• Published 27th Jan 2014
  • 3,050 Views, 437 Comments

A Circle Has No End: Volume I - Gladi Writes

Two stolen hearts set off a chain reaction that engulfs Equestria and it's new allies- the Changelings.

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Short: Opposition Party

I would never allow a public opposition party. If I were to do so, my line would be doomed.
Furthermore, I never allow opposition. To oppose me is to make yourself a target, I always hit the target.

Emperor Riovelli II 278-478, known as the Great Riovelli for his expansion into Saddle Arabian territory. The longest lived Zebra Emperor. History disputes his connection with Equestria, but it is known that he traveled to Canterlot quite often in his later years, and had a long correspondence between himself and Celestia. Most of these letters are in the public record, and have been a curiosity for centuries.

Wildcard hadn't slept much last night, but for a changeling he had been sleeping more then usual anyway- so he went on with his day regardless. First Class had been oddly excited for the past few days, and had left for work earlier than usual- leaving him a nice breakfast that he quite enjoyed before heading out himself. Something was on her mind, but she was being coy about it. For whatever reason she had been spending the past few nights with Celestia as well, something was going on- but he had no idea what.

Whatever it was, he still had his work to do. Wildcard sat at his desk shortly after returning from the day's security briefing, pondering like he usually did. With most of the leadership on the front, all that amounted to was First Class telling a rather distracted looking Luna the basic overview, before she cut it short and mentioned she had some 'business' elsewhere. Today was the day, long since planned, that he would travel home with an entourage of the Night Guard, so whatever time he had before then he relished.

Bemusedly he noted the calender hanging on the wall beside his desk. Each day had a small scribble on it, each day had it crossed out at the end.

Start exercising

Patting his gut- stuffed with today's breakfast, he let it go for today. Today he was going to confront his queen, and as much as he knew it had to be done there was still the matter of being told your entire life that this queen was a demi-god, perfect and invincible. His rational mind knew she wasn't, but not the whole mind was rational. He was afraid, as much as he didn't like to admit it.

Lyra had reported no mail from home, and he had already brought to attention the increasingly large pile of mission persons reports, so he simply sat at his office fiddling with his typewriter. It had cost a bundle to replace the last one, but it was worth it. Thinking on it, all famous ponies had memoirs, why not him? Perhaps now was a good time to start.

House Wildcard: The First Days

Before he could continue though, the door opened and a grey pegasus mare, with a mane of blond, strode in, carrying a letter in her mouth.

Wildcard looked up at her, he... wait a second bubbles for a cutie mark?

It was her.

"Wiffer fur oo" She said.

"Sorry, what?" Wildcard asked.

She spat the letter out on his desk. "Letter for you," She repeated.

"Oh, thank you," Wildcard said, and pulled a few bits from his chaotic desk drawer.

"For your time," He said, and tossed them over. She caught them in her wing, and deposited them in her bag.

"Thank you!" She said, with a great smile on her face before turning to depart.

"Hold on, I have something to say, I think you'll like this," Wildcard said, and she turned her curious head back to him.

"You, Derpy Hooves, are rather famous where I come from," Wildcard said.

"Me? But I'm just a mailmare!" She said, prodding her chest with a hoof as she turned her curious self around.

"No changeling has ever been able to take your form," Wildcard said, and leaned forward to explain further.

"Your eyes, we could never get the eyes right. You are the most unique pegasus in the entire world, truly one of a kind. Never forget it- Derpy Hooves- you're irreplaceable." Wildcard explained.

She blushed at the compliment. "Thank you, Duke. I used to think all the changelings were evil- but you're... nice," She said.

Wildcard clacked his hooves together. "Then I've done my job. Thanks for letter kid, I'm sure you've got more to deliver," He said.

Derpy tipped her head politely. "I sure do, thanks for the tip!" She said, before once again heading out.

It was all true, back in shapeshifting class their instructor had told them anybody that could properly match her would automatically pass- none could. Actually, thinking upon it, this could have an interesting strategic implication. She was the only pony in the world you could be truly sure wasn't a changeling, ever.

Wildcard smiled as she left. Ever since coming to Equestria he had learned how being nice to the ponies, and others in general, could make you feel good. All his life he had been trained to keep others at arms reach, and always be ready to stab them in the back if ordered to. He wasn't sure if it was his changeling senses of empathy, or just the lifting of his spirit, but be sure did feel good right now.

Opening the letter, that feeling disappeared. It was in a familiar letterhead- Night Guard letterhead. The last time he had one of these it had sent him gallivanting in the south- which honestly might do his flank some good right now.

Duke Wildcard, it's time for you to go home. Meet your entourage- six of our most experienced intelligence agents- at the train station at 3PM sharp. You will travel with them to the hive, and once there you can do whatever you please after bringing them to an audience with your queen. This is ostensibly a visit of good will, so try and make it appear that way. Their job will be to ensure the Baltimarian refugees are well taken care of, among other things. Good luck.

Mezza Luna

(The rest was hoof written, and Wildcard grinned madly reading it)

I am taking charge of the Night Guard personally now, and if you ever see or hear from Mezza Luna again- contact me personally. she has incurred my wrath, and she has been stripped of her office. Complete this mission of yours for me, not for her, and when you return I would like to speak with you. Regardless of how stupid she was, this is still an important mission. The ponies you will travel with have been hoof selected by me, you can be sure they are loyal to myself and not my vain second.

Queen Luna.

Wildcard grinned, and then he smirked, and then he was taken by a fit of laughter. He didn't know how, and he didn't care how, Mezza Luna had finally been stupid enough to piss off Luna herself.

This, quite hilariously, meant Luna trusted him- a changeling- more then a veteran Night Guard commander. The idea was wonderful. Now, if he could take advantage of this, and perhaps find a way to play an active role in continuing her downfall perhaps he could secure a little power for himself, some proper power. A title was nice, but some level of command in the war was nicer. He still had that officer's coat, perhaps he could wear it again sometime...

Now there's a thought. Colonel Wildcard, Equestrian Duke. If he managed to come out of all this titled and with a commission, well that was just icing on an already rather larger cake.


Collecting himself, Wildcard glanced at the small clock on his desk. It was noon, and so he had a few hours to burn before heading out with his entourage. Time to grab lunch. So he slid out of his chair, put on his coat (It was proving to be a rather chilly September 4th), and strode out his office door into the hall.

Down the hall was Lyra, sitting at her desk playing her lyre, which was bathed in a golden light as its beautiful music sounded all around. She had her own staff now, which left her with a good bit of spare time as the more frivolous elements of this job- mostly signing off on work orders for changeling workers, were taken care of. A small dog sat at the foot of the desk, something Lyra had apparently found when she had Wildcard's desk moved the new location.

"Heading out for lunch, don't let the place burn down," Wildcard said.

