• Published 14th Mar 2014
  • 1,514 Views, 24 Comments

SMITE- Of Gods and Ponies - Guy who Buried his Head

Gods have been in battle for as long as time itself. Gods of the sky and earth, war and love, deceit and justice. But a new being enters the battlefield. Not a god, not a demon, not a spirit. But a little purple pony named Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

Chapter I

Nothing. That's usually how most things seem to begin. From emptiness. But something always comes forth, something from nothing. Twilight Sparkle never believed such a thing was possible. To her, everything is made from something else. Nothing just appears. As she looked up at the cloudy sky, her mind wandered like usual. Thinking. Examining. Pondering. She was in one of her 'trances'. Where she would simply stare out the window, thinking of things bigger than herself. Bigger than ponykind. "How did we get here?": the question rattling around in her brain for the past half hour.

"More cocoa, Twilight?" A voice asked, breaking the stillness of the library. The mare looked to her side, only to see Spike handing her a mug of a steaming hot brew.

"Thank you, Spike." Twilight responded, lifting the mug and returning to gaze out the window.

"You've got that look again." Spike noted.

"What look?"

"That thinking look. You're thinking real hard, aren't you?"

"I guess I am." Twilight smirked, taking a gentle sip. "Where do you think we came from?"

"Our... parents?" Spike replied, unsure.

"No. I mean... everything." Twilight followed up. "What made Equestria, no, the world?"

"It's not like I could tell you. Your guess is probably better than mine."

"Aren't you curious? Wouldn't it be simply amazing to know how things like ponies and dragons came to be?"


Twilight's eyebrow twitched, turning to the little dragon. "'Nah'?" She repeated.

"Maybe we weren't meant to know."

"Humor me, Spike. Make a guess."

"Fine. Maybe... some big super pony?"

Twilight chuckled, nearly scalding her tongue as she drank. "You don't actually believe a god is responsible, do you? Besides, the Princesses are the only thing closest to gods."

"Well... something had to be before them, right?" Spike asked.

Twilight paused. He had her stumped. She gazed out the window again. "Gods are impossible. If they really did exist, they'd prove their existence." Her tone sounded serious.

"You asked." Spike replied, making his way out of her room.

The harder Twilight thought, the more she stared into space. And the more she stared, the less she noticed her body growing lighter...

Spike heard a mug shatter on the floor, and he quickly turned around. The cocoa was spilled over the floor, the mug in pieces, and Twilight... wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Twilight!"


Twilight hardly felt any change. She felt like she was still sitting in her room. Except instead of her bed, she rested upon a stone tile floor. Instead of a cloudy sky, she looked at well sculpted white marble columns decorated with blue tapestries. And instead of her faithful Spike, she was in the company of several... things.

"You are not Nu Wa." An angry voice growled, grabbing her attention. Twilight turned toward the speaker. A reddish-pale creature, standing on two legs. It was covered in another beast's pelt, a jaguar that draped over his shoulders and head. On one arm was a round stone disc, and white feathers on the same arm, on his shoulder and elbow. The other hand carried a small bola, and a long blowgun rested upon his back. Twilight was roughly at its knee height. "What are you?"

Twilight backed away in fear. "W-what's going on? What's a 'New-Wah'?" She stammered, only to back into another beast.

A monkey. A large ape with a large, wooden staff. It looked like it weighed a ton, but he carried it on his shoulder like it was nothing. It's hairless body was still big and muscular, only his head and tail seemed primate-like. And even more oddly, it wore pants.

"Now I've seen everything." The monkey chuckled, picking Twilight up by the head, and scanning over her relatively small stature. "Are you some kind of new minion?"

"I am nopony's minion! Let me go!" Twilight cried, flailing her hooves in the air. The monkey dropped her, causing Twilight to land on her hooves.

"Enough, you two! You're scaring it." A third voice answered. Twilight wasn't too enthusiastic about this one, either. She'd seen cats like Rarity's Opalescence, but at least those kind were small and fluffy. Twilight started at a tall, lanky, black cat. A similar shape as the other two, except... different. While the monkey and the pelt-wearer had thick arms and broad shoulders, this cat's body was thin at the waist, and... shapely at the chest and hips. It's face was certainly cat-like, along with a tail and claws to match. In one hand rested a golden whip, split into several other ropes. She knelt down gently to Twilight. "You'll have to excuse my partners here. They haven't... well, none of us have ever seen anything like you. What is your name?"

Twilight took a deep breath. The first step towards any explanation. "My name is Twilight Sparkle." She said calmly. "Element of Magic, subject of Princess Celestia."

The pelt-wearer scoffed. "Royalty." He sneered, disgusted.

"Lighten up, X-Ball." The monkey snickered, nudging his shoulder. "Alright, 'Twilight Sparkle'." He said, letting the name roll off his tongue for the first time. "Why are you here instead of Nu Wa?"

There was that name again. "Um... I'm sorry. I don't know how I got here. I don't even know what Nu Wa is."

"Not what. Who." The cat corrected. "She's the goddess who's supposed to be here."

Twilight's mind came to a screeching halt. "Woah, woah, woah. Goddess." She said, trying to confirm the situation.

"Yes, that's correct." The cat answered.

"A goddess is supposed to be here instead of me." Twilight continued.

"Are you dense? Of course she is." The pelt-wearer sneered.

"First off, gods cannot exist. There are no deities, spirits, demons, or whatever you wish to call them." She said sternly. "Second, I'm not taking her place, am I?"

"You may want to rethink that first statement." The monkey replied. "Because you're looking at gods, in the flesh."

Twilight's eyes widened. "Y-you're gods?" She stammered, her knees shaking. "All of you?"

"Oh, how could I be so rude?" The cat asked. "I forgot to introduce ourselves. This is Sun Wukong, the Monkey King." She said, and the tall primate smiled as he balanced on the edge of his cudgel.

"Xbalanque, the Hidden Jaguar." She continued, gesturing towards the pelt-wearer. "And I am Bastet, the Cat Goddess."

"One moment." Sun Wukong noted. "Where's Athena?"

"Oh, I nearly forgot. Come, Twilight Sparkle. I'll introduce you to her." Bastet said.

Twilight didn't respond. She kept staring up at the three, her body twitching at the revelation of real gods in front of her. "I-I-I-'m gonna need a m-m-m-minute." She stuttered, before her vision grew hazy, and her throat felt dry. Her head spun and spun, until she could take no more.

Right then and there, Twilight fainted.