• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 798 Views, 27 Comments

Conversion bureau: One Last Chance - SilverHaze

Humanity is on it's last legs, Ponies have converted and saved much of the human population, Humans everywhere are either waiting to enter equestria or want to destory it. But one human in particular is split right down the middle.

  • ...

Chapter 1:The Grey Sky



Dave groaned as he is forced to roll out of his bed and hit the clock alarm. he groaned as he streched his tired muscles and yawned loudly.

"GOOD MORNING AMERICA!!!!!!!! IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE ALIVE HERE IN NEEEEWWWW YOOOOORRRRRRK!" The radio host paused for a moment to cough. Dave didn't blame him, sucking in that much air would fill anyone's lungs up with smog.

Taking great care to turn off his radio, Dave stumbled out of bed and walked over to the window, humming to himself as he parted the blines to reveal the less black and more grey world that awaited him outside. A few humans walked around outside, keeping their heads down, he also notested a couple ponies wandering around. Probably making their way to Equestria... he thought to himself as he sighed loudly. Closing the blinds, he turned on the lights to reveal his small apartment, before steping into the bathroom.

Dave took a couple moments to brush his teeth and wash his face, Tracing a hand over his stubble, he argued with himself whether he should shave or not, before deciding not to. I'm twenty one...might as well start growing that facial hair! He thought to himself, and that is why he did not shave, not because he remembered that he threw out his razor.

Nope, totally his choice.

Finishing up, Dave decided it was time to eat. Opining his fringe, he looked at the selection of foods. hmmm...almost empty... he thought to himself as he looked at the completely barren fridge. Grabbing the small jug of milk that was probably past it's expiry date. He poured himself a bowl of Cheerios's. Welcome to the real world. Perhaps tomorrow I'll get some REAL food...oh wait, none of that exists anymore, does it? Dave really thought about it, and realized that his cynical side was right. Humans had almost completely destroyed the world, with all the corporations, and pollution, the world had been turned to grey. Sure, Worldgov had found a way to grow foods underground, stuffing enough genetic goop in them to keep them from dieing. But it just didn't taste the same. No, the only place to really get real food nowadays was to import it from Equestria, and only the rich could really do that.

Finishing his bowl, he debated what he would do today. He didn't really have a job, he worked here-and-there whenever he could, but unless you worked for Worldgov, a solid job was hard to hold down.

Sitting down on the couch, Dave decided to turn on the T.V. Channel surfing for a while.

Some kind of Cartoon about horses...boring



Documentery about how we are all doomed because we destoyied our planet...seen it.

Dave stopped when he saw a commercial about the Bureaus though.

"Oh...uh, Hi there...my...my name is Fluttershy, and uh...I'm here to tell you about the...Conversion...Bureaus...Y-you see, the Bureaus are a joint effort be-between the Worldgov and Equestria to try and save humanity." At this point, she let out an adorable squee sound that melted his heart.

"Damn...she's a cute one" Dave thought out loud for no reason in particular, chuckling, Human pony relationships were common, but many converted soon after they fell in love. He had found that unlike human love, which was conditional, Pony love was pure, they would never abandon their other half, and many tried to take advantage of their nature...even if they were pure though, they weren't stupid, and many a con-artest had gotten bucked for their attempts to swindle them.

"...an-and that why you should head over to your local bureau and become a pony!" Dave blinked as he realized he had missed most of the commercial.

"..." there was an uncofterable silence as Fluttershy just sat there, after a few moments (and probibly a few off-camera hand jesters) Fluttershy blinked a few times before looking at the camera "Oh, I almost forgot! See you all in Equestria!" And at that point she let off a smile that gave many a viewer diabetes

Dave smiled, regardless on what he thought of the ponies, they were adorable and pure, almost naive in there trusting friendly ways.

"What do I think of the ponies?" Dave thought to himself, he wasn't like his father, who was first in line to the bureau in New York, on the other hand, he was NOT like his mother, who was completely irrational and had devorsed his father the second he came home converted. He could still hear them arguing in the court room.

"Carlen...please don't do this." His father begged tears in his eyes.

"DON'T You dare call me that!" His mother hissed back. "I don't know who you think
you are, but you are NOT my husband...my husbands name was John Rere, not...not, Tough Nail"

"P-Please...I-I'm still the same staillion you marie-" He could almost feel the tremor as his mother hit the table.


Snapping out of his trance, he reminded himself to pay more attention to what was going on around him. This was defiantly NOT a time to be reminiscing about the not-to-distant past. At that moment, Dave heard a knock on his door.