"You sure you need lunch?" Lyra said, grinning at him as she played.

"Very funny Lyra. I probably won't be back until late, looks like I've got business down south. Hold my calls, etcetera," Wildcard said.

"You got it," Lyra said, and then seemed to remember something as she sat up in her chair. "Oh, Wildcard, your wife called," she added.

"She did? Why didn't you patch it through to my office?" Wildcard asked.

Lyra shrugged. "Didn't have the time, she just asked me to send you straight home when you left," She replied.

Wildcard felt a pang of worry, since when had this sort of thing ever ended well?

"I guess I better get going then," Wildcard said, and trotted off without saying anything more. It was a short trot to home and... wait shouldn't First Class still be at her job, assisting Princess Celestia?

Oh boy.


Wildcard arrived a short time later at the gate to his estate, and gently pushed it open. The creak seemed to be enough to wake the dead, and his fur came on end as he glanced around the yard. It was clean... cleaner then it was this morning. Closing the gate behind him he proceeded inwards with the pace and silence of a trained spy, alert to any sound or...

"Welcome home!" First Class shouted at him, happily swinging open the door to their home.

Alright, a little rusty apparently.

Wildcard paused, her bright mood was just adding to his confusion.

"Geez Wildcard, you look more like you're breaking into the place, you do live here you know," First Class said, noting his crouched form, ears down and a leg still in the air.

"I... uh... " Wildcard put it back on the ground, and adjusted his coat in an attempt to look dignified.

"Hi?" He ventured.

His wife grinned ear to ear, and leaned on the door as she gestured at him with a hoof.

"Oh, oh I get it now. I came home from work early, called work without talking to you, and now you think you're in trouble," She said, looking at him amused.

"Well... yes," Wildcard said.

"Wildcard, come on now. If I was mad at you I would have stormed your office," First Class said.

"I imagine you would, I suppose. You've never been one to beat around the bush," Wildcard said, relaxing and trotting over to the door.

"You've got to stop thinking the worst of everything Wildcard," She said, and beckoned him inside. "I made pie," she added.

Wildcard perked right up and followed her inside. Shortly after hanging up his coat and entering the kitchen he noticed a stack of books on the table. Taking a look he was mystified to find they were all books on magic. The one on top was the oddest.

"A foals first lift"

Wildcard knew that book, he had read it decades ago. The hive had it's own selection of stolen books, and everyone was required to have a grasp on basic magic.

"Isn't this premature? We don't know if Odo is going to be a unicorn," He said, concluding the books were for their foal.

"Oh those aren't for our foal, they're for me," First Class said, placing a steaming pie beside the stack on the table.

Wildcard's confusion turned up to 11.

"Uhh, you realiz..." He trailed off, taken by the wonderful smell of that pie.

"Sit, I'll explain," First Class asked (or rather ordered), and Wildcard did as such, plopping his flank on the floor.

First Class hefted a staff- a beautiful shimmering staff that almost exuded mystery and, to Wildcard's utter shock- the fork ahead of him barely wiggled in a pale blue light.

Looking up as his wife in utter amazement he saw her concentrating, and then with a grunt of exhaustion from her, the shimmer faded.

"D... did you...?" Wildcard stammered, amazed and confused and possibly even flabbergasted.

"Yes. Yes I did," First Class said, and with a deep sigh leaned the staff against the table before sitting down.

"It's hard though, it's almost like my brain is being exercised- and I've certainly never used it like that before," she said.

"T... you.." Wildcard struggled to collect his thoughts.

"That's... impossible..?" He wonderasked.

First Class giggled. "Nope, but it is hard like I said. Celestia did something for me Wildcard, she gave me a chance to learn magic. All I had to do was give up my weather control magic, and well..."

She flapped open her wings, which looked notably thinner.

"It's a little harder to fly, but I can manage well enough," She explained.

Wildcard figured it out. Now he knew why Celestia had chosen a pegasus as her assistant. She thought on terms of decades, and now he was able to glimpse a moment of her plan.

"First, do you have any idea what this means?" He asked frantically.

"Well, it means I can learn magic. I have to use this clunky staff to control it, but in 20 years I might earn myself a horn," She replied, smiling at the thought.

"Bigger, grander. Who else got to become an alicorn?" Wildcard asked.

"Twilight did a half year ago, Cadence around a decade ago. Why?" First returned.

"And now you, also taught by Celestia, are on the track to become one. Don't you realize what she's done?"

"Well, I imagine she wants me to become Twilight's assistant once she takes over, if I'm guessing at all this right," She said.

"Not her assistant first, her Prime Minister," Wildcard said, and grinned madly as he collected his realization.

"Princess Twilight has been her student for 20 years, she's learnt all her wisdom and, specifically, how to be a kind and just leader of ponies. She, in essense, is being trained to become her replacement as head of state," He said, and gestured across the table to his wife.

"You have spent the same amount of time being trained as her replacement as head of government, heck you've been running Equestria for the last month!" He exclaimed giddily.

"Think about it, it's genius! Not only will she end up with a monarch that's saved Equestria a half dozen times- but she'll have a brilliant statespony behind her, you!" Wildcard stated gleefully.

First Class blushed. "Oh I don't do that much, I just... assist Celestia. Luna makes most of the decisions now anyway," She said.

"And you carry them through, make sure the 'little details' are worked out. You are the most important pony in the go.... " Wildcard said, and another piece of the puzzle came to him with a gasp.

"She's been planning this for a long time, hasn't she?" Wildcard wondered.

"Planning what?" His wife asked.

"Think about it, I'm married to the pony that's going to lead the government when Celestia moves on. Who am I? The changeling that is going to do his damnedest to find a better future for my people- a future not involving Chrysalis. Not only has Celestia found a way to move Equestria forward, but she's found a way to re-unify the races- through us," He said.

First Class understood it all, and simply smiled as she did.

"That's absolutely brilliant. I suppose that makes us... the shape of things to come," she said.

"I can go for that, the 'shape of things to come'," Wildcard repeated.

"It's like seeing parts to a puzzle bigger then your own life, I wonder what else she's been planning?" Wildcard wondered.

First Class reached over, and cut herself a piece of pie. "Probably more then we'll ever know," she said.

Wildcard nodded. Wisdom.


A few hours later, taking some time to stay at his wife's side as she began to study magic- at the level of a foal- he departed his home with a new fire in his heart. Celestia apparently thought that he had it within him to take down Chrysalis, and that was a shining endorsement. If she thought he could do it, well then it was time to get started.

Moving a hoof to his thigh, the familiar cold steel of what was there relaxed him. He was armed, and if Chrysalis tried anything he would end it right there, whatever the consequence. All he wanted out of today was some sort of sign his wife, and his child, would be safe. He also had a few choice words to say to 'her highness'.

