• Published 14th Mar 2014
  • 1,514 Views, 24 Comments

SMITE- Of Gods and Ponies - Guy who Buried his Head

Gods have been in battle for as long as time itself. Gods of the sky and earth, war and love, deceit and justice. But a new being enters the battlefield. Not a god, not a demon, not a spirit. But a little purple pony named Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

Chapter V

Twilight slowly backed away from the specter in front of her, her breathes shaky and shallow. The black and silver being drifted forward, his mask hiding his emotions... if he had any.

"What's the matter?" He asked mockingly. "You look like you've seen a ghost." He cackled. Not only did Twilight fear she would be killed, but something much worse. Twilight had to do something, but she could hardly look him in the eyes. She worked up the courage to call out.

"B-Bastet! Where are you!" She shouted, looking around the empty lane. "I need help!"

"Don't waste your time. Your soul already belongs to me..." The spirit said, raising the scythe high over his head. As he arced it down, Twilight narrowly avoided it, but numbing pain rang through her nerves. Her hooves struggled to support herself. Twilight felt her side dripping blood, and her breathing shallow after just one hit. "You're a nimble one..." The being's voice remarked, moving closer.

The unicorn launched more energy at him, and rushed toward him, despite her wound. The specter readied another swipe of his scythe, but Twilight only teleported behind him mere inches from the blade. But once behind him, Twilight didn't land another blow. She just ran. She ran as fast as her hooves would carry her. She felt her body growing heavy, and her vision blurred.

"I've got you now..." Her attacker cackled, as his black wings expanded in size. They flapped loudly, lifting him high into the sky, following Twilight with deadly precision. She was so focused on just fleeing... how far had she been running? Twilight failed to notice a wide golden disc of light appearing around her hooves.

"Twilight... can you hear me?" Athena's voice asked in her mind. "Keep moving. I'm on my way."

Twilight's body told her to stop. It hurt too much, and she knew it all too well. But her mind told her it was not over yet. She closed her eyes and took a dive for safety.

As the specter darted towards the weakened mare, The ring of light warped into a pillar, from which Athena descended. She slammed down from the sky with tremendous force, shield raised towards the dive-bomber. He rammed his scythe into it head on, causing Athena to skid off her feet from the impact. Twilight kept running, and banked into the jungle to avoid being followed further.

Athena slowly got to her feet. "You... stay away from her, Thanatos." She said between breaths. She raised her spear and shield once more.

The winged demon, Thanatos looked around. Twilight was long gone. "You've denied me a fresh soul to reap. I suppose I might as well take yours instead." Thanatos readied his scythe once more, blade angled to swipe at Athena.

The goddess gripped her shield and spear tightly, waiting for an opportunity. After a few tense seconds, Thanatos's twitched in the slightest motion, and Athena made a quick counter. Charging head on, Athena blocked Thanatos's scythe, and grazed his side with her spear. The reaper strafed and arced another swing, which raked Athena's shoulder. Rattled, her shield dropped from her hand, forcing Athena to keep moving and send several quick thrusts. Thanatos backed away, dodging each blow with ease.

The goddess of wisdom made quick strides around Thanatos, until he was in between Athena and her shield on the ground. She rammed her gauntlet into Thanatos and followed through, rolling him onto the ground and picking up the shield on the way. Athena landed him flat on his back, spear directly under his jaw. She was ready to end it here, but she felt a cold sting on her side. Glancing downward, She saw the sleek blade reaching around her and resting at her skin, just enough to puncture her tunic and draw blood.

"Stalemate." Thanatos hissed slyly. Athena jammed her heel into Thanatos's joint, only to feel the scythe slice a little deeper. "I won't be afraid to take you down with me..."

"If I must be killed for my allies..." She growled through her teeth. "I will pay the price." Thanatos swung the scythe as the spear was lunged down...


