• Published 27th Jan 2014
  • 3,050 Views, 437 Comments

A Circle Has No End: Volume I - Gladi Writes

Two stolen hearts set off a chain reaction that engulfs Equestria and it's new allies- the Changelings.

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Arc: Quietly Into the Night II

At noon Wildcard made his appearance at the Canterlot post office, finding a Ponyville Express reporter waiting for him as he handed his resignation letter over to a familiar grey mare.

Lyra apparently wanted to give her home town a boost. Wildcard didn't mind- the story would spread like wildfire regardless.

He had asked why Wildcard was there, and if the 'rumour' of his resignation was true. Wildcard had said simply this:

"It's time for my people to find a new path, come to the embassy at 5PM to learn more,"

He then flew off, the reporter that had been tipped off had been chosen precisely because he was a unicorn, and Wildcard was able to leave him in the dust wondering what was going on. Hype was building, and he knew that every reputable, and quite not, media outlet in the country was going to be represented tonight. Lyra Heartstrings would be putting her natural charm to use, hosting the assembled changelings and media until Wildcard himself arrived. He would arrive half hour or so after the rest, just enough time for them to wonder healthily what was up.

The clock struck five, and he strode out of his home, a carriage waiting at the end of the way. Sure he could have walked, or even just stayed at the embassy, but an entrance was a fine thing. A good entrance was a tool of the political class. To spoil the chance to make a good one tonight would be a crime.

One of many in his past, but that was of no consequence at the moment.

Wildcard trotted down the path, clad in a penguin suit he had made especially for the occasion- since nothing he had fit. Coco Pommel original, the thing cost five thousand bits alone. By Celestia he looked good in it.

At the end of the path, on the other side of the gate, his wife stood waiting.

Wildcard opened the gate, allowing it to swing past himself as he found himself unable to find the words for what he was looking at. She was... exquisite?




All of these words and more. She wore a black dress that accentuated every aspect of her perfect body, even her sizeable baby bump only added to her beauty. Around her neck was a pearl necklace, which was the colour of the scroll in her cutie mark.

She noticed how taken he was, and leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek. He glowed, just a little.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," she teased, and winked at the changeling.

Wildcard collected himself, and without taking his eyes off her opened the door to their carriage for her.

"I'm trying, believe me," Wildcard said, and with a bowing sweep of his arm beckoned his wife enter. "After you, Prime Minister,"

First Class giggled, and entered the carriage. "Not just yet Wild, not just yet."

Wildcard entered and sat beside her in the roomy vehicle, on the comfy red seat.

"For now, let's dream," He said, and shut the door behind him.

"Driver, to the Embassy!" Wildcard ordered, and then the divider separating the passenger compartment of the carriage slammed shut, his wife grasping his chin.

"It takes twenty minutes to get there..."

She was on him before he even realized what was happening, and he knew that this: this love, this undying compassion, was worth dying for.

If he had to in order for the rest of his race to be free to experience it, then that was a fine thing to be remembered for.

He would prefer not to though.


While the crew made the Magnificent ready for moving, Spitfire made her way down into the rear guest quarters, where their two guests stayed. Twilight Sparkle had been a remarkable boon to them, not only with her new radar technology having exceptional promise, but also managing to secure the parts they needed to repair the ships engines. She even requisitioned replacement guns- using her status to push it through the red tape. Nopony seemed willing to ask what a Princess wanted with a double-barrelled 18 inch cannon assembly.

She had a room down here, with a nice view from the aft, but that wasn't where she was heading. It was another room, windowless and kept under heavy guard, that she set her sight on. Rossak, 'military attache', was residing there. He had been given a choice when he had been brought up: either come willingly as a guest, or come in the brig as a prisoner of war. Either way, he was coming to Equestria.

He was wise enough to choose the first, and Spitfire had made sure he was treated well. She wasn't quite sure what to do with him, but the Princesses would know.

Princesses other than Twilight, who had ordered her to bring him to Celestia or Luna. She had said she needed to 'read up on foreign affairs' when pressed on it. Twilight was a strange pony indeed. Spitfire didn't care that she was a good half decade younger than herself- Twilight had proven herself well enough. So long as the command structure worked- and it did- Spitfire didn't really fret where she was on it.

Being on top was preferred, but anywhere above where she was now would require politics. Spitfire hated politics.