Choice words indeed.

He strode down the street towards the train station, and was delighted to see a change in the way the other citizens were going about their day. The Night Guards that had been so prevalent a week before had been replaced by police, and things seemed to be coming back to normal.

The recruitment posters and few buildings that still remained burnt out was a reminder that wasn't true, but at least the Night Guard was being reigned in, finally. Wildcard knew full well that Mezza Luna wouldn't go quietly, but for now everything was fine.

Yep... everything was just fine...

When he arrived at the train station he quickly found his entourage sitting by themselves near the end. Six bat ponies, wearing what he assumed was the ceremonial armour of the Night Guard, something he had never seen before. It was a full body suit, in a gleaming pale purple that covered the entire body, with a decorative eye at the chest made of gold. From this ran a stream of gold rivets to the back, in a waving pattern. Over the back was a saddle made of what looked like purple velvet. They wore silver horse shoes, similar to Luna's, on their hooves. Interestingly they wore no helmets.

"Good afternoon Duke, you're a little early, but that's fine," Their apparent leader said, shuffling over and offering Wildcard a seat at their bench. His coat was an almost black grey, with a dark red mane that stood out.

Wildcard stood.

"Afternoon," Wildcard addressed, looking them over closer. Three colts and three mares, and they looked oddly happy for Night Guards. None of the angsty frowns or perpetually plotting eyes, they each smiled warmly and nodded politely at his arrival.

"I can guess from your stance that you've had some... experience with Mezza Luna and her ilk. I assure you, Duke, that we're not all like that. She likes to imagine she knows better then Her Highness, but that's... well that's basically treason. She's gone now, and we can breathe a little easier," the leader said.

"Oh! But where are my manners! My name is Malgavian," He said, and gestured to his side.

"Echo," the mare next to him nodded. A dark puple coat, well taken care of, with a braided mane of a slightly lighter purple.

"Ion Trail," the stallion next down the line. His grey coat was rather dirty, and his mane ran wild. Wildcard wasn't sure if was brown, or black, or just dirty.

"Moonglow," the mare next. She had tan coat, and her mane was, interesting, bright orange. If Wildcard had to guess, she was half-breed.

"Carina," the last mare. She was quite a sight, her dark grey coat set with an almost shining silver mane. Wildcard had to remind himself he was taken.

"And finally, my brother, Helm," Malgavian finished, gesturing across the row to a smiling bat at the end. His brother was larger then the rest, yet his smile put Wildcard at ease. He did look almost exactly like his brother too.

Wildcard, satisfied that they seemed on the level, took his seat beside Malgavian.

"Well, I've got to say I wasn't expecting such kindness from the Night Guard. Which must seem ironic, coming from the changeling ambassador," he joked.

"I can't really blame you," Carina said, sticking out from the group. "Mezza Luna always was half a moon short," She said.

The group laughed, and Wildcard couldn't help but join them.

"So, ambassador, what's with the duke thing?" Ion Trail asked.

"Honestly? I think of Chrysalis the same way you think of Mezza Luna, but I can't rely on Luna or Celestia to put her in her place. So I've taken it upon myself to make sure she can't hurt me- by becoming a duke," Wildcard said.

"I get it," Ion said. "She hurts you, she hurts a citizen- a noble no less- and we whip her flank good,"

"That's the idea," Wildcard said.

How open he was being about his feelings, to a group of Night Guards no less. That's one thing life in Equestria had taught him- being honest felt good. At this point he didn't care who knew what he thought about Chrysalis anyway, if she was going to do anything there was no stopping it now.

"Well, if she tries anything while we're with you, we've got your back. Our mission is to make sure the Baltimare refugees are okay, and try and get a headcount on how many soldiers your queen has been holding back. General Masse has been complaining about it," Malgavian said.

Wildcard nodded. Chrysalis was, for whatever reason, holding her forces back even while the Legion fought just miles south of them to hold the griffon backed Confederacy of Independent States at bay. They weren't much of a threat, but it was draining resources best spent elsewhere- such as on the ocean where Spitfire's Wonderbolts and General Pike's Marines remained stuck at Waylay Island. It was taking far too long to take it, the enemy had suddenly gotten brilliant. It had become a war of attrition, which Wildcard knew Equestria could win, but the cost was mounting.

Down the line the train rumbled out of the tunnel, tooting its horn. Crystal Imperial trains were quite something to behold, a reminder of the fact that it had once been run by a madman at war with the very world. He still had good style though, his trains were rumbling steel behemoths with thick angular armour. The older Equestrian trains were out on the east, but out on the west security was tighter, and the steel trains of the Empire ferried important goods and ponies everywhere.

Malgavian rose with his detachment, and adjusted his armour as he did. "That's our ride. You're in the middle of the formation, Ambassador." he said, reminding Wildcard that they did have a mission here to perform.

So Wildcard rose as well, and took a dignified stroll at the middle of the group. There wasn't much of a crowd, which would normally be odd for 3PM on a weekday, but those that were there watched the group with awe. Wildcard soaked it in, it wasn't often he got to feel 'official'. In the sky a grey pegasus looked down at him, and he smiled back up.

These ponies, this Equestria, this is where his people's future was. Not in the south wasting away in some valley, ruled over by a vain queen with aspirations of dominating her old home. No, it was here, amongst the friendship of their original family. That was it then, Wildcard thought, that was the argument that would bring Chrysalis down. It wasn't a friendship with ponies, or an alliance with ponies, it was more then that. The changelings would come home. A home that they had been apart from for five hundred years.

He would save the changeling race by merging back with the ponies, ensuring their immortality that way. It was an argument, and a plan, that he would see through or die trying.

The group came to a halt before one of the train carriages, which had an extended roof. As they did the conductor met them, and bowed low as he did.

"Malgavian, Ambassador, it's an honour to have you aboard," He said, and trotted over the door of the carriage.

"Princess Celestia has ordered her personal car be connected, it's all yours. If you need anything I'll be where I usually am- up front," He said, as the door opened silently, extending a short staircase as it did.

"Thank you, we'll rest easy knowing the train is in such good hooves, conductor," Malgavian said, giving a polite nod, and led the group inside.

"Wow," one of them said, as they spread out around the cabin.

Wow indeed, the room almost seemed bigger on the inside. The walls were panelled with a dark wood, and the floor was a magnificently soft red carpet. No chairs, just a series of pillows and low tables. Celestia had never been one for chairs, apparently. On the far end was a fireplace built in beside the door, and on the other a bar. A bar of cake and other confectionary delights.

Wildcard looked back at his flank, and then over at those cakes.

Eh, buck it.

So he, and his new friends, took something of their own and lay on purple velvet pillows with the fireplace on to keep away the chill of the mountain fall. Outside the beautiful sight of all of Equestria turning shades of red and orange was visible as they travelled down the mountain. Wildcard took a seat near the window, and had a small pile of donuts beside him.

