• Published 27th Jan 2014
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A Circle Has No End: Volume I - Gladi Writes

Two stolen hearts set off a chain reaction that engulfs Equestria and it's new allies- the Changelings.

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Intermission: HorseSaw PACT

"The heroic tribe of changelings arrived in the dead of the night, and thanks to them hundreds were saved from the chaotic disaster that had befallen Ponyville. Many owe them their lives, and their courageous leader, Wildcard, has been decorated as a Friend of Ponyville."

Wildcard grinned to himself, and continued reading. Despite the cold air, and his sore muscles from another day of training, he was eminently happy. This article was proof positive of the change he was making.

The fact that this article was bought and paid for, and he had a person inside Equestria Daily's editing staff to censor anything that looked ill on them, was just par for the course at this point. Any lies, any subterfuge, and any underhanded dealings that were required to better integrate his people with the Equestrians were well worth it. In this case it wasn't a lie, it was a bending of the truth. Wildcard and his troop had indeed arrived at night, and did indeed help during the chaos that night, but the authorities already had it well in hand by that time. Hyperbole, that was all.

Wildcard at this point managed to convince the Equestrians that changelings should be judged on their character, not their race, and that was a huge accomplishment. He laid the newspaper beside himself on the bench, and looked out at the autumn in Ponyville while he thought.

Winter was coming early, and it was coming with a vengeance. The ponies were clearly not prepared for it, and there was an air of panic that hovered over everything. While he knew the rations would last, the citizens here hadn't had to ration in living memory. They had become used to plenty, and three month long winters. By the rate things were going this one would last six. It would be harsh as well, if winter in the Hive- which was much further south- was anything to go by. It was the middle of September, and already the last leaves had fallen from the trees.

There was no need for the running of the leaves, nature took care of that on it's own.

"Courageous leader..." Wildcard mumbled to himself, and then slipped off the bench.

Today was the second-last day of his training, and it had been a long few weeks. While he managed to work off a good amount of his "ambassadorial fifty", age meant a good portion of it was going to stay- permanently. He was thirty after all, which for a Changeling Agent was getting into honoured-elder territory. Regardless of his girth, he was in much better shape now, and ready for any challenge that might come.

Somewhat interestingly, the extra weight allowed him to shape shift into ponies taller than himself. Such as Luna, which was an interesting thought. Wildcard was no fan of suicide though, and left the idea as merely theoretical.

He trotted down the street, happily ignored by the few passerby going to and fro. The ponies of this town had long since gotten used to living amongst the more important ponies of Equestrian society, in fact Wildcard found it rather odd that Twilight was able to live here without being constantly pestered by ponies with an agenda. Perhaps they were better than that, or, more likely, they knew it to be futile. Twilight didn't seem to truly understand the power of her position, or else she was brilliant enough to make others think she didn't. Either she was incompetent, or hyper-competent. Wildcard wasn't making any bets either way. She was certainly intelligent enough, and a force to be reckoned with.

It didn't take him long to arrive at the building that he made his home these days, a simple house on a side-street within view of the town hall. It had been Lyra's at one point, and in a strange series of coincidence was now where he and his wife lived. He had also been promised an office in the town hall, and he would run his "operation" from there until Canterlot was cleaned up.

Which, judging by the scale of damage, would be months. The princesses had been forced to re-locate to Celestia's school, which he could tell only added insult to Luna's injury. She was quite clearly shamed by all this, but there was no sign she would relinquish her power.

When asked about it, by a rather brave reporter by the name of Comic Sans, she had replied simply thus:

"So you say that this disaster was my fault then, that Mezza Luna's treason is because of me? Why then, should I give up my power, when I alone can fix this problem? I would also point out that her treason is her own, and she is quite likely an agent of our enemy. I will not stand down until Equestria is safe again, no matter what happens on the way."

The speech had gone down about as well as one could expect, and there had been protests that night across the country. The pony folk were getting restless, and tired of dealing with all these problems. A popular idea seemed to be that a change in government would somehow, magically, solve the problem. Wildcard was smarter than this, and knew that the griffons would delight at the opportunity to fight a new, untested, government. Luna was not perfect, nor was her sister, but she was the best leader they had.

Better a tested government in a time of crisis, even a poor one, than an untested one.

Until replaced by First Class, of course.

Wildcard grinned at the thought, and opened the door to his home. Inside he found his wife, sitting in a sun-lit table to the side of the doorway. It was covered in papers, with dozens of important state duties represented. Celestia was a kind pony, and allowed her to work from home at this point. Her work now mostly consisted of taking inventory of the Night Guard. They were to be disarmed, by royal decree, and it was a slow process. That decree hung on the wall, as a reminder to the few that came to complain of the power she had.

