• Published 20th Jan 2014
  • 250 Views, 0 Comments

Darkfyre - Dark Fox GT

By sheer accident, a pegasus pony with an unusual ability may end up being more than he ever expected

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Rainbow Dash was the first pony to recover from witnessing the situation. She flew over to the collapsed pony’s body to make sure he was alright. After checking his breathing, it sounded to her that he just passed out from exhaustion. It was then she noticed his cutie-mark, which had just appeared the moment he collapsed. It was two blue lightning bolts crossed over each other like an ‘X’, somewhat reminding her of her own cutie-mark. Twilight managed to recover from her shock soon after, and started to help everypony else snap out of it.

“Listen up, everypony. I need you all to return to what you were all doing before this happened. Everything will be fine now,” Twilight stated to the crowd.

Mayor Mare, knowing Twilight and her friends were capable of handling this now, also insisted that everypony would let them be. As soon as the Mayor was gone, Twilight had Spike write an emergency letter to Princess Celestia, respectfully requesting her presence at once. As Spike ran off, the girls saw the mysterious pony up close.

“The poor thing,” Rarity said. “He looks like he was bullied by those mean dragons before arriving here.”

“Yeah, no kidding,” Rainbow Dash said. “Look at these bruises. I don’t think those dragons were holding back.”

“But he did a super-duper job in scaring them off,” Pinkie Pie said in her usual happy tone.

“Well it sure wasn’t from his looks, sugarcube,” Applejack replied. “Has anypony else noticed that he looks kind of mare-ish for a stallion?”

“Umm, you don’t suppose that’s why those d-dragons attacked him, do you,” Fluttershy asked.

“I’m sure we can get some answers from him after he wakes up,” Twilight said, levitating over a makeshift stretcher. “In the meantime, let’s get him over to the library so he can rest before the Princess gets here.”

All the other girls nodded as Twilight gently levitated the pony’s body onto the stretcher, where she and Rarity held them both in their magical grasps as they all headed toward Twilight’s home. As they arrived, Spike mentioned that he just sent out the letter, but there has been no word yet. Just then, he belched out a green flame, producing a royal sealed scroll which he promptly opened.

“My Faithful Student,

I already know of the situation at hand, and I have already started making preparations to meet up with you at the library. I’m sure you will have everything ready for my arrival. Please note that I wish to keep the contents of this meeting between ourselves and your friends.

Princess Celestia,” Spike reading the letter out loud.

As the unicorns helped the pony into the guest room, the others helped clean up the main room before the Princess’s arrival. It fortunately didn’t take long, as a flash of light just outside the front door had signaled Princess Celestia’s arrival. Twilight immediately opened the door to let her in as everypony else bowed in her presence.

“Greetings, everypony. It is wonderful to see you all again,” Princess Celestia said warmly, beckoning them all to stand back up.

“It’s our pleasure, Princess. Thank you for seeing us on such short notice,” Twilight said.

“It’s no trouble, my faithful student. I’m quite curious to learn about this new pony myself. I do hope he will answer our questions without feeling threatened,” Celestia said.

“Yeah, about that…,” Rainbow started before explaining what she saw.

Darkness. There was darkness everywhere. He could feel the pressure in his ears, the heat on his fur, and smell the smoke in the air. It was all overwhelming and choking him as he started to see a dark red glow in front of him. As the glow got brighter, it began to take shape. However, before any shape could be recognized, a bright red and orange flash exploded and engulfed him. There was pain, and yet there wasn’t.

The pony snapped awake, sitting up in a bed and panting aloud. It was just a dream, though it felt so real. Calming down a bit as he filled his lungs with fresh clean air, he lays back down on the bed to further relax as he slowly takes in the room around him. He sees books on shelves built into the walls everywhere, suggesting that he was in a library of some sort. He also notices a few lamps, dressers, floor pillows, and a full size mirror. Slowly getting out of bed after pulling the sheet off of him, he walks to the mirror, curious to see what he looks like in the better reflection.

As he looks at himself, he notices that his mane is actually mainly black with a thick blue stripe running through it. He also noticed that his bangs have been trimmed up a little bit so they would still hang over his right eye, without them curling up, or blocking his view. The back of it is mainly untouched, but it has been all tied together into a ponytail hanging over his right shoulder by a black hair cord, with the ends up front and decorated with onyx, sapphire, and pearl beads. He could also see the bruises on his body, though both the bruises and the pain have been reduced significantly. As he turned to see his sides, he could see an unusual mark on his flank partially hidden under his wing. A quick look on his other side reveals the same thing. Before he could contemplate what was going on, he heard voices coming from the other side of the closed door. As he walked towards it, the door slowly opened to reveal Twilight and Celestia.

“Hello, my little pony,” Celestia greeted. “Please don’t be alarmed as I wish no harm to you. My name is Princess Celestia, and this is my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. What is your name?”