"Everybody check your weapons, we're not going in here blind," Malgavian ordered. Wildcard glanced back to see that this ceremonial armour covered up holsters, and each one of them had a sidearm similar to his own.

Malgavian noticed Wildcard watching. "We might trust you, but we're under strict orders to defend ourselves if anything happens. If they've so much as ruffled a refugee's mane, we're ordered to link up with the legion and fall back on the hive, sacking it," He said.

Wildcard nodded. It was a dark, but reasonable, plan. This was the real purpose for this visit, Wildcard was only along as a cover story.

"If Chrysalis is hurting ponies, then you'll get no complaint from me," Wildcard said, revealing his own weapon.

Malgavian nodded. "Good," He said, holstering his weapon again.

"Our day is going to go like this. You get us through customs, and when we arrive you'll lead us to your queen. After that we'll leave to talk to the refugees, and you can do whatever you want. We leave at 9PM," Malgavian said.

Wildcard thought for a second. Get them through customs, armed.

"You got it, just tell me if you decide to start a war, I would quite like a heads up," Wildcard said with a smirk.

"If we do, our orders are to get you out first. Her Highness thinks you're the key to keeping the changelings already in Equestria in check if things get... heated," Malgavian said.

Wildcard snorted. "I may be a pawn, but I'm a well protected pawn," He joked.

"More a knight really," Echo commented.

"Dukes can't be knights, can they?" Ion asked.

"Doesn't matter what the title is," Wildcard said, "We're all equal on the field,"

Ion put a hoof in the air, as he began to speak. "Now ain't that the truth, we all bleed red, a-" Wildcard cleared his throat, interrupting Ion's speech.

"I bleed green," he said.

Ion shrugged. "Most of us bleed red, some of us bleed green. We all have four hooves, and we're all in this together. A group of pony friends," he said, before quickly adding "and changelings too."

Wildcard smiled, "You were right the first time- we're a group of ponies,"

"But.. you're a changeling?" Ion said, confused.

"One and the same Ion, one and the same," Wildcard said, and left it at that. He turned his gaze out the window and watched as the scenery changed from the boreal forest of Equestria proper, to the dusty desert of the south. In the winter it would be just as dry, but far colder. A wind was blowing down from the north today, causing a chilly dusty wind to blow through everything. It would be a few hours they would reach the border, so Wildcard curled up for a nap in the meantime while the night guards chatted amongst themselves.

"... he looks kind of like a tyre, y'know- round." Wildcard heard somepony whisper.

"... oh shut up, like you're perfect..."

He shrugged it off and went to sleep.

A few hours later a knock on the door woke him up, and he opened his eyes to find that the night guards he was traveling with had hidden themselves along the wall. Malgavian nodded towards the door, and so Wildcard trotted over to open it.

Outside was a changeling warrior standing in the chilly breeze, armoured and armed. Wildcard stuck his head out the door and peered down the length of the train, a good many more of them were checking it off.

The warrior coughed and Wildcard turned his attention back that way.

"Customs inspection," He said.

"There will be no customs inspection for this car," Wildcard said.

"But... I have orders to inspect all the cars," He argued.

Wildcard glared down at him. "Who gave you this order?" He asked.

"Eta-Gamma, down the line," The warrior said, gesturing towards the rest of the train.

"You know who I am right? What's my ra... my name?" Wildcard asked.

"It's... Eta-Delta," The warrior replied.

"Exactly," Wildcard said. "I am superior to your Eta. There will be no inspection for this car, that's an order," Wildcard said, and quickly shut the door.

With his hoof still on it, he sighed deeply. Poor guy was just trying to do his job.

"Good work, we knew we could count on you," Malgavian said.

Wildcard frowned and trotted back to his spot. "When Chrysalis hears about this she's gonna demote the poor guy, even though he had nothing to do with it- it was all me," He lamented.

"Couldn't be helped, and hey- greater good right?" Malgavian said, returning to his own seat.

"Oh don't give me that 'greater good' garbage, I thought you were different then Mezza Luna," Wildcard returned.

Malgavian clenched his hoof, and Wildcard noticed he had clearly disturbed the rest too.

"Careful there, ambassador. The difference between us and her is we are working for a greater good here- not just our own personal gain. You too, unless you plan on taking over the hive for yourself," He growled.

"Sorry, I guess I'm just on edge," Wildcard said. "I've got to go tell my Queen- whom I'll remind you I've been taught since I was born was basically perfect- to go buck herself."

"Well that sounds like the greater good to me!" Ion noted.

"Telling off Chrysalis, to her face, alone. You're a brave mule, I'll give you that," Malgavian said, and the train rumbled back forwards.

"Oh she won't hurt me, but you six? Going into the hive? If they want to kill you those sidearms aren't going to stop them. They could do you in, and send back six copies. So be careful," Wildcard warned.

"They could do the same to you," Malgavian said.

Wildcards eyes grew wide with horror, he had never actually considered that. A changeling replacing another changeling had never happened before, but that was true with a great many things over the last few months. They couldn't possibly...

Malgavian laughed as Wildcards face grew pale. "Hey don't worry about it, I'm sure somepony would notice," He said.

Would they?

There was only about an hour more in their journey after reaching the border, and Wildcard spent it pondering. Three months ago he had his first real 'naked' meeting with a pony- explaining to Princess Celestia what Twilight had been doing in the south. She had been surprisingly eager to help, despite the fact he had snuck his way into her quarters. As soon as she heard 'twilight' and 'invasion' she jumped to action, and only a few hours later the situation was solved, and a few hours after that the alliance formed. It wasn't Medulla or Pike that had ultimately saved the day- it was Celestia, and she wouldn't have been there without himself.

Barely a day after that he set off for his new job, which he thought would just be simple desk work. Back then he didn't know any of truths he did now, or have any power. He was a poor, unknown, changeling in a broken down office. Now he was wealthy, married, and an Equestrian Duke with an embassy and estate. All this new power seemed almost... natural. It felt good too, and he wanted to do good with it. As far as he could tell he had, and now he wanted more.

Changeling agents were taught in a general sort of way the ideas of statecraft, history, and political sciences. Often one would be sent to replace a noble in order to get some pull in a court, and rarely one would even replace a leader directly. This required a knowledge of the political game, and that was where Wildcard had excelled more then anything. Most of his missions had been what the others would find boring- politics. Replace a noble, and weaken the state from the inside. Even when this sort of mission failed, it still caused a lot of chaos, and was an interesting way of experimenting. Now he was quickly becoming able to put that theory into practice, for the betterment of his people, not the aspirations of his queen.