September 20th, 1002.

I, as Queen Luna, head of the State, do decree the following:

That the Night Guard is to be disarmed, and will no longer function as an independent agency. Their budget, persons, and resources, will be taken into the National Police Force, immediately. Their arms, and also development of such, will fall into the stewardship of the Equestrian Legion.

That the Thestral Race no longer be conscripted into duty with the Night Guard. Duty is voluntary, and on a cycle of four year tours. Any persons already enlisted who choose to stay, and have been found clear of involvement with the recent Treason, can do so. Any that wish to leave, may also do so.

That the Night Guard no longer be uni-racial, or bound to the Thestral Race. Recruitment is open to all races. Similarly, Thestrals are no-longer ineligible for other military, or civil, duties. Thestrals may apply for military or civilian service just as any other race.

That an inquiry be held, no longer than one month from today, into the events leading to the Treason of Mezza Luna. Minister of State First Class will preside, and may call upon any witnesses she deems necessary. The inquiry will publish it's findings no longer than one month after the first witness takes the stand, and has the authority to find persons guilty of criminal charges up to, and including, high treason. Persons found guilty will have their right to a trial by jury waived, and Minister of State First Class has the right to sentence those found guilty immediately. Persons found not guilty will be cleared of charges forever, and no further investigation shall be made.

That I posses the right to pardon any persons I deem fit from any crimes committed during the treason, in addition to normal rights of pardon. I further extend a blanket pardon to any members of the Equestrian Legion, Wonderbolts, National Police, and civilians during the Treason.

That Malgavian, in his continuing loyalty to Myself, be given total authority to reform the ranks of the Night Guard in any way he sees fit, according to the clauses made in this proclamation.

That Princess Celestia shall be given control of the civil affairs of government, to allow Myself to better focus on matters pertaining to the ongoing crisis. Princess Celestia is given total sovereign control over all matters pertaining to civil law and order, however I retain the right of veto.

The document bore Luna's cutie mark signet, as well as her sisters, and was also signed by First Class- recently promoted to "Minister of State". She was a rising star in the government, and perhaps the only person that had yet to commit the sorts of mistake Celestia and Luna had. The people absolutely loved her, although that Trotsky figure was starting to become a problem. He was the one thing blocking her upward momentum. Everytime she got more power, he would come out and rant in the newspapers about a "new alicorn rising, just another example of political patronage in this country."

Wherever a pony was unhappy, Trotsky was there to stir up trouble. He seemed to have an almost magical knack for being in the centre of nearly every major protest across the country, and was becoming a household name. A great many people gave into his vision of "change."

Wildcard sighed, that sort of change would only lead to their ruin. Gradual change, with the majority supporting it, was what Equestria needed. He understood the peoples desperation, they naturally felt powerless with all the recent chaos, but this was not the way to solve the problem.

"Imagine a world without Princesses, ruled by the will of the many!"

The many dead, maybe.

There was perhaps some irony in the fact that Wildcard preached gradualism within Equestria, while simultaneously working to overthrow his own monarch. The difference was obvious, however: Celestia wasn't insane.

Wildcard went unnoticed by his wife, who was quite busy going through archival reports to track down the bulk of the Night Guards weaponry. They had a great deal of outposts, bases, and hide-outs scattered throughout Equestria. Tracking them all down, and decommissioning them, was proving a significant hassle. There was also the matter of the secret resources, and those took a talent for fine details to discover. She had to look through expense reports, figure out where any oddities lie, correlate that with any oddities in staffing, and then send a team to where the paper trail led. More often then not, it lead to a dead end, or turned out to be a simple case of bad accounting. She was able to discover the exact cost of the Manehatten Project however, and managed to find a dozen more facilities connected to it. First Airborne was shutting them down, one by one. The resources that all this had been wasting was huge, and returning all that material to the proper authorities was already having a major impact on the war effort.

It turns out that they could, indeed, construct a second Magnificent. The Night Guard had actually been planning on it before the war started, and had planned to name it Paraselena. The parts for it, which were being found here and there, had been shipped off for some use secret even to Wildcard. First Class was playing coy about the whole thing, and seemed to greatly enjoy keeping the truth from him.

Wildcard snuck around his wife, and put his hooves on her tense shoulders. His massage was received by a coo of relief, as she relaxed into his arms.

"Never stop that," she sighed.

Wildcard smiled, and dug into her tense shoulders. She really had been on edge lately, but who hadn't? Canterlot burned, the battles in the south inched closer to home, and the ocean campaign was at a standstill.

