• Published 21st Mar 2012
  • 994 Views, 1 Comments

Home? - RikuHeartsLuna

Derpy needs a new home. Where will she be welcome?

  • ...


"But... Sir, you see..."

"No! I don't give a damn for the last time! I've heard enough of you! Go, leave, now! I don't care! I'm tired of waiting on week late rent!"

Derpy would sigh solemnly as she trotted away. Sluggishly, she'd lower her head, her snout almost touching the ground as her hooves made a light "click, click, click" with each hoof step. She'd pout as she stepped into an alley-way and curled up behind a dumpster. She had no idea where she was and she didn't care. All she wanted was to get some sleep for now. As the pony laid her head against her legs, she would shut her gentle yellow hues. She looked over her thoughts and feelings, eventually coming to the conclusion that she just didn't care anymore. She began to drift off into the world of slumber and imagination. The very next morning, Derpy heard voices.

"Hey, is she alright?"

"Of course she is."

"Are you sure? She looks... Out of it to me..."

"She's fine. She's just sleeping!"

"Who... Is that?"

Derpy lightly slid open her crooked hues, her expression that of tired and lonely. "Who... Is that?" As Derpy muttered quietly, she noticed two blurry figures over her moving about. One figure appeared to be a pale yellow with a peachy pink mixed in. The
other figure looked to be dark colors, mostly mixtures of purples.

"Oh, she's awake. Good... I was worried that she needed help..."

The yellow figure moved out of Derpy's short, blurry vision, followed by the purple figure doing the same. Just then she felt something tugging her up. She'd force her hues to open a bit more to notice the figures were Twilight and Fluttershy.

"...You girls... Are... Helping me...?"

"Of course Derpy. Everypony treats you so badly. I wanted to help you."

"So did I..."

Derpy had a confused look written across her face, as the other two ponies would lift Derpy up and begin to walk her out of the alley-way. Fluttershy interjected at almost a whisper. If she hadn't been latched on to Derpy, she'd of never caught hint of Fluttershy's voice. Twilight and Fluttershy began to carry on a conversation, as it sounded, they were already deep into it before they discovered Derpy.

"So, Fluttershy, what was it you were telling me? Something about your animals?"

"Oh, yes, um... I was wondering, um, if you don't mind... Can I borrow one of your books? I'm starting to feel a little off with

tending to them all."

"Of course, Fluttershy! All you had to do was ask!"

From that point on, Derpy faded out of the conversation, her own thoughts trailing on her current problems. She was homeless, bitless, and most importantly, careless. She was ready to give up altogether, but then, she faded back to reality.

"Derpy! Are you alright? Are you hurt somewhere?"

Dery hadn't realized it, but a tear escaped her yellow orb and collapsed onto Twilights leg.

"Oh, it's nothing... I'm just having a rougher time than usual."

"Anything I can do to help you?"

Derpy's eyes lit up then. She got an offer from somepony. An offer of help! She was ecstatic.


Derpy proceeded to tell her story of the past few days, leaving a few small details like times, dates, and names.

"...And that's when you girls found me back there."

"Well, certainly, we can do something to help you."

"Well, I hope... Homeless is bad enough, but I can't afford anything on the side. How will I get my muffins...?"

Twilight looked at Fluttershy for a moment. Fluttershy just giggled.

"Well, who's house would you like to stay at? Fluttershy's or mine?"

The three ponies stood in thought, before Derpy finally bursts out.


Twilight blinked at the sudden decision, but smiled softly.

"Alright, then you may stay with me. Spike might even enjoy the company."

Derpy was overflowing with glee. For once, she would have a home she didn't have to rent out. She was able to stay there until Twilight was fed up with her. "That won't be long," Derpy thought to herself, "She'll get fed up with me within a week and kick me out."

"Well, Derpy, come on. Let's go."

"Oh. Right... "

Derpy proceeded to follow Twilight to her library. Fluttershy split up with them around half-way, telling Twilight she'd be back later for the books. Twilight nodded and Fluttershy fluttered off lightly. Derpy smiled and stretched her wings out for a moment. Twilight blinked at this, but smiled again. Derpy retracted her wings, and followed Twilight into the library.

"Spike! We have a roommate!" Hearing these words put a bigger smile on Derpy's face. "Spiiike! Where is that dragon?"

Derpy blinked. She had never seen a dragon before, but she shined with glee when she found out she would get to.

"A... A real dragon...!" Derpy exclaimed. She began to flap her wings in overjoyment. The gust blew some papers around, which Twilight soon caught with her unicorn powers. Derpy looked at Twilight soon after realizing what had happened, before crashing into the floor, forgetting to resume working her wings. Twilight just sighed and pulled Derpy into a room.

"Here... This will be your room. Just remember..."


