• Published 3rd Mar 2014
  • 349 Views, 8 Comments

A Fanfiction by a Closet Brony, read at your own risk! - Flufflepuff423

a man is mysteriously transported to Equestria, trying to piece together how he got there he befriends the local ponies and begins to uncover parts of his past, including how in the world he got to Equestria. things in the past best forgotten.

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Nightmares Frickin Suck

“So, are you going to tell me where we are going Vinyl” I asked the stark white pony irritably, I was dripping wet and it was getting colder by the second.

“Ponyville, like I said the last ten times you asked me that stupid question.” She replied just as irritably. After Vinyl and I had left the meadow she had proceeded to lead me through a labyrinth of trees and streams. I lost Vinyl countless times, and each time she had to come find me, most of the time fishing me out of a stream that I had clumsily fallen into. For my sake, Vinyl didn’t laugh once, even though I could see it behind those tinted glasses that she wanted to burst out laughing every time she pulled me out.

The sun was beginning to set, which didn’t bode very well for me since I was still drenched. Vinyl had taken her glasses off and set them behind her ears, revealing violet/reddish eyes.

“Vinyl, I’m getting worried its getting pretty cold, and I don’t want to catch a cold the first day I visit a new place.” I said

“Don’t worry we are almost to Ponyville” she said quickly, “keep your fur on.”

“I don’t have fur.” I said objectively.

“Well obviously not or you wouldn’t be complaining about being cold.” She replied shutting me up. We both walked in silence for a time. I found myself star gazing. Although it was cold the night was beautiful here.

Night… I thought to myself mystically. Night, night. What was it about that word that seemed so familiar? Night. I just continued glancing up at the sky. Suddenly, I was falling forward, my body wasn’t responding anymore. I hit the ground with a thud. I could hear Vinyl calling to me but I couldn’t respond, couldn’t do anything. My eyelids grew heavy and darkness enveloped me. Darkness once again, thankfully I wasn’t falling this time.

I was on platform; mist was all around me, from what I could tell there was nothing here. I tried to walk but found that my feet were held fast to the ground. No matter how much I struggled I couldn’t move.
Well, I seem to be going nowhere fast. I glanced at the moon, it was beautiful and so big I couldn’t help but notice it. However, there was something that I hadn’t noticed before, a strange formation, in the shape of what seemed to be a horse head. The longer I looked at the formation the more unnerved I felt. I couldn’t put my finger on it but something bad had happened that had caused that formation. Suddenly, I heard a maniacal cackle from somewhere above me. I frantically looked up and saw nothing, then, a shadow darted across the moons light, completely enveloping me in darkness. With renewed vigor I tried to pry myself from the ground. Finally, I got my left leg free and worked on the right. The cackling was getting closer and I could now hear the steady beating of wings.
A bat? No I dismissed it quickly, its moving way too fast and seemed way more terrifying than any bat. My right leg came free with a disgusting POP, and I bolted for the edge of the platform. The beating was getting more and more intense. I could feel tears start to stream down my cheek. The edge was so close, I decided right there that I would rather throw myself over than be subjected to whatever this thing was going to do to me. I reached the edge, and jumped.
I wasn’t falling, that was the first thing that I noticed. I was hovering. A blue aura around me, I was floating in mid air above nothingness. No color, nothing discernable at all around me. Then, the cackle, I froze in utter terror, it was right above me. I slowly turned my head upward, the eyes, the eyes were the first thing I noticed about it. They weren’t red like I expected them to be, they were blue, with eyes like a snakes, and cold, and brimming with malice. Teeth that seemed sharp enough to rip my arm out of its socket. It laughed once more and I felt the aura around me disappear and I fell.
As I fell I heard her scream, “THE NIGHT WILL LAST, FOREVER!” and she let loose a that made my skin turn. Tears running down my face as I fell I felt everything slip away and turn to nothing.