"COMING" He yelled as he fumbled to tie his belt on his housecoat. He heard the knock again. "KEEP YOUR PANTS ON I'M RIGHT HE-" at that same moment he opened the door to see two mares at his door, who certainly were not wearing pants. Deciding to try and make a joke, he looked at the disprovingly. "Jeez, I was right there! I TOLD you to keep your pants on!" pointing wildly at their lack of pants.

The two ponies giggled. Before handing Dave a flyer of some sort.

"NOTICE, TWILIGHT SPARKLE OF EQUESTRIA WILL BE GIVING A Q&A LIVE AT THE NEW YORK CONV. BUREAU SNACKS PROVIDED NO ENTRY FEE. ANY HUMANS YET TO CONVERT/HAVE CONVERTED AND HAVE QUESTIONS ARE WELCOME. He read to himself. After that, there were a bunch of dates and times and other things. Looking up at the two mares, he nodded thankfully and walked back inside.

Huh, I might just think about going, I mean, at the worst, I leave unsatisfied and with a belly filled with snacks. He also noted that he should stop thinking to himself and find someone to talk to...

He checked his watch. "Only eleven...I could go for a walk in the park." deciding to follow his gut. He quickly got dressed, wearing a pair of torn jeans (Through use, not bought ripped...he never understood that.) and a navy blue shirt, as well as a black jacket and a baseball cap. Stretching out once more, he left for the park...or what was left of it.

You've heard of a concrete jungle, now I present to you, a concrete park. He chucked to himself as he walked through the brisk air, taking in the scenery of looming grey buildings and dead trees. He could still remember when this place was a sight to behold. Still, perhaps he was being to harsh. Much of the park still remained, many of the trees were still standing tall, despite many of their brothers who had died in the shadows of the giant building surrounding the park. And the grass was well kept...but most of it was probably fake anyway.

"YEAH, WELL SCREW YOU!" He looked to the left to see two men standing in the park yelling at each other, people seemed content to merely ignore them.

He stopped to watch.

Dave realized that the two men "were" friends, but then one of them slept with the others wife. He could tell things were degrading quickly, he reached for his cell phone, but then realized how fruitless it was. "What are the police going to do? Most of them are gone anyway, converted or quit...too dangerous nowadays." He saw one man rear back and punch the other one, the punched one stumbled back. But before he could retaliate a third voice rang out.

"Is there a problem here...buddy?" Looking around, he spotted three big individuals walking towards the men, the one in the center, he was tall and thin, but there was a certain steel in his voice. wore a red suit with a black tie, the other two, wore red shirts and black pants. And were absolutely MASSIVE looking like they lifted GYMS in their spare time.

"There could by, why the hell is it your problem?" The man who had punched the other one growled. The thin one sighed.

"WE, are members of the HLF, and you are disrupting order in OUR city." At this statement, all the gusto (and blood) Drained out of the man's face.

"O-Oh! I should have recognized you sooner...heh...uh, I was just...going, there is no further problems here!" The man turned and began to briskly walk away.

"Good" The thin one called out after him. "I'd hate to have to get my men involved." At this statement, the mans brisk jog turned into a full on sprint.

The thin man turned to the man on the ground. "Up." It was a command.

The other man got up and rubbed his jaw. "Thanks" The thin mans eyes narrowed.

"I do not know what qualms that man had with you, but we have more important things to do then make sure you all play nice. If you are involved with any more incidents in the future, YOU will have to deal with us...am I clear?" This statement was made much more threading with the two giants looming behind him.

"Cr-Cristal clear...sir!" The man gulped before running away.

The thin one watched him leave, before scoffing and turning away himself. His giant thugs following him after a moment.

Well, the boys in red have to be blue for a bit. He sighed, he didn't like the HLF, or Human Liberation Front. They fronted as a group of peaceful protesters against Equestria. But that was merely a cover for what they really were, and that was an anti-Equestria Terrorist group. The group was famous from bombing conversion centers, beating up newfoals and people wanting to enter the bureaus. They stretched far and wide. They were backed by powerful people though, rich corporation, corrupt leaders wanting to hold on to their power...the HLF made him sick honestly, they were showing the Equestrians everything wrong with their race, anger, violence and other such acts of terror. The were trying to not only hold onto their dieing world, but also trying to destroy everything Equine, with some silly reason like "It's only fair, their doing the same to us" Like the explanation a spoiled child would give.

Still, he had to give them props, if you were human and the HLF occupied your city, the crime rate dropped like a penny off the empire state building. and though they were hardasses, they tried to look after their own. Supplies were passed around to the poor and needy, and some form of law and order, while harsh, was restored to the city. but if you were an equestrian...well, lets just say that you better lock your door at night.

