• Published 3rd Mar 2014
  • 349 Views, 8 Comments

A Fanfiction by a Closet Brony, read at your own risk! - Flufflepuff423

a man is mysteriously transported to Equestria, trying to piece together how he got there he befriends the local ponies and begins to uncover parts of his past, including how in the world he got to Equestria. things in the past best forgotten.

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Arrival (or something cheesy like that)

A dark tunnel enveloped my vision, going on endlessly in a timeless loop, and then suddenly a blinding light appeared at the end of the darkness, eagerly I lurched towards it and fell, for ages I fell into an abyss, then I woke up. I was in a Meadow, Sunlight washing over my face, grass tickling my face as it swayed peacefully in the mid afternoon breeze. I was in a comatose state, then I shot up. A lance of pain began to spike behind my eyes, images began to flash. I began to rub my head and the images stopped flashing,

Where am I? I thought to myself as I got up and began to scope out this colorful world I had somehow appeared in. Well, maybe a "color" was a bit too moderate. It literally had too much color, I felt like my eyes would pop out of their sockets if I looked at it all for too long. Everything around me was colorful, you name it, the trees were colors not even imaginable, and flowers that were literally radiating color. Streams were babbling peacefully nearby with water so pristine and clear that you could easily see the bottom, and I bet that the water was easily drinkable as well. The air itself smelled like spring and life. Everything about this place screamed paradise that was until I saw the unicorn. That’s right, you read it correctly, Unicorn, you know, the mystical horse creature that has a horn and can do magic and shit? Yeah, I was within spitting distance of one.

I immediately forgot about the scenery and looked straight at the creature, luckily it hadn't seen me yet and was focusing on something else. Creeping my way from tree to tree I made my way to it. I was right behind it; it was all white, with a coarse mane that consisted of a dark blue and a sort of turquoise blue, as if that wasn’t strange enough, there seemed to be a musical note on its flank. I started to lurch towards it, but I stepped on a loose branch and it made a loud crunching sound under my feet, I braced myself and squeezed my eyes shut. Expecting something to happen. Nothing, for a solid five minutes I stood there, hands up in front of my face waiting for something to happen. I slowly un- tensed, opening my eyes I saw that the unicorn was looking straight at me, that’s when I noticed another strange thing about the unicorn, it was wearing purple tinted glasses.

Alright, I thought to myself, A unicorn with a fashion sense. This is getting interesting. I decided it was too late to try and take it by surprise, I needed to shock it, I took a running start and got right up in the unicorns face and started screaming. It just looked at me, not moving an inch, then, lifting its foreleg, wiped the spit off of its face. Which I admit brought a grin to my face watching a horse try to wipe its face with a hoof, but it did a pretty good job since she was back to looking at me in five minutes once again.

“What the-“ I said as I tentatively reached a hand towards it’s horn.

“BOO!” She yipped, making me jump about ten feet into the air. Suddenly it started to cackle evilly “I can’t believe I got somepony with that!”

“It wasn’t that funny!” I yelled at it as I felt my cheeks get redder. But it just kept cackling evilly.

“Stop, stop! I can’t- I can’t, breathe! Your face was priceless! Oh sweet Celestia that was awesome!”

My face felt so red that I felt like it was going to pop, I exploded, “%^# you!” “What the %^&!, wait, what? “I said confused, that was weird… I decided to test it just to see what was going on,
“*&$%” I said shyly, I sighed, “Well there’s no mistaking it,” I said to myself, “I’m getting censored by mysterious forces.” I turned and looked at the unicorn.
She was just watching me with the most bemused expression I think a unicorn can have. “Well that was entertaining, you should really consider getting a cutie mark in acting!” She remarked snidely. Great I thought to myself, a sarcastic unicorn, what’s next, a Pegasus that poops rainbows? I quickly stop thinking that because I mean if there is a unicorn right in front me then I have no clue what the extent of what this world can dish out at me
“That’s funny coming from the most magical thing that I’ve seen all day,” she answered back sarcastically.
“Why’s that?” I asked confused.
“Well” she started, “I’ve never seen anypony that walks quite like you do or be lacking so much in the fur department as much as you do…” she explained to me as if it was common knowledge. “But, you know what we will get into that later, lets start with introductions, what’s your name?”
I was about to say something, but for some reason I couldn’t remember, “I-I don’t remember.”
She looked aghast “You don’t even have a name what the heck is wrong with you?!?” she sighed, I’m sure Twilight will know what to do… “But for now I’ll call you…. hmmm how about Trusty Gunner?”
“Eh.” I say, “That will do for a temporary name I guess, what’s yours and also would you tell me where we are?
“Vinyl Scratch, and Welcome to Equestria." She waved her leg in a sweeping gesturing towards the sky.