• Published 27th Jan 2014
  • 3,049 Views, 437 Comments

A Circle Has No End: Volume I - Gladi Writes

Two stolen hearts set off a chain reaction that engulfs Equestria and it's new allies- the Changelings.

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Intermission: Welcome Home

Home is where the heart is, and probably where you keep your boots.

Star Swirl the Bearded, Undated.

Wildcard. Changeling ambassador by day, Equestrian duke by day, husband by night. Most of his problems in his life came from the obvious contradiction in the first two- how exactly was he supposed to represent a nation that he had more or less declared his allegiance against? He was no more a member of the hive then any other Equestrian pony, and he hated his 'queen' more then anyone else. She, he knew, was more then just their monarch- she was their originator. It was she whom had decided to create the hive entirely to fuel her own vain aspirations for power some five hundred years ago, rejected by Celestia in her tutorship. None of his fellows knew this, and only the ancient alicorn rulers of Equestria did on that side. He did, and he was able to see her with a clarity that no other changeling could. She was greedy beyond measure, and if she wasn't stopped she would lead them all to their certain doom. Wildcard still loved his race, even if he despised the one on top, and sought a way to somehow rescue them from her thrall.

That was a challenge in itself. How would he convince them that their demi-god ruler; that had brainwashed them all into servitude, was evil? More then that, how could he even convince them that she was mortal? Even the defeat at Canterlot had been seen as not a failure of her, but a failure of the changelings themselves. She was perfect, and how could you hope to fight perfection? if he released the truth- that 500 some years she, as Crystal Star, had broken away from Equestria to artificially create the 'hive- would they believe him, or think he had gone rogue just like Zeta had not long ago?

These questions were what he pondered far more then his actual job in his new office, Lyra Heartstrings took care of most of the real work- alongside her new staff. He paid her very well, since his investments and dealings since coming to Equestria had made him quite wealthy. So long as the entire nation didn't collapse during the war, he would come out of it at the head of a new dynasty.

That thought calmed his nerves, and brought a grin to his face. He was standing outside his new office, formerly a small library home to an assortment of modern literature that had been sent to the Crystal Empire as a gift, and beheld the city he called home in the evening light.

Canterlot was bruised, perhaps even scarred, but it persisted. Here and there you could still see scorchmarks, or the outline of a patched hole on the street, and there was still rubble waiting to be cleaned up in some of the alleys. A good deal of damaged buildings had been cleared away, making room for what promised to be a significant boost to their industrial capacity. The Crystal Empire had a vast chain of foundries created by their ancient king in his rule, but even that was barely able to feed the demand of a full scale war. Luna had been rather quick in her decrees, taking most of the estates from, quote 'the upper corpulent class', and selling the assets. Those nobles she disliked found themselves at the front. She had also sent their private yachts to the Wonderbolts. The nobles grumbled, but they were few in number and with no real power, so they had to accept it.

Wildcard now resided in one of these estates, paid for by his wife using his accounts. Luna made sure those that served her were rewarded, and this also had the effect of giving her leverage if you ever stopped serving her. She was a good leader, and Wildcard respected her greatly- he also feared her a little. She reminded him of his own queen, with the exception that Luna did what she did for the betterment of Equestria- Chrysalis only for herself.

Now trotting down the chilly streets, with a trenchcoat over his body and scarf around his neck, he took some time to admire the falling leaves. It was September now, and the winter would surely be harsh. The pegasi were all busy fighting an actual war, which left their normal weather control duties vacant. They only worried about extreme weather, and maintaining the growing season in Middle Equestria for as long as possible.The rest of them were left to nature, and nature was a harsh mistress. Wildcard was used to the cold of winter, it gets rather cold in the valley The Hive resides in during the colder months, but the ponies had been used to a perfect three month winter, with only mild chills, for a thousand or so years. Luna had once been asked why she wouldn't just extend the day, her response was thus: "We are not the only inhabitants of this planet, nor are the griffons. I will not bend nature itself so we can have a slightly milder winter. My advice to you, dear sir, is to stock up on firewood."

Canterlot itself had a network of natural gas that could heat the buildings in the winter, and had in the past, but only the large cities in Equestria had such a thing. The smaller towns would have a tough time indeed, but they would survive. They would survive and go on to tell the tale, stronger through their hardship. The Equestria that rose from this would be a newer, stronger, Equestria.

And I'll be a Duke, with ties to it's leaders. Rich, a war hero, and with land holdings.