"Till the day I die." Wildcard said.

For a few minutes, Wildcard silently continued to kneed into her shoulders. Eventually, he noticed that one of the papers on the desk had been edging towards them.

"Continuing to improve are we? By this time next year, you'll be a match for Twilight Sparkle."

First Class giggled.

"Sure, and if you keep growing, you'll be a match for Chrysalis."

Wildcard laughed, and pulled the paper towards him. He found that it was First Class's measurements, and an outline for a rather elegant outfit. Red fabric, with purple silk trim. He felt it would quite suit her, and looked down to see her looking back up at him.

"I need something new, I've... outgrown what I have available at the moment. I do believe you have as well..." She said, with a coy wink.

Wildcard grinned at her. "More of me to love. I suppose it's up to me to get this dress of yours?"

First Class nodded, and turned her attention back to her work.

"Yes, I had it commissioned by the local seamstress- Rarity. She's quite talented, and a clever businessmare. Thanks to her gift for finding gems so easily, she's been able to cut prices and create a monopoly in this area. As such, she negotiated rather hard for this."

Wildcard cocked an eyebrow.

"A thousand bits, it's already been withdrawn, so you don't have to worry about it."

Wildcard sighed, but his complaint was quickly silenced by his wife turning her gaze back to him, and winking ever so cutely.

"Oh please, we pull in that much every week. Besides, aren't I worth it?"

Wildcard strode back out with the receipt, and shivered as a burst of chilly wind blew through. She was right, he needed a new coat. On his walk, he found a gathering of ponies, and looked over at what had them all so enthralled.

It was Trotsky, perched on a literal soapbox, preaching to the crowd. Wildcard fell back into a nearby alley, and silently watched him from there.

"Dear people of Equestria, do you think this is how it should be? Princess Luna cares so little for your lives that she allowed a disagreement with her own organization, the "Night Guard", to turn into a terrible tragedy! Where was Celestia during all this? She was in the Crystal Empire! Where was Twilight Sparkle, while Canterlot burned? She was on one of the ships bombing it! Are these the people we want running the nation, are these the mistakes we allow them to make? Good god, they formed a pact with the very creatures that tried to kill them only a year ago! I know not if they are insane, or merely incompetent, but I know this: they are unfit to lead! I don't know what game it is they claim to play, but they play it poorly, and I refuse to play it at all."

He paused, and a mixture of cheers and boos rose from the crowed. Wildcard was relieved that the latter greatly outweighed the former.

"Are you so brainwashed as to think this is the way it has to be? They lead because we let them lead! I ask you, ponies of Equestria, stop letting them!"

Somebody in the crowd shouted at him, and the crown silenced allowing him to repeat.

"They saved us from Discord, twice! What have you done for us?"

Even from this distance, Wildcard could see the grin on Trotsky's face, and wished more than anything to punch it.

"My dear pony, I give you the truth! I offer you justice! They may have done us well in the past, but what have they done recently? Why have they not ended this war? Why did they allow the Night Guard to grow so terrible? Why are we rationing, when we have always known plenty? Answer that, sir!"

Trotsky pointed out the heckler, and the crowd shifted away from him.

"And you can solve these problems, Trotsky?"

"No, but you can! Without the princesses, we will be strong!"

Wildcard had enough at this point, and shook his head as he slunk back off down the road. The last thing Equestria needed right now was another rabble-rouser stirring things up.

Not long later, he arrived at Rarity's carousel boutique. She was one of the major supplies of uniforms for the army, and there was a truck outside picking up a shipment.

Most of those uniforms would dissapear into the black market, and re-appear on the more well-off soldiers. Corruption in a time of crisis, every state had it. Wildcard knew all about this, and had been informed about it by Silver Shield. As soon as he officially became head of the Home Guard, there was going to be a reckoning.

Wildcard walked inside, and was immediately made by the white-coated pony that made this place her home. She shooed off the soldier she had been speaking too, and quickly came to Wildcard.

"Mister Wildcard! Your wife told me you would be coming, and told me you would be requiring my services! Dear me, just look at you..." she trailed off, and pulled Wildcard over to a set of mirrors.

Wildcard looked at himself in the mirror, and for a moment didn't recognize who he was looking at. His furrow was wrinkled, there were a few white hairs in his otherwise dark-grey mane. He was only thirty, but he looked as if he had aged ten years in the last one. His hooves were dry, and cracked, from the cold and dry air as well. He had certainly looked better.

"Dear me, you've got quite a refined palette, don't you?" Rarity said, as she strung a measuring tape around Wildcard's waist.

"You could say that..." he said.