Poltics however, were a part of her job. She stuck out her chin as she strode towards the quarters, putting on her best self-confident style.

She met the guards salutes, and opened the door- quickly closing it behind her. Rossak sat on a couch at the opposite side in the well furnished room, reading a book.

Cosmic Theory in the Local Neighborhood: Twilight Velvet

Spitfire allowed him a selection of books, he was quite interested in the sciences apparently. Specifically he had an interest in astronomy and cosmic theory. He had asked for technical manuals and newspapers, but Spitfire was smarter than that.

What he was doing on Waylay Island, specifically, remained a mystery that Spitfire had tried to solve a few dozen times, always getting nowhere. As far as she knew he was there as along with the griffon piloted Saddle Arabian airplanes, but whether he was some sort of technical expert, or a field commander, was unknown.

"Ms. Spitfire, a pleasure as always," he said, putting down the book, and smiling at her.

"Air Martial Spitfire," she reminded him angrily.

Rakkon smirked. "The Saddle Arabian state does not recognize the legal existence of your military, and thus your rank. To us, you are nothing more than a very well armed force of brigands," he said.

Spitfire pulled up a metal chair she had long since brought into the room, and sat herself down with arms crossed.

"You don't 'recognize' us, despite what you've seen of our force?" She queried.

Rakkon crossed his leg, and continued with a cocky smile on his face ."Oh we recognize that you exist, but not legally. The Equestrian State has clearly been overtaken by Luna, and we must put it right- by destroying you."

"Nopony would believe that, it's insane- Celestia has publicly stated that's not the case!" Spitfire retorted.

Rakkon laughed, and gestured at her. "Sure she has, as far as you know. As far as our citizens know she hasn't been seen in months. The media is powerful thing miss Spitfire, and the council controls every aspect. As far as the people know, Manehatten was a terrorist attack by your own Night Guard, who blamed it on us to stoke war fever."

Spitfire stood, and pointed her own hoof towards him. "Ah! You admit you were behind that attack!" She accused.

"You, my dear, are free to believe whatever you want. It doesn't matter who did what, it only matters what the people think happened," he said, and picked up a second book.

"By the way, your military is joke. This is, what, the creation of a few decades? We've had hundreds of years," he said, and peered over the book at Spitfire.

"We're coming, Miss Spitfire."

Spitfire left after that, getting the feeling that anything more she said would be divulging knowledge to the enemy. She ordered the guards to permit no visitors, and to ensure the books he received were strictly dusty old science textbooks. At first she had hoped that by treating him well she would be able to avoid some sort of incident, perhaps delay Saddle Arabian involvement.

Apparently that wasn't to be the case, and they had already made up their mind. The world was split by threes now- Equestria, The Changelings- for whatever good that meant- and the Zebra Empire. On other side was the Saddle Arabians, the Griffon Kingdoms, and the Confederacy of Independent States.

The tug of war couldn't possibly last long, one or the other would have to prevail. Spitfire knew they could, deep down, but the task ahead was certainly daunting. Add to all this the asinine Night Guard, and it was a wonder Equestria was still standing.

Equestria stood due to a thousand years of momentum and good leadership from the royal sisters, she supposed. So long as they remained their anchor, Equestria would prevail forever. Even if Equestria was invaded, and they were pushed all the way back to Canterlot, they would prevail in the end. They were Equestria.

She thought about that as she strode along the deck, towards the con tower. What was she fighting for, really? She wasn't really fighting for Equestria- not lines on a map marking its existence. She was fighting for a return to a state of peace that had lasted for centuries, a state of peace maintained by the ruling sisters. Not Equestria, but what Equestria stood for- Friendship, harmony, and the two sisters. In the end, she supposed, it was they who she was really fighting for. Twilight seemed to be there chosen successor, and that was fine too. So long as Equestria had a strong central pillar, then Spitfire would be happy. There was an argument spreading right now if 'democracy' was better, to which Spitfire's opinion had always been 'no'. The princesses could make decisions on the fly, decisions that might be unpopular with the people as a whole, if it served the greater good. Democracy would just lead to them voting themselves into a drunken stupor of no taxes and infinite government spending, legislating the menial while ignoring the serious. Why would any Prime Minister care about what happened beyond their own term? How was that better than Celestia, who thought in terms of decades and centuries? Democracy would destroy Equestria within generations, only the oligarchy could keep it steady forever. Even the mistakes that Celestia had made didn't dissuade her from this point- it had been Luna who had solved those problems. How would a democracy have handled this crisis- months of bickering in parliament? Fools, only fools would think running the nation that way was better. If Spitfire had her way, Luna would dictate everything- forever.