Continuing his walk, he saw ponies playing and prancing through the fields. He remembered when people would gather to watch them play, like children on Christmas. Now that the total population of equines was quickly catching up to that of humans. It was just a common sight to see, it was still amazing, that those who were converted were given a whole new outlook on life, and able to enjoy the little things unlike humans, who only saw the worst, and destory anything that COULD be call ejoyable.

"Is that you DAVE! HEY, DAVE! Over here!" Dave looked around and smiled happily as he saw an old friend walking towards him.

"Hey...Michel" he said, still not use to looking down at his best friend.

Michel, now known as Good Spark, is...was, his best friend. He use to be a tall, slightly pudgy nerd with a love of drinking and swearing...now, he was a saint, helping the elderly and homeless, wouldn't touch alcohol, and refused to even say anything slightly controversial, it was weird though, he was still his buddy...but he was so different, almost like he was someone...somePONY else.

The tan unicorn smiled as at his greeting. "Hey to you too, say, what brings you to this fine park today? Did you finally get fed up with all the grey and decided to convert?" Hope filled the unicorns voice...he almost felt sad to give his answer.

"...no, just going for a walk...I've already said I have no plans to convert anytime soon." His heart broke when he saw Michel's...no, SPARKS face fall.

"Oh...well, you do know you can't put it off forever, sure the barrier may not have even reached the U.S.A yet, but if you keep putting it off you'll find it here sooner then you think..." Dave sighed, knowing that Mich-...Sparks would never let it go.

"Well, maybe I'll join up with the HLF, go bomb a conversion bureau in the name of some god from a hundred years ago." He chuckled, then looked to see the horrified look on Spark's face. Right, they don't understand dark humor. "...I'm just kidding." He deadpaned. Spark looked revealed at his answer.

"That's not something you should joke about, the HLF is a real danger." Spark lectured him. Dave sighed, he knew he was right, the HLF WAS a real threat, still, he couldn't help it if his humor was dark...he was a human...and thats what we did best.

Spark looked around and sighed. "look, I have to head home now...please, at least consider converting?" Dave knew that he wouldn't, but he didn't want to make his friend feel bad.

"...I'll think about it, no promises." Dave was taken aback by his friend raping his front hooves around his wast. ...Mich hated touching other guys...thought it was homo. Still, Sparks felt soft, and Dave just let him hug him for a few seconds, before Sparks suddenly turned and left, leaving a saddened Dave behind.

Sighing once again to himself. Dave turned and began to walk back home, however, before he reached the entrance, he saw a blast of prismatic light out of the corner of his eye. He barely had time to blink before he felt something slam into him. Gasping for air, he fell on his back, blinking rapidly, he looked up to see a...rainbow?

"ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshOHMYGOSH!" The rainbow spoke. "I am so SORRY, I didn't see you there, are you alright?!?!"

Dave managed to nod weakly, it would be rude not to answer the talking rainbow.

The rainbow seemed releaved "Well, thank Celestia for that!" she exclaimed, smiling, "rainbows had nice smiles" Dave stupidly thought to himself.

The rainbow looked up at the sky for a moment before her eyes widened. "OHMYGOSH I'm late, Twilight is going to KILL ME if I'm late again!" Using poor Dave as a launching pad, the rainbow blasted back towards the sky, leaving a winded and confused human behind her.

"Rainbow is cute...Dave sleepy..." Dave thought to himself before staggering off like a drunkard back towards his home. Dave miraculously managed to find his way back home, and fumble with his keys enough to unlock his door. Dave collapsed onto his bed, tiredness overtaking him.

Just a little nap... He thought to himself, before he completely passed out, the grey world outside moving on without him.

[Canterlot Castle: Earlier that day]

"I Could sleep in if I wanted to..." Celestia thought as she yawned on her throne, watching the sun come up had become a ritual for her ever since they appeared on earth just over two years ago. Now that she no longer needed to raise it. Still, she loved to watch all of her little ponies run about, being happy and joyful brought a tear to her eye. Thing had change though...now she had an entire other race to look after! Huamity was a terrible species...violent and angry...defenetly not deservent of their title "wise man" Still, she could see potental to be good in some of them...even if many of them were simply unreadamble...she would try to save them all.

