• Published 27th May 2014
  • 685 Views, 115 Comments

How to Become Top Dog - Raymanguy

Greed, a diamond dog, wants to live a sophisticated life and Rarity is the only one who can help.

  • ...

Can't we talk about this?

"Miss Rarity, can't we talk about this in a mildly civilized manner?" Greed pleaded. He saw her magic envelop the open sign and flip it over to closed, "Oh come on."

"Nopony is here. Please leave and never return."

"Aren't you just judging me solely based on your previous experiences?"

"Very much so, yes," Rarity replied through the safety of the door.

Greed sighed, "I just want to talk to you...please," There was silence for a moment then Greed heard the locking of multiple locks. He facepawed. Well, if she wasn't going to talk with him civilly, he was going to have to get a little uncivil to get her to listen. He waled around to the next closest window and peeked inside. The room he saw was filled with elegant dresses and suits. Each displayed on either and mannequin or hanging on a rack overflowing with clothes. Greed tapped on the window.

"Please, just give me a chance. I can explain everything if you just let me?"

Rarity's head poked around the doorway. Greed tried to give her a smile but she recoiled so clearly he had done something wrong. Or maybe not because she actually trotted over to the window.

"Thank you Miss Rarity. Now-" but he was cut off as she sharply closed the curtains with her magic. Greed sighed, his annoyance of the current situation evident. He put his ear up to the window and heard her trotting away. The soft clop of her hooves was replaced with the loud clop of hooves on wood with the sound trailing up and to the left. "She's going upstairs," Greed thought. He looked up and saw another window that he assumed lead to the second floor. Only difference from the window he was standing at now was the above window was open. He thought about this for a moment.

"On one paw," He began to himself, "If I climb up there I might be able to talk to her. I think i can reach that window so that shouldn't be a problem. On the other paw, doing that wouldn't exactly help my point that I am not trying to harm her or anything." He stood there for a moment, weighing the options in his mind. Then he shrugged and took a few steps back. Greed got down on all fours, stretched out his legs (all of them), and began running full speed at the side of the house. Less then a paw and a half away from smacking into the wall, he jumped with all his might and reached out a paw toward the second story window. A single claw tapped the window sill and then he began to fall. Greed tried to run up the wall but to no avail. He tried one last jump and this time his front paws grabbed hold of the window. He pulled himself up, his torso halfway in the room. It appeared to be a bedroom but also some kind of work area too. Different fabrics of many hues. There were even mannequins up here. Greed paused mid-thought and mid-torso. If this was both a bedroom and a work area, then she'd be-


The door knob glowed for a short second before swinging open. Rarity trotted into the room muttering to herself something about vile beasts. Her eyes looked over her bedroom as though taking inventory which she actually was doing internally. "Let's see, She thought, "I have silk, and there's my cotton. Hmm, over there are the striped and diamond patterns. Good, and there's my diamond dog and of course-" Rarity's eyes slowly moved back toward the window where the mutt smiled sheepishly.

"Uhhh," Greed began, "I can explain."

Rarity's dumbfoundedness rapidly subsided as she trotted over to the window. She stared at him for a moment. He looked back at her, clearly waiting for her to make the first move. Which she did. Rarity stood on her hind legs and brought up her forelegs then down on his paws. She did this repeatedly shouting, "YOU..WILL...NOT...GET...ME...AGAIN!"

"I, ow, am, ow, not, ow, here, ow, to, ow, bring you, ow, anywhere!"

Rarity spun round and bucked him in the face making fly out and hanging from the window by only his paws. Her magic wrapped around the window and slammed it shut as hard as she could.


Greed yelped and fell down two stories, his back slamming onto the ground. His paws were in agony. He had guessed she would do something but not nearly cripple him. He rolled over and yelped once more when he put pressure on either of front paws, he was too weak to stand so he had no choice but to limp his way round the house. Which is exactly what he did. He limped round to the front door and sat. He was hurt, not just his paws but inside. Being rejected is one thing, but to this degree. He just sat there, hoping that she'd at least get within earshot of the door. He was going to say what he wanted to say, even if it took forever.

A long time passed. It felt like forever to Greed. Time was always a weird concept for him. Time is a killer. If you give Time the chance, it'll kill you very slowly. If you do something fun or something boring, Time speeds up or slows down respectively. For dogs, though, Time is complex. It seems to last for years at a time. Every second was faster than it should be, or at least it felt that way. When you see Time in fast forward and then look at how long Time has passed, you can easily get confused. Much like Greed's confusion now. In his head, he'd been sitting there for months but when he'd look up and see that the sun hadn't moved.It was frustrating to say the least. However, as he heard hoofsteps on the other side of the door, he felt that it might have been worth it.