Twilight suddenly began to go on about a long list of rules, some revolving around food and drink, some around noise level, and even some about the books, and which ones she could use when. Derpy's eyes crossed more than usual for a minute, before she closed them, shaking her head. As the words continued to flow from Twilight's lips, Derpy head began to hurt more and more. She eventually just shook her head once again.

"Uhh... Twilight...?"

"...And also, if you're going to converse with anyone, be sure that you're not interrupting my studies, unless they happen to come in handy!"


"Oh, um... Yes, Derpy?"

"...Can I try living with Fluttershy instead...? I can't keep up with all these rules..."

"Oh, sure. I'm sorry I couldn't help."

"It's... It's fine."

Then, Derpy fluttered out the door.

"Great," Thought Derpy, "That's already two houses in one day..." She clumsily trailed right above the ground, her wings slow and solemn, just like her. She stopped thinking altogether and aimlessly fluttered, hoping to go on forever this way. Too bad for her, she soon came into a collision with a building. She fell to the ground from impact.

"My, oh my! Dear, are you alright?"

Derpy knew the voice speaking to her. No one in all of Ponyville spoke with the regality this pony did.

"Y-Yes... I'm... I'm alright."

"Would you like some help up?"

Derpy's vision began to clear over, seeing the hoof of none other than, Rarity, pointing right at her. Derpy smiled clumsily and grabbed her hoof. She finally stood after a few minutes of wobbling and tripping over herself, still a bit dazed, surprisingly, from such a small impact.

"Is something bothering you? At all? You seem a little... How should I put this nicely? You seem like something has managed to climb into your life and eat away at all the things you had."

"...Good guess..." Derpy sighed as she instantly fell into a sitting position, her face in her hooves. "I have no home. I have no bits. I have no job. I pretty much lost it all."

Rarity blinked, then she sat beside the mournful mare, laying a hoof on her shoulder. Derpy looked at the hoof, then at Rarity, her usually yellow hues glazing over slowly with a reddish color.

"Please, dear... Don't cry. I'll try to help you. I might have a spare room you may stay in. Would you at least like to come inside for something to drink? You look absolutely parched."

Derpy hadn't realized this either, but she hadn't had anything to eat or drink in... Well, ever since she had lost her job. She had her usual snack like she would on her daily routine before she lost everything. She would get up, take a quick shower and deal with all of those hygienic routes, have a quick snack, go to work, come back home, and do something for a pass time, before going to bed. She imagined it was around the time she would of been half-way through work. She felt her stomach rumble, looked around, then gave a light exhale.

"Thank you, Rarity... I would really like that... "

Derpy slowly stepped inside, looking around solemnly, as to watch her movements. She noticed that everything looked so expensive, so nice. She was beginning to doubt rether she should stay there or not, seeing as how she didn't want to break any of Rarity's precious objects, especially her gems. "So many... Pricy things..." She'd think as she passed each individual costume and piece through the Beauty Carousel. Her yellow hues lit up with each thing she'd see that looked attractive to her, and some things would make her shy away.

"Right this way, deary. I'll try to find you a free room..."

"Thank you... Rarity... I appreciate it..."

"By the way dear... What happened? You never really specified besides it's been bad."

"Well... I've been kicked out of my house, because I lost my bits... I couldn't pay the rent... I couldn't get more bits because I had lost my job a few days before that..."

"Oh, dear. That's... Terrible! Simply awful! Of all the things that could happen... This is the worst... Possible... Thing!!"

Rarity would pull a red-plush loveseat over, falling over onto it as if she's fainting. Derpy would look at her with a confused look upon her face. What Rarity was doing, she had no idea.

"Um... Rarity...? It's not that bad... It's happened before..."

"What? You've suffered this fate twice now?! Of all the-"

"Five times, actually.... It's almost like I'm used to it..."

Rarity would blink and sit up, before standing. She pushed the loveseat away, before straightening herself out. Derpy giggled a bit at the performance.

"Well. I think you can stay in... Well... I don't think I have an open room, sweetie. I need all of these rooms, they all hold spare inspiration for me. Except two, one's my bedroom, the other is Opal's."

Derpy's head would lower, her smile flipping around. She'd give out a light sigh, before turning around.

"I'll... Just go, then. I don't want to be in the way..."

After she sorrowfully sulked along to the door, she turned to face Rarity. Rarity blinked, feeling a little disheartened that such a poor Pegasus had to keep searching for a homestead.

"Wait! Derpy! I could... Uh... Make you something, if it'll make you happier..."

Rarity's face lit up with red, as she smiled shlyly at the pegasus. She could usually handle showing off to her friends, but this pegasus, she needed help, some sign that someone cares. Rarity never really used her talents to show this to anybody, except her friends a few times. Derpy let a smile trace her lips gently.

"No... That's okay, I wouldn't have anywhere to put it, seeing as how... You know..."

Rarity gave off a slight laugh that hinted to anyone she was nervous. "R-Right... Take care now, you hear?"

"I will... Thank you for trying to help me."