She didn't though, and arriving at the bridge she was reminded of her station, and her mission.

"Martial on deck," Northstar said, and vacated the commanders chair with a sharp salute.

"You're relieved, Northstar, take the helm and set course due west," Spitfire ordered, and settled into her chair.

"Echo, set condition two. Clear Skies, I want Dash Wing ready to scramble," She continued, and felt the ship move under her.

"Set a course for home."


Queen Luna paced in her quarters, not bothering to take audiences today. She had that right, she had the right to do anything- the entire realm bowed to her now after all. She loved this feeling of power, and why shouldn't she? Just because she loved power didn't mean she was abusing it. She couldn't abuse it anyway, since it was he that decided what was right and wrong, and everything she did was most certainly right. Equestria was in top form, industry was booming and the military was on the march. Once this war wrapped up they would find themselves a world industrial power.

Being on top had its drawbacks though, the chief of which was worry. She was certainly the best leader the nation had, but even she hadn't experienced the sorts of problems they had today. Problems that seemed to be multiplying with time. When she ascended to take the throne for herself, she hoped to have this war dealt with quickly, and then return to peace a hero of the people. Finally the citizens of Equestria would accept her as they did her sister. Her failing, a thousand years ago, still haunted her.

Her own Night Guard, led by her former second Mezza Luna- popularly nicknamed 'Half Moon'- was now the biggest obstacle in her way. The war with the griffons was seemingly going well, and was fought in the open. Mezza Luna, however, fought in the shadows. The Night Guard for millennia been the watchers of the night, so the regular guard found itself helpless when the watchers turned on them. Luna's plan was to lead them into a trap, and destroy all the mutinous elements utterly. If this plan failed, it would lead to civil war.

A long, drawn out, civil war that could lead to the collapse of Equestria. She had to strike now, strike hard, or lose it all. Celestia was in the Crystal Empire now, both to ensure that Half Moon couldn't touch her, and so that she wouldn't be around to stay Luna's hoof. The streets would run red tonight, the penalty for treason was high indeed.

Hearing a knock at the door, she halted in her pacing, and the door opened a tad for one of her Centurion guards to peek his head in.

"It's Malgavian, your highness," he said.

Luna nodded. "Allow him in."

Malgavian entered, and shut the door behind him as he bowed to his Queen. He, and the night guards that remained loyal to Luna, were all over Canterlot tonight. This time she hadn't had to lie about any drills, it was very publicly all to secure the city for the meeting of the changeling leaders at their embassy. Tonight Mezza Luna would most certainly strike, Luna had watched as she had been moving force into positions near Canterlot for weeks. To her, the prize would be too much. The changelings, Celestia, and the capital- all at once. Luna had known she planned to strike eventually, and by moving these pieces into place she was able to decide the time.

Queen Luna, and a 500 meter long flying battleship, would see to it the Half Moon would fall.

Luna turned to her second, who waited for her command.

"I assume all is ready, and the Magnificent has made contact?"

"Yes, your highness. My soldiers are in position, as are the police and reservists. The city is a fortress," Malgavian replied.

"Good, is there anything more to report?"

Malgavian scratched the back of his neck. "Well, the changeling duke has clearly breached the treaty- he has at least a hundred of his own agents mixed in with the police near the embassy. On the one hoof, I commend him for the initiative. On the other, he's clearly breaking at least a dozen laws."

Luna laughed. "Of course, he would be the sort not to trust us. I'll allow it, given he's important in my own plans," Luna said, and her face returned to its stoic demeanour.

"However, keep a close watch on him- personally. I want him to know he is being watched as well. He seems to think that by leaving Chrysalis he'll answer to nobody- I want to you to ensure he knows he answers to me."

Malgavian nodded his acknowledgement.

"Now, bring me my armour," Luna said, and grinned as the die was rolled.

Tonight, she would fight. No more politics, no more plotting. Tonight she would fight Mezza Luna head on.

Tonight, a blood moon will rise, and a half moon will set.


