• Published 20th Jan 2014
  • 250 Views, 0 Comments

Darkfyre - Dark Fox GT

By sheer accident, a pegasus pony with an unusual ability may end up being more than he ever expected

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Chapter 1

For those who are familiar with the town of Ponyville, they would immediately know that it did not consist of buildings floating on chunks of land, some of them spinning around crazily, and torrents of long-legged rabbits and ballet dancing bulls roaming about. What was at least somewhat normal was seeing six ponies adorned with the Elements of Harmony rushing up to the source of this chaos, Discord. Twilight Sparkle and her friends have managed to remember the true meaning of their friendship and roles, and were determined to stop Discord and return Equestria into its normal state of harmony. Discord thought their second attempt to use the Elements was a bit boring, but arrogantly just stood there and gave the mares the chance they needed. By the time he realized his mistake, it was too late as the multispectral beam had hit him. It was at this point his mind went into overdrive.
“These ponies are more formidable than I thought. It’s sad that I thought it was pretty funny they wanted to try their precious Elements again; still do too. But I can’t let them get away with this. I just need one spark…”, Discord thought to himself.
Discord already felt his legs and tail encased in stone, and the spell was rapidly rising up his body. His hands also look petrified, but his chaotic powers were still present enough for just one move. “Come on; just one spark”, he mumbled under his breath. As the petrification reached his head, his chaotic powers answered the moment Discord was completely trapped in stone. His lion paw fingers snapped…

and not one pony noticed.

Chapter 1

It has been four days since the defeat of Discord, and all life has returned to normal in Ponyville. The Apple family returned to tending their apple fields. Fluttershy was comforting the animals affected by Discord’s chaos. Twilight Sparkle was rearranging her library. Rainbow Dash was back to her lazy and stunt flying routines. Pinkie Pie was just as happy as ever making ponies smile and helping run Sugar Cube Corner. Finally, Rarity was simply going about her day in making new fashions, and help repair and maintain suits and dresses for other ponies. However, it’s what was happening outside the town’s limits that would be changing that very soon.
Deep in the Everfree Forest, thunderstorms were known to be created over the trees by themselves, but were still an uncommon-to-rare occurrence. This day was one such occurrence, but the oddest thing about this storm was that there was no rain falling from it. It was just a conglomeration of black clouds spiralling in place, and spouting out at least ten lightning bolts per second. The lightning was steadily getting worse, until it all suddenly stopped. Five seconds later, one single, outlandishly large lightning bolt arced straight down to the ground, striking with so much force that it caused the grass and trees inside a one hundred foot radius to be blown away into the surrounding forest. When the lightning bolt finally disappeared, a jet black pegasus pony with long black-bordered blue hair in both its mane and tail laid unconscious in the middle of the scorched ground. Its breathing was ragged, but regular as its eyes fluttered open. The first sensation it felt was pain all over its body. It felt like every part of its body was trying to regain feeling, only it hurt more than ten times as much. After waiting for the pain to die down, it slowly sat up on its haunches as it spoke in a middle-pitched voice similar to some young stallions from Ponyville.

“W-what? Where am I? Why do I hurt so much,” he said to himself.

Slowly looking around, he realized that he no idea where he was, just before he realized that he doesn’t even know who he is. As the pain continued to subside, he got up onto all four legs by instinct, and slowly started to learn on how to move. Continuing to talk to himself as he tried to move around, it helped calm him down from his previous slightly panicked state. Looking at himself didn’t help much with that matter though.

“Let’s see: it looks like I’m covered in light black fur, I have four legs with hooves (though I can’t see them as they look like they’re covered in fur also), I have wings between my back and shoulders (they look pretty big too), my hair… or mane seems to keep getting in my eyes, and my tail is just barely touching the ground. Ugh; I really wish I knew who I am, and if I looked this way my whole life,” he said as he inspected his body.

It was this point where he could smell what seemed to be water coming from his left. Having enough strength and courage to begin trotting, he moved out of the scorched clearing to find the source of the water. He came across a small lake, where it was surrounded by trees, but had let enough sunlight in to see reflections in the water clearly. As he stepped to the edge of the water and looked down, he could see that his face was somewhat small and looked to be a balance of masculine and feminine features, but with an edge to the feminine look. With that, his round royal blue eyes took in as he turned his head every which way to see how he looked in different angles. He also noticed that he was wearing a silver dogtag, with four small rounded stones of onyx on each corner and one in the center of an eight-armed compass star. The backside of it looked abrasive and uneven, as if half of the dogtag was missing. His attention focused on his reflection, he never noticed what was coming up behind him.

“Look at this, boys. A little pony has lost their way.”

The pony quickly looked behind him to see three dragons around six to seven feet tall standing on their hind legs. The lead dragon had red scales and amber eyes, while the other two were green and dark gray respectfully with green eyes for both of them. They quickly surrounded the pony since he was caught off guard. The pony wasn’t panicking, but he did feel the malicious intent emanating from these dragons.

“Maybe we should help him find his way home,” the green dragon said.

“Help him? I’d say leave him here for the manticores to eat him,” the gray dragon said.

“I’ve got a better idea, guys,” the red dragon stated.

Without any further warning, Red tailwhipped the pony as hard as he could, sending the pony flying across the lake, skipping on the water twice before crashing into a tree. Hurt but not feeling anything broken, the pony slowly stood up on his feet again. The moment he saw the dragons flying after him, he attempted to run away.

