• Published 26th Feb 2014
  • 2,933 Views, 60 Comments

Rules of the (Slumber) Party - matcha cheesecake

Twilight loves sleepovers, but they never go as smoothly as she would like. For one, why do her friends always end up bickering all night, yet come out smiley and happy the morning after? Well, that’s something she’ll have to figure out..

  • ...

Chapter 2, in which Twilight learns what BSOD means

Rules of the Party
#12: Anything you say can and will be used against you.


I didn’t want this. All I wanted was a glass of water.

It happened a few days after the last sleepover. We’d just finished up one of Pinkie’s patented no-holds-barred-party-’til-we-drop parties, and plastered ponies were sprawled all over the Carousel Boutique for the night. Too much moonshine, I guessed. I woke up from a throbbing headache, my pelt and mane drenched in sweat. I figured some water and willow bark was in order, so I carefully slipped out from between Applejack and Fluttershy to try and find the kitchen.

Three wrong turns and a locked bathroom later, I thought I heard somepony making strange guttural sounds down the hall. I chalked it up to Rainbow Dash’s ridiculous snoring, went on my way, then found myself back where I started. I mentally kicked myself. How could I have missed the dining area adjacent to the room we’d crashed in for the night? It was through a door next to where the now-missing Fluttershy had been sleeping.

A vaguely familiar musk invaded my nostrils as I pushed the door open. What I saw inside made my jaw clatter on the floor.

Two ponies were enjoying themselves on the dining table. They had their eyes closed, and were too busy to notice me anyway. One had her back against the table, her head lolling off the edge to my direction. Her pink hooves smoothed over her partner, mussing up some purple mane, then drifting over to the cutie mark. Throaty moans escaped her lips as the mare on top grinded against her barrel while planting playful nips and licks from chin to neck. A white hoof braced against the wood as she went further down the pink mare. Another pleasured groan, then a pair of eyes fluttered open. The blue in them seemed hazy as they focused on me.

“Oh. Hiya, Twilight!” chirped the owner of those eyes, with Pinkie’s voice.

“TWILIGHT?!” yelped a voice that sounded just like Rarity’s, though a bit huskier. The mare on top pulled away from her partner with so much force, she toppled off the table with a squeak and a thud.

I blinked.

Pinkie Pie had her head tilted at an angle, still in her upside down pose on the table. She eventually rolled right side up, propped her head on her forehooves, and eagerly watched me like I was her favorite show. I even expected her to take out a tub of popcorn out of nowhere. No, I hoped she would, because that would mean this was nothing more than an elaborate setup. But she didn’t.

When I glanced to the side, Rarity was scowling at me while she struggled to sort out her mane. Her puffed up cheeks glowed like a Hearth’s Warming fire, though her furrowed brows spelled confusion more than anger.

I squeezed my eyes shut and lit up my horn. The magic pinched much harder than I meant to; I bet I left a mark on my cheek. But when I opened my eyes again, the scene didn’t change one bit.

“Twilight, darling,” Rarity’s voice was a notch higher than usual as she slowly drew out each syllable. Good, she knows how to handle hungover ponies experiencing shock. “This is... It’s not what it looks like.”

“But Rarity, it’s exactly what it looks like!”

White hoof met hornbase. Rarity shook her head and then they started to go back and forth about... something. I was too shot to process what it was.

I didn’t want any of this. I just wanted to get rid of this headache and go back to sleep. All I needed for that was a glass of water and some willow bark. In fact, I’d need it more than before now that my brain was threatening to explode. Too much information. Cannot parse. Error! Error! I tried to explain this to my friends as eloquently as I could, but somewhere along the way, I must have forgotten how my muzzle worked. All that came out of me was a strangled, “Bwuh?”

“Now, Twilight, please do not freak out on us before I could expl--”

“She looks fine to me!”

“Pinkie Pie, another word and I might just hit you.”

“Sure thing! You know I like it~♫”

Clearly, the amusement subject Pinkius Piecus found in this situation was inversely proportional to that of subject Raritysius Rex. This was made obvious in that an increase of Pinkius’ giggles was answered with an increase in Raritysius’ scathing comments and tendency to facehoof. Whether Raritysius meant the threats or not was yet to be observed by this researcher. However, the lack of bodily harm on Pinkius Piecus and the furtive smiles and glances the subjects often exchanged may be evidence, if insufficient, of some mutually shared sentiment. As such, the results were yet to be conclusive.

I exhaled heavily. I should’ve taken more notes on this before. But then, neither was I the type to let slip a chance to make up for lost research opportunities. I felt a sudden need for a quill and where did Spike put the parchment again? I needed to make some checklists and where was that musky scent coming from? It’s been distracting me with inappropriate thoughts ever since I entered the... the...

I stared at my two friends still engrossed in their argument.

Sweet Celestia on a pogo stick! Why didn’t I see this before?!

“Hwaitaminutyoutwoo,” I spluttered, still not quite sure how to work my tongue ever since the gears in my head overheated. They watched me expectantly, but it took a few more false starts before I finally got the words out. “What were you... Just now, the table... You two were dating and you never told me?!”

I simultaneously heard a vehement “No!” and a chipper “Yes!” followed by what I assumed were explanations. I caught a few words about princes and oatmeal. A prince called Oatmeal, perhaps? Either way, none of it made sense because my friends kept talking over each other.

“One at a time!”

“--blood, of course!”

What? Blood? What?

I gaped at Rarity, who replied with an awkward smile and an even more awkward cough.

“Ahem. Yes. Anyway, “ she cleared her throat again, growing increasingly uncomfortable with her words, “There’s nothing to tell, darling. We’re not--”

“Rarity loves me!” Pinkie Pie cut in and I preemptively winced at the fresh round of bickering sure to follow. It didn’t come, however. I peered at my unicorn friend, expecting to at least see a hint of barely restrained belligerence bubbling under the surface.

Instead, Rarity wore the same expression she’d have when a particular dress was turning out unexpectedly better than her initial designs. This caught Pinkie’s attention and the pair of them locked eyes for a minute or two to exchange furrowed eyebrows, quirked lips, and other small facial movements. I suddenly felt left out and briefly wondered if Rarity knew a spell that enabled telepathic communication.