While the two sides of the Night Guard sped towards each other, Wildcard's mind raced on its own track. Tonight was the most important night of his entire life, and he was filled with excitement.

His wife, beside him, kept glancing out the window as if she expected something. She hadn't said much after the first twenty minutes, and he was concerned.

"First, you look worried, what's up?" Wildcard asked.

She turned from the window and frowned, staring at her hooves. "I'm... worried. I think Luna is using you as a pawn, or rather even less than that- a carrot in a trap."

Wildcard put a hoof on her shoulder, feeling her shiver at his touch.

"Of course she is, we're both playing the same game, she's just playing it on a different level. We'll both come out alright," he said, and pulled her close.

"It's going to get rough though, there's going to be blood," he warned.

First Class looked him in the eye, and then held him tight. "I know, just..."

Wildcard held her for a moment, then pushed her away, smirking. "Don't die? I've gotten pretty good at that. I have no idea what Luna's going to do, but I can assure you that Mezza Luna isn't going to win," he said.

"Sure would be nice to have the Magnificent still around, she could shove half a kilometre of battleship up Half Mo..." Wildcard trailed off, noticing his wife was smirking at him.


She smiled. "It is."

Wildcard paused for a moment, confused, and then figured it out.

"She faked the loss?"

First Class nodded.

Wildcard laughed. "Well, looks like Half Moon is about to feel the force of the full moon. Stay close, and we'll get through this," he said, and glanced out the window.

Ahead he saw the embassy, behind a roadblock manned by police. These were actually changelings, part of the group that had fought in Southrop-Grumman. They had taken up positions all over the place, and kept a solid watch on everything. Their leader had a cutie mark now, a silver shield. He had taken that name as well, and was now Wildcard's chief of security. Silver Shield was definitely capable in his role, and he had spent the last week overseeing a rather important project Flankenstein and Colgate had been working on, using some hardware liberated from Archer's facility under Manehatten.

A discovery was always quicker the second time, and the results of their work, (Which cost ten thousand bits to finance) was held by him at the embassy. It was Wildcard's ace in the hole- proof of their Equestrian origins.

At this thought he became giddy, and shuffled in his seat. Finally he was going to start putting his theory into practice, and finally he would have some real power, power he would put to good use. He could forge a better future for his people here, and for his new family. He could, Wildcard, as their leader. They would follow him- he would decide the fate of an entire race.


Wildcard grinned, and let himself be lost in the feeling as it came over him, tingling his skin. Power, the root word of all things. Once he had it, he would be unstoppable, and he was very close to having it.

Chrysalis would see justice by his hoof.

The cart stopped, and he stepped out holding his wive's hoof onto a red carpet, lined with his own agents. They wore new ceremonial armour (Another ten thousand bits.), that had been crafted over the last week. Silver Shield stood at the end, holding a briefcase.

He bowed as Wildcard approached, and kissed First Class's hoof. "Good Evening Duke, Duchess. Everything is set," He said, and with a quick exchange of the case led them inside.

Down the hall, a dozen tables filled the large open area. Changeling leaders from all over Equestria- more than half with cutie marks- sat around talking with one another. Lyra Heartstrings, charismatic as always, moved from table to table exchanging pleasantries and jokes. At the very front was a table of regular ponies, representing the press. Wildcard took a quick headcount, and noted that all of those invited had shown up. The changelings in this room represented a full half of the population, workers and warriors within Equestria followed them.

They followed him. All their assignments- and thus their money and power- came down from Wildcard. On a whim he could cut them off, send them home, or give them more substantial slices. He held the strings, and they danced to his tune. On top of that, the idea that they wouldn't have to send 80 cents on the bit home would add substantially.

"Your attention please!" Silver Shield shouted.

"Duke Wildcard and Duchess First Class," he said, and then backed behind them.

Wildcard strode forward with his chin held high. "Good evening everypony, I trust you've been well taken care off?" Wildcard asked.

The changelings all nodded their approval, each of them had been provided more food than they could possibly eat, and it was the finest in the nation as well. Even in a war, there were still ways to get around rationing. That, plus the lodging for his fellows (paid for by himself, of course), and the rest of the odds and ends, put the total cost for all this at somewhere around fifty thousand bits.

It was worth every piece, empires didn't come cheap.

"Hey, Wildcard!" One of the reporters shouted, as he walked towards the stage at the far side of the room.