“Where do you think you’re going,” Gray taunted as he intercepted the pony.

The pony attempted to run in another direction only to be cut off again.

“Surprise,” Green said before trying to swipe his claws.

The pony ducked in time, panic setting in and adrenaline pumping, while trying to run away again. Red cut him off, but let out a jet of flame instead of taunting the pony. The pony barely jumped out of the way, only being slightly singed from the heat.

“Nowhere to run, pony,” Red said.

“Why are you doing this? Why are you attacking me,” the pony asked in desperation.

“Because we have nothing better to do,” Green said.

“And you were in the wrong place at the wrong time,” Gray said.

“Please… just leave me alone,” the pony begged.

Red punched the pony in response, sending him flying into a set of bushes a few feet away.

“Leave me alone,” the pony begged again, but with his voice sounding darker.

“I think not. After your princess had her little favorite ponies force my father out of his cave last year, I’ve been aching for some payback, and you just volunteered,” Red stated while walking up to the pony.

Just as Red was about to swipe his claws across his target, his paw was suddenly blown back by a lightning bolt that didn’t come from the sky. As he clutched his paw in pain, he looked at the pony who was getting up again, but was now covered in cackling electricity, and his eyes were glowing blue.

“I said… Leave. Me. ALONE!”

At that moment, all three dragons were blown into the sky by a shockwave that electrocuted them as well. Before they could react, the pony blasted up into the air at a speed more than fast enough to cause a sonic rainboom filled with black clouds and lightning. His resulting speed caused his body to be enveloped in bright blue light with it trailing about fifty feet behind him. The dragons attempted to pursue, but the pony attacked first, ramming them each into the sides while showing no signs of slowing down. With the dragons being a bit resilient to attacks, they manage to recover and attempt to counterattack the pony with their flames while flying as fast as they can. Unfortunately for them, the pony was still too fast for them to land even a glancing hit, while the pony continued to ram them at supersonic speed. All this time, another large thunderstorm began forming out of nowhere, and was growing bigger by the second.

In the meantime in Ponyville, the pony residents were going about their lives and being merry, until a storm-filled sonic rainboom shockwave passed over the town, shaking the ground beneath them and giving off a sound louder and fiercer than the ones Rainbow Dash usually makes. As the ponies start to panic, they also hear the quieter booms in the distance over the Everfree Forest starting to get louder. Rainbow Dash, who was napping on a cloud before she was woken up by the rainboom, was the first to see the rapidly growing thunder cloud starting to move their way, while what looked to be a shining blue star was streaking all over the sky, and was hitting three dots that were growing bigger and spewing fire. Before she could say anything, she heard Twilight yelling to the crowd of panicking and scared-stiff ponies to return to their homes immediately. She knew as well as Rainbow that whatever that was in the distance was coming fast. It didn’t take long for a dragon to swoop in over her head. As the dragon passed by, it was sheer luck that Rainbow was able to notice the panicked look on his face.

The dragons realized their mistake far too late to hopefully correct it. They were now on the run from what they thought was an easy target. At first, it didn’t seem like they were flying in a set direction, but now they were determined to head to the closest settlement. That being Ponyville, they hoped to use the town as cover and, hopefully, a means to escape. Meanwhile, the pony, in a blind rage, decided that he wanted to end this now. Using a complex maneuver, he struck all three dragons from behind, causing them to fall into the middle of Town Square. The storm quickly caught up with him, spiralling overhead, as the pony slammed down to the ground, his four feet creating a boom of thunder resonating through the town. In a final fit of rage, the pony reared back while breathing deeply, his wings extended up and covered in lightning arcs, before slamming down again and letting out a massive roar. At the same time, more than thirty bolts of lightning slammed down around the dragons, surrounding them each while not actually striking them. It was at that point where the red dragon finally yelled their defeat.

“We’re SORRY, OKAY!? Please, we didn’t mean to attack you like that. We were stupid, and we just want to go home. PLEASE; WE’RE VERY SORRY,” Red begged at the top of his lungs.

To their luck, the lightning bolts died off, and the pony was standing there with his eyes still glowing, but the electricity no longer arcing.

“Then please leave me alone,” the pony stated in his still dark voice.

The dragons immediately nodded and flew off as quickly as they could. All of the ponies watching through their windows then focused on the pony standing alone. Rainbow Dash, hiding behind a cloud, watched the pony as the dragons flew off and the storm dissipated. She may have been one of the bravest ponies in Ponyville, but she knew when and when not to get involved in certain situations, and this pony was no joke. She carefully flew down and landed behind him while other ponies started coming out of their homes. The pony at the center of attention started breathing heavily as his eyes started to fade and flicker. After attempting to step forward in support, he collapsed on the ground. It was then when a flash lit up on his flank.

Author's Note:

This is my first attempt in writing after years of burnout. I also had the idea of this story floating around in my head ever since I watched Season 2 of MLP: Friendship is Magic. I have read a couple of stories where it seem my main character either looks similar to them, or has the same ability as they do. I wish to state that I mean no infringement on their work, and that my character design similarities are just coincidence. In any case, my idea did call for this to be a long story, so we'll see if I can find my drive for writing again.

I used this as inspiration, as well as background music, for the fight scene against the dragons:

Music would start when the red dragon says "Nowhere to run, pony." Drop occurs the moment the pony blasts up into the air just after creating the shockwave.