The train horn blared, and it's pace slowed. Out the window Wildcard saw they had entered the forested valley. All the trees had, like those in Equestria, turned shades of orange and red. Fall had come early, but it was more beautiful than ever before.

"Alright everypony. Keep your head on a swivel, stay close, and don't let any of them get too close. If we stay as a group they'll have to take us as one, and by Luna we can take down a lot of them if they want to go that way," Malgavian said, adjusting his armour and once again checking his weapon.

"You're not really expecting them to try anything, are you?" Echo asked.

"No, I'm not, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let my guard down," Malgavian replied, and pointed to Wildcard.

"You're on point, we'll follow. I've got no idea where anything is around here," He ordered.

Wildcard got up and trotted to the door. "Fine, you could have just asked for a map or something," He noted.

"Mezza Luna never trusted you enough, this is her plan after all," Malgavian said.

"I hope she rots, she had me on latrine duty for Luna's sake," Ion complained.

Wildcard smiled, pleased to finally meet some night guards with a sunnier disposition then usual, and opened the door.

To his mild surprise Chrysalis stood outside at the end of a red carpet, with a wall of changeling warriors with gleaming armour on the sides. He had never considered an official greeting, but it did make sense. So he strode out with his entourage behind, and swallowed his fear. There she was, his queen and original ancestor, dressed in a green robe with her pointed crown on her head.

Probably should have worn something better, but a peacoat would do.

"Your Highness," He said, giving a curt bow, "What a pleasure to be greeted by yourself, I'm humbled," he added.

"Oh but the pleasure is all mine, Ambassador Wildcard. I see you brought the esteemed guests from Equestria with you. Such a pleasure to meet yourselves, bat ponies are as much our friends as anypony else, and you are welcome to enjoy our hospitality," Chrysalis said, her voice in the usual tone of regal authority.

Last time Wildcard had met her she had dismissed him, and now she had called him by his name, his actual name- not his serialized changeling number. Wildcard was getting respect, which he absorbed into his ego.

"Thank you, your highness, it's good to be home, and may I introduce Malgavian, Ion Trail, Echo, Carina, Helm, and Moonglow," Wildcard said, gesturing to his companions whom bowed in turn.

"It's an honor to meet you all," Chrysalis said, and turned towards the hive itself.

The fortress hung, as always, like a monolith overshadowing the main courtyard. That was flanked by the four large barracks, two of which had a giant Equestrian flag hanging from them, and was probably where some of the refugees- the lucky ones, lived. The rest in a camp outside the hive proper, kept well protected by warriors. There were only a few thousand changelings, and the warriors would sleep outside if ordered, and a large portion of the workers were in Equestria, so they had the space to spare. The courtyard had become both a market and meeting place for the refugees, shops here and there were the hub of trade between Equestria and the Hive. Baltimarian refugees on both ends had become the middle ponies all around, selling imports here and exports back in Equestria. Both were benefiting greatly, and it kept the Baltimarians occupied, and employed.

It was good to be home, but Wildcard was fraught with worry. Chrysalis was acting almost as if he was an equal, which was entirely unexpected.

"Now, if you'll follow me, I'm sure you are eager to speak with your friends that have been enjoying our company for the last few months. I'm sure you will find that everything is in order, and they are well taken care of," Chrysalis said, and the train of ponies and changelings moved on from the station.

Wildcard took a position directly behind her, flanked by warriors on either side. Malgavian and his unit behind him, taking a sort of double line formation. They too were flanked by warriors, and Wildcard spared a quick glance back. Uneasy darting of eyes back and forth, they clearly felt vulnerable. Wildcard came to his queens side.

"You're not going to try anything, are you?" He whispered.

"If I was, I already would have," She quietly replied, as the group entered the courtyard.

Chrysalis halted them, and gestured over it with a golden shoed hoof. "Your countrymen are free to assemble, trade with us, and come and go as they please. We have both benefited greatly from trade relations, and the Badlands partition has been of great benefit," She spoke, and Wildcard could see a few ponies in the courtyard regard her with a smile, which was... odd.

They didn't seem afraid of her, they didn't stop what they were doing, they didn't even really seem to notice that the queen of the changelings was a dozen meters away.

"This is all well and good, and I assure you that Equestria thanks you for this kindness, but there's a rather... delicate matter we have to discuss," Malgavian said, stepping forward beside Wildcard.

Chrysalis turned and smiled. "Well out with it then, you have nothing to worry about here, and I have nothing to hide," She said.

Malgavian paused for a moment, and then continued. "I'll be blunt, your highness- where's your army?" he asked.

Chrysalis smiled again, and pulled one of the warriors close. "Malgavian, take a look at this stallion. How well do you think he would do against a heavily armed griffon- in the air or otherwise? The vast majority of our warriors aren't trained for an extended conflict like this, and the only century with any real experience was unfortunately lost a few weeks ago- in Baltimare," She explained.

The warrior didn't seem to appreciate the comment, but bore it professionally.

"That's a reasonable enough explanation for why you haven't sent a force out with the Wonderbolt's, but the Legion is fighting barely 30 kilometers from here, we've gotten complaints that you haven't been helping," Malgavian said.

"Oh but you misunderstand- we have. I have almost the entire population in the south, and I assure you the results of my... skilled diplomacy, will soon become apparent. Equestria need only maintain the line a little longer, and this ridiculous 'confederacy' will collapse as it's spine is torn out," She said.

Wildcard saw right through this, and hoped Malgavian did too. She was only buying time... for what Wildcard wasn't sure.

"I see, I will report this to my superiors," Malgavian said.

"Now, if you don't mind, we would like to spend some time with our fellows that have been apart for so long," He said, and with a flash his unit came forward to his side.

"Do as you please, I have nothing to hide," Chrysalis said, and with a nod the flanking warriors faded away to return to whatever they did normally. Malgavian nodded, and took his squad past into the courtyard.

"Now," Chrysalis said, leaning towards Wildcard, "I imagine you have something to say to me."

Wildcard squinted his eyes and met her gaze. "Oh I do, shall we find somewhere private?"

For a moment the pair locked eyes, and then Chrysalis grinned, pointedly baring her fangs, before turning and leading him around the courtyard towards the fortress.

"I have been expecting your return for quite some time, Duke. You've made quite a name for yourself amongst the ponies, and acquired a significant amount of power. You remind me of myself, when I was young," She said.

"Really? I don't recall trying to make myself an alicorn princess," Wildcard said, receiving a harsh glare in return.

"Fine, so you know the truth. Keep it close to your heart, you never know who might be listening," Chrysalis warned, and threw open the fortress doors with Wildcard in tow, striding right past the two warriors standing outside, as they hastily saluted.

"That's not what I mean anyway, what I mean is you want power, and you clearly have the strength of will, and clear mind, to take it," She said, and led him up the red staircase that spiralled around the long hollow centre of the fortress. Along it's edge were doors that went here or there, and the top led to the rooms of the elite.

