• Published 1st Feb 2014
  • 2,927 Views, 7 Comments

Forgiveness Heals all Wounds - JusSonic

Spike is still feeling depressed over lashing at his friends in "Lorcan's Wrath" and it's up to his friends to cheer him up.

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Chapter 1

My Little Pony: Forgiveness heals all Wounds

Sometimes what we say can come back to haunt us big time. It of course is the same matter in Ponyville which is recovering from the war with Lorcan not too long ago. One individual, his brother Spike, said a lot of things...most that come back to haunt him.

It all started when his unicorn friend Twilight came into the library, speaking, "Spike! Spike; I'm heading to Sugarcube Corner. Wanna come; Spike?"

Twilight looks puzzled and concerned. Weird, where is her adopted little brother? She hears some noises from the kitchen and trots in there to investigate. The mare saw a sad sight: Spike is eating ice cream; he has empty one tub and is working on another. The baby Dragon is depressed for some reason.

"Spike, are you okay?" Twilight ask Spike in concern.

"Oh...well, I'm fine, Twilight, really, I am." Spike said with a sigh while looking down, "Just...eating."

"Spike, when you eat like that, you are depressed. Something is wrong, I just know it so please tell me."

"I can't...I am fine...you go ahead and..."

"Spike...I have been taking care of you for years...and I have seen this depressed look during the battle with Lorcan." Twilight said to Spike gently. "At least come with us to..."

"I just can't! You are still mad at me." Spike said as he kept on eating himself like mad.

"What makes you think we're all mad at you?"

"I heard Rainbow refuse to help me while Lorcan was beating me. And she's supposed to be the Element of Loyalty."

Twilight is not sure as to what Spike was referring to at first. The purple mare then asks, "What? Why would you say..."

"Remember what I said to you...before I left for the Dragon Clans with Ben Mare and Nyx?!" Spike sniffs in sadness while looking down. "Remember?!"

Twilight was about to speak but then she remembers. How Spike was furious over finding a page in her journal, making it seems like she never love him and treated the Dragon like a slave, how he lash out and insulted her friends, the CMC, Nyx...and her. It took another page for Spike to realize that Twilight truly cares for him. The mare thought that the whole thing was taken care of after her adopted little brother came back to life.

"Spike...I thought we apologize..." Twilight said to Spike gently.

"I know...but I still feel bad about what I said...and I'm still worried that you are all still angry at me...how would I know that you do forgive me...when I can't even forgive myself?" Spike sobs a bit while eating some more ice cream. "If only I should've saw that page sooner...I was a rat for insulting you, my friends, Nyx...even Rarity! Oh, what have I done?"

Spike kept on sobbing a bit as he lay his head down into the ice cream tub in hopes to get himself another stomachache. The poor Dragon believes that he deserves it for insulting his good friends before.

Twilight looks concerned. Spike hasn't fully recovered yet. It's time to help him before he hurts himself emotionally or maybe physically...


Spike fell asleep a while later, so it was easy for Twilight to use her magic to float him out of the library, taking him to Sugarcube Corner. The Mane Five were there so she explains the predicament to them. They agree to go fetch the CMC and Nyx since they were amongst those who were insulted on that fateful day.

Spike kept on sleeping...until Pinkie blows a horn into his ears, causing the baby Dragon to wake up with a scream, "AHHHHHH! FIRE DRILL, FIRE DRILL! I SWEAR IT WASN'T ME!!!!"

"Wakey wakey, little Spikey Wikey!" Rarity giggles while nuzzling Spike a bit. The baby Dragon looks confused as he saw himself on the table. Twilight, the rest of the Mane Six, Nyx and the CMC are there.

"What, what's this?"

"Intervention," Pinkie exclaims while blowing a horn once more, making Spike cringes.

"Spike, Twilight told us how yew done felt bad about insulting us before a while after finding out about Lorcan...it's high time we put 'dat matter behind us once an' fer all." Applejack remarks to Spike with a smile.

"Right, yew is our friend an' we done done want yew 'ta feel terrible no more again." Apple Bloom said in agreement.

"You do? Why would you still consider me a friend...I insulted ya and..." Spike said, in concern and disbelief. He felt like his friends would still feel a hint of grudge against him for what happened.

"Yeah, I guess I am a bit peeved about what you said to me...and yeah, I didn't help you out during your battle with Lorcan...I felt bad about that." Rainbow explains to Twilight with a shrug. "And yeah, I also feel a bit bad about breaking your Magical Duo band up the third time and causing the egghead to make a death threat to you unintentionally..."