Twilight's breath was short and painful, as she collapsed on the jungle floor. Her legs ached, and she was terrified.So many 'why's floated through her head. 'Why does it hurt so much? Why did Sun Wukong have to die? Why am I even here?' And most importantly, 'Where are my friends?'

Twilight's ear twitched as she heard something deeper in the jungle. A loud, angry voice. But it didn't seem to be directed at Twilight. There was a second voice, less aggressive than the first. Twilight tried to listen.

"No! I can't kill her!"

"Dammit, Neith! You must! For the clan!"

Neith... there was the name again. Despite her injuries, Twilight limped closer, staying concealed in the bushes. When the speakers were visible, Twilight's eyes widened in shock. The first thing she noticed was Bastet. She lay on the ground, with what appeared to be white strings rooting her to the ground. One of Bastet's arms was bleeding, the wound covered by her other hand. But the most discerning thing about her was her eyes. They were filled with fear. Twilight hadn't seen fear on any god's face.

Another god lay on the ground. A large, bearded man, wearing a horned helmet and armor of leather and fur. He too was bleeding, with wide scratches across his already worn face. He was kneeling on the ground, clutching his spear to stay upright. A small plate of metal rested upon his right eye, hiding part of his aged, scowling gaze.

Between the two, was another woman, unscathed. Neith. She wore a tan linen garb and heels, with bracelets around her wrists and ankles. Her hair was black and cut straight, with an intricate headdress upon her forehead. She had the same look of despair Bastet held, as she pointed a large recurve bow towards the cat goddess. An arrow was between her fingers, primed to be shot. "I... no..." She stuttered, her fingers twitching on the string.

The bearded man coughed violently. How old was he? "Neith..." He said, calmer. He rose to his feet, plucking his spear out of the ground. "If you will not do so...I will."

Neith's eye's widened. "Odin, you can't! It's not any better! Please, I beg you!"

"It's either you or me. It must happen. Kill her." Odin stated. Even Twilight could tell he had a commanding presence. His voice seemed full of wisdom and experience, almost impossible to deny. Neith's hands balled into fists, and a shimmer of a tear dropped off her cheek.

"Bastet... please don't hate me for this." She sobbed. She pulled the string back, and a smoky white arrow appeared in her hands.

Bastet looked down at the white strings holding her down. "No need..." She muttered. As Neith released the arrow, Twilight charged from the bushes. "Stop!"

Odin and Neith took their eyes off Bastet for a brief second, who's claws ripped at her bonds. She made a long leap over her captors, lashing Odin with her claws.

"Gah! You mangy litt-" Odin shouted, before Bastet landed, and three enormous panthers leapt from the bushes next to her. One sniffed the scent of fresh blood, and lunged at Odin, claws and teeth gnashing against against him for the taste of flesh.

Neith turned with her bow drawn, firing arrow after arrow at the vicious cats, giving time for Bastet to pick up Twilight and escape. The cat goddess carried Twilight deeper into the woods, stopping behind the large trunk of a fallen tree. Only the sound of their heavy breathing broke the stillness of the woods.

"Who... what happened?!" Twilight shivered, her vision growing blurry and red from the loss of blood.

"Neith... and she's working with Odin." Bastet answered.

Twilight Sparkle looked over at Bastet. "That... that name you mentioned."

"Yes. She and I are very good friends."

"But... why are you fighting? Why was she ready to kill you!?" Twilight asked in disbelief.

"The gods need power, Twilight, there is no denying it. Power from mortals. Belief. How we achieve it has torn a rift between many of us. I want to believe th-" Bastet said, before pausing. Her ears twitched, and cursed under her breath before cupping a hand over Twilight and laying low against the ground.

Twilight flopped onto the ground as well, confused as to what Bastet was doing. Until... she heard a voice... a familiar, sinister voice from behind their only source of cover.

"Bacchus, you bumbling drunkard, enough toying around! I know they went this way!"

It was Agni. The mere sound of his voice gave Twilight an uncomfortable burning feeling.