"I most certainly could," she said, and moved around to his flank.

She poked it, and Wildcard flinched.

"Don't fidget dear, I don't bite."

The cold measuring tape on his underside made him reflexively tense up, and he blushed with awkward embarrassment at the mare inspecting his body.

"You have the same measurements as your wife, that makes this a little easier." Rarity said, and backed off to look over him.

"Of course, she's four months pregnant..."

Wildcard glared at her, and she smiled back.

"Oh come now, I don't judge! Facts are facts, and the fact is you're more pony than most. I can make it work though, don't you fret! I'll have you looking absolutely stunning, you'll make quite a pair with your wife!"

Apparently finished, she stepped back and looked Wildcard over, with the measuring tape around her neck.

"It'll be a challenge, and I accept. This is one for the history books!. The first changeling with a sense of style. By the way, dear, that little cape on your back could use some work."

Wildcard glanced back at his "cape", and noticed it was a much darker shade of blue than it had been not so long ago.

"Actually, never mind, I can work it in. Give me a day or two, and I'll send you the charges later today."

The next few minutes were a total blur, and he was quickly out on the street, somehow, before he could protest. In a bag over his back- which he had apparently bought- was his wife's new outfit, as well as a hat, and shoes, and a saddle. How that mare had convinced him to buy them, and how much it had all cost, was a mystery to him. It's was as if waking from a dream, and a rather expensive dream at that.

When he arrived home, he found that his wife had left him a note. It read simply that she was out getting the days rations.

Wildcard sighed, rations. It was necessary, but it was a pain. Oh how he yearned for the days of plentiful pie and un-ending cider.

He left his bag beside the desk, and went up the stairs to his own room. Silver Shield and Lyra were taking care of the military and civil organization of the Equestrian Changelings respectively, until Wildcard had concluded his training, but now and then there was still a matter that required his attention. One of these he found had been slid under his door, an unmarked letter.

It was curious that First Class hadn't told him he had any mail, so he opened it up and sat on the bed to read it.

We need to talk. You will find me at the library.


Malgavian, the only commander in the Night Guard that had remained loyal to Luna. He stood to gain total command of his race, and the Night Guard, now- or at least what remained of either. Their civil war had been rather bloody, and the survivors found themselves disarmed and dishonoured. The once mighty Night Guard, watchers that saw all, and questioned by none, was dead.

Hell of a thing to inherit.

Wildcard put the letter aside, and reached under his bed for something. When he felt the box, he breathed a sigh of relief and slid it out. An unmarked white box, stained with grease along the bottom. He levitated it before him, and opened it up.

It was a pie, an apple pie, which had been deep-fried and rolled up. It was, basically, a clump of cholesterol and fat covered with enough grease that it shined. Applebuck made them, and ensured a few made it his way now and then. It was a simple gift, since she had gained a considerable amount of wealth selling to the Hive. The rationing was starting to kill her profits though, so she was turning to less open means. A few orchards had vanished from the books, and their product was sold on the black market.

If the government ever found out, she would probably lose everything. A risky game. Wildcard made sure he had absolutely no knowledge of it... that could be proven.

Wildcard ate the thing, and savoured every mouthful. He hadn't eaten anything but oatmeal for weeks, and it was an almost ecstatic pleasure to consume. When he had finished, he put on his coat, burned the box, and left.

It appeared he had a meeting.


A half hour later, Wildcard arrived at the town library. Twilight Sparkle still made it her home, and had returned a few days ago. It was well protected now, a half dozen guards- and an armoured vehicle- stood watch outside. Yet the doors were open, and a few ponies went in and out without any fuss. It was clear that this show of force wasn't for them, it was for somebody else.

"Halt, changeling!" One of them, draped in decidedly thicker armour, yelled down the road at Wildcard.

Wildcard halted, and waited for him to approach. The guard was flanked by two of his men, but Wildcard was pleased to note that they neither drew their guns, nor had the threatening gait of a soldier trying to intimidate. They were relaxed, and Wildcard was too.

"You're expected, Wildcard. Malgavian has been speaking with Her Highness Twilight Sparkle, and awaits you inside."

Wildcard nodded respectfully, and followed his honor-guard inside. He took a long sideways look at that vehicle that had been positioned outside. It was a great metal construct, on long treads, and a single large gun stuck out from a turret on top. He was surprised Equestria had anything like it, although he had heard the Saddle Arabians and Zebras used similar equipment, and Equestria had run into such things in the south.

Equestria was catching up, it seemed. He stared at it, and was able to judge it's origin. Near the rear, hastily painted over by a purple star, was the outline of a flag. The Saddle Arabian flag.