"Which I am really sorry for, Spike...and I guess it's kinda ironic." Twilight said to Spike with a sheepish smile. She straightens up while continuing, "But we aren't going to leave Sugarcube Corner until this matter is straightened."

Spike looks a bit concerned. Twilight obvious wants him to apologize and ask for forgiveness. The baby Dragon got up, saying, "Okay, yeah. So what do I do?"

"Apologize to us in the order of the ponies you insulted. Applejack is first."

"Well...okay. Applejack...I'm sorry for calling ya stubborn...and a Second Place Coward..."

"Shucks, 'dat's all right...Ah still felt bad 'dat Ah done didn't just go home an' admit 'dat Ah didn't win 'de prize money in 'de first place." Applejack explains to Spike with a smile. "Ah done was scared how ponies may blame me fer something goes wrong..."

"Kinda like when you have that bad dream during the incident with the third Nightmare Moon!" Pinkie exclaims happily to Applejack.

"Yeah, something liked 'dat."

Spike smiles a bit. So far, Applejack has forgiven him. Now he turns to Apple Bloom, adding, "Apple Bloom, I'm sorry for calling you a blank flank and for making fun of your sister. I shouldn't have gone there."

"Awww, 'dat's okay. Ah admit, Ah am sorry fer fer saying how yew don't belong...an' fer hating yew but Ah don't. Ah was upset..." Apple Bloom said while nuzzling Spike a bit.

"All right, Spike, next is Rainbow Dash." Twilight said with a smile, satisfied as to how the Applejacks forgive Spike. Now is Rainbow's turn.

"Hey, Rainbow," Spike said, rubbing his scales sheepishly. "Sorry for insulting ya...and as well calling ya an egghead and calling you out for..."

"Well, I got to admit, I was a bit annoyed...but I guess I deserve those insults and couldn't stay mad at the little guy." Rainbow said as she put her computer, the AwesomeX, down onto the table. "And to make up for holding out on your fans...I got a surprise for ya."

"What is it?"

"Oh, I transferred questions about you to your computer...which is 200 last time I check."

Spike smiles eagerly then hugs Rainbow eagerly, "You're the best, Rainbow Dash!"

"Yes, as I figure she always is." Scootaloo chuckles a bit.

"Right, almost forgot that you're next, Scoots. Sorry about insulting your idol as well as calling you a chicken that can't fly."

"Well, if Rainbow Dash can forgive, so can I! I mean, you were upset over finding out the problem with Lorcan so I can't blame you too much for being upset."

Spike is feeling a bit better. Now it's Rarity's turn. The Dragon took the mare's hoof, saying, "Rarity, my sweet Rarity. I was a dope, a fool, a jerk for insulting you and your mane. As well as wrongfully accusing you of making me a slave. I should've known better. I'm sorry."

"Ohhh, Spikey Wikey, I forgive you." Rarity giggles as she pats Spike on the head. "Yes, I know this goes the basics of forgiving too easily...but the events have shown us that if we don't forgive or do so, we will never move on. Besides, I was thinking of getting a new mane style."

"Oh, no, don't. I like your mane the way it is now that I think of. Don't change a thing to it."

"Thank you, darling. I appreciate it."

"Now it's my turn." Sweetie said, waiting for her apology from Spike next.

"But I didn't insult you...wait, scratch that." Spike said, realizing what he needs to say sorry to Sweetie for. "I insult your sister, thereby insulting you. So let's say I'm sorry and go on from there."

"That's all I need to hear."

"Fluttershy; I'm sorry that I yelled at you...called you a coward...I should've remember how sensitive you are to both. I was wrong. You are too cute for that."

Fluttershy made a 'squee' and nuzzle Spike, saying, "Spike, I never hold a grudge, even if my friends did say something uncalled for and mean. Of course I forgive you. I wouldn't call myself a true friend if I don't."

Spike smiles a bit while hugging Fluttershy happily. Most of the group is forgiving him. Now it's Pinkie's turn. Spike now said to her, "Pinkie..."

"Forgave ya," Pinkie exclaims happily as she eats a cupcake.

"But I didn't say what I should be sorry for."

"Nah! I already remember, the whole leaving folks alone, the bank account, the reality, blah, blah, blah! I know you're going to say sorry! I forgive ya, Spike old buddy old chum!"

Pinkie puts a party hat onto Spike's hat and blows a blower into his face. Rainbow laughs in amusement, "Pinkie Pie, you are so random."

