A Fanfiction by a Closet Brony, read at your own risk!

by Flufflepuff423

First published

a man is mysteriously transported to Equestria, trying to piece together how he got there he befriends the local ponies and begins to uncover parts of his past, including how in the world he got to Equestria. things in the past best forgotten.

a man is mysteriously transported to Equestria, not even knowing his name he begins to befriend the local ponies, who kindly try to help him piece together his mysterious past, however, some ponies know more about his past than they originally let on, and Equestria turns from a magical paradise into a web of deceit and treachery.

Introduction and how i became a Brony

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Although I’m not a man of many words I will admit to one thing, that My Little Pony Friendship is Magic somehow has made me and multiple others challenge the manly stereotype, and also a man of many more words, which is why I am writing this fan fiction, and you know what? That’s freaking awesome, never in my entire life did I see myself watching this show and now I don’t know what I would have done with my life if I had never found it. Now, I will endeavor on a journey into a realm of which I swore I was hoping to never delve into…. fan fiction. First, a little background, I became a Brony through one of my friends friends, buying him a rainbow dash necklace for his birthday. I didn’t see anything wrong with it, hell i couldn’t give less of a shit about what someone liked or didn’t like, all I really cared about was whether or not it affected me which it didn’t so I left it well enough alone. However, one August day, when I had gotten off of work i found myself bored out of my god damned mind. I remember my friends friend telling me that if I ever did decide to watch an episode that I should start with Season 2 episode 1, and you know what? I did just that, I started with the second season, and in about 4 hours i had gone through the entire second season. So yeah, I became a Brony that day. With that background, I shall now delve into the fan fiction, and the reason I felt as though I needed to give you the reader some insight about my person and how I became a Brony is that I feel it makes the story all that more fun for you if you know a little bit more than nothing at all about me. So lets get this shit started!

Arrival (or something cheesy like that)

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A dark tunnel enveloped my vision, going on endlessly in a timeless loop, and then suddenly a blinding light appeared at the end of the darkness, eagerly I lurched towards it and fell, for ages I fell into an abyss, then I woke up. I was in a Meadow, Sunlight washing over my face, grass tickling my face as it swayed peacefully in the mid afternoon breeze. I was in a comatose state, then I shot up. A lance of pain began to spike behind my eyes, images began to flash. I began to rub my head and the images stopped flashing,

Where am I? I thought to myself as I got up and began to scope out this colorful world I had somehow appeared in. Well, maybe a "color" was a bit too moderate. It literally had too much color, I felt like my eyes would pop out of their sockets if I looked at it all for too long. Everything around me was colorful, you name it, the trees were colors not even imaginable, and flowers that were literally radiating color. Streams were babbling peacefully nearby with water so pristine and clear that you could easily see the bottom, and I bet that the water was easily drinkable as well. The air itself smelled like spring and life. Everything about this place screamed paradise that was until I saw the unicorn. That’s right, you read it correctly, Unicorn, you know, the mystical horse creature that has a horn and can do magic and shit? Yeah, I was within spitting distance of one.

I immediately forgot about the scenery and looked straight at the creature, luckily it hadn't seen me yet and was focusing on something else. Creeping my way from tree to tree I made my way to it. I was right behind it; it was all white, with a coarse mane that consisted of a dark blue and a sort of turquoise blue, as if that wasn’t strange enough, there seemed to be a musical note on its flank. I started to lurch towards it, but I stepped on a loose branch and it made a loud crunching sound under my feet, I braced myself and squeezed my eyes shut. Expecting something to happen. Nothing, for a solid five minutes I stood there, hands up in front of my face waiting for something to happen. I slowly un- tensed, opening my eyes I saw that the unicorn was looking straight at me, that’s when I noticed another strange thing about the unicorn, it was wearing purple tinted glasses.

Alright, I thought to myself, A unicorn with a fashion sense. This is getting interesting. I decided it was too late to try and take it by surprise, I needed to shock it, I took a running start and got right up in the unicorns face and started screaming. It just looked at me, not moving an inch, then, lifting its foreleg, wiped the spit off of its face. Which I admit brought a grin to my face watching a horse try to wipe its face with a hoof, but it did a pretty good job since she was back to looking at me in five minutes once again.

“What the-“ I said as I tentatively reached a hand towards it’s horn.

“BOO!” She yipped, making me jump about ten feet into the air. Suddenly it started to cackle evilly “I can’t believe I got somepony with that!”

“It wasn’t that funny!” I yelled at it as I felt my cheeks get redder. But it just kept cackling evilly.

“Stop, stop! I can’t- I can’t, breathe! Your face was priceless! Oh sweet Celestia that was awesome!”