She sighed, she had gained many new ponies, but lost many as well. Humanities leaders had resisted convertion at first, but had learned (with help from her good friends at Worldgov, one of the few orginisations that would stand by her.) she had sent her missinaries out, preaching the bureau's far and wide, and now almost all of humanity had relized that their race was dieing with their world, and a paridice was offered as the alteritive. Though, she had seen many group rise against Equestria, the Barrier protected them. Though her ponies who left Equestria's safety to try and save humanity were at risk, thankfully, (some) human goverments had placed laws to help protect her ponies. Thought that might have been because of Luna...she still lost her temper from time to time...and when she did, Humans suddenly found room in their hearts to help Equestria.

Celestia reached out with her magic, even though the torrent of humans coming through had slowed down concertiby. she could still feel the humans converting, the anger leaving their body and the happiness entering, she reached out and torched many of them with her mind, blessing them, putting them at peace. Smiling to herself, she walked off to the enterence to the castle. Greeting the many guards and servents as she walked by, smiling as she thought to herself.

The world was changing...it was time for peace to finally be accepted by humanity...wether they wanted it or not.

[HLF lab]

"Are you sure we should continue with this?" The scientist questioned. The thin man sighed as he looked at the glass tube in front of him.

"What choice do we have? The Equestrians threaten everything we know...our world is dieing, and fate has given us a new one to use...we just have to do what we do best and take it." The thin man straighten his tie. Always a bit to tight, it kept him aleart.

The scientist nodded. Walking away. The thin man walked over to the tube, looking at the half grown pony inside, it's eyes were open, blood red, and following him wherever he moved. The thin man smiled.

"alright Celestia...if you want to play god, then I'll be the Devil."

Author's Note:


I am back! And It is great to be back...NO you don't have to say anything! I know you all missed me! I will admit it disharted me when my last story got all those dislikes, but I decided to keep writing for the pepole who liked it and because I felt inspiration for it. Also my IRL pepole who read it really liked it and they told me to continue but I said no so they said "well write something else!" so I wrote this, big thank to my friend who edited everything (except this note)

Also big thanks to one of my biggest idols Chatoyance! For writing such great stories with such interesting premaces I know I'd want to be a pony :P Lol, also, I hear some other authors deleat comments which is so stupid so even If you are a hater you will not get to me and you can say whatever you want I don't care.

Peace! (Love and tolerate~)
-Silver Haze

Comments ( 27 )
Posh #1 · Jan 14th, 2014 · · 2 ·

u wot m8

Woah what is with all the hate?

We don't like misanthropy.

Implying ponies would ever win a war against humans.


Doesn't help that the story is littered with spelling and grammatical errors.


They'd learn the hard way that friendship does not make you bullet-proof.

"In my stories superior beings - truly superior beings - can do things that if a lesser being, like a human, were to do, it would indeed be evil."




Evil things are still evil regardless of who does them. It doesn't matter if you're a saint or God himself. To say otherwise would show some level of mental deficiency and a lack of basic rationality, reasoning skills, and understanding of clear concepts.

Kanashe #9 · Jan 14th, 2014 · · 1 ·

Oh great, more misanthropic crap, seriously why can't THIS series ever just vanish or die? I apologize to the writer (then why should I, this story has so many grammatical and spelling errors that it makes "Full Life Consequences" a frickin' masterpiece), but this series REALLY needs to die. THe original was a massive pile of misanthropic garbage, and the only fic from this series that was worth a damn, was the deconstruction fic (and even that wasn't worth for this garbage, since you could just write a big journal showing how this series is full of crap.)

3785012 I've never much followed the CB shit, but did Chatoyance seriously say that? That's the same sort of reprehensible thing the most vile and violent of religious zealots would say to justify murdering others.

3785485 yeah, she did. The entire series is pretty much pointing a finger at the human race and going "YOU ALL SUCK! YOU ALL ARE EVIL WITHOUT ANY REDEMPTION! BEING PONIES WOULD BE MUCH BETTER! BECAUSE THEY ARE PURE UNLIKE US FILTHY HUMANS!"

Sooo....Honestly, I wouldn't be this surprised that the author had such a quote, I'm more surprised that there are still people who write CB or ACB fics in general.



:ajbemused::facehoof: I know this is not your opinion, but I'm just commenting on the stupidity of this whole 'ponies are pure, humanity sucks' logic, considering that one of the appeals of the series, at least to me, is that the Ponies are not "pure". Trixie, Flim and Flam, Rarity with her greed, Fluttershy back when she took Iron Will's help course, etc.

On the other side, ACB goes too far to prove how wrong the concept is.