Only two more ponies left to apologize to. Spike hugs Nyx, saying, "Nyx...I'm so sorry that I called you an 'it' and making you cry...what kind of brother am I to do that to his sister, even if that someone was once the biggest threat in Equestria?"

"Spike, I already forgive you...but I will do so again, because I care for you." Nyx said happily as she nudges Spike, assuring the baby Dragon that she forgives him. He smiles happily. Now all that's left is Twilight.


"Oh, good, it's the moron patrol!" A familiar voice sneers meanly. The ponies groan as they saw Diamond Tiara coming in. "Having another one of your dorky parties for the lizard? Not like he needs it."

"Diamond, will you go? We're having an intervention here." Scootaloo said to Diamond Tiara in annoyance.

"Right, we're trying to cheer Spike up and assure him that we forgive him." Sweetie remarks in agreement.

"Oh brother, like he needs it." Diamond taunts some more. The Mane Six, CMC and Spike are a bit upset. Her insults are getting on their nerves. "Face it, you're only doing so because you have no choice for the matter, maybe because the princess ordered you to do so."

"'Dat's a lie!" Applejack snaps to Diamond angrily. "We plum..."

"Please, save whatever dignity you dopes got for later."

"What the hay is with you," Nyx exclaims to Diamond Tiara angrily.

"Yeah, we saved all of Equestria time and again. Why don't you just show any respect for any of us?" Twilight demands to Diamond Tiara more than he asked.

"You wanna know why I have no respect for you, your dumb 'friends' and your lizard pet, Sparkle!" Diamond Tiara remarks to Twilight cruelly. "It's because whenever Ponyville or Equestria is attacked, they are always after you punks. We always ended up getting in the middle when we didn't ask for it. You are always the center of attention and the fact that you are all friends despite whatever arguments or flaws that you get into disgusts me."

"How dare you!" Rarity exclaims, outraged by Diamond Tiara's comment.

"Our friendship is real!" Pinkie exclaims in agreement.

"That isn't nice." Fluttershy remarks, upset by what Diamond just said.

"Just because mah sister an' her friends just into some arguments or trouble sometimes, doesn't mean they aren't true friends!" Apple Bloom shouts to Diamond Tiara furiously.

"Plus, if the bad guys do attacked us and get Ponyville involved, if we weren't around, who else can handle them?" Rainbow snaps to Diamond Tiara, challenging her to find anyone else who could handle the trouble. "We will always be there to help the innocent!

"Spike is not my pet! I care for his safety!" Twilight exclaims to Diamond, defending Spike.

"Really; well, what about he nearly froze and you all laughed?" Diamond Tiara asks Twilight with a scoff, referring to the event after a Winter Wrap-Up.

"At least we got him out of there afterwards!"

"Or how he's never invited to that pink retards parties and always left behind?"

"Hey, watch it with the name calling!" Pinkie exclaims to Diamond Tiara, upset by the mean comment. "As for why he was left behind, yes, we made some bad mistakes in doing that but we're trying not to do so again, Miss Small Meanie Pants."

Diamond Tiara kept on with the insults and reminder as she ask, "And the owl that got so much praise for ONE day, more than Spike?"

"That owl was cool!" Rainbow snaps to Diamond Tiara angrily.

"But what about the lizard; Does he get any praise while Sparkle sits on her flank all day reading books and pulling off recently organized shelves, leaving him more work to do? Any praise for saving the Crystal Empire?"

"Okay, we made some mistakes...and maybe we did act like he's a slave at times." Twilight admits to Diamond with a frown.

"But we still care for him!" Fluttershy remarks to Diamond Tiara. She hates to see the brat say that.

"But does any other pony? Why else do you think hardly any pony came to his funeral?" Diamond Tiara remarks a bit cruelly to the ponies.

"SHUT UP!" Spike yells furiously to Diamond Tiara as he runs up and got in her face. "I don't know where you get off, insulting my good friends like that! You think they and I got trouble in our friendship? What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Simple, don't think I don't know how Silver Spoon was a bit upset at times when you weren't looking. You bully those without cutie marks, you disrespect the heroes of Equestria even the princesses, and you have no respect for the dead whatsoever! I don't know what Silver even saw in you in the first place. You are a nasty, cruel brat and your friendship with her is a fake!"

"I...hang on..." Diamond Tiara said, her cold demeanor is falling due to Spike's words.

"At least I always help my friends out despite whatever problems are! Do you do that for Silver? Nope! You just let her be your blasted 'yes pony'! One of these days, you are going to end up alone and truly friendless. And you got no one to blame but yourself for your actions." Spike said, speaking last part a bit upset.