No, Pinkie Pie’s Pinkie-ness would be a more likely reason.

“It’s all okay now! Okay?” Pinkie concluded with a clap of her forehooves. They turned to face me, wearing identical solemn expressions that fit well on Rarity but looked odd on Pinkie Pie.

“Twilight, my dear, we have a confession...”


The following day, Rarity sat us down before our so-late-it-can’t-even-be-called-brunch meal to tell the truth of her relationship with Pinkie Pie while the said earth pony silently bobbed up and down the seat beside... her marefriend. When all was over, Pinkie seemed even more bouncy, Applejack looked out of it, and Fluttershy was smiling at everypony. I was still trying to wrap my head around everything since last night, so I must have looked out of it as well. Beside me, Rainbow Dash was trembling.

“You all right, Dashie?”

Pinkie lightly poked Rainbow’s side, but the pegasus shrugged her off. If looks could shoot lightning bolts, there would be a scorching hole where Rarity was seated from the way Rainbow was glaring. That didn’t last too long, though. She lunged over the table and would have kicked Rarity’s head to next Tuesday if Fluttershy hadn’t acted fast enough to hold back the seething pegasus.

“What. Is. Your. Problem?” said Rarity through gritted teeth. She stood her full height, hooves planted on the floor as if she were facing that manticore all over again. I positioned myself by her side, ready to intervene in case she, too, decided to get physical.

“You’re ashamed of her, that’s what!” Rainbow Dash spat out between yellow hooves, her wings fully splayed. “You don’t deserve to be with her!”

“Pardon me, but our keeping it secret had nothing to do with shame!”

“That’s why you always go on about how much you like stallions? ‘Cause that’s like, the best way to be proud of your marefriend!”

“I am proud of her!” Rarity stomped a hoof, her nostrils flaring with each word. “How dare you even--”

Years, Rarity!” Rainbow struggled much harder than before that Fluttershy had to resort to mounting her in a complicated wing-and-head lock. “We’re supposed to be your best friends! How long have you known me and Fluttershy? Twilight? Hay, how long have you known Applejack? You never even bothered to tell us!”

“We told everypony just now, did we not?”

“Yeah, sure. Like that doesn’t m--hrmph!”

Whatever Rainbow was trying to say then, we would never know. Somepony had pulled her away from her retainer and the next thing anypony knew, Pinkie Pie was muzzle-to-muzzle with the blue pegasus.

I involuntarily took a step back, my flank bumping the table. I heard something fall to the floor. It must’ve been a teaspoon, or maybe my jaw again.

“Enough, okay?” Pinkie licked her lips before glancing over at her marefriend.

Rarity was on the floor, struggling to get back on her hooves. Her knees must have given out when all her tension evaporated in light of the kiss. She shook her head and tutted, “Pinkie, my love, you shouldn’t mess with other ponies’ heads like that.”

Sure enough, Rainbow Dash was too shocked to do anything more than drop on her haunches, eyes wide and mouth open. She came around a few moments later, or at least I thought she did when she spoke up.

“You kissed me.”

“Uh, yeah?” Pinkie rubbed a hoof behind her head and shot me a questioning look. I shrugged, No, Pinkie Pie, I don’t know what kind of damage you did to her either.

“Why does everypony have to steal kisses from the Dash? Is it too much to at least ask me out first?” Rainbow grumbled, sounding much like how the Crusaders would after another failed attempt for a cutie mark. Creases slowly formed between her eyes and I could practically hear the gears in her head whirring and churning. When things finally sunk in, she was torn between confused, ticked off, and completely horrified. “Pinkie Pie, you kissed me! Why did you... Everypony’s here and... No no no, I won’t be killed so easily!”

I opened my mouth to comment about murdering ponies, but Pinkie beat me to it.

“Silly, Dashie!” she snickered. “Why would anypony want to kill you?”

“You kissed me!” repeated Rainbow, as if that explained everything. When the snickers evolved into giggles, she helplessly glanced at Fluttershy then Applejack. But Fluttershy was hiding behind her mane and Applejack was still too deep in thought to be of any use.

I opened my mouth to help clear things up, but, again, somepony had to interrupt.

“If it bothers you so much, no, I don’t actually mind.” Rarity was on her haunches now, a teacup hovering in front of her. She took a sip, made a face, then levitated the cup back to the table.

Meanwhile, everpony gaped at her. Except her own marefriend, who devolved into a laughing mess on the floor. I found this very concerning. I opened my mouth to voice that concern, but Fluttershy... Was everypony doing this on purpose?

“So you don’t mind seeing Pinkie kiss, um, other ponies?”

“I’m too used to her antics,” Rarity sighed and watched her marefriend giggle and roll all over the room, “so I let her do whatever she likes.”

“So no more fighting, Dashie! Rarity luuurves me!” Pinkie Pie sprang up and put a foreleg around Rainbow Dash to give her a noogie. For some reason, everypony got flustered at this. Except me. It wasn’t like the kiss, so I didn’t get what the fuss was about.

“And you love her too, right?”

I didn’t mean to sound skeptical. I didn’t even realize I said it outloud until I thought I saw Pinkie Pie shoot me an offended look, but that could’ve just easily been my imagination. Pinkie put on a grin so wide, her cheeks tensed to keep it from bursting her face. Even her voice sounded overly bubbly when she chirped, “Of course I do, silly filly!”

She pounced at Rarity from behind, pink legs wrapped snug around white neck. Her lips puckered out for an over-the-top smoochy face and proceeded to pepper Rarity’s cheek with wet kisses. Rarity struggled to maintain her composure, but her efforts eventually faltered. Soon, she was leaning her head ever so slightly to meet each kiss.

“That’s rather sweet, darling, but we ha-YAHN!”

Rarity suddenly shoved Pinkie Pie away, much of her white coat glowing in a full body blush. Pinkie had her tongue out between lips shaped into a devious smirk I’ve never seen her wear before, and the audacity to giggle-snort at her crime. This incensed her marefriend even more and a rolled up magazine flew in from who-knew-where to bop the party pony on the head.

“Pinkie Pie! We have company!”