My face felt so red that I felt like it was going to pop, I exploded, “%^# you!” “What the %^&!, wait, what? “I said confused, that was weird… I decided to test it just to see what was going on,
“*&$%” I said shyly, I sighed, “Well there’s no mistaking it,” I said to myself, “I’m getting censored by mysterious forces.” I turned and looked at the unicorn.
She was just watching me with the most bemused expression I think a unicorn can have. “Well that was entertaining, you should really consider getting a cutie mark in acting!” She remarked snidely. Great I thought to myself, a sarcastic unicorn, what’s next, a Pegasus that poops rainbows? I quickly stop thinking that because I mean if there is a unicorn right in front me then I have no clue what the extent of what this world can dish out at me
“That’s funny coming from the most magical thing that I’ve seen all day,” she answered back sarcastically.
“Why’s that?” I asked confused.
“Well” she started, “I’ve never seen anypony that walks quite like you do or be lacking so much in the fur department as much as you do…” she explained to me as if it was common knowledge. “But, you know what we will get into that later, lets start with introductions, what’s your name?”
I was about to say something, but for some reason I couldn’t remember, “I-I don’t remember.”
She looked aghast “You don’t even have a name what the heck is wrong with you?!?” she sighed, I’m sure Twilight will know what to do… “But for now I’ll call you…. hmmm how about Trusty Gunner?”
“Eh.” I say, “That will do for a temporary name I guess, what’s yours and also would you tell me where we are?
“Vinyl Scratch, and Welcome to Equestria." She waved her leg in a sweeping gesturing towards the sky.

Nightmares Frickin Suck

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“So, are you going to tell me where we are going Vinyl” I asked the stark white pony irritably, I was dripping wet and it was getting colder by the second.

“Ponyville, like I said the last ten times you asked me that stupid question.” She replied just as irritably. After Vinyl and I had left the meadow she had proceeded to lead me through a labyrinth of trees and streams. I lost Vinyl countless times, and each time she had to come find me, most of the time fishing me out of a stream that I had clumsily fallen into. For my sake, Vinyl didn’t laugh once, even though I could see it behind those tinted glasses that she wanted to burst out laughing every time she pulled me out.

The sun was beginning to set, which didn’t bode very well for me since I was still drenched. Vinyl had taken her glasses off and set them behind her ears, revealing violet/reddish eyes.

“Vinyl, I’m getting worried its getting pretty cold, and I don’t want to catch a cold the first day I visit a new place.” I said

“Don’t worry we are almost to Ponyville” she said quickly, “keep your fur on.”

“I don’t have fur.” I said objectively.

“Well obviously not or you wouldn’t be complaining about being cold.” She replied shutting me up. We both walked in silence for a time. I found myself star gazing. Although it was cold the night was beautiful here.

Night… I thought to myself mystically. Night, night. What was it about that word that seemed so familiar? Night. I just continued glancing up at the sky. Suddenly, I was falling forward, my body wasn’t responding anymore. I hit the ground with a thud. I could hear Vinyl calling to me but I couldn’t respond, couldn’t do anything. My eyelids grew heavy and darkness enveloped me. Darkness once again, thankfully I wasn’t falling this time.

I was on platform; mist was all around me, from what I could tell there was nothing here. I tried to walk but found that my feet were held fast to the ground. No matter how much I struggled I couldn’t move.
Well, I seem to be going nowhere fast. I glanced at the moon, it was beautiful and so big I couldn’t help but notice it. However, there was something that I hadn’t noticed before, a strange formation, in the shape of what seemed to be a horse head. The longer I looked at the formation the more unnerved I felt. I couldn’t put my finger on it but something bad had happened that had caused that formation. Suddenly, I heard a maniacal cackle from somewhere above me. I frantically looked up and saw nothing, then, a shadow darted across the moons light, completely enveloping me in darkness. With renewed vigor I tried to pry myself from the ground. Finally, I got my left leg free and worked on the right. The cackling was getting closer and I could now hear the steady beating of wings.
A bat? No I dismissed it quickly, its moving way too fast and seemed way more terrifying than any bat. My right leg came free with a disgusting POP, and I bolted for the edge of the platform. The beating was getting more and more intense. I could feel tears start to stream down my cheek. The edge was so close, I decided right there that I would rather throw myself over than be subjected to whatever this thing was going to do to me. I reached the edge, and jumped.
I wasn’t falling, that was the first thing that I noticed. I was hovering. A blue aura around me, I was floating in mid air above nothingness. No color, nothing discernable at all around me. Then, the cackle, I froze in utter terror, it was right above me. I slowly turned my head upward, the eyes, the eyes were the first thing I noticed about it. They weren’t red like I expected them to be, they were blue, with eyes like a snakes, and cold, and brimming with malice. Teeth that seemed sharp enough to rip my arm out of its socket. It laughed once more and I felt the aura around me disappear and I fell.
As I fell I heard her scream, “THE NIGHT WILL LAST, FOREVER!” and she let loose a that made my skin turn. Tears running down my face as I fell I felt everything slip away and turn to nothing.

