she spotted walking towards Sugarcube Corner.

Now, it was known by many in the town that Rainbow was never able to keep a monogamous relationship with anyone. (it was a really small town.) And whatever poor young woman who fell under her spell would be whisked away to her apartment on the edge of town unbeknownst to the fact that she would, nine times out of ten, already have a special someone.

To put it simply, she was a player, and a very good one at that. But by now she should have known better, especially when she was currently dating someone as trust-centric as Applejack. Applejack, who, almost everyone in town knew thanks to her family being the main supplier for the food in it.

Which meant everyone knew how no nonsense she was.

If Rainbow wanted to dig her own grave that was fine with them. Particularly their small group of friends who knew the dangers of being in a relationship with her. (Fluttershy has told many tales.) There was no convincing her to settle down to one person. She was all over the place.

Which is why she was moving towards the mystery woman at this very moment, writing her eulogy in her mind as her eyes traced every contour of her tan skin. She let her shades fall over her fuchsia irises and put on her best I-sleep-with-Playboy-bunnies smirk. “Sup.” She greeted coolly.

The woman looked up at Rainbow surprisedly. “Hey.” She answered when she saw that it was Rainbow. She gave her a flirtatious smile while playing with her silvery hair.

Rainbow was almost taken aback. Normally she would usually have to use a lame pick up line or a comment about their eyes. So for this woman to be flirting back right off the bat honestly made things easy for her. “What’s your name, beautiful?” She asked.

“Bella.” She whispered in Dash’s ear, a smirk playing on her lips. She traced her fingertips over Dash’s jaw line, a seductive look on her features. “I have something to do, but maybe I’ll see you around sometime?” Bella asked.

The prospect of them having sex almost made Dash wet on the spot. Bella was one of the sexiest girls Rainbow had ever seen. With her ample breasts and divine, long, tan legs. Dash nodded. “Hell yeah.” The thought of them being caught by Applejack briefly crossed her mind, but was pushed back when the other woman chuckled. It was dark, velvety. It almost made Rainbow moan. Oh how she wished she could bring this woman back to her place and fuck her against a wall.

“Well, see ya ‘round, Dashie.” Bella said as she turned to depart into the sweets shop.

Dash felt a tingle as the woman said her name. “Wait, how do you know my name?” She asked as Bella reached the top step of the entrance to SugarCube Corner.

Bella smirked. “I’ve heard that you have quite the reputation in this town.”

Dash matched her smirk. “Come over to my place later and I’ll show you how much of one I have.” She lifted up her shades and winked at her.

Bella laughed. “Maybe.” She responded, before entering the store, and leaving Dash by herself. She had all but forgotten about Scootaloo. The kid probably found Sweetie and Applebloom and ran off with them, forgetting her too.

Shrugging, Rainbow Dash turned around to head home when she found a fist scrunching up her favorite Wonderbolts tank top. She stared at it confusedly, until she saw that that hand was tanned and freckled. In horror, Rainbow trailed up the arm that met the hand to see that she was face to face with a very, very, angry Applejack. If there was one thing that Rainbow was afraid of besides failure, it was a pissed Applejack. Her freckled face was red, her pine green eyes burning intensely, and her nostrils were flared.

“H-Hey, babe.” Dash croaked, her raspy voice squeaking as she fluctuated each word. It hadn’t even been a minute before she was being dragged by her shirt. In front of the entire town. Some passersby whistled, knowing what was to come. Some chuckled on Rainbow’s behalf. And others, the ones who were nosey enough to actually listen in on the conversation, weren’t surprised, knowing what kind of girl Rainbow was. But also knowing what kind of girl Applejack was, they honestly feared for her life. The woman was a force to be reckoned with.

Clocking in at 5’9, 220 pounds, she was the tallest out of their mutual friend group. Make no mistake, most of that weight accounted for muscle. Pure, unadulterated muscle. And while Dash could definitely hold her own in a fight, she was as weak as Fluttershy when it came to brute force against Applejack.

She was dragged all the way to Sweet Apple Acres. It was there, she presumed, she would be executed. She stumbled behind the taller girl, curious as to what was about to happen. They stopped in front of the gate leading to the expansive orchards that covered most of the farm land.

Applejack yanked Rainbow to the front of her, so that she was facing her again for the first time in twenty minutes. She pushed the shorter girl onto her knees and pointed a calloused finger at her girlfriend. “Ya got ten minutes ta explain yerself before Ah have half a mind to tie you to one of ‘em trees in that there orchard!” She shouted, her green eyes lighting up with jade colored fire.