Wildcard grinned. The future was bright indeed.

He came out of the buildings of Canterlot out into the flat plain of the mountain behind Canterlot proper where most of the nobles had made their home. His was 118 Starswirl Lane, and it had recently belonged to...

He had actually forgotten, but it was no matter- it was his home now. His old room in the castle was nice, but out here he could truly be alone with his new wife, and soon they would have a child along with them. This thought turned his grin into a great beaming smile, he had come so far in only a matter of months.

Trotting down the cobblestone road of the estates he glanced at them, most of which were empty with large "RE-POSSESED BY ORDER OF THE CROWN" sign hanging from iron gates. The police, thankfully not the Night Guard, patrolled the street here and there. They only cared about the "important" places in town. The Night Guard still came out at night though, and it was inadvisable to be out after sundown. Streetlights were posted here and there, but hadn't been turned on for a month due to gas rationing. He had replaced his own with a magic candle he lit every evening. It was a tiny gesture of defiance, but one nonetheless.

Soon enough he was at, to the delight of himself to think of it, the gate of his estate. Pushing it open with a quiet creak, and closing it behind, he saw his wife clearing the leaves with her wings a ways away. The area around the house itself was almost bare, he would have to plant a few trees in time. Not now of course, far too late in the year. Eventually he would build a home by that lake in the south, but for now this was his roost. A rather large roost too- three stories and nearly a dozen rooms. It even had a walled off swimming pool in the back. It was empty now, too cold for that.

He shouted a greeting and First Class paused in her work.

"Well good evening, Duke Wildcard. What a pleasure this is!" She addressed, giving a curtsy in the air.

His heart sighed inwardly, and a familiar tingle of what can only be described as pure love ran down his spine.

"The pleasure is all mine, Duchess First Class," He said, giving a practiced bow.

"You don't need to do that you know," Wildcard added, gesturing to the pile of leaves she had collected.

"Why?" She asked, flapping her winds at a hover. The chill dusty wing was stirred up, creating a swirling pattern around her.

"Well, for one thing the leaves rot and feed the grass in spring, and secondly..."

With a flash First Class flew towards him, forcing him to squint his eyes through the dusty onslaught. The fact she was nearly three months pregnant didn't even phase her- a wonderbolt trained pegasus was incredibly strong.

"If you say 'pregnant'..." She said, angrily gesturing down from above. "... I'm going to find a rake and shove it right up your plot," she threatened.

"Alright, alright! Point taken!" Wildcard exclaimed, flailing his hooves above his head in a display of submission.

This was a stallion that had killed people. He had been an agent of the Hive for decades, used by Princess Luna not too long back to complete her own dirty work. Here he was, cowed by a hovering pegasus slightly shorter then he was.

Around her he wasn't an agent, nor a state official, nor any of those things. He was just a... pony.

Just another pony.

"I'm going to finish up out here, you go make us some of those mushroom sandwiches, and toss a pie in the oven," First Class ordered.

Wildcard nodded. "Sure, anything for you," he said, and trotted away to his task, while his wife continued cleaning the yard.

"Oh, and Wildcard!" First Class shouted, and he craned his neck back. "We're going to be having company, so use the good plates!"

Wildcard chuckled to himself. That he even had 'good plates' was endlessly amusing. A plates a plate, you put food on it and eat it. Who cares how many craftsponies took how many hours labouring over it in what village?

Opening the door to his home, and shutting it behind he took off his coat to reveal the gun strapped to his leg. A grim reminder of the fact his life had been threatened more then once. That he put in a lockbox inside the closet, while his coat hung alongside a few others. He really wished he didn't need that gun, but facts were facts- they were at war.


Around a half hour later he had completed dinner, and lay it out on the table. A dozen hive mushroom sandwiches with a few apples, some carrots, and pear juice. It seemed to him somewhat improper to drink cider with their unknown 'company', so that was his replacement. A pair of apple pies cooked in the oven. He had never been able to shake his old instructions on how to make them, a very utilitarian recipe that maximized nutritional value- but made the flavour rather bland.

He sighed and prodded his flank, noting about an inch that wasn't there two months ago. His stomach wasn't getting off any better, so maybe it was best he didn't try and fix his pie recipe.

Maybe it was best he pass on the pie altogether.

In any case, he went about his work with the relaxed demeanor of someone at peace, a peace he had never known before he had come to Equestria. Back in the Hive you were always alert, ready for orders or for any possible attack. You didn't have friends, you had comrades at arms. Here, he had friends. He was surrounded by an entire nation of ponies that had his back, not just in war- but in peace too.