“And that’s okay!” said Pinkie between giggles that soon turned into guffaws. I didn’t understand what she meant by that at all. A glimpse of Rarity’s raised eyebrows told me that she probably didn’t get it either.

When the laughter subsided, Pinkie Pie trotted up to Rarity’s side again and pulled her in an embrace much gentler than the one earlier. She nuzzled a spot under Rarity’s chin, occasionally moving up to offer a peck on the cheek. Rarity was still scowling, though she didn‘t do anything to protest. Soon, even her scowl melted into an expression that brought only one word to my mind: bliss.

“You’re incorrigible.”

“And I love you, too!”

At that, I cleared my throat and brought out all the sincerity I could muster. “In any case, I’m happy for the both of you.”

“Oh, you two make such a cute couple!” chimed in Fluttershy, beaming at everypony. She seemed to be waiting for something, but after a few moments of dead air, she nudged Rainbow Dash with a wing.

“I guess it’s a’ight.” Rainbow Dash didn’t seem completely out of her stupor yet. But before Fluttershy could do so much as look concerned, Pinkie Pie had pulled everypony into a group hug.

“Aww, shucks. Thanks, girls!” piped in Pinkie’s voice within our five-pony pile.

Wait, somepony’s missing...

“Applejack, why in Equestria are you not joining us?” I traced Rarity’s gaze to the said farm pony sitting at the table, seemingly content to watch us from that distance. That was, until she shook her head hard enough to make her hat fall off.

“Huh? Sorry, y’all.” Applejack let out an exaggerated yawn, made a scrunchy face, then briefly looked at the ceiling. “I musta fell asleep with my eyes open.”

“Well, do wake up and come over here, darling. You’re missing out on a group hug!”

Applejack picked up her hat and joined in between me and Rainbow Dash.

After a few minutes of hugging and cuddling each other, we all settled around the table for our meal. Pinkie Pie was daring Rainbow Dash to pour extra-hot-rainbow-level-spicy sauce on her pancakes. Fluttershy and Rarity seemed to be engrossed on some juicy gossip, both their faces flushed. Beside me, Applejack was poking her alfalfa in disinterest.

“Not hungry?” She didn’t seem to hear me, though she shrugged and stopped poking her food.

“Shoulda seen it sooner,” mumbled Applejack, mostly to herself. I followed her withering gaze to Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash poking and teasing each other. I couldn’t help smiling at the sight of my friends enjoying themselves, but something in Applejack’s statement worried me.

Especially when I noticed Rarity watching the same scene, before heaving out a sigh then looking away.

Comments ( 29 )

Never seen that phrase as an acronym before... So easy to see that Rarity and AJ have some explaining to do.

4108129 Oh, BSOD? :twilightblush: ehehe, the things I learn from the internet... And I'm glad that part was clear. :raritywink:

Whoa Cheescake why'd you have to go traumatize my mare like that? I honestly was laughing though, but I personally thought that it would have been better if Twily had caught Rarity and Applejack on the table together, imagine the epic level akwardness of that!:rainbowlaugh:

4108192 Wanna know a secret? I love it when ponies go a little crazy. :pinkiehappy: And yeah, that would be incredibly awkward, not to mention hilarious! Thanks for that thought. :twilightsmile:

4108209 You're gonna use that sometime, aren't you? Happy to be of help.:rainbowlaugh:

4108274 Maybe. Maybe not. We'll see. :twilightsmile: It helps that I like RariJack, too.

4108278 I've got to say Cheesecake that I'm grateful to you for being a decent human being and reminding me that I'm not the only one.:yay: And I love your writing style, please don't change your lighthearted style there are to few functional comedies on this site.:pinkiehappy:

4108283 Aww, shucks, you're making me blush. :twilightblush: Thanks so much. That means a lot to me 'cause I'm kinda new to writing humor.

4108302 WHAT? I wow you can't well I can't tell you do it so, naturally, like it's nothing to you to do it. If you keep acting like that I might blush too.:twilightblush:

4108310 I, um, yeah. :fluttershyouch: Honestly, this is the first comedy fic I feel I could be proud of and I wasn't even sure about adding the [comedy] tag until I was halfway done with Chapter 2.

Er, I'm turning into a Fluttershy now, so I'll leave you with another Thanks! and some Pie. :pinkiehappy:

4108345 Well you're certainly being Fluttershy brand cute there Cheesecake.:pinkiehappy:

Did I see some appledash here? and PinkieDash? or it just me? next chapter pĺease!

What does BSOD mean?

4109253 Yes. :trollestia:
Thank you very much for reading! And can I just say, I :heart: your username~

4109253 BSOD stands for Blue Screen of Death, which is what you see when your computer crashes.

It's an alright story. Decently written, but feels a little bit fast paced (maybe you were going for that...) I'm not one for romances, but I have an inkling of a feeling that, when things go further along, there's going to be a massive love hexagon, and Twilight is going to be a good 10x more confused than she when she woke up with that hangover. Either that, or this is all just an elaborate prank to be pulled on Twilight...

Never the less, it's a good start... not exactly my cup of tea, but hey, different strokes and whatnot...

4118842 Oh, thank you so much for checking this out! :pinkiehappy:
Um, yes, the events were mostly meant to happen that fast. But if you meant something else... :twilightoops:

4122139 Actually, no, I wasn't really meaning something else. I'm fully aware that it's established that Rarity and Pinkie have likely been seeing each other for quite a while in secret, so I doubt it was going too fast in that regard.

Never the less, considering that's how fast your intending the story to be, just make sure you leave sensory breaks every now and then so that the reader can drink in the situation at hand, and keep the pacing consistant (or, at least if you intend to slow it down or speed it up, have the pacing gradual on either side...)

That's my two cents, though. Purely optional. : )

4125410 Noted. Thank you very much. :twilightsmile:

4203270 Thank you very much. I'm glad you liked it. To be honest, I was and still am struggling with AJ's speech patterns because of her accent, so it means a lot to me that you think I did it well. :pinkiehappy:

I also liked your um, live commentary. It was funny and it made me think. Took note of a lot of stuff you brought up there. Thank you again.