"I didn't steal power for my own glory, queen, I earned what I have- and I mean to do well with it," Wildcard said.

She glanced back with a grin. "Are you sure?" she asked.

"Of course I'm sure," Wildcard replied.

"Really? I was once," Chrysalis said, as the pair reached the top of the stairs. Ahead was the throne room, and she strode towards it confidently. No guards stood at the door.

"I'm sure, it was a masterstroke of virtue to warp ponies for your own twisted desires, and then take us from our home to live fearfully in this dank valley," Wildcard said.

Chrysalis strode into the throne room without replying, and Wildcard after her. Beside her throne, with the hive visible out the balcony. Beside it was... a second.

Wildcard stood in the doorway examining it as Chrysalis took her seat on her own. It looked new, and was equal in size and height to Chrysalis

"Do you like it? Your commander, Medulla, certainly does, but he's just a follower, he does what I say, and in turn I allow him some power. Right now he's in the south, working to fulfill my desires. He doesn't have the vision that it takes be a real leader. You.. however," She said, and crossed her legs over.

"You do," She added softly.

Wildcard pointedly remained at the doorway. "I'm married, Chrysalis, or have you been falling behind on recent news?" He asked.

Chrysalis laughed, and moved to a more... flattering position. "Oh I'm well aware, but why settle for a pony second to Celestia, when you can have a queen that's second to none?" She asked coyly.

"I think I can settle for a First Class ticket. You can't seriously think I'll turn my back on her, and Equestria, that easily do you?" Wildcard asked.

Chrysalis frowned. "Turn your back on them? Have you forgotten where you came from? Have you forgotten who raised you, fed you, taught you? I gave you everything you have, I made you who you are. You can never escape that, as much as you try. You're different then the Equestrian ponies, and you always will be," she said.

Wildcard smirked and approached. "Have you forgotten? I know who you are, what you've done, and where we're from. You're just a distorted alicorn, and we're just lost ponies. I'll lead us home, and we're more like them than we are different," he said.

Chrysalis sat upright and glared at him. "Do you realize what you're throwing away here? I offer you power, power without a frivolous and naive princess looming over you. With you at my side, and all that you know, we could conquer Equestria! Don't you realize why I've always wanted to dominate them? I want to lead us home too Wildcard- as conquerors!" She said, slowly increasing in volume.

"Really? You're so vain you never were able to give up your jealously of Celestia have you? She's able to rule with justice and her subjects follow her willingly, you have to rely on lies and isolation. Tell me, if they all knew what I do, would they stay?" Wildcard asked.

Chrysalis shot out of her seat, snarling at Wildcard. "They would follow me to the end! That is what changelings are! My changelings! You... you're nothing, not a pony or a changeling. A pathetic worm stuck in between two worlds, but you will never truly be part of either," She shouted, and loomed over him.

Wildcard stared up and matched her gaze, his blue eyes glowing to match Chyrsalis' own green eyes.

"I used to fear you, but now I've figured it all out. You're a coward, too afraid to put yourself in harms way, instead you have others to do it for you. That's why you created us, we're just a meat-shield to you," Wildcard accused.

Chrysalis laughed. "Do you really thing think that? Do you really think I'm some sort of mindless evil monster? I made you because you're superior to the ponies, and when I lead us back I will raise the entire species! Look at us, we have wings and horns, no longer would the species be divided into three, we would be unified as one great whole. With myself at the top, of course," She said.

"You're insane," Wildcard said, frantically processing this idea.

"I'm insane? You know who's really insane? Celestia! She has the power to make every single pony equal, a paradise of alicorns, but instead she hordes this gift for a select few, selected- of course- by herself. Is she really any different, or any better?"

Wildcard considered. "Yes."

"Really? Well do explain, oh honourable Duke of Equestria," Chrysalis demanded.

"Celestia earned her place as ruler, and her subjects have respected it for millennia. She rules not for herself, but for them, and now she has seen that they are ready to rule themselves. In order to do what's right, Celestia is willing to move on, to give up her power, would you ever give it up?" Wildcard asked.

"Of course not, I am the superior mind, and the natural, just, ruler. Now clearly I have made a mistake in thinking you were a stallion of vision," She growled, and turned her back on Wildcard.

"Leave, and if you oppose me you will be a target. This war won't last forever, and I am a very patient mare," she threatened.

Wildcard grinned. "Thanks for the window of opportunity," he said.

Chrysalis glared back at him. "Get. Out." She commanded.

Wildcard strode out confidently, knowing that she had revealed her weakness. She could nothing against him while she still relied on Equestria for protection. No amount of infiltrators in the south could protect the hive if the legion fell back on it. She was as powerless to stop him as she was vain.

What she said about Celestia he took deeply into consideration though, and her plan for the changelings wasn't entirely evil. Perhaps there was some sort of merit to it, a more egalitarian future with the end of the three races, instead merged into one. If this is what Chrysalis had planned in the first place, why would Celestia have stopped her? There wasn't any solid reason for it. Perhaps it was simply impossible to work practically, and the changelings are what came from her attempt.

Of course that raised the question of whether they were inferior, equal, or superior to regular ponies. Was it possible that they were really a step forward, an ascension? It was an idea that at the very least had some merit.

Now where did Chrysalis, or rather Crystal Star's at the time, husband fit into all this? And what was that thing Zeta had found at the burial site? Wildcard had half a mind to turn around and ask, but that bridge was burned to a cinder now.

He strode out into the courtyard, and taking a brief look at the sun he guessed it was around 7PM. A few hours to burn, so he strode down into the chaotic open air marketplace. It felt good to be home again, but he saw it from a new perspective now- an outsider's view. He trotted over to a tent, a sign out front advertising 'Genuine Hive Mushrooms'. Probably cheaper here then in Canterlot, so why not?

Wildcard strode in through the cloth door, and was quickly greeted by a changeling with bright blue eyes, standing behind a short counter. All around were bags of mushrooms, and Wildcard placed one on the counter.

"How m..." He began to say, but quickly realized he had no money.

"I uh..." Wildcard awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "Don't suppose you can spot me a few bits?" Wildcard meekly asked.

"Buddy, come on, since when have we ever had to pay for anything?" The changeling said, and pushed the bag over to Wildcard.

"Hey wait, I get it- you're the ambassador right? Spending too much time in Equestria, you should come back home more often," He suggested.

"Cutie mark give it away? I wish I could but I've got... responsibilities," Wildcard said, smiling and taking the bag.

"I hear that, Chrysalis keeps us busy. Wouldn't have it any other way though. It's something the ponies will never know- we're all part of a greater whole, working as one according to her plans," he said.

Wildcard sighed, this stallion was clearly smart, and yet still deluded. This was his main obstacle, not Chrysalis herself. What he had to defeat was 500 years of brainwashing.