Then Derpy just trotted off, a few tears streaming her grey muzzle.

As Derpy slowly fluttered along Ponyville, her yellow orbs traced the ground below her. She hadn't looked up for some time, but managed to catch herself right before running into a tree. She'd sigh at how near the event almost occured, then plot herself upon the ground under her. She released another, more powerful sigh. She looked to the sky, her hues twinkling with a faint expression of hopelessness and emptiness.

"I'm doomed to a life of loneliness..."

"Now, hold on jus' a minute, sugarcube. Ah don't think that's yer destiny."

Derpy's visual direction locked on to the direction of the voice, spotting the orange pony that just spoke to her.

"If yer gon' jus' quit, maybe it is yer fate. But ah can help ya' out with that lonely path yer walkin'."

"But... AJ... Can you really help me...?"

"Whut in tarnation are you thinkin', sugarcube?! Of course ah can help yer problem!"

Before Derpy had time to react, the orange Earth pony had her by the mane, dragging her to the last place she thought to go; Sweet Apple Acres.

Once the two had approached the gate of the Apple fields, Derpy felt nervous. She had been to the Acres many times before, but she never thought to ask about living there. She felt nervous, almost overwhelmed, looking around the Acres. Her hues lit up at the thought that she may get a home. Finally. Her hopes and dreams were unwrapping right in front of her.

"Sugarcube! Are ya' listenin'? Whut kinduh house do ya' prefer?"

"O-Oh... Just a simple home... Something basic that I can keep order of..."

"Well... Sugarcube... Ah gotta look 'round fer ya', but ah promise ah'll get ya' a home."

Derpy's face was overflowing with glee. Her cheeks were flaring, streams even ran down her cheeks as her yellow orbs were glowing brightly. AJ formed a smile across her face as she noticed the joy filling the disheartened pegasus.

"AJ... I... Can't believe you'd do this for me..."

"Why not, sugarcube? It's all ah can do ta' help ya' and yer issues. 'Sides, ah couldn't jus' let'cha be a lonely pony. Could ah?"

Derpy couldn't respond. She was so overcome with joy, her body began to shiver. Her wings would tightly retract against her body. She couldn't even blink. Her cheeks became red from the rivers of joy flowing down her visage. AJ ran over and wiped her face up.

"Pull yerself together. We got ta' get ya' moved in."

As AJ smiled at Derpy, she felt something deep in her chest that made her feel even more overwhelmed. Derpy's legs began to wobble, and seen before she even knew it, she fell to the ground in an unconscience state... Then reality faded away.

"Sugarcube! Are ya' alright? Wake up, sugarcube!"

It'd been five hours. Derpy's yellow orbs slowly began to slip open, as she returned to the world of Equestria. She took a quick look about her surroundings. She was laying in a bed. The house she was in had a grey-black tint about it, and the windows were old and square-shaped. The roof appeared to be very low slanted, almost like a flat roof, and the floor looked as if it were regular oak wood. Overall, the house seemed simple and peaceful.

"How are ya' feelin', sugarcube? You hit yer head perty hard out there."

"I... I fell...? No... I... Passed out, didn't I...?"

AJ nodded lightly. Derpy looked down at the bedsheets she was under.

"I'm sorry... I'm just messing up everything... Again..."

"Sugarcube, ya' didn't even notice where we were, did ya'?"

"Hmm? It's... A simple house..."

"No, sugarcube... It's yer house."

Derpy looked up, shock and happiness fighting for the dominant feeling in her figure. She noticed the smile painted on AJ's face, then allowed glee to overflow her once again.

"Careful, ya' don't wanna wet yer bedsheets with yer tears!"

Derpy flustered up and smiled a little. She was where she wanted to be. Home.

"What shall I do tomorrow?"

Derpy let her thoughts trail as she laid in her new bed. Then... She simply fell out of reality once again. Derpy found her hues slowly glazing open. She looked about slowly, before coming to the realization- She had no clue of her surroundings. Everything was bleak and quiet. Too quiet. She couldn't tell if there was anything about her, due to the immense shroud about her figure and area. The lack of illumination was so grand, Derpy couldn't help but cower against the only direction she could go. This only added to her fear when she discovered that she was being restrained to something. Chains? She couldn't tell, she was too fightened by the darkness falling heavy against her. Her yellow hues, tearing up with each movement, averted rapidly across the blank visual.

"Why... Why..." Was all she could mutter. Suddenly, she heard the soft clicking of hooves against the cold ground. She shot her vision in that general direction, flickering wickedly across the area. Before she knew it, a pony did walk out of the darkness and into her sight... Along with two other ponies. In the center proudly stood... Rainbow Dash? To her left was Fluttershy and to her right vaguely stood Pinkamena. With straightened hair. Derpy scanned the three with quizzical fear and emotionless hope. Her lips trembled as tears streamed her cheeks.