"You're going by Duke now? Does that mean you've resigned?"

Wildcard smiled. "In good time, you can wait another minute," Wildcard teased, and rounded the end of the stage.

As he strode up to the lectern, the room hushed and the reporters got out their notepads. Once he got to the centre lectern, Wildcard placed his briefcase on it, and opened it. Simultaneously a dozen of Silver Shields stallions lined up against the far wall, they were all quite well armed, and instructed to be looking for any dissidents.

So that Wildcard could talk to them, personally, naturally.

"I assume most of you have some idea of why you're all here, this fine evening?" Wildcard asked the crowd.

"You're going to usurp the throne," one of the reporters tried.

Wildcard smirked. "To usurp assumes that I'm taking power unlawfully, or unjustly. I assure you I am doing no such thing."

"No, stand before you today to ask you to follow me, willingly, justly. You have all felt the strength of friendship here in Equestria, have you not?" Wildcard asked the crowd.

The changelings all nodded their agreement.

"I have certainly felt it, and I had to make a decision. Would I serve this Queen, this Queen that has lied and led us astray for so long, or would I blaze my own trail? I felt the magic of friendship, I even found love. I came home. That is why I resigned today. I cannot be the representative of an unjust state. The ponies are our friends, and have been for longer than you know."

"And yet, despite this, our Queen would have us think that the ponies are our enemies, that we're different from them, apart from them," Wildcard spoke, and removed the folder inside his briefcase.

"We are not different, we are not apart! I have here, before you today, proof of our real origins," he said, holding the folder aloft.

"What origins?" One of the reporters asked.

Wildcard smiled, and levitated the folder down to them.

"Equestrian origins. We are, and we always have been, ponies."

While the reporters frantically looked over the information inside- another genetic sequencing- Wildcard turned back to his fellows.

"This is our home! Not a squalid valley, Equestria! Follow me, and together we can resist the oppressive force of our so-called 'queen'. I have given you the truth, and now I ask that you band together with me to lead our people to a better future for us all!"

"What about the rest of us, the ones still back home?" One of the changelings asked.

"They can come with us, or stay in the valley. I only ask of Chrysalis that she allow us to choose our own path now," Wildcard replied.

"Now, are you with me? Will you follow me, as the founding members of the Changeling National Unification Party, for a better future?"

His reply was standing applause, which he bathed in for a moment before speaking again.

"Good! This is a new beginning for our people. Together we c..."

He was droned out by a deep roar from outside that shook the room, and a second later Silver Shield ran into the room, flanked by a few changeling warriors.

"Protect the primary!" Silver shouted, and waved towards Wildcard.

He and his warriors ran up, while the rooms guests glanced at each other, and engaged in hushed worried conversation. Outside the city emergency sirens blared, while gunfire rang out in the distance. Lyra had disappeared into the hallway, Wildcard hoped she was smart enough to be getting out of the city, or at least to safety.

"What's going on?" First Class asked.

The thin crackle of gunfire outside told Wildcard all he needed to know, and he took a deep breath before putting a hoof to the reassuring metal under his suit.

"A bad moon's rising. Silver Shield will get you to safety, I've got work to do," Wildcard said, and kissed her on the cheek.

"Wildcard! I will not be led off like some filly, cowering in fear while you put your life on the line!" She argued, pushing him away.

"First," Wildcard said softly. "You're four months pregnant, you've got a new life to think about. That's something beyond either of us,"

First Class's face contorted with emotion, but her reply was cut off by Silver Shield.

"With all due respect sir, you aren't exactly in fighting shape either. We need to get both of you to safety," he said.

Wildcard looked at him, furious. "What's that supposed to mean? I have a gun, I have my wits, that's all I need!"

"They have guns too, more than we do. Don't try and be a hero, you'll only die like one," Silver returned.

Wildcard glared at him, but his anger was stayed by the warm hoof of his wife.

"He's right, Wild. You'e a leader now, not a foot soldier," She said, and gestured towards the room full of frightened changelings, waiting for some command.

"You have something beyond either us, your people's future."

Wildcard looked out at them, and they looked back up at him.

Power. He had it now. They all looked to him for his command. Their lives were in his hooves. Tonight, he would prove his worth by fire.

"Alright! Here's what's going to happen!" Wildcard shouted, and turned to his second.