As he lay out the 'good plates' he heard some chatter outside, and trotted out of the dining hall into the main hallway, seeing the door open just as he did, two mares entering.

"Lyra Heartstrings?!" Wildcard exclaimed, shocked to see his secretary alongside his wife.

"That's right Wildcard, she lives a bit down the block," First Class said, taking her coat.

"Sh... here?!" Wildcard stammered.

"Is there some reason I shouldn't?" Lyra asked, an eyebrow raised at her incredulous host.

Wildcard awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.

"Well... no... it's just..." He pointed towards her, "how can you possibly afford to live out here?" He asked.

"Well, with what you've been paying me, and investing in the same things you are- I've become rather rich myself. There's also the million bits Bon-Bon has- we live together after all," she said, not a hint of irony at the mention of 'a million bits'

"A million bits?!" Wildcard exclaimed, and finding his footing suddenly shaky he leaned against the wall.

"Well she had a shop in Ponyville, and her parents were rather wealthy. She had to sell the shop, which was apparently prime real estate for a cider chain," She explained.

First Class just sort of stood to the side, enjoying her husbands response to having been one-upped in the game of wealth.

"Well... that's fantastic then, it's a pleasure to have such nice neighbors already," Wildcard said, regaining his composure.

"I thought you lived in the political quarter in town though, or at least you did a few weeks ago," he noted.

"My place burnt down when the Griffons came, so we moved out here," Lyra explained.

Wildcard shrugged, as good an explanation as any- and he certainly didn't mind having a friend for a neighbor.

He bid them follow him into the kitchen, and they ate alongside smalltalk. Wildcard had little to offer, but his wife and Lyra got on like... like two mares. All the time one thought pressed itself into his mind- a million bits. Lyra had been loaded the entire time but never used it to do anything unsavory, and went at her work as if she needed her pay to put food on the table. If Wildcard had that money, and that job, he wasn't sure he had it in him to do as she did. She, maybe, was a little better then he was. She didn't care about wealth, politics, power- none of this. She just wanted to do the best she could, and make the world a better place in what ways she could.

She was the best representation of Equestria there was. Kind, curious, smart, and somewhat powerful with magic. Yet she never used any of this to get her own way ahead of others, a better friend a person couldn't ask for.

His Queen has to be stopped, for their sakes as well as the changelings. Thinking of the fact that he still officially represented her sent a shiver down his spine.

"You alright?" First Class asked, interrupting their chatter.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it," He said, alleviating her worry.

They continued on as he dug into a sandwich, and heard the ding of the oven.

"That would be the pies, w-" Wildcard said, but Lyra cleared her throat and pushed back her chair.

"Sorry, but I have to go- the curfew you know, I almost got arrested last time I was out this late," She said.

Wildcard nodded. "I almost forget, it is getting to be that time isn't it?" He said.

"I'll walk you out, it's been a pleasure seeing you Lyra," First Class said, rising herself.

"It really has, maybe we can do this again soon," Lyra said, following her out.

That left Wildcard to clean up, and he did. A short time later a tap on his rear heralded his wife entering the kitchen.

"So how was your day?" she asked, starting to dry the clean dishes.

"Busy, I got a half dozen reports of missing workers. Something is going on out there, but I'm at my wits end to figure out just what it is exactly. I tried going out myself, but the Night Guard followed me. They're everywhere." Wildcard said, and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek.

"Really? Celestia says she's been looking into something similar, maybe you should talk to her," She suggested, returning the gesture.

"Speaking of which, what has she had you doing lately? Hasn't Luna basically started doing... everything?" Wildcard asked.

"Not much right now, you're right there. Don't count her out yet though, I've seen her plotting before- it always goes her way," First Class replied.

"I would imagine so, one doesn't get to rule a nation for thousands of years without picking up a few tricks," Wildcard said, and finished his duty.

First Class quickly finished hers, the dishes in a neat stack before her.

"You've picked up a few tricks of your own," She said, winking coyly.

Wildcard sighed, and grasped her hoof in his own.

"I really, really, love you. I hope you know that," he said.

"Actions speak louder than words..." She said, releasing his hoof and strutting out.

While his body itself began to glow a brilliant green, Wildcards higher brain functions struggled to guide his body after her, with two things going through his mind. One of which was worded.

"Just another pony,"

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