"Well, well, look at this girls. I think she's scared." Rainbow taunted the grey pegasus.

"She's... So pathetic... Can't I just take care of her now?" Pinkamena impatiently nudged on.

"She'll be quick to give in... She's not strong. She's weak." Fluttershy even added on to the insult.

Derpy shut her hues and simply laid back, sniffling occasionally, the tears now just a quiet creek across her visage. She couldn't open her eyes to look at them, she knew what they wanted, and she knew what was going to happen. She knew it was all a lie. Everything everypony told her was nothing but slander to her. She felt her knees beginning to give in. Soon after, she collapsed to the ground.

"Aww... Look... We haven't even touched her and she's already breaking down. How... Pathetic."

Rainbow Dash laughed out arrogantly, a twisted smirk across her facials.

"Well, you know, girls... I have a present for miss Derp here..."

The other two behind the arrogant rainbow raised a brow in question. Right then, Dash turned around, bucking Derpy. Derpy barely made an effort to fight, only remained still and took what damage had been done. The impact left a cut across Derpy's temple, a slight trail of blood trickling down her cheek with the tears. Rainbow Dash only laughed again. At that moment, Derpy's hues shot open. She sat up, her quiet stare skimming the area. She was in her room, the place Applejack had allowed her to stay. She gave a heavy sigh, placing a hoof against her forehead. She had been sweating a lot, but as she pulled her hoof back, a little crimson shined off of it. She got up and walked into the bath room. She flipped on the light, then looked in the mirror. To her agitation, she had a slight cut across her temple. Giving a gentle sigh, she cleaned it up and put a band-aid over it, before sitting in the bed and staring forwards.

"I have a home now... But... It's quiet... I'm alone..."

Derpy sighed once more. As she stood, she turned to look at the messy bed she had just left. She shook her head and walked down the stairs. She looked around at the interior, realizing she wasn't even used to her own terrain yet. Sitting down on the couch in the main living area, she cradled her visage in her hooves. She sat there for the longest time, her mind racing. What to do now that she had a place? Should she wait a little bit to find a job, or maybe ask Applejack if she could help on the farm? Would farm work be hard? What could a pegasus like her even do on the farm? Soon, she realized that someone was knocking on her door. She looked up from her transparent thoughts, before shaking her head gently.

"Um.. Yes? Come in."

It was Applejack.

"Hay there, sugarcube. How are ya' feelin'?"

"Not too good, AJ... I had a pretty scary nightmare..."

"Well, ya'll had me worried. Ah knocked fer a good ten minutes. But it's good ta' see yer doin' fahne."

"Thak you, AJ... For the house, I mean. It's a very nice place..."

"Sugarcube... There's sumthin' yer not tellin' me. What's wrong with ya'?"

"Oh.. AJ.. It's terrible.. I'm so lonely.. I have no one here with me.. I don't feel much better, if any at all.. I have no job.. I'm so far away from anyone I could ever be friends with besides you and the farm..."

As Derpy went on to explain more and more about how she felt, Applejack's face twisted into various feelings and emotions, from empathy, to sympathy, to slight horror, and even more. After Derpy had finished pouring herself out, Applejack stood in silence, looking off to the side. Derpy sat there, staring at the floor in despair.

"Why... Didn't ya' ever tell anyone? Yer not just some doll they can throw off to tha' sahde like that. Tha's not right. N'sides... Yer an amazin' pony with more skill than ya' credit yerself fer."

Derpy sobbed silently, her hues fixated on the floor. Applejack looked at the crying pony, then sighed. She trotted over and sat beside her, hugging the pony tightly.

"We'll pull ya' through this, sugarcube. Ah swear it."

Derpy muffled herself in Applejack's shoulder. The two sat in that position for a long length of time, Applejack simply sitting there with her green hues shut. Applejack gave a deep exhale after some time, then began to lightly move the grey pegasus. As she stood, she had noticed the pegasus cried herself to sleep on the Earth pony's shoulder.

"Hm... Adorable, she'll be fahne."

Applejack smiled lightly at the peaceful sight. As she turned to walk out, Derpy lifted her head lightly, giving the Earth pony a smile. Applejack flashed her a smile, similar to Derpy's.

"Thank you, AJ... You've made me a happy pegasus."

Applejack nodded softly, before walking out of the house. Outside, Applejack gave off a light sigh, letting a few tears free to streak her muzzle. Three hours later, Derpy slowly sat up, before taking a moment to rub her hues. After she opened them, she cowered back in fear. Her house was on fire! Somepony started a flame upon her home. Derpy's hues began to swell up, quickly bursting with tears as she cuddled against the backstabbing corner of the couch that kept her from being safe. The flames licked and swallowed at anything within five feet of her, frightening her immensely.

"What... What happened to of caused this...?!" Soon, she heard the soothing accent of Applejack and her brother, Big

"Quick! Go fetch sum water! Git sum other ponies ta' bring more with ya' ! Ah'll get her outta' that mess!"