The theme and the atmosphere in the second chapter stayed true to those in first one. Juicy intimate secrets. You can never go wrong with that.

The speech patterns were also much better done than in first chapter. I could almost always understand who is talking. My comment ends here.

And now to my live commentary, that everypony loves to hate. This is much worse than what I did for the first chapter. When I say you shouldn’t read the following lines, I really mean it this time. What I’m about to write is just a bunch of unwarranted subjective and sarcastic masturbation with no hint of constructivism whatsoever.

Rules of the Party
#12: Anything you say can and will be used against you.

Where are these rules at the beginning of the chapters coming from? Twilight’s book? If yes, then apparently she doesn’t mind things being used against her according to the things she said in chapter 1. Also, what does number 12 mean. Is it just a random number or are these rules an actual thing and I’m just not nerd enough to know them? And again, these aren’t rules to parties I’m familiar with.

I didn’t want this. All I wanted was a glass of water.

Hm, I need to reread the last part of the first chapter to see if I missed something, because this doesn’t seem to make any sense to me. Brb.
Back. Still not making sense. Lets just get past this point.

It happened a few days after the last sleepover.

Maybe I really should look at things as a whole instead of picking on individual sentences. It would save me the trip to the first chapter. Hm… No.

We’d just finished up one of Pinkie’s patented no-holds-barred-party-’til-we-drop parties,

I didn’t get that. I’m assuming there is some intoxication involved due to ‘til we drop’ phrase. Also, double use of the word party.

and plastered ponies were sprawled all over the Carousel Boutique for the night. Too much moonshine, I guessed.

sprawled is a verb so it shouldn’t need any support.

I woke up from a throbbing headache, my pelt and mane drenched in sweat.

So, she head a headache, but then she woke up from it and no longer had it? Also not sure if alcohol alone can make you sweat so much (they aren’t even wearing any clothes (I assume)).

I figured some water and willow bark was in order,

I assume that is some sort of tea.

so I carefully slipped out from between Applejack and Fluttershy to try and find the kitchen.

I get the sweat now.
attempt to

Three wrong turns and a locked bathroom later, I thought I heard somepony making strange guttural sounds down the hall.

So, did she want to go? If yes, then doesn’t she have a problem on her hooves?

I chalked it up to Rainbow Dash’s ridiculous snoring, went on my way, then found myself back where I started. I mentally kicked myself. How could I have missed the dining area adjacent to the room we’d crashed in for the night?

With that much orientation and thural knowledge of the layout intact it really is a mistery. I assumed she was lost due to bad orientation, but now I’m just going to assume she was just drifting, not caring where she ends up, which is kind of weird, since she had an explicit goal in her mind.

It was through a door next to where the now-missing Fluttershy had been sleeping.

I’m assuming now is a present tense from the point in time where Twilight is telling the story. We haven’t heard anything about the present time, so this is our first clue. Future holds no Fluttershy. Also, how does Twy know where Fluttershy sleeps before she enters the room?

A vaguely familiar musk invaded my nostrils as I pushed the door open. What I saw inside made my jaw clatter on the floor.

I understand jaw lowering, but why would a jaw begin to clutter?

Two ponies were enjoying themselves on the dining table. They had their eyes closed, and were too busy to notice me anyway. One had her back against the table, her head lolling off the edge to my direction. Her pink hooves smoothed over her partner, mussing up some purple mane, then drifting over to the cutie mark.

Wouldn’t she recognise them by this point?

Throaty moans escaped her lips as the mare on top grinded against her barrel while planting playful nips and licks from chin to neck.

What exactly did she grind with, since she lacks the proper tools as she is but a mare?A white hoof braced against the wood as she went further down the pink mare.You go, Rarity! Work that Pinkie Pie!
Also, yes, Twilight, there’s nothing wrong with watching your friends have sex without them knowing it. Not freaky at all.

Another pleasured groan, then a pair of eyes fluttered open. The blue in them seemed hazy as they focused on me.
“Oh. Hiya, Twilight!” chirped the owner of those eyes, with Pinkie’s voice.

I’m thinking the whole pony was Pinkie Pie and not just her voice. She must have already recognised her. How many pink ponies are there in the mane 6? She’s already seen her cutie mark. I’ll just assume that recognition part of Twilight’s brain is still drunk.

“TWILIGHT?!” yelped a voice that sounded just like Rarity’s, though a bit huskier.

Huskier than Rarity’s? But she’s the huskiest pony out there. The level of huskiness just went over the scale.

The mare on top pulled away from her partner with so much force, she toppled off the table with a squeak and a thud.

Unless she was going for the somersault I’ll assume she used her forehooves to get off the table. Her forehooves were in about the middle of the table, since she used them to go down on Pinkie Pie. So, how does a table topple if you push against it in the middle of it? I guess it takes a lot of husk to do something like that.
Edit: Nvm. Table is just fine. It’s wasn’t Rarity that toppled off the table. It was Rarity that toppled off of the table. I think.

I blinked.

Ponies don’t blink as often as humans, but, Twilight, you really should blink more often than once per morning. Unless this was a reflex closing of the eyelids due to… flying table?

Pinkie Pie had her head tilted at an angle, still in her upside down pose on the table.

I’m assuming it was just her head that was upside down. Unless the table really did topple.

She eventually rolled right side up, propped her head on her forehooves,

Right side of her body or something else? Her head was no longer upside down now, but down upside?

and eagerly watched me like I was her favorite show.

Has she used up Rarity and is now looking for a substitute? How exactly does one eagerly watch something?

I even expected her to take out a tub of popcorn out of nowhere.

Don’t mind the sex. Lets observe Twilight with her cluttering jaw instead.

No, I hoped she would, because that would mean this was nothing more than an elaborate setup. But she didn’t.

Yes, lets pretend to have sex behind closed doors, while everypony is unconscious. Maybe eventually somepony will stumble on us. And maybe that someone will be Twilight that we elaborately tried to prank in the first place. Yes, this scheme is foolproof.

When I glanced to the side, Rarity was scowling at me while she struggled to sort out her mane. Her puffed up cheeks glowed like a Hearth’s Warming fire, though her furrowed brows spelled confusion more than anger.