Diamond Tiara felt tears coming out of her eyes, but try to hide them. She gave a 'hmph' and leaves Sugarcube Corner without another word.

"Wow...a bit harsh, don't yew think?" Apple Bloom asks Spike in concern.

"She needs to get it through her head one of these days." Rainbow said with a frown.

"I know I will get it from Mr. Rich later...but I did what I felt was right." Spike said with a sigh. "Did I truly act like that when I yelled at you girls?"

"More or less," Nyx said to Spike with a nod.

"Man...do I feel like a heel."

"Don't worry, she deserves it." Twilight said as she pats Spike on the back, assuring him that he did nothing wrong. "Diamond Tiara's words were uncalled for."

"I mean what I said to you girls...but at the same time, I felt like hitting myself for doing so." Spike admits while looking downward. "Now, I know why I feel upset...I have yet to forgive...myself."

"Well, do so now."

Spike pauses as he think about what his times with the Mane Six, how he felt upset over being left behind and left out of the activities, how his rage and anger during the events with Lorcan almost ended his friendship with the ponies. Spike knew that he must forgive himself to move on.

"Well? Did you forgive yourself yet?" Pinkie asks Spike curiously. "Or do we need to make a clone of yourself?"

"No need, Pinkie." Spike said with a chuckle. "I already did. Perhaps I deserve some yelling or punishment myself. If I don't forgive myself for the past, I would never move to my future. So I am going to do that right here."

The ponies smiles and cheer while hugging Spike. Their friend is feeling a bit better. Rarity of course lets go, saying, "Spike, I believe that you had yet to apologize to Twilight..."

"No need; I already know my crimes...and I already forgive him." Twilight said while hugging her adopted brother/assistant. "I learned that 'to err is pony or Dragon, to forgiveness is divine'. Besides, I am stuck with you for the rest of my life so I may as well get to keep you."

Spike laughs as he and Twilight hugs each other while the ponies cheer on. And thus, another day closes in Ponyville. For Spike, his life is going to be much better, so to speak, from then on...

The End

Cast list
Cathy Weseluck: Spike the Dragon
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle
Ashleigh Bell: Rainbow Dash, Applejack
Andrea Libman: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy
Tabitha St. Germain: Rarity
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle
Madeline Peters: Scootaloo
Daveigh Chase: Nyx
Chantal Strand: Diamond Tiara

Author's Note:

Wow, an emotional short story, don't you think? Tell me what you folks think. All right, time for the next fic. This time it's an AU story, based on a request made by a pal of mine.

"Too Many Mane Sixes: Alternative version of "Too Many Pinkie Pies". If a lot of Pinkie Pies were bad enough, how much more chaos could lots of Twilight Sparkles, Raritys, Rainbow Dashes, Fluttershys, Applejacks, and Pinkie Pies could cause? "

Looks like a keeper so read, review and suggest, folks. Until next time!

Comments ( 7 )

Spike really got Diamond Tiara in this one! :moustache: However, I can't help but agree with what she said, because not only did Spike need to apologize to those he said those cruel things to and be forgiven, I feel that each of them needs to apologize to him for doing that stuff to him that DT spoke of. :fluttershysad: I mean although her words were cruel and cold, they were true, and I feel that Twilight and the others really need to apologize for their actions toward Spike by not inviting him on adventures or to parties. They need to apologize for not including him more, and most importantly, although they did apologize in Lorcan's Wrath, they really need to apologize to Spike for treating him like a slave more than a friend.

Twilight asked, well told Spike that he need to apologize to each of his friends and family for saying those cruel things, and learn to forgive himself. Well, I feel that she needs to follow her own advice, and her and the other Mane Six, the CMC, Nyx, need to apologize to Spike face to face. However, despite this rambling, I loved this one shot.:twilightsmile:

wait, so they forced him to apologize for things that are true?
wow, he is a slave.
shouldn't they be the ones to apologize?


They didn't force him. The girls are worried that Spike's depression is hurting him. They just want to assure their Dragon friend that they forgave him for him lashing out back in "Lorcan's Wrath".

You tell her, Spike!

I know that Spike had to man up for basically going all Spikezilla on everypony, though to be honest, he was right on the money.

Still, it's a fucked up thing when a bitch like Diamond Tiara actually has good points with Spike and how he's treated. I feel like I'm in bizarro world for reading that...:applejackconfused::applejackconfused::applejackconfused:

when did he make fun of them?


Well, not make fun, more like yell and insult them back at "Lorcan's Wrath".

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