Suddenly, a loud crash came from in the house. Inside, a piece of roof had collapsed. Derpy saw a hole she could get out of and she proceeded to jump up and dart out of the hole, flying from the site in fear. Applejack, unknowning of her escape, busted the door down. As she ran in, she noticed the blanket Derpy slept under laying in the floor. Torching. Soon, the other ponies came back with more water. After putting out the fire, they found her no where, then they noticed the hole.

"That darn pegasus! She scared tha' livin' Hell outta' me!"

Applejack then cringed, falling over on the singed ground. She winced and laid her hooves on her left front knee.

"We'll take you to the hospital!" Some of the worker ponies said, before they picked up the orange Earth pony and galloped off.

The next day.

"Applejack. Wake up, Applejack. You have visitors."

Applejack's hues slowly slipped open, the colors meshing together for a moment before everything split back to it's original state.

"Whut.. In tarnation..?"

From the left to the right, all five of her friends stood over her, all with an expression of concern. She could see, further back from them all was Derpy. She was sitting in a chair in the waiting room, holding her visage in her hooves, as she'd see many times before. Derpy's wings looked as if they'd been a bit singed, as well as a few other patches of her hair. She'd stare at Derpy for some time, before looking back to all of her closest friends. They stood in order from Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and finally Rarity. As her hues travelled repeatedly across her friends, she thought for a moment. After a few minutes, she shook her head, before sitting up and smiling weakly at her friends.

"Howdy girls..."

"Are you alright, Applejack?" Twilight.

"Oh.. Um.. How badly does it hurt..?" Fluttershy.

"You're tough, come on! You'll be fine in no time!" Rainbow Dash, being as stubborn as always, hid her worry.

"You're okay, right? Please be okay, please, please, please!" Pinkie Pie.

"My, oh my... Of all the- Well, it's not appropriate for that... But I do hope you're fine, dear." Rarity.

As all the girls continued to express their questions and comments, Applejack mainly focused on one Pegasus. Derpy Hooves. Keeping a constant stare towards the grey Pegasus, she only managed to give a small sigh.

"Derpy... Come here, sugarcube."

All of Applejack's friends froze and stopped speaking, all of them turning and stepping away for Derpy to come to the orange pony. As Derpy looked up slowly, her hues were barely even noticable as yellow. She'd been crying for so long, her eyes were tainted with red. They also looked bloodshot, as if she hadn't slept ever since. As she slowly stepped to Applejack, her lower lip quivered, like she was ready to break into another fit of tears.

"Y-Yes... AJ...?" Her voice was hoarse and scratchy.

"Ah'm glad yer alright, sugarcube... Ya'll had me worried... Ah see yer managin'... Well, about as well as me..."

Applejack would give off a fake laugh, before looking down at the bedsheets she lay under. Derpy was unable to do anything but stand there, her head hung low, her yellow mane a mangled mess with blotches of black mixed in. Applejack laid a hoof on the Pegasus' shoulder, looking dead serious at her. Derpy slowly flickered her hues to her, nibbling her lip nervously.

"Ah'm sorry... Ah should come clean with ya'll..."

All the ponies looked at Applejack with a confused face. Derpy, out of them all, was the most confused.

"Ah've been hidin' a dark secret from ya'll for a while... Ah think it's time ya'll got to findin' out."

Everypony leaned in close, keeping a close ear to the Earth pony.

"Everppony... Ah was the one who arsoned Derpy..."

It was silent in the room. No one made even a simple hoof tap. If it was possible to break something that already shattered, Applejack had done it. Derpy had seemed like she was cracked before, but she was absolutely broken. Ripped into so many pieces, she couldn't even stand. Her falling was the only sound that rung out in the quiet hospital room. One by one, the ponies began to look to Applejack, looks of curiosity, confusion, and even doubt. Applejack kept her line of vision aimed at the sheet over her, her green hues slamming shut. Fluttershy silently slipped over to Derpy after some time. She would latch on to the broken pegasus, keeping her in a tight grasp and whispering softly to her, like she would her animals. Derpy only nuzzled into her and remained silent. Emotionless.

"Everypony... Ah'm... Goin' to leave Ponyville for a while. Ah've caused enough trouble fer ya'll. Ah've got a place ah can go to. Don't none of ya'll plan to come after me, neither."

Silence. Nopony had anything to respond to that. Most of them just looked to the ground. Even Rainbow Dash had given up the stubborn act and allowed a few tears to slip down her muzzle.

"Ah'm goin' ta' get a few more hours of sleep... Then ah'm leavin'. First thing tamorrow."