Rainbow didn’t think she noticed, but whenever she was extremely angry her accent got incredibly thick. Which, of course, she thought was incredibly hot. But she couldn’t say that right now or else she might be spending the night with the timberwolves. “How much did you see?” She asked. She had to gage whether or not Applejack had seen the whole thing. She wasn’t about to admit to everything if Applejack hadn’t seen it all. That would just be her digging a hole for herself. (Not that she wasn’t in a big one already.)

“Ah saw you drooling over that girl that was goin’ to SugarCube Corner!” The farm girl roared, making Rainbow wince at the close proximity.

“Describe drooling...” Rainbow mused.

She was yolked up by her shirt again. What? Technically she wasn’t drooling. They were talking. And flirting. And Rainbow was having sexual thoughts. Okay maybe she was drooling. But it technically wasn’t cheating either because she hadn’t done anything. Yet. But she wasn’t gonna tell Applejack that of course.

“Ah ain’t playin’ with you! Now Ah gave you a chance because we’re good friends ‘n all but if yer gonna lie all the time, then maybe we shouldn’t be together!” The blonde declared, shaking her before letting her go.

Dash’s eyes widened. Her and Applejack not being together meant no more mind blowing, amazingly awesome sex. And nothing beat angry Applejack in bed. And as much as an angry Applejack scared her, it also turned her on. She couldn’t afford to lose that! “Listen, babe, i-it was nothing! I swear!” She pleaded desperately.

Applejack folded her arms. “Judgin’ by the things you used to do, Ah don’t believe you.” She had every right to be, and suspicious too. The minute they started dating, everyone in their group of friends, especially Fluttershy, told her it was a bad idea and that she was going to be dealing with a lot of headaches. And she felt a major one coming on right now. She cocked a brow, waiting for Rainbow to explain herself.

“I-I was just talking to her! It was nothing! You know I love you, right Jack? Babe, please!” Dash begged, her hands clasped together. Fuck. It wasn’t working. “You look sexy today?” Her pleas and compliments were falling on deaf ears. She didn’t blame Applejack though. She’s probably heard things about her...habits. But she couldn’t lose her. Not when things were good (by her standards) and the sex was good. Course, she really did love Applejack. The sex was just a bonus.

“Why was she whispering in your ear then? And giving you flirty looks?” She bet the rainbow haired girl couldn’t answer that one. And judging by the nervous look on her face, she really couldn’t. She smirked as Dash opened her mouth to speak. She couldn’t wait to see what she had tried to come up with.

Dash tried to speak, but nothing came out. Damn. She had really thrown her for a loop. She didn’t mean to of course, but she was in a pretty sticky situation right now. She sighed. She really didn’t have any other choice but to tell the truth. “Alright...the truth is, I was flirting with her. I’m sorry, Jack. It’s just, she was so hot.”

Applejack glared at her.

“B-But not as hot as you!” She added quickly.

Applejack pinched the bridge of her nose, sighing herself. “What am Ah going to do with you?” She asked, looking down at the athlete dejectedly. Since this was her first offense, she was going to let her off easy. The second time this happens she won't be so nice.

“I-I can make it up to you! I’ll do anything you want!” Dash offered, standing up. She began counting examples on her fingers. “I could help you out in the fields, help Applebloom with her homework, be your personal slave-”

“What was the last one?” Applejack asked, interrupting her.

“Being your personal slave?” Rainbow answered, confusedly. Then it hit her. Oh no. That was one of the stupidest things she could have ever done. The mischievous smirk developing on Applejack’s face said it all. She was definitely going to regret this. (As if she didn’t already.) Then she noticed the playfully seductive look in the other girls eyes. Was that....lust?

“Hmm.” Applejack mused, leering at her girlfriend with those bedroom eyes that made Rainbow’s knees weak. “You bein’ my personal slave doesn’t seem like a bad idea.” She pulled a leash out of her back pocket and showed it to Dash.

“That’s Winona’s collar and leash.” She deadpanned, pointing to the red collar and leash in her hand.

“Yep.” Applejack confirmed.

“You’re making me put on a dog’s collar and leash.” The rainbow haired girl repeated in disbelief.

“For a fast girl you sure are slow.” Applejack commented.

She unhooked it and then clipped it around Rainbow’s neck like a choker. She grinned, seeing the obvious discomfort on the other woman’s face. “I thought you said you would do anything to make it up to me.” She teased, tugging at the collar with the leash.