I didn’t know they make fires for Hearth’s Warming Eve. And now I know.

I squeezed my eyes shut and lit up my horn.

That’s right, Twilight. Blink! You can do it.

The magic pinched much harder than I meant to; I bet I left a mark on my cheek.

Seeing the aftermath, but must have missed the action itself.

But when I opened my eyes again, the scene didn’t change one bit.

Don’t fret Twy, there’s more stuff you can try. Close your eyes and spin around. Look in the mirror. Turn on the light. Look at your watch. Use telekinesis without using your horn. Fly without using your wings. Walk through a solid wall.
Nothing worked? Hm, maybe, just maybe, this whole morning wasn’t a dream. Just a hunch, though.

“Twilight, darling,” Rarity’s voice was a notch higher than usual as she slowly drew out each syllable. Good, she knows how to handle hungover ponies experiencing shock. “This is... It’s not what it looks like.”

But wasn’t Rarity the one in shock? She is the huskiest after all.

“But Rarity, it’s exactly what it looks like!”

I’m always struggling with when there is no action or dialogue tag. I’m guessing Pinkie said that, but then again, Twilight was very observant also, watching the whole scene unfold without blinking. I have a theory that I will know who said that by reading the next paragraph, though.

White hoof met horn base.

White hoof… So Rarity? Rarity said to Rarity? Note to self, don’t look at next paragraph to explain who said something.

Rarity shook her head and then they started to go back and forth about... something.

I’m assuming verbally. Or maybe, it was orally? Yes, with such a loose action I have enough freedom for my imagination to make this into my private head canon clop scene.

I was too short to process what it was.

That dirty, ey? Maybe we’ve breached another scale (not the husky one this time).

I didn’t want any of this.

Don’t blink now, Twylight. You need to see this.

I just wanted to get rid of this headache and go back to sleep. All I needed for that was a glass of water and some willow bark.

That’s some mighty hangover cure you have there. You could make millions.
There goes my hypothesis that you can make tea from willow bark. Apparently water is the liquid of choice for Twilight and willow bark can be consumed on its own.

In fact, I’d need it more than before now that my brain was threatening to explode. Too much information. Cannot parse. Error! Error!


I tried to explain this to my friends as eloquently as I could,

Yes, Twilight. Explain why you blinked. Don’t mind the sex scene that apparently does not need explaining. Explain yourself instead.

but somewhere along the way, I must have forgotten how my muzzle worked. All that came out of me was a strangled, “Bwuh?”

>Observantly watches (without blinking)
>Freaks out way after“Now, Twilight, please do not freak out on us before I could expl--”
“She looks fine to me!”
“Pinkie Pie, another word and I might just hit you.”Pinkie Pie, how dare you suggest that Twilight looks fine. That suggestion is somehow offensive and should be punishable by physical harm.

“Sure thing! You know I like it~♫”

I’m guessing ~♫ stands for *** since we have teen rating and this was supposed to be such an obscenity that no mature person should hear. That or she started to sing out of nowhere for no reason whatsoever. She’s Pinkie, so it could be that.

Clearly, the amusement subject Pinkius Piecus found in this situation was inversely proportional to that of subject Raritysius Rex.

I’ve read that as one expression. Maybe ‘amusement that subject’ could work better. Otherwise, nice. Glad to see Twilight's brain is waking up to her old self. :)

This was made obvious in that an increase of Pinkius’ giggles was answered with an increase in Raritysius’ scathing comments and tendency to facehoof.

Would that facehoof be directed on Pinkie Pie? Facehooves are usually delivered to one self, so the question arises: Is Twilight attempting to facehoof herself due to increase perplexity of the two subjects?

Whether Raritysius meant the threats or not was yet to be observed by this researcher. However, the lack of bodily harm on Pinkius Piecus and the furtive smiles and glances the subjects often exchanged may be evidence, if insufficient, of some mutually shared sentiment.

It’s long, but it does make sense. You have to read it twice, but it does make sense. Haven’t seen that sentiment before, though. Are we transitioning into another clop scene? I’m thinking treesom!

As such, the results were yet to be conclusive.

Maybe you should take an active part in all this, Twy. You know, to determine the existence of sentiment thingy.

I exhaled heavily. I should’ve taken more notes on this before. But then, neither was I the type to let slip a chance to make up for lost research opportunities.

to let a chance, to make up for lost research, slip by.

I felt a sudden need for a quill and where did Spike put the parchment again?

Oh, Spike was finally invited to something? Why would he be carrying a parchment to a party? Also, does the need for something and a mental question arise in the same sentence in one’s mind?

I needed to make some checklists and where was that musky scent coming from?

I really need to stop doing live commentaries and do I need to go pie?
Ugh, I can’t paralel think for shit. Not sure if Twilight is doing it parallel, but as unconnected as it is I’ll just assume she can. So that’s how she can read two books at the same time. She has parallel brain. Yes, it all makes sense now.

It’s been distracting me with inappropriate thoughts ever since I entered the... the...

Just don’t blink.

I stared at my two friends still engrossed in their argument.
Sweet Celestia on a pogo stick! Why didn’t I see this before?!

If she was focusing at those two, then how did she managed to see it?

“Hwaitaminutyoutwoo,” I spluttered, still not quite sure how to work my tongue ever since the gears in my head overheated. They watched me expectantly, but it took a few more false starts before I finally got the words out. “What were you... Just now, the table... You two were dating and you never told me?!”

You got that from a pogo stick? Also, lets ignore the whole sex thing again. Now, dating, that’s, the big news now.

I simultaneously heard a vehement “No!” and a chipper “Yes!” followed by what I assumed were explanations. I caught a few words about princes and oatmeal. A prince called Oatmeal, perhaps? Either way, none of it made sense because my friends kept talking over each other.

I’m thinking Rarity is coursing due to her huskiness?

“One at a time!”

Oh, so those two weren’t bickering among themselves, but were in fact trying to work out who gets to be the one to explain things? If they haven’t been able to do that before, then I’m not sure if saying that they should work it out would actually get them closer to working it out.

“--blood, of course!”
What? Blood? What?

And Twilight just learned that she is not a center of attention and that her statement helped nopony.