Nopony said good-bye. Nopony said good luck. Get well. Or anything. Everypony just began to quietly shuffle out the door, except for Derpy. Fluttershy had to help her out, since she had lost so much will, she couldn't even move. Applejack rolled herself over. She closed her green hues. Then she fell into a calm slumber. The day seemed to trudge along slowly. It had been a week since Applejack left. Everypony had mixed emotions about the happenings from a week back, but nopony would openly speak of it. Derpy had recovered slightly, but she was still homeless and jobless. Twilight and Fluttershy had given her a few bits a piece so she could manage a while, but she knew her only true possession would be the bag she always carried on her side. Fluttershy had taken Derpy in for the week, but Derpy decided she wanted to go elsewhere after three days, seeing as how Fluttershy was already so busy with so many animals. Fluttershy detested the idea, but she gave in to Derpy's wishes.

"Derpy, are you sure? I don't mind caring for another pony and all of the animals..."

"You're... So busy... I wouldn't want to get in your way..."

"Oh, dear... You wouldn't have..."

"Still... I'd feel bad... If it's possible to feel any worse."

Derpy just gave Fluttershy that quirky smile of hers. It almost broke the pale yellow Pegasus' heart. Fluttershy nodded, they said their good-byes, and Derpy was off on her way once again. She took a slow pace, watching as she passed everypony. As she passed, she noticed Berry Punch slumped over a bench. Derpy smiled slightly, then she noticed Lyra and Bon Bon snuggled up close, she winced a little, but smiled, knowing at least they were happy. As she continued along, she watched and listened, but never interjected. She had one destination in mind, and she wanted to get there as quickly as possible. She soon arrived, not realizing how short the distance really was. She swallowed gently, then took off into the air. After a slight travel upwards, she made it to the sky city, Cloudsdale. Her yellow orbs traced the white area, looking specifically for the one pony she held a deep fear for.

"Hey, Derpy! What're you doing up here?"

Rainbow Dash quickly approached the grey Pegasus. Derpy let out a loud gasp, but she straightened herself up as best she could and faced the Cyan pegasus.

"Oh.. Rainbow Dash.. I need to talk to you."

Rainbow Dash blinked a bit, but stared at Derpy calmly with her violet hues. She'd nod softly.

"Alright. Let's talk."

"In private."

"Oh... Alright. How about my house?"

Derpy stiffened at the offer, but simply exhaled. Rainbow Dash eyed her curiously.

"You alright, Derps?"

"I'm fine... Yes, your house."

Derpy began to think about what she'd say when they arrived, and what she could do to help herself if something did happen to go awry. As she breathed in and out heavily to calm herself, they two arrived at Rainbow Dash's house. They stepped inside, Derpy shaking slightly from the nervous feeling overwhelming her. Rainbow would fall onto a couch in the house, looking at Derpy.

"What's on your mind, Derps?"

"Rainbow Dash... I need you to be completely honest with me... Would you ever hurt me?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Would you ever kick me, or purposely hurt me? Physically?"

"Why would you even ask me such a thing?!"

Derpy sighed heavily. She knew her question was a bad thing to ask. But she had to ask it because it was her last hope to clear her mind of one more heavy thought.

"I had a nightmare. The other night. The very same night... That house burned down... My house... In it, you came up to me. I was chained up, I couldn't go anywhere. You laughed at me. You kicked me right here..." Derpy put a hoof against her temple, a visible scar laying over the skin. "I was so scared that you would actually want to hurt me."

"Derpy... I wouldn't ever hurt you... You're too awesome for me to just simply kick you. I couldn't lay an abusive hoof on you."

Derpy gave a light sigh, but she still held one other fear. Pinkamena.

"That was all I needed, Rainbow Dash. I appreciate it... I need to go settle some more fears."

Derpy flew away without giving Rainbow Dash a chance to respond. Rainbow sat there, staring forwards with a bleak expression on her face.

"...Hurt... Derpy Hooves..." She'd look at her hooves and shake her head. The edges of her violet hues began to tear up.
"Why would she assume such a thing?"

Rainbow Dash stood up, walking to the door of her house. She'd stare out the door, looking over Cloudsdale. She swallowed and slammed her door shut. Derpy had left Cloudsdale and was already on the ground, walking about slowly. She passed Apple Bloom, whom had stopped her to ask her if she knew anything about her sister. Derpy blinked at the filly, then shook her head, then answered the filly.

"She... Hasn't been herself lately."

"She jus' up an' left.. Didn't even tell tha' family where she wuz headin'..."

Derpy choked back a few tears, but smiled solemnly. She hugged Apple Bloom gently, then looked away.

"Be strong, young filly... Celestia knows I have to be..."

Apple Bloom continued on her business, leaving Derpy to ponder some things in her head. After thinking, she came to the conclusion that she needed to ask Pinkie Pie about Pinkamena. The thought struck fear into her very soul. But she swallowed it down and began to fly off to Sugarcube Corner. Derpy knocked on the front door, Mr. and Mrs. Cake speeding out shortly after.

"Pinkie's upstairs!"

Derpy blinked, but stepped inside slowly.

"Pinkie Pie...?"