Even the person whom wrote the original fic is ashamed, because while it came out as such, it had not been meant as misanthropic.


that it makes "Full Life Consequences" a frickin' masterpiece)

...but Full Life Consequences WAS a masterpiece :/

3785759 Oh, I know the author didn't know what she was getting into, and I don't fault her. Buuuuuuuuuuuut...I will however call out every last misanthropic ahole who continued writing this abomination fest, and actually thinks it's a good story. Frankly, ACB fics aren't better, I'd say they are from the same camp of stupid, with ACB being just pathetic revenge fics, which have so much "HUMANITY ROCKS! FUCK YEAH!" along with so much saber ratteling, chest thumping, "URAH!" patriotic bullshit that it makes you wanna puke. Not helped, by how they already take the warped versions of characters from the CB series, and crank it up to 11, making Celestia pretty much Hitler, while the Mane 6 are reduced to Goebbels, Geringa, Himmler, an the rest of the nazi party.

3785795 are we talking about the Half-Life 2 fic, or is there a different "Full Life Consequences" fic I haven't heard about?

3785835 Ah.
Indeed. It sucks when both sides basically do the same thing, but switching 'pony' and 'human'. ... I like how blunt with your opinion you are. If I ever make a stupid story, I will blog or PM you the premise to see what can be done to lessen the stupidity.

... Granted, I deleted my first Pony-fic ever because it starred a Hippogriff that was formerly human and it was just terrible. Five chapters of awful.

3785855 Huh, first time complimented me on my rather harsh views, usually people say I'm to negative or not nice. But..mm...Thanks, I guess. I will say, that out of all CB/AC material, the only one worth a damn was a sort of deconstruction fic, which kinda gave both sides a middle finger, and said how neither side is right and how in the end it's all messed up. An ya know...actually showed a moral grey area, something neither of the series actually even DARE to try.

3785907 I just remembered... I do have a blog for a stupid idea. :pinkiehappy: I'm sorry, sorry. *sigh* Sometimes a good kick in the pants is what we authors need. For example, the first fanfiction I ever made was for dot hack... Dear lord, it SUCKED... and readers let me know without flaming. And you know what? I thank those readers.

Ah, interesting to hear of. There's also a couple that are Anti-TCB in a different way, having canon-Equestria aligned with Earth while TCB-Equestria is ruled by either A) a Celestia whom was dumb enough to believe Discord that a human would bring the downfall of the world she cared for, or B) a Celestia whom has become corrupted by The Rainbow of Darkness from G1 and as a result, the magical foundations of their worlds are tearing apart at the seams, as not only are humans being converted into brainwashed slaves, but so are citizens of Equestria, their Cutie Marks fading as a result.

3785916 See, those ideas I can buy, because they least sound somewhat plausible in some shape or form, when compared to cranking up the insanity dial and making everyone so cartoonishly evil, that I'm sure Cobra Commander would tell ya to tone it down. I think one person said best on these series: "The more versions of this insanity we see, the more the characters will stray away from their original personas, and it will be at the point where you can just replace 'em with OC's and nobody will notice the difference." An ya know what, they are right! These stories have been getting progressively worse with each new versions. I just don't get why ANY self-respecting author wanna write for this series, it's like a one way ticket for getting bashed, there is a reason WHY both series are hated, and you'd think some authors would get the memo on that and just let 'em both die.

Naw, the whole "Gordon Freeman is now these hands"- fic.

It would be unfair to compare something like that which was intentionally written poorly yet turned out great in its goal to be read for comedic purposes to something like the Conversion Bureau, which is just a laughable story in my opinion.

From the brief chat i've had with her Chatoyance is all levels of crazy.


I think that was Zerviel... or Zerviel responded to that one. It was on some fic in which it was just... Celestia coverting the last humans, and as it's done and too late, having some so-called 'doubt'. It was a one-shot, of course.

... Okay, care to... take a look at my stupid story idea on my blog? If not, I understand, because you have this person you don't know being a damn broken record and won't shut up.:rainbowlaugh:

I shall read this later. But this TCB logic is like the same as the Reapers from Mass Effect, which is not good.

3785996 Yeah, sorry about that, whenever I get angry at some topic, I end up repeating myself without intention :twilightblush:, but sure! I'd love to take a look :twilightsmile:

3786018 'Tis the latest one, a, as the title says, Bizarre Idea.

Seriously, fuck this.

"In my stories superior beings - truly superior beings - can do things that if a lesser being, like a human, were to do, it would indeed be evil."


As if I needed another reason to dislike her.

*Puts on flame-retardant suit*

Such primitive concepts such as evil and good are of little relevance,
it merely implies that the user of that concept does not think about what the opponent thinks and why.
This is a story created by a individual of inferiour personality, to blow off frustration, now that it obviously has been abandoned, having either succeeded or failed in its cause, it has longer a reason to exist.

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