I gaped at Rarity, who replied with an awkward smile and an even more awkward cough.
“Ahem. Yes. Anyway, “ she cleared her throat again, growing increasingly uncomfortable with her words, “There’s nothing to tell, darling. We’re not--”

How do you explain the pogo stick then?
Oh, wait, I think I’m getting it now. There is no pogo stick in the room, is there? :facehoof: <- That’s how one facehoofs oneself btw.
Okay, so with the pogo stick out the window, we’re only left with a perfume scent which somehow implies dating. It’s a bit more implying than the pogo stick, but I still can’t make the connection.

Rarity loves me!” Pinkie Pie cut in and I preemptively winced at the fresh round of bickering sure to follow.

Picture this. You’re with your girlfriend and you meet a common friend. Then you say, “This girl here apparently loves me.”
What do you think your girlfriends reaction would be? I think you’re right to expect bickering. I’m not sure it’s going to be about the definition of a relationship, though.

It didn’t come, however. I peered at my unicorn friend, expecting to at least see a hint of barely restrained belligerence bubbling under the surface.

So, dating is a no, no, but loving is okay? Oh, I know what’s going on. This is turning Rarity on and she’s just about to have enough of foreplay.

Instead, Rarity wore the same expression she’d have when a particular dress was turning out unexpectedly better than her initial designs. This caught Pinkie’s attention and the pair of them locked eyes for a minute or two to exchange furrowed eyebrows, quirked lips, and other small facial movements.

They must both be non-verbal-communication masters to pull of something like this.

I suddenly felt left out and briefly wondered if Rarity knew a spell that enabled telepathic communication.

Yes, that could explain it also.

No, Pinkie Pie’s Pinkie-ness would be a more likely reason.

On Pinkie’s side perhaps, but what on the Rarity’s side?

“It’s all okay now! Okay?” Pinkie concluded with a clap of her forehooves. They turned to face me, wearing identical solemn expressions that fit well on Rarity but looked odd on Pinkie Pie.

For a second there I thought that hooves were about to face me and I was in for a facehooves of extra-self origins.

“Twilight, my dear, we have a confession...”

Do tell.

The following day

Or not. It was deducible, especially since Pinkie already confessed on her side. Unless there was more to it? Rarity did say ‘we have a confession’.

, Rarity sat us down before our so-late-it-can’t-even-be-called-brunch meal to tell the truth of her relationship with Pinkie Pie while the said earth pony silently bobbed up and down the seat beside... her marefriend.

I can’t imagine how that was for Twilight. It’s like walking out of the cinema in the middle of an action scene with only comfort that the movie will come on television in a few months anyway and you’ll be able to watch the fight scene unfold then.

When all was over, Pinkie seemed even more bouncy, Applejack looked out of it, and Fluttershy was smiling at everypony. I was still trying to wrap my head around everything since last night, so I must have looked out of it as well. Beside me, Rainbow Dash was trembling.

Twilight, you have more information than any other pony and you had the most time to think about it. Aren’t you supposed to be smart?

“You all right, Dashie?”
Pinkie lightly poked Rainbow’s side, but the pegasus shrugged her off. If looks could shoot lightning bolts, there would be a scorching hole where Rarity was seated from the way Rainbow was glaring.

Jealous much?

That didn’t last too long, though. She lunged over the table and would have kicked Rarity’s head to next Tuesday if Fluttershy hadn’t acted fast enough to hold back the seething pegasus.

Jealous to much.

“What. Is. Your. Problem?” said Rarity through gritted teeth.


She stood her full height, hooves planted on the floor as if she were facing that manticore all over again. I positioned myself by her side, ready to intervene in case she, too, decided to get physical.

I’m thinking there are no seats at this table. So where was Rarity sitting before? On the floor?
Also, when you say hooves I’m thinking forehooves. It’s easier that way so you don’t have to say I forehoovefaced. But those aren’t forehooves planted on the floor, are they. They are hind hooves.

“You’re ashamed of her, that’s what!” Rainbow Dash spat out between yellow hooves, her wings fully splayed. “You don’t deserve to be with her!”

Does being ashamed of someone lead to not be deserving on one or is RD making two separate points that have no relationship with each other?

“Pardon me, but our keeping it secret had nothing to do with shame!”

If they were both keeping it a secret, does that mean that they were both ashamed of each other (from RD point of view)?

“That’s why you always go on about how much you like stallions? ‘Cause that’s like, the best way to be proud of your marefriend!”

If she likes stallions and she also likes Pinkie Pie, isn’t that more of a praise? (Only stallions and Pinkie Pie can please me.)

“I am proud of her!” Rarity stomped a hoof, her nostrils flaring with each word. “How dare you even--”

If she can perform like a stallion can, than that really is something to be proud of.

“Years, Rarity!” Rainbow struggled much harder than before that Fluttershy had to resort to mounting her in a complicated wing-and-head lock. “We’re supposed to be your best friends! How long have you known me and Fluttershy? Twilight? Hay, how long have you known Applejack? You never even bothered to tell us!”

Obviously Rainbow Dash’es ‘you’re ashamed of her’ argument has been dealt with, so it’s time to throw in another issue. Shotgun argument ftw, ey RD?

“We told everypony just now, did we not?”

Well, yea, but not because of years of friendship, but because you’ve been found out. Who knows how long this would go on if Twy wouldn’t walk in.

“Yeah, sure. Like that doesn’t m--hrmph!”
Whatever Rainbow was trying to say then, we would never know. Somepony had pulled her away from her retainer and the next thing anypony knew, Pinkie Pie was muzzle-to-muzzle with the blue pegasus.

Either Pinkie Pie is that strong to have pulled RD from Fluttershy’s hold or she can take passengers when she breaks the third wall.

I involuntarily took a step back, my flank bumping the table. I heard something fall to the floor. It must’ve been a teaspoon, or maybe my jaw again.

As long as you don’t blink, Twy.

“Enough, okay?” Pinkie licked her lips before glancing over at her marefriend.

Are we in for another Pinkie Pie rape kiss (like the one from first chapter)?