"Silver, what's the situation out there, and how many do we have?"

"Unsure, all I know is the train station went up in flames, and then the outer checkpoints came under fire. I'm prepared to move you to safety," he replied.

"No, we aren't leaving. We stand here." Wildcard ordered.

He stepped down from the stage, gesturing to groups of changelings as he went to the other end of the room.

"You! Disguise as civilians, go find out what's going on!" He ordered one group, and they quickly followed through, disguising as assorted civilians and hurrying out.

They didn't question the order, nor did they complain. Changelings had forever been moulded by the idea of obedience, always looking for someone to lead. Wildcard filled that role now.

"You! I need a radio, some way to keep in contact with the loyalists!" He ordered a second group.

Reaching the end, he turned to face the remainder. "The rest of you get outside, and get some barricades up halfway down the street," he said.

"Silver, we need weapons, what do you have?" He asked, striding out with Silver on one flank and his wife stuck to the other.

"We only have a few small arms I managed to keep, not much more beyond that," he replied.

"Have your warriors get us more, loot the armoury," Wildcard instructed, and entered his office.

Silver left behind him down the hallway while he cleared his desk, throwing everything to the floor.

"First, you know where the guards are, right?" Wildcard asked, as he unrolled a map of the city.

"Mostly," She replied.

"Good, mark them," Wildcard instructed.

While she did as asked, Lyra appeared in the doorway.

"Go home Lyra, you don't need to be here," Wildcard said, carefully noting his wife's marks.

"Wildcard, don't be like that. I'll fight for what's right, just like the Wonderbolts or the Legion," Lyra said.

"Then go help with the barricades," Wildcard commanded, and picked his phone off the floor.

"First, what's the emergency number for the castle guard? I need to contact whoever is running this thing."

Before First Class could reply, a shadow of a pony slid into the room.

"That would be me," Malgavian said.


Queen Luna strode down the street as gunfire crackled away, relaying her orders through Echo, a subordinate loyalist. Luna's own force was getting torn apart by the traitorous attackers. The first target they had struck was the train station, probably in an attempt to cut off reinforcement. How they had managed to level it so quickly was a mystery, but one that would have to wait for later. Malgavian was cut off behind the developing lines, as the insurrectionists pushed towards the embassy and the castle in two forces. In the middle was the police station, it looked like their plan was to encircle it.

"Starswirl and Radiance streets have fallen, the reservists are in a rout," Echo said, listening to the radio pack on her back.

That made a dozen streets in as many minutes. The outer defences hadn't even stood a chance. Luna cursed herself for putting her vain second in charge of a weapons development operation, now all those technologies were being used against her. Rocket propelled grenades, light body armour, automatic rifles, they were far outgunned.

"Order the reservists to fall back on the police headquarters, and defend the armoury. Last thing we need is more weapons in the hands of these terrorists," Luna ordered, the last word droned out by the city sirens.

"And order those damn sirens silenced, I think everypony knows it's an emergency already!"

Echo relayed the order, while they continued heading for the front lineThankfully the cities citizens had been smart enough to have gotten out of the streets quickly, once again proving Twilight Sparkle's worth. Dozens of shelters shielded them from the street fighting, all built by her command. The siren- as annoying as it was- alerted everyone, and an automatic distress call went out to the legion. The entire network would be flooded with a simple flash message right now.


Rounding a bend she found a pair of loyalists, checking their weapons.

"On me!" Luna ordered, and they quickly came to her tail.

Echo seemed confused, and poked Luna's side.

"Uh... I just got an urgent call from the changeling ambassador," She said, looking up her confused.

"He wants weapons."

Luna laughed. "Oh he does, does he? Well I..."

She trailed off as she had an idea.

"Actually, I think I have a use for him. Order the reservists to take what weapons they from the armoury, and fall back on the embassy. Inform the duke that his duties for the home guard have just begun."

Echo looked at her unsure, and the two followers mumbled something to each eachother.

Luna suddenly flew into a rage, and glared back at them with her eyes glowing. "Do you not think I am shamed by this? Do you not know the humiliation of having to rely on my sisters centurions for protection? That changeling has been more loyal to Equestria than you lot have been! You cowards refused to act against Mezza Luna, instead waiting for me to do it for you," She said, and then leaned over Echo.

"A thousand years ago I would have the whole lot of you hanged for treason," She threatened.