Breaking Out Of A Hospital. Pt. 1

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I sat up straight and let out a shrill scream. Cold sweat pouring down my face. I looked frantically around the room. The image of what I just saw flashing angrily in my head.
What the &^$& was that? I thought to myself. Then I remembered what had happened prior to the nightmare. I looked around. I was in what seemed to be a hospital bed. There was a window next to me that was allowing pale light to filter in and there was a green curtain next to me. Fluorescent light shone palely above me and aggravated my eyes. The walls were painted an interesting shade of pink that made me believe that I was in a children’s hospital. There was a door near the foot of my bed with a small window. I got out of bed and walked over to the door, the cold tiles stinging my feet as I did so. Peering though the window. All I saw was a long hallway leading into an intersection of sorts. I saw ponies walking about with lab coats on with nurse ponies following closely behind holding up x-rays.

“Yep, this is a hospital…” I said to no one in particular. Suddenly I heard the sound of hooves clacking on the tiles, and then a familiar voice.

“I’m telling you Twilight, I’ve never seen anypony like him before.” I heard Vinyl say from down the hallway. I quickly scrambled back to the bed and jumped under the covers. The bed creaked in rebuttal. And closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep, hoping the bed would stop swaying and making noise.

“Okay Vinyl, I’ll take a look at this patient of yours...” Just then the door opened and I heard the sound of approaching hooves towards my bed. “Hmmmmm, well I will tell you this, he is interesting.” She said thoughtfully. “Let me know when he’s awake so I can have a talk with him.”

“Yeah, sure Twilight. Will do” Vinyl said. “I just can’t believe he’s been out for this long…” This long? How long have I been here? “It’s been almost three days and the doctors say that he was screaming all day yesterday about the moon or something.” Vinyl said. Was she worried? Why did she care so much about someone she just met?

“I know Vinyl,” Twilight said “let’s let him rest for now, how about we get some lunch?” she said quickly.

“Yeah, okay, I am hungry.” Vinyl said “lets go to a café or something.” I heard the sound of their hooves moving slowly away from me. I heard the door shut behind me as they left. I quickly threw the covers off and got out of the bed. The first thing I noticed was that I was in a hospital gown.
Well this is the first thing that has to go. I thought lividly to myself. After searching for a few minutes I managed to find my clothes in the nightstand next to my bed. Then I continued to scope out the rest of the room. I remembered the green curtain that was next to my bed and decided that was a good place to start. I pulled the curtain away. The first thing that struck me about the pony was its mane. It was literally the rainbow. Her fur was a light blue. Her wing was taped up… wait a second… wing? Yep there was no doubt about it, wing. Suddenly my mind flashed back to the nightmare I had. The horrid flapping sound filled my ears. I backed away quickly from the prone pony. Knocking over the curtain as I did. It fell to the floor with a loud clang.
Its eyes flew open to reveal violet pupils. A wave of relief washed over me. They weren’t like the eyes I saw in my nightmare, and I added quickly she also doesn’t have a horn. I sighed, “Sorry I startled you. My names Trusty Gunner, what’s yours?” The pony simply blinked and turned over. “Well that was rude!” I said to the pony “it is common courtesy to say your name when someone introduces themself to you.” The pony said nothing. “Can you not speak?” Still nothing, “well I’m not going to sit here and get ignored by a pony!” I declared indignantly. “If Vinyl and that other pony come back tell them that I am leaving.” I picked up the curtain I tipped over and approached the window.
“Good luck” I heard the pony from behind me croak. “We’re on the second floor, and you don’t have wings or a horn so good luck getting out of here without the doctors or nurses noticing.” She said pessimistically.
“Well aren’t you a ray of sunshine.” I said sarcastically. “I don’t know about you but I want to get the heck home. So goodbye Rainbow pony!”
“My name is Rainbow Dash!” she said indignantly. She rolled her eyes at me and then took pulled the curtain across, obstructing my view of her. I sighed and turned back to the window. The pony was rude but she was right, there was no way I could get out of this hospital by going out the window.
“Whatever!” I said angrily. My blood pressure was rising, and I could feel adrenaline coursing through my veins. “If I can’t out of this place through the window then I’ll just walk right out the front door!” I yelled defiantly at Rainbow Dash.
“Whatever you do just make sure Twilight doesn’t catch you.” She said casually. I stopped at the door.
“Thanks, and I hope you get better soon Rainbow Dash.” Then I opened the door and began to walk out. Then adrenaline began to pump again and I quickly started to run like a madman. Racing down the hallway I began to look for a staircase. I started to get aggravated when I couldn’t find one as quickly as I had hoped.