"Aah... Lighten up ya *hic* sourpuss..." Another voice said, drastically different from Agni's. It slurred quite a bit... and sounded tipsy. "They couldn't have gotten far... Wanna sip?"

"Keep your jug of filth away from me! We've got towers to take down, and it's not going to happen with that cat and horse lurking around." Agni fired back.

"Horse? Ya mean like that Guan Yu fellah?"

"No, you buffoon. A unicorn."

Bacchus let out a hardy laugh. "Ah ho ho ho! A unicorn?! You must be drunker than I am! *belch*"

"You disgust me. At any rate, I'll burn down this whole jungle if I have to." Agni replied.

Bastet slowly removed her hand, as Twilight knew to stay quiet. She slowly peered over the trunk.

She saw Agni and Bacchus, facing away from her and Twilight. The round god known as Bacchus carried a large vat of wine in one hand, a massive leg of turkey in the other, and his toga reeked of wine and a lack of bathing. Bastet ducked back down before she could be spotted, and silently mouthed a few words to Twilight: "Return to base."

Twilight nodded, channeling her power and vanished in a blink of yellow light.

As she left, Bastet peeked back around. Fortunately for her, Twilight's departure went unnoticed.

"They might've fallen back already. Who knows where they are?" Agni's twin heads muttered.

"They could be dead." Bacchus added. Agni simply scoffed.

Without warning, a ring of darkness formed around the two.

"Hey! Whazzat!?" Bacchus shouted, falling backwards in the process.

"Where are you? I can't see!" Agni cried, looking around in vain.

Seeking the perfect opportunity, Bastet deftly leaped away, knowing her escape was covered. She bounded deep into the jungle, finding herself in the right lane, and in front of Xbalanque.

"Good to see you made it out alive." The hunter smirked. "Are you hurt bad?"

"I'll be fine. Thanks for the escape. They nearly found Twilight." Bastet sighed, taking the time to rest.

"We're nearly there. Got some towers in the way, though." Xbalanque said. "We could take the Fire Giant, too."

"Just like old times, huh?" Bastet asked, seeing a line of minions march toward them.

"I suppose. I still don't like that horse though."

"Her name is Twilight. And she's doing fine. Don't ruin it for the rest of us."

Xbalanque paused, before picking up his bola and jogging to the tower. "Let's just go. I don't like to waste time."

Comments ( 10 )

this entire time I'm mentaly chanting "Ambush Vegar Ult, Ambush Vegar Ult, Ambush Vegar Ult, Ambush Vegar Ult" ..... I play too much lol :derpytongue2:

4792074 I'm afraid I have no Idea what that means...

4813883 in league of legends there is a mage named Vegar and his ultimate deals a ton of damage plus 80% of the targets ability power in the endgame he can one-shot most champions with his skill combo seen here with the best example at 0:17~

and this enables him to out play most magey characters

I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and guess two of Twi's abilities.
Ultimate is the Ursa Minor. For a name? Probably just Ursa Minor.
Passive is a weaker Book of Thoth. Maximum stacks would be 50 and the power increase would be 1% of max mana. It would be called Scholar.

4912617 I hadn't even mentioned a passive. I just figure she'd be a regular damage-y mage.

But now that I think about it, an MLP MOBA doesn't sound that far off...

You may not have mentioned it, but I aimed to guess based on what we know of Twilight in general.
(on the topic of an MLP MOBA, RD would be a ripoff of Mercury...it makes the most sense)

I would be amused if Twilight was the first of a new pantheon...

The Equestrian Pantheon! Featuring the 6 elements of harmony, Celestia and Luna, and the embodiment of chaos known as Discord
That would be one hell of a team :twilightoops:

PLEASE put Khepri in here! :rainbowkiss:

5563097 Amen to that!! Cadance too for shit and giggles if she and Aphrodite met?

5563097 Fluttershy would be a great Jungler. "Oh, Mister Boar? How are you today?" *has heart attack*

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