"Miss Rarity?" Greed asked aloud. The hoofsteps stopped for a second before they started up again and got closer to the door. He heard somepony sit back against the door, "Miss Rarity, I just want to talk." There was no response. He came here to talk, so now he talked.

"Have you ever felt alone? I mean the real deep feeling of loneliness. The kind where no matter what you do, everyone hates you. A single glance in your direction is all you get before you're judged. Not even judged but vilified is probably the more appropriate term. I don't even have to do anything. On my way here, ponies spotted me and not a single one of them got within 5 meters of me. For what? Because of what I am. All I want is to be accepted. You're the most fancy, elegant, creature I've ever heard of and I'm here to ask for your help. Not take you away or anything like that."

Greed paused and grabbed hold of his locket, "My mom was a mare. I doubt she was my real mom but I've known her for as long as I can remember. She used to tell me that everyone was a coal. More like most of them are coals. However, sometimes when you chip away at some of that coal on the outside...you find a diamond hiding just below the surface. The problem is that those diamonds are, in fact, a rarity. I've heard of you from stories my uncle Fido told me. Just from that, I knew there was a diamond out there. I mean, you and your friends could've done for worse than just annoy my uncles and taken a few gems. I know you're a diamond and I hope you'll see that you'll shine that diamond until it shines bright.

"Even if you don't help me, you're still a diamond. Just a bit uncut<" Greed concluded. He had said what he wanted to say. Now he had to think of a place to sleep tonight. However, something happened. He heard the sound of lots of locks being undone. The door knob glowed and swung open slowly. greed turned to the open doorway and saw a Rarity with tear filled eyes.

She ran a hoof across her face and spoke with as much composer as she could manage, "P-please do come in. I just set a pot of tea on."

Author's Note:

Rarity may have come out as a bit more of a butthole than I had intended. Anyway, tell me what you think. Comment and stuff and see you guys, hopefully, in the next chapter. Thanks for reading.

Comments ( 104 )

Well, given her interactions with the diamond dogs, it's forgivable. Greed's speech was surprisingly eloquent, in spite (or perhaps, because) of its simplicity. :fluttercry: It's surprising that he knows so many terms (maybe an issue to be addressed in the next chapter).

Maybe.:twilightsheepish: The next chapter will be a decent amount of exposition and that might be explained over tea.:pinkiehappy: I'm glad you liked the chapter.:twilightsmile:

I hate it and it's horrible. :moustache::heart:

4543993 I didn't say anything! :fluttershbad::heart:


I hate it and it's horrible.


4544019 You have no proof I said that! :raritydespair:

I just showed you proof!:fluttershbad:

4544034 Those words are altered! :raritydespair:

Still canceled!:fluttershbad:

I shut up the story!:fluttershbad:


You said it was horrible again!:fluttershbad: *cancels*

Now no one will ever get to see all the cool stuff I had planned like the weird love triangle:fluttershbad:

4544246 Don't cancel this shit! :raritydespair:

Then tell me what is good about it:fluttercry:

That's what I thought!:fluttershbad:

4544610 I'll read it after I finish watching Game of Thrones season 4! I promise! :raritydespair::heart:

It'll be gone by then:fluttercry:

this has pleased me good sir keep it up cause dis is gonna be goooooooooooooood

Why thank you my good fellow. Tis absolutely smashing for you to think so. :moustache: I hope you will enjoy what is to come.

Well, from reading this I spot some little things that need to get fixed, eh. Maybe you should get an editor to do some minor work or double check your work. :twilightsheepish:

But despite that I enjoyed this, eh. :heart:

It sucked.

How am I supposed to get an editor when I have an insane fear of rejection?:twilightsheepish:

4583072 Uuuuuh, ask a friend? :fluttershyouch:

I don't have a friend that's an editor though:twilightsheepish: I don't wanna waste a friend of mine's time on my garbage writing.

4583347 *Hits you* Well, edit it yourself. :pinkiecrazy:

Do you think I don't try?:fluttershbad:

4583375 Oooh, can I be editor!? :pinkiecrazy:

You're an editor?:rainbowhuh:

4583394 I use to be an editor for several art books. :derpytongue2:

How does someone edit art books? This interests me:twilightsheepish:

4583399 Well, you need to make sure the text's are not filled with errors, have the correct ref's, and that the pictures are attractively placed. Not too hard. :rainbowwild:

That's really cool:pinkiehappy:

4583411 Nah, it was boring as fuck! :fluttershbad:

Well, it's better than editing writing I'm sure:twilightsheepish:

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