Rainbow Dash blushed. “Yeah,” She muttered in agreement. “I did.” The next time she sees a hot chick she’s going to just keep on walking. (Even though that’s what she should’ve done in the first place, but that’s beside the point) She really didn’t have a choice in the matter now, so there was nothing she could do about it anyway.

“So, I’m not in the doghouse anymore?” She asked tentatively as they made their way into the farm house. Applejack pulling her like a helpless puppy that was about to be punished. She wanted to make sure before she said anything else.

Applejack thought for a moment, then a devilish smirk played itself on her lips. “Mhmm. But that don’t mean Ah’m letting you off.” The lustful look returned to her eyes and suddenly Dash was very aware of what was about to happen.

Hard, rough, awesome, sex.

Dash developed a grin of her own as she looked into Applejack’s eyes. “I’ll do anything you want.” She repeated breathlessly. Not a minute later she was roughly pulled into Applejack’s room.

“Discord! That was very mean of you!” Fluttershy scolded the deity, as they had their afternoon tea.

“What? Oh come on, I taught her a lesson!” He told the younger woman with a sly smile. “Maybe now she’ll learn to keep her pretty little hormones in check.” It was very boring staying in Fluttershy's cottage all day. He was the god of chaos after all. He had to have some type of fun.

“That wasn’t your decision to make!” Fluttershy argued, folding her arms. “Rainbow Dash may be very promiscuous, but she still has feelings!” And even though she was mad at Rainbow for ever thinking she could get away with cheating on Applejack, she was even madder at him for even initiating those kinds of thoughts in the girl's head.

“She’s getting laid right now thanks to me! She should be thanking me!” He said, crossing his arms and pouting. “Even though that wasn’t my original plan.” His plan was for them to break up. Harsh, he knew, but again, chaos. Disorder was his paradise. And a divided group of young women was the Bahamas for him.

Fluttershy glared at him.

He sighed. “Fine, fine. No more shape shifting to mess with our friends.” He apologized begrudgingly. “But, if you must know, I did less harm then damage.”

Fluttershy pinched the bridge of her nose. This reform thing was taking a serious toll on her nerves.

“Woof.” Discord barked with a smirk.

A pillow smacked him in the face.

Author's Note:

fun fact: The name Bella in Hebrew means "destruction." Hey, i wanted to try my hand at AppleDash again, so i did. Hope ya'll enjoyed this. It was pretty funny to write. Might not update for a while, I'm busy writing some Kill La Kill fics. I'll be back soon though, so don't fret. Well, hope yall liked this. I'm going to go watch TV. Later! :D

Comments ( 16 )

This looks good... :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Edit: Discord was BELLA?!
Oh shit. He makes a sexy girl.

Comment posted by Peachy Moon deleted Mar 17th, 2014

I live in Mansfield...:rainbowhuh:

am i the only one who could see this becoming some super emotional roller coaster story? 'cause i can totally see that.

This was beautiful...:fluttercry:

I had a feeling I was going to regret reading this (I'm not the kind of person who ships the Mane 6 with each other; them being human honestly makes it worse) but I did anyway. And I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I was going to.

Ok, mostly because that last plot twist with Discord was awesome. Never saw it coming. I like it when that happens :twilightsheepish:

5'9" doesn't seem like enough. I'd say at least 6 feet. Dash is a good doggie... :rainbowlaugh:

Well. I absolutely love this!:pinkiehappy:

Oh no, AJ is pissed. She's just.... horny too.

4264801 I'm about that size and I'm overweight but no one said overweight people can't be fit. There are people who are 220 pounds who can lift and pull more than half their weight

I'm surprised no one made a comment about Rainbow Dash being the element of loyalty yet.

BMI is pretty irrelevant to health and fitness on the whole.
That being said, a 220lbs woman with low fat just isn't happening at that height without a few bicycle rides on the way.

Dang apple jacks flank on the cover is just like...ddddddaaaaaaammmmmnnn

i agree. TheNewYorkBrony, where'd you find the cover art?

“Woof.” Discord barked with a smirk.

A pillow smacked him in the face.

Poor discord :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

And damn.. your right, rainbow. AJ always sexy (or sometimes? :rainbowhuh::rainbowlaugh:)

And is it discord just turn into a girl and make applejack jealous bout' her and rainbow?? :applejackunsure:
I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING IDEA!!!!!!!!!! :pinkiecrazy::rainbowlaugh:

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