Rarity was on the floor, struggling to get back on her hooves. Her knees must have given out when all her tension evaporated in light of the kiss. She shook her head and tutted, “Pinkie, my love, you shouldn’t mess with other ponies’ heads like that.”

Okay, let’s try to make sense of all of this. When Rarity’s adrenalin levels drop she collapses to the floor. Watching mares kiss sent her to the floor. Maybe RD had a point. Are you sure you even like stallions, Rarity? Maybe your doors swing the other way around since this scene took over you that much? And why is she disapproving? Is she the jealous one now? And what does she mean by messing with ponies’ heads? I thought Pinkie Pie just tried to fix RD’s head.

Sure enough, Rainbow Dash was too shocked to do anything more than drop on her haunches, eyes wide and mouth open. She came around a few moments later, or at least I thought she did when she spoke up.

Did RD just jizz?

“You kissed me.”

Well, you knew she does that. Also better keep an eye on Fluttershy, she might take advantage of you right after. Haven’t you learned anything in chapter 1?

“Uh, yeah?” Pinkie rubbed a hoof behind her head and shot me a questioning look.

Wait, is Twy gonna be next?

I shrugged, No, Pinkie Pie, I don’t know what kind of damage you did to her either.

Does playing with ponies’ heads automatically lead to damage? And what does Twy have to do with any of this?

“Why does everypony have to steal kisses from the Dash?

Somepony’s been hanging out with Trixie to much.

Is it too much to at least ask me out first?” Rainbow grumbled, sounding much like how the Crusaders would after another failed attempt for a cutie mark.

It’s not rape anymore when she starts screaming ‘yes’. Same goes for stealing kisses.
And how did CMC get involved with this mature stuff? RD, did you promise them a cutie mark if they help you with something? Was Twy stalking at the window again after they agreed to give it a shot?

Creases slowly formed between her eyes and I could practically hear the gears in her head whirring and churning. When things finally sunk in, she was torn between confused, ticked off, and completely horrified.

The fandom is wrong. RD is not a lesbian. Everypony but RD is a lesbian!

“Pinkie Pie, you kissed me! Why did you... Everypony’s here and...

That’s your argument against kissing? Everypony’s here? Weren’t you just the one promoting public relationships?

No no no, I won’t be killed so easily!”

Are we in for some vore?

I opened my mouth to comment about murdering ponies, but Pinkie beat me to it.

So, Twy is an expert in killing ponies? Now I really want to know what happened to CMC.

“Silly, Dashie!” she snickered. “Why would anypony want to kill you?”

Yea, it’s not like Pinkie Pie could eat you whole.

“You kissed me!” repeated Rainbow, as if that explained everything. When the snickers evolved into giggles, she helplessly glanced at Fluttershy then Applejack. But Fluttershy was hiding behind her mane and Applejack was still too deep in thought to be of any use.

Forget vore, this is evolving into an all out orgy.

I opened my mouth to help clear things up, but, again, somepony had to interrupt.

And, we’re back to vore.

“If it bothers you so much, no, I don’t actually mind.”

How is RD’s bothering connected to Rarity’s minding? Rarity doesn’t mind that RD is being bothered? And you tell Pinkie Pie not to mess with ponies’ heads, Rarity?

Rarity was on her haunches now, a teacup hovering in front of her. She took a sip, made a face, then levitated the cup back to the table.

This one?

Meanwhile, everypony gaped at her. Except her own marefriend, who devolved into a laughing mess on the floor. I found this very concerning.

I’m assuming they all laughed at Rarity. I guess only my head was confused by what she said.

I opened my mouth to voice that concern,

You’re late, Twy, everypony’s already gaping. Get with the trend!

but Fluttershy... Was everypony doing this on purpose?

I’m so confused. What did Fluttershy do? The last I saw her she was hiding behind her mane.

“So you don’t mind seeing Pinkie kiss, um, other ponies?”

Who said that?

“I’m too used to her antics,” Rarity sighed and watched her marefriend giggle and roll all over the room, “so I let her do whatever she likes.”

Has this been going on since you were fillies? There wasn’t just a kiss from first chapter was there. Rarity, do you have some more explaining to do? I wonder how Pinkie Pie will try to calm RD down after you do. Perhaps a kiss just won’t cut it anymore.

“So no more fighting, Dashie! Rarity luuurves me!” Pinkie Pie sprang up and put a foreleg around Rainbow Dash to give her a noogie. For some reason, everypony got flustered at this. Except me. It wasn’t like the kiss, so I didn’t get what the fuss was about.

I can relate to you, Twy. I don’t get it either.

“And you love her too, right?”
I didn’t mean to sound skeptical. I didn’t even realize I said it outloud until I thought I saw Pinkie Pie shoot me an offended look, but that could’ve just easily been my imagination.

Oh, no, Twy is losing her grip on reality.

Pinkie put on a grin so wide, her cheeks tensed to keep it from bursting her face. Even her voice sounded overly bubbly when she chirped, “Of course I do, silly filly!”

Kissing Rarity for no romantical reasons (chapter 1), not minding Twy joining the sex scene, kissing RD. I don’t know.

She pounced at Rarity from behind, pink legs wrapped snug around white neck. Her lips puckered out for an over-the-top smoochy face and proceeded to pepper Rarity’s cheek with wet kisses. Rarity struggled to maintain her composure, but her efforts eventually faltered. Soon, she was leaning her head ever so slightly to meet each kiss.

Going out of your way to demonstrate your position after you’ve been called out on it is not the best tactic for winning an argument.

“That’s rather sweet, darling, but we ha-YAHN!”

So, there really is more to it than this, isn’t it, Rarity?

Rarity suddenly shoved Pinkie Pie away, much of her white coat glowing in a full body blush. Pinkie had her tongue out between lips shaped into a devious smirk I’ve never seen her wear before, and the audacity to giggle-snort at her crime. This incensed her marefriend even more and a rolled up magazine flew in from who-knew-where to bop the party pony on the head.

In order for Pinkie Pie to steal Rarity’s tongue, she must have ‘received’ it in her mouth. So, who exactly is the criminal in this crime?

“Pinkie Pie! We have company!”