The speech had the intended effect- all three cowered in terror at Luna.

"However, it is not," she said, in a softer tone, "you may as of yet redeem yourselves."

She turned back down the street, her party tailing her in a much tighter formation, and rounded the next corner with Luna leading.

Ahead they found a hasty barricade in the middle of the street. A few panicked reservists hunkered behind it, waiting for the inevitable. On seeing their ruler, they were markedly relieved.

"Queen Luna!" One of them hailed, waving his rifle in the air, while the other looked down the street.

Luna grinned at him, and motioned for her party to move up to the end of the street.

"In the flesh, you two come with me, we're going straight to the heart..."

Gunfire from the end of the street cut her off, as her two Night Guards traded shots with some unknown adversaries.

The reply from afield was a volley of fire, impressive in magnitude, that blasted the corner the bat pony was leaning against apart, forcing him to dive against the ground.

"There's eight of them, and they have automatic rifles!" He shouted, clearly panicking.

Luna growled and blasted the barricade aside, striding through with a thin magical shield around herself.

"Not for long they don't," she said, and her sword slid out of its sheath to come floating in front of her.

"Get behind me!" She ordered, and swung around the corner of the street to face her enemies.

Eight bat ponies, all wearing tan-green flak armour and carrying large automatic rifles intended for use by the Crystal Empire, slid to a halt in the street.

"Surrender yourself!" One of them shouted.

Luna spared no time and blasted him with a beam of energy from her horn. Nothing remained but ash.

They opened fire, but their rounds bounced harmlessly off Luna's shield- for now. To her horror she realized that this was far more than even she could handle. She could only hold back the force of the dozens of rounds for a short time.

Warfare had changed.

In desperation she blasted them all back, while her own opened fire and managed to hit two of them.

Quicker than she hoped, they continued firing from the ground at her, their armour absorbing her parties shots. She grunted with the strain of the force against her and hit one with an energy beam from her horn, but that still left six.

"Queen Luna! We can't contend with their weaponry!" Echo shouted from behind her.

Luna took a quick look at the situation, and decided to beat a tactical retreat.

"Let them contend with this!" She shouted, and her horn began to glow brilliantly.

She tore a parcel of the street free from the ground and tossed it afield, sending her enemies scattering into the sky amidst a cloud of dust and debris.

"Damn it!" Luna shouted, darting back into the side street. "How much longer?"

Echo shouted her reply at her- two hours. Two hours until they would be able to close the trap. At this rate by the time they arrived it would already be over.

"Fall back to the castle, we make our stand there!" Luna shouted, and ran back down the street.

The two defenders she picked up fell, as did the reservists, in a flurry of automatic fire from behind. Thankfully she ran fast enough that she was able to extend the shield over Echo and protect them both from the odd shot that made its mark on the pair.

"Queen Luna!" A voice shouted from above, a rather familiar voice.

Luna halted in a rage, and fired a beam upwards. "Mezza Luna!"

She dodged the beam, and a second, quite expertly. "The very same!"

Quickly the party was surrounded on all sides by groups of traitors, all aiming their automatic guns at them.

Luna realized she was outmatched, and tried to think of some escape. She could release a magical shockwave to save herself- but it would kill Echo.

Echo was suddenly furious, and pushed out from behind her. "Half Moon, have you gone insane? You've betrayed everything we are!" She accused.

Mezza Luna drifted down from the sky and landed before her. "No, she has. Her sister has corrupted her mind and forever taken away from us our true ruler. I was there when she refused to destroy the changelings, I was there when she stole from us the great ship we built. There can only be one moon!" She ranted, and hit Echo across the head with the but of her sidearm.


Luna sighed. "You're clearly insane, we are forever shamed by your folly," she said, and her horn began to glow as she built up the energy.

"I wouldn't do what you're thinking of doing, the lives of thousands hinge on my call," Mezza Luna threatened.

"What do you mean?" Luna asked.

"I have... a weapon, a weapon that was once ours. I won't tell you where it is, but I will tell you that it has a payload of ten missiles. Unless I order them to stand down, an entire town will be vaporized,"

"So what do you want then?!" Luna shouted.

"Me? You have me, you've won! Take your best shot Half Moon, and make it count."

Mezza Luna shook her head and smirked. "You? No. I want your sister."