"Are you sure that it's a good plan though? If she ordered you to jump off a cliff..."

The changeling snorted. "I would jump, otherwise I might as well just go live in Equestria and give this all up," he said.

Wildcard nodded. "That's the choice then, thanks," He said, and turned to leave.

"Well... not sure what for, but you're welcome."

Outside Wildcard strolled around, wasting time as he snacked on a few of the mushrooms. A vote, perhaps that was the key. Pressure Chrysalis into calling a vote, a referendum on her leadership. That wouldn't accomplish anything if he wasn't able to actually convince more then half to vote against her however, and that would take work.

In his stroll he walked past several dozen vendors. Most of which were run by changelings, selling local goods to the Baltimarians. Celestia had a rather large 'refugee fund' and the hive was clearly bilking her for every half bit. Here and there an Equestrian pony ran a stall as well, selling their own imported wares- often as part of a chain. Equestrian food- especially cider, was extremely popular in the hive. Here and there pairs of warriors in glimmering new armour strode around, keeping a careful watch on everything. The hives military was small, and unfit for long term conflict, just as Chrysalis had said; but she had bought huge amounts of state-of-the-art equipment. Each warrior had a rifle slung on his back, and the ones standing watch on outer watchtowers stood beside great cannons pointed skywards. A few of those, along with spotlights, could be seen here or there on the ground too. If it ever came to blows between Equestria and the changelings again, their victory wouldn't be nearly as easy as when Twilight invaded.

Equestria, that was the key! More then half of the leaders, and nearly the entire worker force, was up north, generating huge sums for the hive. They didn't get their assignments from Chrysalis, they got all their contracts passed down....

"From me," Wildcard grinned.

It was himself who had made the original connections, and he could at a whim give any of them better- or worse- assignments. Each had a clause allowing for emergency severance, something Wildcard put in if the Hive ever needed them back quickly. He, in essence, held their comfortable Equestrian lives in his hooves. Perhaps that, and their time in Equestria, was enough to convince them to support him.

"Hey Wildcard!" He head a gruff voice shout behind him, and turned to see Malgavian standing with his group,

"Where have you been? It's almost nine!" He shouted down.

Wildcard glanced upwards at the horizon, and threw away his empty bag.

"Sorry, got lost in my own thoughts!" He shouted back, and galloped to their side.

"Looks more like you got lost in a bakery," Ion said, jabbing him in his soft ribs.

"Yeah well, looks like you got lost in a pigsty," Wildcard returned.

Ion grinned as the group moved on. "Ohhh I am gonna like you, if you're ever free, look us up, could always use another poker player," he said.

"You realize gambling's illegal in the mountain, right?" Malgavian said, as he led them to the train station.

"Who said we would be in the mountain?" Ion retorted.

Wildcard chuckled, and a good feeling came over him as a very, almost imperceptible, green glowed around him. It wasn't anywhere near what he felt around his love, but being around a half dozen friendly ponies was fairly enjoyable in itself.

Shortly they came upon the train, while the group was chatting amongst themselves. Wildcard was too deep in his own thoughts to hear much, but the gist of it seemed to be that the changelings were, quote 'on the level'. Which was good enough, violence could possibly be avoided if Wildcard was able to complete his new plan.

The conductor greeted them, and they seemed to be the only ones boarding the train at the time.

"Welcome back, You've got the same car, at the back," He said, gesturing down the line. "You're the only ones- the rest of this is just sulphur and such heading for the Crystal Empire. There's no real hurry, since they've got a good stockpile, so I'll put it to you: wanna take the scenic route around Ponyville, crossing the Unicorn Range, and then back east- or take the direct route?" He asked.

Malgavian shrugged and looked to Wildcard. "I don't care either way, what about you?"

Wildcard grinned. "In that car? Let's take our time," He said.

"Fantastic!" Carina said. "I bought a book on your history," She said, hefting it in her hoof.

Wildcard trotted towards the car with them. "Oh I can do better then that," He said, opening the door for them and heading inside.

"You can?" Carina asked.

Wildcard nodded. "Gather around ye fellows, and learn the true history of the changeling race. A tale that will shock your very soul!" He exclaimed, and turned to them with the moon rising behind through the window.

They all made their eyes glow and stared him down. "Wildcard, you realize we've fought the undead right? If souls can be shocked, ours are the least likely to," Malgavian said, his own eyes glowing red to match his mane.

Wildcard frowned. "Fine, but gather around anyway because it's time for this to be known," He said, and placed a pillow on the floor to flop down on.

The others did as well, and Wildcard had his audience.

"Okay, let's get started. Celestia has had more then one student, right?" He asked.

Carina nodded. "Stands to reason, she is fifteen hundred years old,"

"Right, but for whatever reason all of them before Twilight failed. Five hundred year-"

Helm got up and trotted for the bar.

"What? Leave history to the eggheads, just give me a sword and tell me who gets it," He said.

"That sort of thinking is why Half Moon rose to power, history is important you know!" Carina angrily retorted.

"Yeah," Helm said, munching on a pastry, "but that's why I've got you,"

She shook her head and looked back to Wildcard. "Ignore him, continue," She said.

"Soo five hundred years ago one named Crystal Star- for some reason- gets denied the alicorn treatment," he said, and noted how intently Carina was listening. The others politely did too, but she was the only that really seemed to care.

"She gets enraged by this, and uses dark magic and twisted science to try and bypass Celestia, and here's where it gets fuzzy. She manages to do it- but not quite all the way. She makes herself, her husband, and a group of followers into the first changelings" He said.

Carina gasped. "I had no idea that was possible, do you have proof of this?" She asked.

Wildcard shook his head. "I wish I did, but it was destroyed in Baltimare. You'll just have to take my word for it, although a scrap of evidence remains in the care of Doctor Colgate in Canterlot,"

Carina nodded. "I'll have to talk with her, continue."

"From here she takes her followers, and leaves Equestria. Whether she was banished, or left on her own will, I'm not sure. Originally the hive was much larger, but uhh... you ever notice how we're all male?" Wildcard asked.

Malgavian spoke up, eyes wide in a wonderous disgust. "You're kidding me, that's disgusting!" He exclaimed, as in the background Helm coughed out the remains of whatever he was eating.

"Yeeeaaah, so this has led to basically our slow extinction. The only way to save our race, is to re-unite with the ponies we came from originally. Chrysalis wants to do so by force, but I have an alternative," Wildcard said.

"Well that's good, if they ever try anything we'll fry the entire hive, I won't allow a crazed incestous half-alicorn threatening Equestria," Helm said.

"I don't blame you, and if it comes down to that- I'll be with you. I would rather see us end in fire then slowly under that insane, hole filled, mother b-"

The train horn blared, and a crackled came through the intercom.