Oh how he wished he was still invited to the security briefings- Silver Shield was appearing in his absence. While Wildcard wasn't ambassador anymore, Luna and the others still appreciated his advice- or at least they pretended to. He was an "Advisor" now, and as soon as his training was complete he would be head of the home guard militias. It would be his duty to investigate matters pertaining to threats within, and without, the Equestrian state that were not critical enough to concern the Legion itself. An interesting change of pace, and certainly a respectable enough role. His changelings would prove crucial in this, and could keep an ear to the ground listening for any whispers of treason.

He would infiltrate most of Equestria's government in order to protect it, an interesting state of affairs, especially considering what had happened only a year earlier.

His pondering took him until he had reached the top of the library stairs, and to a door guarded by two more soldiers. One of them, Wildcard noted, was a thestral.

"They have been awaiting you for some time, I understand it is quite an important matter."

The guard that said this opened the door, and Wildcard strode in to find Twilight Sparkle, dressed in all her regal attire, laying beside Malgavian, before a low table. Twilight had before her a tea set, while Malgavian was apparently inclined to harder drink, and was drinking from what looked like a bottle of whiskey.

Must be nice to be the one making the rules.

The door closed behind him, and then the two noticed Wildcard.

"Ah, Wildcard. You got my message I see, good." Malgavian said, and gestured Wildcard sit across from them.

"I did indeed, I would have come sooner, but my wife didn't inform me you had sent a letter," Wildcard said, and lay himself at the other side of the table.

Malgavian grinned, exchanged a look with Twilight.

"She never knew it. I came, and went, without her or anyone else seeing me. Quite a security hole, if I do say so myself."

"I will see that it is filled, thank you for your... vigilance." Wildcard returned, and eyed the thestral suspiciously.

Malgavian nodded, "You are quite welcome."

"Good, now I do you have some business, or are you just going to make veiled threats at me?" Wildcard asked.

"I do, I do. Citizen Wildcard, since you appear to have no other title, I do. We find ourselves in similar positions, you and I. My race has seen itself brought low by the mistakes of it's leadership, and the folly of those that believed in the propaganda. You have yet to confront your demons, but the time will come. When it comes, I hope you learn from us." Malgavian said.

Twilight cleared her throat and cut in.

"What he means, is that he doesn't want your people to go through what his have. I have summoned him here so that you two can work together. Learn from the mistakes of the Thestrals, and help them in this time of crisis. In return, they promise to help you when your day comes."

Malgavian nodded, and they both turned to Wildcard.

"So you want an alliance, with us? I'm not too sure what we can do for you." He said.

Malgavian snorted. "What can't you do for us? Your agents can make whispers in high places, and placate the masses as seemingly part of them. You can make sure that the hatred building against us is re-directed, perhaps at our mutual enemies. In addition, you can keep a watch over the thestrals in a way I never could, and ensure that Mezza Luna is truly dead. I am humbled to have to ask you this, but we need you. We have lost much, but with your help we need not lose everything."

Wildcard digested the speech for a moment. It's true, he could definitely use his resources to paint a prettier picture of the thestrals, perhaps work on detaching them from the Night Guard in the public mind, and their certainly was a lot of animosity out there now towards them. Lives could be saved, and violence prevented.

But what did he gain?

"I could do this, yes. Your offer however is rather vague, be more specific."

Malgavian rolled his eyes.

"It is not vague at all, citizen. When you face your own demons, we will stand beside you."

Wildcard eyed him, and then Twilight spoke up again.

"For Celestia's sake, he means he'll fight Chrysalis with you. Is it that hard to understand?"

Wildcard grinned. "No, but I wanted you to say it. If you promise me that, that you will face Chrysalis by my side, then I will do all that I can to help you. You are correct in that we are in the same position. We both want our people to know a future without segregation, mistrust, or fear. Together, we can accomplish this."

Malgavian stood, and stuck out his hoof. Wildcard did as well, and with great smiles on both sides, the Thestral-Changeling pact was established. It was never written, it was simply an agreement between the two leaders of the races. From that day on, they walked together as one. Twilight watched them, and smiled. She knew her place in the world, and understood it now. She wasn't like Celestia, the great and just ruler of Equestria, or like Luna, whom had acted as their shield. Cadence was the Princess of Love, and the protector of the Crystal Empire, but she was different from her as well. Princess Twilight Sparkle was the Princess of Friendship, the great mediator. Today she had brought together two peoples that had been natural enemies not long ago, and saw them forge a friendship binding them together. So proud was she of this accomplishment, that she felt a tear bead in her eye.

I know who I am now.

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