Derpy blinked softly, looking at the overly hyper pink Earth pony. She gave a nervous smile, her crossed hues crossing a little more than usual.

"Uh... Can I... Talk to you about something...?"

"Sure! What?"

Derpy swallowed and looked away quietly. Pinkie Pie smiled and looked at her warmly.

"...I need to talk to Pinkamena."

Derpy was one of the few ponies that even knew she existed, and occasionally, she even showed up to ask her about things that only she knew. Although, she'd never tell anypony about her, because she knew they'd end up laying on a surgery table- Next to her. She shook her head from the thought and knew she'd be near crossing too many lines already. She was willing to take the risk.

"You... Need to talk... To her...?"

Almost instantly, Pinkie's hair deflated, all of it forming a straight, beautiful mane, and her tail matching. Her expression died, becoming the dark and lonely mare residing inside the bouncing party pony. The mare shook her head softly, then stared at the grey pegasus darkly.

"Oh... You're back. What do you want?"

"I... I need to know..."

"Hurry, hurry, I haven't all day, you know. Those damn Cakes could be back any moment."

"Do you want to hurt me any time soon?"

Derpy said it a bit quick, as if she felt rushed, almost like seeing Rainbow Dash flying across the sky. Pinkamena scoffed. Then she laughed softly. Derpy felt uncomfortable hearing her laughter.

"Hurt you?! why the HELL would I hurt you?! I need you! Plus... Your number hasn't come up yet... Even if it had, I'm making you an exception."

Derpy seemed to let out a sigh of relief. She relaxed a bit, but to her dismay, this allowed her figure to shiver in fear of the pink mare. Derpy hoped she wouldn't notice, but it was too obvious. Pinkamena laughed a conceited laugh.

"You're frightened... Good. You should be. Now, get out. I've got work to do. So does... My host."

Derpy turned and rushed out, happy with the answer she had. She began to take off into the air, flying as fast as she could. The sooner she got away from that pony, the safer she'd feel. She was already slightly relieved at the feeling of air brushing her muzzle and flowing through her mane. A tear slipped down as she flew, her fear getting the best of her. She began to descend, slowing herself down. By the time she reached the ground, she was moving at no more than an infant's crawling speed, her head hung low. Everytime she spoke to Pinkamena, an immense darkening feeling overran her. She always felt like she was just a thing, not a pony. She felt like she had no well being by sticking around here. Then the idea hit her. That's when she went to the station and bought a train ticket with some of the bits she had gotten from other ponies.

"Acceptance... Please be waiting for me..."

Derpy took one last good look at Ponyville, then climbed on the train. She stood in front of the train door until it began to move, then she took a seat in one of the train cars. Seeing she was alone, she smiled at the thought she had the ability to do anything she wanted. Then she began to bawl. She placed her visage in her hooves and cried until the Conductor announced over the speaker.


Derpy sighed and wiped her face. She thought for a minute, then softly spoke to herself.

"...Opportunity is only a train ride away..."

As Derpy stared out her window, she drifted into a light slumber. Several hours later, she had awakened. She quietly looked about. They had just pulled into Canterlot's train station. Excitement filled the grey mare. She jumped up and shuffled off the train. As she got off, she looked about the phenominal structures and buildings. They filled her with awe and exasperation. She shuffled her bright wings a bit and softly trotted along the Canterlot streets, watching and enjoying everything she saw. She felt her chances in this big town were going to change her luck. She felt satisfied.

Three days after Applejack departed Ponyville.

"'Tia!" The dark blue mare ran fervently through the large and regal hallways. She'd zip past guards, who only nodded at her passing. Her hooves made the typical, "tlot, tlot, tlot" as she galloped. Her long, blue, celestial mane danced freely in the breeze created by her rushed movements.

"'Tia, quickly! We hath need to see you!"

The guards would nod at the mare as she zipped by. She paid hardly any mind to them as she rushed.

"'Tia! Please! There is much we hath need to dicuss with thee!"

Eventually, she would come up to the throne room. Panting from slight exhaustion, she'd push open the large doors.

"Oh, hello, my sister."

Celestia warmly greeted the mare. Luna ran up to her sister.

"We hath trouble, sister. There is a visitor here."

"Well, let them in. I don't have anything else to do today."

"No, sister... You don't understand... It is the orange one from Ponyville."


Instantly, Celestia felt a wave come over her. She looked at Luna with a stern glare.

"Bring her in. I'm unsure of what could drive that mare to come here unannounced..."

Luna turned and glanced at the two guards standing by the door. With a nod, she sent them off to bring the visitor in. She turned her attention back to Celestia.

"'Tia... What dost thou'st believe the mare is thinking? We are unsure of what to even imagine."

"Luna... I fear something tragic may have happened..."

Right before Luna opened her mouth, the guards returned. In behind them slowly trotted Applejack.

"Hello, yer highness'."