The pony was almost intimidated by the tall and regal appearance of the Princess, but had regained composure in a moment.

“I… I don’t have a name,” the pony answered, still visibly tense.

“You don’t have a name,” Twilight asked. “Do you remember where you came from?”

“No,” the pony answered.

“Your parents,” Twilight asked again. The pony just shook his head again.

“Twilight, it seems our friend here happens to have some form of amnesia. We must try to see what he does know, if that is okay with you,” Celestia said, directing the last part to the new pony.

“Uhh… Yeah, I suppose I’d be okay with that,” the pony answered.

“Okay, your highness,” Twilight said, before redirecting her attention back to the pony. “Can you tell us where you are?”

“I’d say I’m in a library, though I don’t know of many libraries with guest bedrooms,” the pony answered.

“This is also my home,” Twilight stated. “This room is helpful in case I have guests staying here.”

“I see,” the pony said. “I suppose that makes sense.”

“Can you tell us the first thing you remember,” Celestia asked.

“I remember waking up in a forest, I think. The area I was in had scorched ground and what looked to be blown back trees. It was all around me, and I was in the center of it. When I tried to think about where I was, I realized that I couldn’t remember where I was at, or even who I was for that matter. Right now, I have learned that I am something called a pony, but I somehow think that there’s another name for those who have wings.”

“Yes, you are correct,” Celestia stated. “You are what we call a Pegasus, while Twilight here happens to be a Unicorn. There are also ponies who have neither wings, nor horns, and we call them Earth ponies.”

“Well, I remember that I supposedly smelled water in one direction. When I found it, I looked at my reflection to see what I look like… when…,” the pony said, tensing up as he remembered the encounter.

“I know it is a hard memory, but can you please tell us about the dragons,” Celestia asked.

The pony didn’t answer at first as he closed his eyes in pain, his breathing becoming more rapid.

“I was scared, but I thought that they may be friendly,” the pony said shakingly. “Only they weren’t at all. I just wanted to get away. I wanted them to leave me alone. But they wouldn’t. They hit me. I just wanted them to stop.”

Celestia enveloped the pony in a hug as his eyes were leaking tears, his body was shaking, and his wings were slightly unfurled and crackling electricity. The Princess held him warmly as he cried under her wing, letting the tension melt away from his body. Twilight stood there with a sad look waiting for the Princess to let him go, so she could give him one of her own. The same thing went with other girls, who at that time had entered the room. After a minute, the pony calmed down enough to where Celestia stepped back to let the others embrace him. Everypony else all hugged him at once, with Twilight, Pinkie, and Fluttershy being the first to reach him. The pony figured that Celestia was giving him a shoulder to cry on, but was confused as to why these other ponies would give him a hug, when neither they nor he know who he is.

“Why,” the pony tried to ask.

“Because you’re our new friend, silly,” Pinkie Pie stated, as if she knew what he was about to ask.

“But-,” the pony again started.

“Ah ah. No ‘buts’, darling,” Rarity interrupted. “If anypony needs a friend right now, it’s you.”

Everypony continued to hug him as he finally relaxed his body, some more tears leaking out of his eyes. After a moment, they let him go so he could compose himself.

“Thank you,” the pony stated. “I only hope that I don’t disappoint you.”

“Nonsense, darling,” Rarity answered.

“Yeah. You’re a way more awesome pony compared to those stupid dragons,” Rainbow Dash stated.

“Darn tootin,” Applejack agreed.

“Well, it seems that everything is now in good hooves here,” Celestia stated. “I would like our new friend to join me and my sister up in Canterlot within a few days to help him learn about Equestria. Until then, there is the remaining business of giving him a new name. I’m sure he would greatly appreciate it.”

“Ooh! Ooh! I know. How about Night Light,” Pinkie suggested.

“Night Light!? How about Lightning Speed,” Rainbow suggested.

“Starfall Darkfyre,” Twilight suggested.

“An unusual, but quite excellent suggestion, Twilight,” Celestia said. “What do you think, dear friend.”

The pony thought for a moment before making his decision.

“I actually like Twilight’s suggestion the most. Starfall Darkfyre it is,” the newly named Starfall answered.

“Wonderful,” Celestia said. “I’ll have Twilight send me word when you feel you are ready to come to Canterlot. In the meantime, feel free to learn all about Ponyville with your new friends.”

“Thank you, your highness,” Starfall said while bowing to the Princess.

“You are very welcome, Starfall,” Celestia replied back while beginning to glow. “I will see you all again soon.”

With that, Celestia had teleported back to Canterlot. Starfall had a feeling that he was in for a long set of days, but it all seemed to looking up. For now, that is perfectly fine with him.

Author's Note:

For those wanting to know what Starfall's cutie-mark looks like, see my Author's picture. I'm sure the other ponies have questions for him, but those can wait until next chapter. Thanks for reading.

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