"Turning onto the west tracks now, quite a view tonight," the conductor said.

Wildcard stood from his spot so he could move to the window. "That's all for your history lesson," he said.

"It was a pleasure, I'm going to have to do some digging when we get back and see if I can uncover anything about your 'queen', if I do I'll give you a call," Carina said.

"I would be grateful, thank you," Wildcard said, and took a seat with a view of the window as Malgavian fired up the fireplace.

For the next few hours he watched the beautiful countryside in the moonlight go past. The thin wispy clouds in the sky contrasted wonderfully with the sparkling stars, the entire universe visible in the darkness. What other worlds might lie out there, with their own problems and peoples? Would they find peace, or would they be destroyed by war? Perhaps there were worlds where magic ran wild and free, usable by all, and others where it didn't exist at all. World with lush blue trees that talked to each other through telepathic winds, worlds of a single giant biomass that pondered its own existence into eternity.

In his poetic pondering, he also decided on something. If he was going to call a vote, he would find himself running a political party. It would need a name, and the one he chose was this.

The Changeling National Unification Party

All that was left now was to get home and actually get started. First he would have to type a resignation paper, so he can detach himself from Chrysalis and truly strike out on his own. Thankfully for him he had been pondering enough that in a six hour flash they arrived back at Canterlot in the middle of the night- 3AM.

Wildcard and the night guards disembarked, and with a quick series of goodbyes Wildcard set off home. He passed a good many night guards on his way there, but now he felt comfortable with them around, and noticed that the street lights were all turned on now. Luna had tamed the night, hopefully Mezza Luna would stay out of affairs from now on. Happily striding into his home, being quiet so as to not disturb his sleeping wife, he hung up his coat and trotted over to his personal typewriter in one of the other rooms. Tomorrow he would call a meeting of the changeling leadership in Equestria, but first there was something he had to do.

With a quick tapping of the pedals, a line printed out of the machine. A line that would change everything.

I resign

Interrupted before he could continue, keeping up the pattern of the day, a white light shone into the house from outside. Wildcard looked out the window to see the Princess of the Night standing in his yard.

Oh, forgot about that.

Wildcard stood up, and quietly opened the glass door that opened to the yard.

"You're highness." Wildcard bowed."I apologize for.. neglecting to meet you, I've been rather occupied."

"I was in the neighbourhood anyway, removing the cancer that my previous second allowed to flourish is proving difficult," She said, and closed her wings up before approaching.

"Duke Wildcard, Malgavian tells me you've made some decisions today, and that thankfully the Baltimarians are being treated well. I assume there is truth in both these statements?" Luna asked.

"The Baltimarians are fine, for now at least. Chyrsalis knows he has more to lose then gain by attempting anything now- without Equestria the independent states would roll over the hive- with griffon support," Wildcard replied, gently closing the door behind him.

"Good, I expected as much. Frankly if we weren't at war with the griffons, we probably would be with her," She said, and seemed to realize something as she glanced upwards, and then back to Wildcard.

"You called her Chrysalis, not your 'queen', why?" she asked.

Wildcard grinned, and met her gaze. "She's not my queen anymore, I'm packing it in Princess- no more fake ambassador games. The days of plotting and planning, hoping and wondering, those are over. Tomorrow I'm going to start actively working to bring her down, and she can't do anything about it while she depends on you for defense," Wildcard replied.

"I see, but you realize I can't intervene in internal affairs, correct? I can protect you, but I won't give you an army to usurp the throne," Luna warned.

Wildcard nodded. "I wouldn't dare ask, and I would rather a peaceful transfer of power anyway. What I do ask however, is this: Tomorrow I will call a meeting of the changeling leaders in Equestria, and I want every single media outlet in the country there, and a solid guard," Wildcard said.

Luna considered for just a moment, "Easy enough, consider it done. I owe you that much, and if you can get that demented mare out of our hair, then you'll have my silent support," She said.

Then her gaze turned to a glare, and her voice deepened. "However, Wildcard, I will only warn you once- ff I see any sign that you are just a repeat of your queen, just another vain ruler in pursuit of personal power above all else, I will destroy you," She threatened.

"Heard and understood," Wildcard said, not shifting an inch from his position before her.

"Good, now... if you're going to be a proper duke," Luna said, and prodded his chest, "You need a commission, but you're rather out of shape, so I took the liberty of signing you up for officers training, which starts next week in Ponyville," She said.

Wildcard frantically searched for an excuse.

"I have to work on bringing Chrysalis down, I don't have time for that!" He argued.

Luna laughed. "Chrysalis can wait three weeks while you work off some of those tax payer provided lunches, Duke. I rule you now, and you'll go where I tell you," She said.

Wildcard sighed. "Fine, but I am getting a commission out of this, right?" He asked.

"Certainly, we could use a pony like you, and apparently you're free now, just work off those pounds first. " She said.

Wildcard nodded his acceptance. "Fair enough, but I'll have my hooves full trying to oppose Chrysalis, I don't know how much use I can be in the south, or out east," He said.

"Oh no, not out there, we need somepony on the home guard- and with Mezza Luna proving insolent, all our experienced commanders on the front, and royalty busy with our own things, I think I will let it fall to you. Finish this officers training, and I will give you your orders," Luna explained.

"You realize this means you're entrusting Equestria to a changeling, one that has barely been here three months, right?" Wildcard asked.

Luna glared at him. "Under close watch by myself, yes. Screw up, and I'll have your head," She warned.

"Fine. Now I've been awake for nearly a day and would like to get some rest, good night Princess," Wildcard said, and turned his back on her to go inside.

Luna let the minor disrespect slide, and took to the sky. Wildcard was turning out to be rather capable, and now he had jumped the gap from 'earning' to 'taking' power. If he gave into the same sort of gluttony his queen did so long ago, then she would have to stop him. Giving him a minor role in the war would be a good way to see how he would handle real power.

A thousand years ago it was so easy, just behead anyone that got in your way. Not anymore.

She sighed, and glanced back at the moon behind her. Maybe she was getting too old...

"No, never," She said to herself.

While the ballad of politics continued it's eternal dance in Equestria, out over the eastern oceans the Wonderbolts had finally managed to find their victory on Waylay Island, at a heavy price. They had their own run in with the night guard, almost crippling them. Spitfire stood on the highest hill of the island, looking towards the east as through the flames all around the griffon fleet that had held for so long was finally retreating, a half dozen wrecks in the water left behind it.

She turned and stared at the ruins of what had once been a forested paradise, but was now a burnt out grey mass of dust and muddy sand.

It had been a long few weeks, but finally it was over. They could continue on now. What happened during those few weeks changed her, forever.

Author's Note:

Spitfire, Flash Sentry, and Fang will return in: A Burning Pheonix

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