She'd give a nod to Luna, then to Celestia, bow, then stand straight up, only to cringe and fall into a limping state. She panted a bit from the pain, then looked up to Celestia.

"Goodness, Applejack! What happened?"

"Oh, we believe thou'st should sit..."

Luna then proceeded to help Applejack into a comfortable sitting position. The orange mare gave a sigh, then brushed her hoof over her hatless mane. She looked up to Celestia once again.

"Celestia. Ah've done sumthin' Ah shouldn't of. Ah attacked a fellow pony... Ah don't know whut overcame me..."

Celestia looked at Applejack for a moment. She released a gentle sigh, then offered a gentle smile.

"Applejack... The element of Honesty... You certainly can live up to your regards. But, for this crime... I know not what to think..."

Applejack looked over to Luna, who had a look of confusion over anger. Celestia slammed her hoof against the arm of the throne.

"No! We shall figure this out... No matter how long it will take. I've never... Faced this kind of issue... But we will figure this out and settle your punishment."

The day after Derpy departed Ponyville.

Fluttershy slowly walked through the streets of Ponyville, shying away from almost anypony she saw. Rainbow Dash zipped by overhead, followed by Pinkie Pie bouncing along after her. Twilight and Rarity ran back and forth, looking behind buildings and lifting larger things, things large enough for a pony to hide behind. Fluttershy curled up where she stood, whimpering softly.

"Oh... My..."

"Come on!"

Rainbow Dash zipped by again.

"Fluttershy! Start!"

Pinkie Pie bounced passed, following the exact trail Rainbow Dash left in the sky.


"Rainbow, don't antagonize her. She's just as worried as the rest of us."

"Can it, Twilight! We've got bigger things to do, and if Fluttershy wants to sit there and cry, fine!"

"That's not very nice, Dashie..."

"Pinkie Pie... You know she's right, darling."

"Rarity, you're taking Rainbow's side?!"

"Sorry, Twilight... She IS right, dear..."

The four would continue to ramble and argue, Fluttershy caught right in the center as they continued to yell at one another. The heat around them began to escalate. Fluttershy could feel her heart thumping in her chest.

"Well, Twilight, if you weren't such a damn egghead, we could get more lifting done!"

"What's that supposed to mean?! Coming from a lazy ass pegasus who lounges in trees half the day, at that!"

"Rarity, you're a sassy pants!"

The other three ponies laid their vision on Pinkie Pie.

"What? You guys were yelling at each other!"

Rarity, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash all facehoof'd, then they all walked opposite directions from what they were facing.All three proceeded to shout the same thing.

"FINE! I don't need you, anyways!"

Then, they bolted off, leaving Pinkie Pie to stand there in confusion. Fluttershy shuddered hard from the fear of what might happen, her hooves tightly covering her tearing blue eyes. As she cowered, Pinkie just seemed to stare forwards, as if in deep thought. After a while, Fluttershy just up and darted off towards her Cottage. Twilight had retreated to her library. Rarity to her boutique, and Rainbow Dash just began to speed around the clouds faster than her usual training routines. Pinkie finally snapped back to reality, realizing what had happened. At that instant, her mane and tail seemed to simply deflate. She began to slowly walk her way back home, contemplating all the things she could do.

The next day.

Derpy trotted down the concrete pathways, admiring the scenery and vast sophistication that no other town could match. Her eyes darted from the towering buildings to the fancy looking ponies to the stores that lined the paved roads. The speculation, the sights, it was so much to see, more than Derpy ever envisioned herself seeing. She decided that, because of these wonders, she'd have nothing other than a wonderful time while looking in Canterlot. She stopped then, and pondered...

"What am I even looking for?"

"...Wouldn't that be obvious?"

Derpy jumped at the sudden, and quite unexpected, response. She then froze, recognizing instantly the voice that replied.

"...Turns out we had the same idea in mind."

All hint of accent had been gone. Applejack, somehow, seemed almost like a different pony altogether. Her mane was cut short and straightened out, draped over both sides of her face. Her tail was knotted up in five places in a sequence.


Derpy reeled back. She felt shock, surprise, fear, sadness, anger, and strangely, happiness. She was unsure as to why she felt so strongly towards the southern pony in front of her. Applejack sighed and looked up at the sky.

"...I'm sorry..."

"...I...It's okay, Applejack..."

"No. I'm serious. I'm sorry. For everything."

Derpy fluttered her wings. She lightly took place in front of Applejack. Suddenly, to the surprise of them both, Derpy suddenly hugged AJ. She seemed unresponsive at first, but soon, she slowly hugged the grey pegasus in return.

"...Thank you..."

"...Come on, Derpy. Let's go make up for lost time."

She happily obliged, and the two began to trot off down the street of Canterlot.

Comments ( 1 )

Future tense is used way too much and also way too wrongly, often in place of past tense which would do it right. Still, it's a good concept of a story.
If you need editing help tell me about it

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