"Never! I would see every single pony die before I gave you Celestia, you have greatly misunderstood my loyalty to her!"

"Then it appears we are at an impasse," Mezza Luna said, as her force closed in. "I don't care about those ponies, and I'll get her in time anyway."

Luna stared her down. "What if... I give you what you really want?"

Mezza Luna looked at her curiously. "Tell me, your highness, what do I truly want?"

"A Night that will reign eternal!" Luna shouted, and loomed over her. "I will give you..."

She shimmered in the evening light, her whole body glowing as she transformed.

"Nightmare Moon!"

Mezza Luna was speechless, but didn't seem entirely convinced. Her soldiers glanced at each other uncertainly.

"Take my side, and we will rule Equestria together! Celestia can do nothing to stop us with the elements destroyed!" Luna declared.

Mezza Luna was quite taken, and looked at her like a foal seeing her mother shout a man down.

"Finally! I knew you would break through Celestia's brainwashing eventually!" She exclaimed, and turned to her troops.

"The moon rises! Inform the rest, and drive those nieve fools back into the mountain!" She ordered, and then turned her pistol to Echo.

"Now, it's time to deal with... the trash," she sneered.

Echo glared back at her. "Go buck yourself, you'll get yours in the end!"

Mezza Luna hit her again, and then glanced to Luna.

"Prove you really are the Nightmare we've been waiting for."

Luna looked at Echo, and saw the determined fire in her eyes. A fire that soon engulfed her, and her form vanished from the street, leaving nothing but smoke.


Wildcard remained in his office, while his wife put her woodworking skills to use outside, barricading the doors and assembling some hasty roadblocks outside. The ballroom was now in a state of anarchy, with all the tables shoved to the side to allow for crates and crates of weapons brought in by the retreating reservists. He had his arms, he had a force, but what would be done with it remained a question. Malgavian was leading hit and run attacks in the streets, which bought some time.

He rubbed his forehead and looked again at the map. Every sector of the city except the embassy had fallen, with the loyalists nowhere to be seen and the reservists falling back on the embassy itself. The insurrectionists had been oddly quiet for the last few minutes, and reports had stopped coming in from Echo.

It wasn't a very good sign.

Silver Shield strode in the room, back from a patrol. "Queen Luna has fallen back on the castle sir, but that's not all that's happened," he said, leaving his helmet on the table.

"Not good news?" Wildcard asked.

He shook his head. "She fell back with Half Moon at her side, and she was in her... other form."

Wildcard glanced away to hide his obvious fear. "You're telling me Nightmare Moon is back, with an army, and Celestia is in the Crystal Empire?!"

Silver Shield nodded, and Wildcard sighed as he looked again at the map.

"Alright, here's the plan," he said, and moved a pair of chess pieces to the street of the embassy. "We split in half, and defend these two barricade positions to the last. I can give us twelve hours protection, just like last time we went up against the moon," he said.

"The Magnificent better have something able to kill an alicorn," he added.

"What if it's a ruse, and she's playing for time?" Silver Shield asked.

"We can't take that risk, and we have to defend from the insurrectionists anyway. You have your orders, get to it."

He saluted and grabbed his helmet before leaving, Wildcard stayed and stared at the map.

Surrounded by evil Night Guards, protected by a small group of brave ponies. Salvation comes from the sky, for now they would have to wait.

He shrugged, life had a way of going in circles.

"First!" He shouted as he left the office.

She was in the ballroom, hastily breaking apart a few of the tables.

"What is it?" She shouted back.

Four months pregnant, and barely slowed down at all. She was probably in better shape then he was. Her dress was draped over a chair nearby as she hacked away, breaking the legs off tables for use as barricade backing.

"How are you feeling?" Wildcard asked as he trotted over.

First Class wiped her brow. "A little tired, but I've gone through worse for Equestria."

Wildcard smiled, and took her hoof into his own. "Do you think you can last the night?" he asked.

She gave him a searching glance. "Now is not the time Wild, we're not even alone," she said.

Wildcard laughed. "No no, not that. I need to use your magic First, to defend us."

"Kiss me."

First Class understood, and embraced her husband tight, kissing him tenderly. He in turn glowed green, and outside a matching half circle rose from the ground, covering the embassy and surrounding streets.

Far and away, on the Magnifent's bridge, the radar pinged.

Author's Note:
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