“And that’s okay!” said Pinkie between giggles that soon turned into guffaws. I didn’t understand what she meant by that at all. A glimpse of Rarity’s raised eyebrows told me that she probably didn’t get it either.


When the laughter subsided, Pinkie Pie trotted up to Rarity’s side again and pulled her in an embrace much gentler than the one earlier.

After the orgy? You have some pacing issues here. Orgies usually last longer.

She nuzzled a spot under Rarity’s chin, occasionally moving up to offer a peck on the cheek. Rarity was still scowling, though she didn‘t do anything to protest. Soon, even her scowl melted into an expression that brought only one word to my mind: bliss.

What about the ‘We have company’ argument?

“You’re incorrigible.”

incorrigible = Impervious to correction by punishment

“And I love you, too!”

Is that the safe word?

At that, I cleared my throat and brought out all the sincerity I could muster. “In any case, I’m happy for the both of you.”

Let’s examine the cases, shall we?

Select Case (Pinkie Pie loves Rarity also)
Case True
Twy is happy for both of them.
Case False ‘Their love isn’t mutual because Pinkie Pie doesn’t love Rarity
Twy is happy for both of them.
End Select

Twy, don’t you care about Rarity?

“Oh, you two make such a cute couple!” chimed in Fluttershy, beaming at everypony. She seemed to be waiting for something, but after a few moments of dead air, she nudged Rainbow Dash with a wing.


“I guess it’s a’ight.” Rainbow Dash didn’t seem completely out of her stupor yet. But before Fluttershy could do so much as look concerned, Pinkie Pie had pulled everypony into a group hug.


“Aww, shucks. Thanks, girls!” piped in Pinkie’s voice within our five-pony pile.

But only Twy, in her schizophrenic ravings, and Fluttershy commended you. Generalization much?

Wait, somepony’s missing...

Also Spike, again...

“Applejack, why in Equestria are you not joining us?” I traced Rarity’s gaze to the said farm pony sitting at the table, seemingly content to watch us from that distance. That was, until she shook her head hard enough to make her hat fall off.

Two orgies later, Applejack couldn’t even stand anymore

“Huh? Sorry, y’all.” Applejack let out an exaggerated yawn, made a scrunchy face, then briefly looked at the ceiling. “I musta fell asleep with my eyes open.”

Oh, so this was indoor? Why was I picturing it outside?

“Well, do wake up and come over here, darling. You’re missing out on a group hug!”

Join the orgy, or the orgy will come to you.

Applejack picked up her hat and joined in between me and Rainbow Dash.

It’s polite to mention others before oneself, but I guess Twy is just to high for that.

After a few minutes of hugging and cuddling each other, we all settled around the table for our meal.

Them orgies sure don’t last long.

Pinkie Pie was daring Rainbow Dash to pour extra-hot-rainbow-level-spicy sauce on her pancakes.

Yes, making others suffer after you suffered makes it all better.

Fluttershy and Rarity seemed to be engrossed on some juicy gossip, both their faces flushed.

Is Flutters into vore also?

Beside me, Applejack was poking her alfalfa in disinterest.

And you were just stalking everypony like you always seem to be doing, Twy?

“Not hungry?” She didn’t seem to hear me, though she shrugged and stopped poking her food.

I don’t know whether I’m hungry or not?

“Shoulda seen it sooner,” mumbled Applejack, mostly to herself. I followed her withering gaze to Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash poking and teasing each other. I couldn’t help smiling at the sight of my friends enjoying themselves, but something in Applejack’s statement worried me.

Wait, is Applejack going to pull a Rainbow Dash? Haven’t we been through this already?

Especially when I noticed Rarity watching the same scene, before heaving out a sigh then looking away.

You’re not the only one Pinkie Pie loves, are you, Rarity? Pinkie Pie loves everypony. Literally.
Also, that was the last line of the chapter and I still don’t know what BSOD means.

4249236 I have trouble scrolling down your comments.

You wrote more here than I ever wrote on my stories! :raritycry:

4289325 Hello. Please forgive my friend Dragor here. He did that on my request for feedback. :twilightsheepish:;;;

Thank you very much for your review! I greatly appreciate it, and I'm so happy you loved reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. :heart: Pinkie is such a joy to write and I'm glad you loved my take on her (and the banter that ensued). :pinkiehappy:

I'm sorry to say that the next chapter is still far from being complete. On top of real life getting in the way, Chapter 3 is huuuuge and I can't split it due to my chosen format of 1 chapter = 1 sleepover. I estimate it would more than double my word count once I get to publish it; it's that long. Upside is there's more story to read once I get it done. :twilightsmile:

Oh, and about what you said here 4382513 ...do you really want to know the answer to that? :trollestia:

(before reading) I wonder how this'll turn out, a romantic comedy about a sleepover! :twilightblush:

(After reading) :rainbowderp:...............(It means I like it, I barely like sensual/ clop-like fan fics, but it was both funny and... wow xD)

It's a REALLY great story! I guess I can't wait to see more! :raritystarry:

It's been ages since I've read this. Months, I think. Likely April. And it's still just as enjoyable now as it was back then.

Of course, my problem with this is that it hasn't been updated in so long. I'm being selfish in saying that, since I know you have, you know, real life stuff and all. In a sense, I'm just blurting out and screaming, "More!"

Seriously, I love this, and I don't know why I haven't fav'd it earlier. I'll take care of that, and I really hope this gets updated. I know you're working on it, and work at your own pace. Don't let my greedy needs get to you.

RariPie is always brilliant!

Didn't quite realize what I was getting into with this one... big change in style between the two chapters... sort of out of the blue...

I question how much time passed between the two chapters... as it seems like maybe a year or so...

Other then you have what could be a really interesting plot about non-monogamy and polyamory here. I'm not one to try my hoof at writing a romantic story, but it would be interesting to see someponies interpretation of the troubles that come up between non-monogamous couples... Just saying if Rarity really is in to Stallions... but also into Pinkie Pie, maybe she is trying to be okay with Pinkie being with other Mares so that she could also be with some stallions... not an uncommon thing in the polyamory/ open relationships world...

Also looking at all the comments I realize i'm a bit late to the party... well here's hoping we will see more of this soon.

I command you to finish this story.:coolphoto:


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